def setUp(self):
        DCST = 0.08e-10
        self.model = smodel.Model()
        A = smodel.Spec('A', self.model)

        self.vsys = smodel.Volsys('vsys', self.model)
        self.ssys = smodel.Surfsys('ssys', self.model)
        self.diff = smodel.Diff("diff", self.vsys, A, DCST)
        self.sdiff = smodel.Diff("diff", self.ssys, A, DCST)

        if __name__ == "__main__":
            self.mesh = meshio.importAbaqus('meshes/test_mesh.inp', 1e-7)[0]
            self.mesh = meshio.importAbaqus(

        self.tmcomp = sgeom.TmComp('comp', self.mesh, range(self.mesh.ntets))
        self.surf_tris = self.mesh.getSurfTris()
        self.tmpatch = sgeom.TmPatch('patch',

        self.rng = srng.create('r123', 512)

        tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(self.mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
        tri_hosts = gd.partitionTris(self.mesh, tet_hosts, self.surf_tris)
        self.solver = solv.TetOpSplit(self.model, self.mesh, self.rng,
                                      solv.EF_NONE, tet_hosts, tri_hosts)

 def testSetGetTriCount(self):
     tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(self.mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
     tri_hosts = gd.partitionTris(self.mesh, tet_hosts, self.surf_tris)
     solver = solv.TetOpSplit(self.model, self.mesh, self.rng, solv.EF_NONE,
                              tet_hosts, tri_hosts)
     for tri in self.surf_tris:
         solver.setTriCount(tri, 'A', tri)
         get_count = solver.getTriCount(tri, 'A')
         self.assertEqual(get_count, tri)
 def testDiffSel(self):
     tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(self.mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
     solver = solv.TetOpSplit(self.model, self.mesh, self.rng, solv.EF_NONE, tet_hosts)
     solver.setCompCount('comp', 'A', 1)
     if __name__ == "__main__":
     if __name__ == "__main__":
         print("A:", solver.getCompCount("comp", "A"))
         print("steps:", solver.getNSteps())
     self.assertEqual(solver.getCompCount("comp", "A"), 1)
     self.assertNotEqual(solver.getNSteps(), 0)
def host_assignment_by_axis(mesh, tri_set):
    def tet_neighbs(tri):
        return [tet for tet in mesh.getTriTetNeighb(tri) if tet != -1]

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    tri_hosts = {}

    for part in consistent_neighbourhood_part(mesh, tri_set):
        tets = set.union(*(set(tet_neighbs(tri)) for tri in part))
        if not tets: continue

        tet0 = tets.pop()
        host = tet_hosts[tet0]
        for tri in part:
            tri_hosts[tri] = host
        for tet in tets:
            tet_hosts[tet] = host

    return (tet_hosts, tri_hosts)
def get_solver(mdl, geom):
    r = srng.create('r123', 1000)
    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(geom, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    solver = ssolv.TetOpSplit(mdl, geom, r, ssolv.EF_NONE, tet_hosts)
    return solver
def test_unbdiff2D_linesource_ring():
    "Surface Diffusion - Unbounded, line source (Parallel TetOpSplit)"

    m = gen_model()
    g, patch_tris, partition_tris, patch_tris_n, inject_tris, tridists, triareas = gen_geom(

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(g, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    tri_hosts = gd.partitionTris(g, tet_hosts, partition_tris)

    sim = solvmod.TetOpSplit(m, g, rng, False, tet_hosts, tri_hosts)

    tpnts = np.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    #Create the big old data structure: iterations x time points x concentrations
    res_count = np.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, patch_tris_n))
    res_conc = np.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, patch_tris_n))

    for j in range(NITER):
        for t in inject_tris:
            sim.setTriCount(t, 'X', float(NINJECT) / len(inject_tris))
        for i in range(ntpnts):
            for k in range(patch_tris_n):
                res_count[j, i, k] = sim.getTriCount(patch_tris[k], 'X')
                res_conc[j, i,
                         k] = 1e-12 * (sim.getTriCount(patch_tris[k], 'X') /

    itermeans_count = np.mean(res_count, axis=0)
    itermeans_conc = np.mean(res_conc, axis=0)


    tpnt_compare = [100, 150]

    passed = True
    max_err = 0.0

    for t in tpnt_compare:
        bin_n = 50

        r_min = 0
        r_max = 0

        for i in tridists:
            if (i > r_max): r_max = i
            if (i < r_min): r_min = i

        r_seg = (r_max - r_min) / bin_n
        bin_mins = np.zeros(bin_n + 1)
        r_tris_binned = np.zeros(bin_n)
        bin_areas = np.zeros(bin_n)

        r = r_min
        for b in range(bin_n + 1):
            bin_mins[b] = r
            if (b != bin_n): r_tris_binned[b] = r + r_seg / 2.0
            r += r_seg
        bin_counts = [None] * bin_n
        for i in range(bin_n):
            bin_counts[i] = []
        for i in range((itermeans_count[t].size)):
            i_r = tridists[i]
            for b in range(bin_n):
                if (i_r >= bin_mins[b] and i_r < bin_mins[b + 1]):
                    bin_areas[b] += sim.getTriArea(int(patch_tris[i]))

        bin_concs = np.zeros(bin_n)
        for c in range(bin_n):
            for d in range(bin_counts[c].__len__()):
                bin_concs[c] += bin_counts[c][d]
            bin_concs[c] /= (bin_areas[c] * 1.0e12)

        for i in range(bin_n):
            if (r_tris_binned[i] > -10.0 and r_tris_binned[i] < -2.0) \
            or (r_tris_binned[i] > 2.0 and r_tris_binned[i] < 10.0):
                dist = r_tris_binned[i] * 1e-6
                det_conc = 1e-6 * (NINJECT / (4 * np.sqrt(
                    (np.pi * DCST * tpnts[t])))) * (np.exp(
                        (-1.0 * (dist * dist)) / (4 * DCST * tpnts[t])))
                steps_conc = bin_concs[i]
                assert tol_funcs.tolerable(det_conc, steps_conc, tolerance)
def test_kisilevich():
    "Reaction-diffusion - Degradation-diffusion (Parallel TetOpSplit)"

    NITER = 50  # The number of iterations
    DT = 0.1  # Sampling time-step
    INT = 0.3  # Sim endtime

    DCSTA = 400 * 1e-12
    RCST = 100000.0e6

    #NA0 = 100000    # 1000000            # Initial number of A molecules
    NA0 = 1000
    NB0 = NA0  # Initial number of B molecules

    SAMPLE = 1686

    # <1% fail with a tolerance of 7.5%
    tolerance = 7.5 / 100

    # create the array of tet indices to be found at random
    tetidxs = numpy.zeros(SAMPLE, dtype='int')
    # further create the array of tet barycentre distance to centre
    tetrads = numpy.zeros(SAMPLE)

    mdl = smod.Model()

    A = smod.Spec('A', mdl)
    B = smod.Spec('B', mdl)

    volsys = smod.Volsys('vsys', mdl)

    R1 = smod.Reac('R1', volsys, lhs=[A, B], rhs=[])


    D_a = smod.Diff('D_a', volsys, A)
    D_b = smod.Diff('D_b', volsys, B)

    mesh = meshio.loadMesh('validation_rd_mpi/meshes/brick_40_4_4_1686tets')[0]

    VOLA = mesh.getMeshVolume() / 2.0

    ntets = mesh.countTets()

    acomptets = []
    bcomptets = []
    max = mesh.getBoundMax()
    min = mesh.getBoundMax()
    midz = 0.0
    compatris = set()
    compbtris = set()
    for t in range(ntets):
        barycz = mesh.getTetBarycenter(t)[0]
        tris = mesh.getTetTriNeighb(t)
        if barycz < midz:

    dbset = compatris.intersection(compbtris)
    dbtris = list(dbset)

    compa = sgeom.TmComp('compa', mesh, acomptets)
    compb = sgeom.TmComp('compb', mesh, bcomptets)

    diffb = sgeom.DiffBoundary('diffb', mesh, dbtris)

    # Now fill the array holding the tet indices to sample at random
    assert (SAMPLE <= ntets)

    numfilled = 0
    while (numfilled < SAMPLE):
        tetidxs[numfilled] = numfilled
        numfilled += 1

    # Now find the distance of the centre of the tets to the Z lower face
    for i in range(SAMPLE):
        baryc = mesh.getTetBarycenter(int(tetidxs[i]))
        r = baryc[0]
        tetrads[i] = r * 1.0e6

    Atets = acomptets
    Btets = bcomptets

    rng = srng.create('r123', 512)

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    sim = solvmod.TetOpSplit(mdl, mesh, rng, False, tet_hosts)

    tpnts = numpy.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    resA = numpy.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, SAMPLE))
    resB = numpy.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, SAMPLE))

    for i in range(0, NITER):

        sim.setDiffBoundaryDiffusionActive('diffb', 'A', True)
        sim.setDiffBoundaryDiffusionActive('diffb', 'B', True)

        sim.setCompCount('compa', 'A', NA0)
        sim.setCompCount('compb', 'B', NB0)

        for t in range(0, ntpnts):
            for k in range(SAMPLE):
                resA[i, t, k] = sim.getTetCount(int(tetidxs[k]), 'A')
                resB[i, t, k] = sim.getTetCount(int(tetidxs[k]), 'B')

    itermeansA = numpy.mean(resA, axis=0)
    itermeansB = numpy.mean(resB, axis=0)

    def getdetc(t, x):
        N = 1000  # The number to represent infinity in the exponential calculation
        L = 20e-6

        concA = 0.0
        for n in range(N):
            concA += ((1.0 / (2 * n + 1)) * math.exp(
                (-(DCSTA / (20.0e-6)) * math.pow(
                    (2 * n + 1), 2) * math.pow(math.pi, 2) * t) / (4 * L)) *
                      math.sin(((2 * n + 1) * math.pi * x) / (2 * L)))
        concA *= ((4 * NA0 / math.pi) / (VOLA * 6.022e26)) * 1.0e6

        return concA

    tpnt_compare = [1, 2]
    passed = True
    max_err = 0.0

    for tidx in tpnt_compare:
        NBINS = 10
        radmax = 0.0
        radmin = 10.0
        for r in tetrads:
            if (r > radmax): radmax = r
            if (r < radmin): radmin = r

        rsec = (radmax - radmin) / NBINS
        binmins = numpy.zeros(NBINS + 1)
        tetradsbinned = numpy.zeros(NBINS)
        r = radmin
        bin_vols = numpy.zeros(NBINS)

        for b in range(NBINS + 1):
            binmins[b] = r
            if (b != NBINS): tetradsbinned[b] = r + rsec / 2.0
            r += rsec

        bin_countsA = [None] * NBINS
        bin_countsB = [None] * NBINS
        for i in range(NBINS):
            bin_countsA[i] = []
            bin_countsB[i] = []
        filled = 0

        for i in range(itermeansA[tidx].size):
            irad = tetrads[i]

            for b in range(NBINS):
                if (irad >= binmins[b] and irad < binmins[b + 1]):
                    bin_vols[b] += sim.getTetVol(int(tetidxs[i]))
                    filled += 1.0
        filled = 0
        for i in range(itermeansB[tidx].size):
            irad = tetrads[i]

            for b in range(NBINS):
                if (irad >= binmins[b] and irad < binmins[b + 1]):
                    filled += 1.0

        bin_concsA = numpy.zeros(NBINS)
        bin_concsB = numpy.zeros(NBINS)

        for c in range(NBINS):
            for d in range(bin_countsA[c].__len__()):
                bin_concsA[c] += bin_countsA[c][d]
            for d in range(bin_countsB[c].__len__()):
                bin_concsB[c] += bin_countsB[c][d]

            bin_concsA[c] /= (bin_vols[c])
            bin_concsA[c] *= (1.0e-3 / 6.022e23) * 1.0e6
            bin_concsB[c] /= (bin_vols[c])
            bin_concsB[c] *= (1.0e-3 / 6.022e23) * 1.0e6

        for i in range(NBINS):
            rad = abs(tetradsbinned[i]) * 1.0e-6

            if (tetradsbinned[i] < -5):
                # compare A
                det_conc = getdetc(tpnts[tidx], rad)
                steps_conc = bin_concsA[i]
                assert tol_funcs.tolerable(det_conc, steps_conc, tolerance)

            if (tetradsbinned[i] > 5):
                # compare B
                det_conc = getdetc(tpnts[tidx], rad)
                steps_conc = bin_concsB[i]
                assert tol_funcs.tolerable(det_conc, steps_conc, tolerance)
def test_csd_clamped():
    "Diffusion - Clamped (Parallel TetOpSplit)"

    m = gen_model()
    g = gen_geom()

    # And fetch the total number of tets to make the data structures
    ntets = g.countTets()

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(g, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    sim = solvmod.TetOpSplit(m, g, rng, False, tet_hosts)

    tpnts = numpy.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    #Create the big old data structure: iterations x time points x concentrations
    res = numpy.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, SAMPLE))

    # Find the tets connected to the bottom face
    # First find all the tets with ONE face on a boundary
    boundtets = []

    # store the 0to3 index of the surface triangle for each of these boundary tets
    bt_srftriidx = []

    for i in range(ntets):
        tettemp = g.getTetTetNeighb(i)
        if (tettemp[0] == -1 or tettemp[1] == -1 or tettemp[2] == -1
                or tettemp[3] == -1):
            templist = []
            if (tettemp[0] == -1):
            if (tettemp[1] == -1):
            if (tettemp[2] == -1):
            if (tettemp[3] == -1):

    assert (boundtets.__len__() == bt_srftriidx.__len__())

    minztets = []
    boundminz = g.getBoundMin()[2] + 0.01e-06
    num2s = 0
    for i in range(boundtets.__len__()):
        # get the boundary triangle
        if (bt_srftriidx[i].__len__() == 2): num2s += 1
        for btriidx in bt_srftriidx[i]:
            zminboundtri = True
            tribidx = g.getTetTriNeighb(boundtets[i])[btriidx]
            tritemp = g.getTri(tribidx)
            trizs = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            trizs[0] = g.getVertex(tritemp[0])[2]
            trizs[1] = g.getVertex(tritemp[1])[2]
            trizs[2] = g.getVertex(tritemp[2])[2]
            for j in range(3):
                if (trizs[j] > boundminz): zminboundtri = False
            if (zminboundtri): minztets.append(boundtets[i])

    nztets = minztets.__len__()
    volztets = 0.0
    for z in minztets:
        volztets += g.getTetVol(z)

    for j in range(NITER):
        totset = 0
        for k in minztets:
            sim.setTetConc(k, 'X', CONC)
            sim.setTetClamped(k, 'X', True)
            totset += sim.getTetCount(k, 'X')
        for i in range(ntpnts):
            for k in range(SAMPLE):
                res[j, i, k] = sim.getTetCount(int(tetidxs[k]), 'X')
    #print('{0} / {1}'.format(j + 1, NITER))

    itermeans = numpy.mean(res, axis=0)


    tpnt_compare = [3, 4]
    passed = True
    max_err = 0.0

    for t in tpnt_compare:
        NBINS = 10
        radmax = 0.0
        radmin = 11.0
        for r in tetrads:
            if (r > radmax): radmax = r
            if (r < radmin): radmin = r

        rsec = (radmax - radmin) / NBINS
        binmins = numpy.zeros(NBINS + 1)
        tetradsbinned = numpy.zeros(NBINS)
        r = radmin
        bin_vols = numpy.zeros(NBINS)

        for b in range(NBINS + 1):
            binmins[b] = r
            if (b != NBINS): tetradsbinned[b] = r + rsec / 2.0
            r += rsec

        bin_counts = [None] * NBINS
        for i in range(NBINS):
            bin_counts[i] = []
        filled = 0

        for i in range(itermeans[t].size):
            irad = tetrads[i]

            for b in range(NBINS):
                if (irad >= binmins[b] and irad < binmins[b + 1]):
                    bin_vols[b] += sim.getTetVol(int(tetidxs[i]))
                    filled += 1.0
        bin_concs = numpy.zeros(NBINS)
        for c in range(NBINS):
            for d in range(bin_counts[c].__len__()):
                bin_concs[c] += bin_counts[c][d]
            bin_concs[c] /= (bin_vols[c])
            bin_concs[c] *= (1.0e-3 / 6.022e23) * 1.0e6

        for i in range(NBINS):
            if (tetradsbinned[i] > 1 and tetradsbinned[i] < 4):
                rad = tetradsbinned[i] * 1.0e-6
                det_conc = (getConc(CONC * 6.022e26, DCST, rad, tpnts[t]) /
                            6.022e26) * 1.0e6
                steps_conc = bin_concs[i]
                assert tol_funcs.tolerable(det_conc, steps_conc, tolerance)
def run_sim():
    # Set up and run the simulations once, before the tests
    # analyze the results.

    ##################### First order irreversible #########################

    global KCST_foi, N_foi, tolerance_foi

    KCST_foi = 5  # The reaction constant
    N_foi = 50  # Can set count or conc

    NITER_foi = 100000  # The number of iterations

    # Tolerance for the comparison:
    # In test runs, with good code, < 1%  will fail with a 1.5% tolerance
    tolerance_foi = 2.0 / 100

    ####################### First order reversible #########################

    global KCST_f_for, KCST_b_for, COUNT_for, tolerance_for

    KCST_f_for = 10.0  # The reaction constant
    KCST_b_for = 2.0

    COUNT_for = 100000  # Can set count or conc

    NITER_for = 10  # The number of iterations

    # In test runs, with good code, <0.1% will fail with a tolerance of 1%
    tolerance_for = 1.0 / 100

    ####################### Second order irreversible A2 ###################

    global KCST_soA2, CONCA_soA2, tolerance_soA2

    KCST_soA2 = 10.0e6  # The reaction constant

    CONCA_soA2 = 10.0e-6

    NITER_soA2 = 1000  # The number of iterations

    # In test runs, with good code, <0.1% will fail with a tolerance of 2%
    tolerance_soA2 = 3.0 / 100

    ####################### Second order irreversible AA ###################

    global KCST_soAA, CONCA_soAA, CONCB_soAA, tolerance_soAA

    KCST_soAA = 5.0e6  # The reaction constant

    CONCA_soAA = 20.0e-6

    NITER_soAA = 1000  # The number of iterations

    # In test runs, with good code, <0.1% will fail with a tolerance of 1%
    tolerance_soAA = 2.0 / 100

    ####################### Second order irreversible AB ###################

    global KCST_soAB, CONCA_soAB, CONCB_soAB, tolerance_soAB

    KCST_soAB = 5.0e6  # The reaction constant

    CONCA_soAB = 1.0e-6
    n_soAB = 2
    CONCB_soAB = CONCA_soAB / n_soAB

    NITER_soAB = 1000  # The number of iterations

    # In test runs, with good code, <0.1% will fail with a tolerance of 1%
    tolerance_soAB = 1.0 / 100

    ####################### Third order irreversible A3 ###################

    global KCST_toA3, CONCA_toA3, tolerance_toA3

    KCST_toA3 = 1.0e12  # The reaction constant

    CONCA_toA3 = 10.0e-6

    NITER_toA3 = 1000  # The number of iterations

    # In test runs, with good code, <0.1% will fail with a tolerance of 1%
    tolerance_toA3 = 3.0 / 100

    ####################### Third order irreversible A2B ###################

    global KCST_toA2B, CONCA_toA2B, CONCB_toA2B, tolerance_toA2B

    KCST_toA2B = 0.1e12  # The reaction constant

    CONCA_toA2B = 30.0e-6
    CONCB_toA2B = 20.0e-6

    NITER_toA2B = 1000  # The number of iterations

    # In test runs, with good code, <0.1% will fail with a tolerance of 1%
    tolerance_toA2B = 1.0 / 100

    ####################### Second order irreversible 2D ###################

    global COUNTA_so2d, COUNTB_so2d, CCST_so2d, tolerance_so2d

    COUNTA_so2d = 100.0
    n_so2d = 2.0
    COUNTB_so2d = COUNTA_so2d / n_so2d

    KCST_so2d = 10.0e10  # The reaction constant

    AREA_so2d = 10.0e-12

    NITER_so2d = 1000  # The number of iterations

    # In tests fewer than 0.1% fail with tolerance of 2%
    tolerance_so2d = 2.0 / 100

    ############################ Common parameters ########################

    global VOL

    DT = 0.1  # Sampling time-step
    INT = 1.1  # Sim endtime

    NITER_max = 100000


    mdl = smod.Model()
    volsys = smod.Volsys('vsys', mdl)
    surfsys = smod.Surfsys('ssys', mdl)

    # First order irreversible
    A_foi = smod.Spec('A_foi', mdl)
    A_foi_diff = smod.Diff('A_foi_diff', volsys, A_foi, 0.01e-12)
    R1_foi = smod.Reac('R1_foi', volsys, lhs=[A_foi], rhs=[], kcst=KCST_foi)

    # First order reversible
    A_for = smod.Spec('A_for', mdl)
    B_for = smod.Spec('B_for', mdl)
    A_for_diff = smod.Diff('A_for_diff', volsys, A_for, 0.01e-12)
    B_for_diff = smod.Diff('B_for_diff', volsys, B_for, 0.01e-12)
    R1_for = smod.Reac('R1_for',
    R2_for = smod.Reac('R2_for',

    # Second order irreversible A2
    A_soA2 = smod.Spec('A_soA2', mdl)
    C_soA2 = smod.Spec('C_soA2', mdl)
    A_soA2_diff = smod.Diff('A_soA2_diff', volsys, A_soA2, 1e-12)
    R1_soA2 = smod.Reac('R1_soA2',
                        lhs=[A_soA2, A_soA2],

    # Second order irreversible AA
    A_soAA = smod.Spec('A_soAA', mdl)
    B_soAA = smod.Spec('B_soAA', mdl)
    C_soAA = smod.Spec('C_soAA', mdl)
    A_soAA_diff = smod.Diff('A_soAA_diff', volsys, A_soAA, 0.2e-12)
    B_soAA_diff = smod.Diff('B_soAA_diff', volsys, B_soAA, 0.2e-12)
    R1_soAA = smod.Reac('R1_soAA',
                        lhs=[A_soAA, B_soAA],

    # Second order irreversible AB
    A_soAB = smod.Spec('A_soAB', mdl)
    B_soAB = smod.Spec('B_soAB', mdl)
    C_soAB = smod.Spec('C_soAB', mdl)
    A_soAB_diff = smod.Diff('A_soAB_diff', volsys, A_soAB, 0.1e-12)
    B_soAB_diff = smod.Diff('B_soAB_diff', volsys, B_soAB, 0.1e-12)
    R1_soAB = smod.Reac('R1_soAB',
                        lhs=[A_soAB, B_soAB],

    # Third order irreversible A3
    A_toA3 = smod.Spec('A_toA3', mdl)
    C_toA3 = smod.Spec('C_toA3', mdl)
    A_soA3_diff = smod.Diff('A_soA3_diff', volsys, A_toA3, 0.2e-12)
    R1_toA3 = smod.Reac('R1_toA3',
                        lhs=[A_toA3, A_toA3, A_toA3],

    # Third order irreversible A2B
    A_toA2B = smod.Spec('A_toA2B', mdl)
    B_toA2B = smod.Spec('B_toA2B', mdl)
    C_toA2B = smod.Spec('C_toA2B', mdl)
    A_soA2B_diff = smod.Diff('A_soA2B_diff', volsys, A_toA2B, 0.1e-12)
    B_soA2B_diff = smod.Diff('B_soA2B_diff', volsys, B_toA2B, 0.1e-12)
    R1_toA3 = smod.Reac('R1_toA2B',
                        lhs=[A_toA2B, A_toA2B, B_toA2B],

    # Second order irreversible 2D
    A_so2d = smod.Spec('A_so2d', mdl)
    B_so2d = smod.Spec('B_so2d', mdl)
    C_so2d = smod.Spec('C_so2d', mdl)
    A_so2d_diff = smod.Diff('A_so2d_diff', surfsys, A_so2d, 1.0e-12)
    B_so2d_diff = smod.Diff('B_so2d_diff', surfsys, B_so2d, 1.0e-12)
    SR1_so2d = smod.SReac('SR1_so2d',
                          slhs=[A_so2d, B_so2d],

    mesh = smeshio.importAbaqus(
        'validation_rd_mpi/meshes/sphere_rad1_37tets.inp', 1e-6)[0]
    VOL = mesh.getMeshVolume()

    comp1 = sgeom.TmComp('comp1', mesh, range(mesh.ntets))
    patch_tris = mesh.getSurfTris()
    patch1 = sgeom.TmPatch('patch1', mesh, patch_tris, comp1)

    CCST_so2d = KCST_so2d / (6.02214179e23 * patch1.getArea())

    rng = srng.create('r123', 512)

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    tri_hosts = gd.partitionTris(mesh, tet_hosts, patch_tris)

    sim = ssolv.TetOpSplit(mdl, mesh, rng, ssolv.EF_NONE, tet_hosts, tri_hosts)

    global tpnts, ntpnts
    tpnts = numpy.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    res_m_foi = numpy.zeros([NITER_foi, ntpnts, 1])
    res_std1_foi = numpy.zeros([ntpnts, 1])
    res_std2_foi = numpy.zeros([ntpnts, 1])

    res_m_for = numpy.zeros([NITER_for, ntpnts, 2])

    res_m_soA2 = numpy.zeros([NITER_soA2, ntpnts, 2])

    res_m_soAA = numpy.zeros([NITER_soAA, ntpnts, 3])

    res_m_soAB = numpy.zeros([NITER_soAB, ntpnts, 3])

    res_m_toA3 = numpy.zeros([NITER_toA3, ntpnts, 2])

    res_m_toA2B = numpy.zeros([NITER_toA2B, ntpnts, 3])

    res_m_so2d = numpy.zeros([NITER_so2d, ntpnts, 3])

    for i in range(0, NITER_max):

        if i < NITER_foi:
            sim.setCompCount('comp1', 'A_foi', N_foi)

        if i < NITER_for:
            sim.setCompCount('comp1', 'A_for', COUNT_for)
            sim.setCompCount('comp1', 'B_for', 0.0)

        if i < NITER_soA2:
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'A_soA2', CONCA_soA2)

        if i < NITER_soAA:
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'A_soAA', CONCA_soAA)
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'B_soAA', CONCB_soAA)

        if i < NITER_soAB:
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'A_soAB', CONCA_soAB)
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'B_soAB', CONCB_soAB)

        if i < NITER_toA3:
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'A_toA3', CONCA_toA3)

        if i < NITER_toA2B:
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'A_toA2B', CONCA_toA2B)
            sim.setCompConc('comp1', 'B_toA2B', CONCB_toA2B)

        if i < NITER_so2d:
            sim.setPatchCount('patch1', 'A_so2d', COUNTA_so2d)
            sim.setPatchCount('patch1', 'B_so2d', COUNTB_so2d)

        for t in range(0, ntpnts):

            if i < NITER_foi:
                res_m_foi[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompCount('comp1', 'A_foi')

            if i < NITER_for:
                res_m_for[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'A_for') * 1e6
                res_m_for[i, t, 1] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'B_for') * 1e6

            if i < NITER_soA2:
                res_m_soA2[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'A_soA2')

            if i < NITER_soAA:
                res_m_soAA[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'A_soAA')
                res_m_soAA[i, t, 1] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'B_soAA')

            if i < NITER_soAB:
                res_m_soAB[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'A_soAB')
                res_m_soAB[i, t, 1] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'B_soAB')

            if i < NITER_toA3:
                res_m_toA3[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'A_toA3')

            if i < NITER_toA2B:
                res_m_toA2B[i, t, 0] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'A_toA2B')
                res_m_toA2B[i, t, 1] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'B_toA2B')
                res_m_toA2B[i, t, 2] = sim.getCompConc('comp1', 'C_toA2B')

            if i < NITER_so2d:
                res_m_so2d[i, t, 0] = sim.getPatchCount('patch1', 'A_so2d')
                res_m_so2d[i, t, 1] = sim.getPatchCount('patch1', 'B_so2d')

    global mean_res_foi, std_res_foi
    mean_res_foi = numpy.mean(res_m_foi, 0)
    std_res_foi = numpy.std(res_m_foi, 0)

    global mean_res_for
    mean_res_for = numpy.mean(res_m_for, 0)

    global mean_res_soA2
    mean_res_soA2 = numpy.mean(res_m_soA2, 0)

    global mean_res_soAA
    mean_res_soAA = numpy.mean(res_m_soAA, 0)

    global mean_res_soAB
    mean_res_soAB = numpy.mean(res_m_soAB, 0)

    global mean_res_toA3
    mean_res_toA3 = numpy.mean(res_m_toA3, 0)

    global mean_res_toA2B
    mean_res_toA2B = numpy.mean(res_m_toA2B, 0)

    global mean_res_so2d
    mean_res_so2d = numpy.mean(res_m_so2d, 0)

    global ran_sim
    ran_sim = True
def test_bounddiff():
    "Diffusion - Bounded (Parallel TetOpSplit)"

    m = gen_model()
    g, area, a = gen_geom()

    # And fetch the total number of tets to make the data structures
    ntets = g.countTets()

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(g, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    sim = solvmod.TetOpSplit(m, g, rng, False, tet_hosts)

    tpnts = numpy.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    # Create the big old data structure: iterations x time points x concentrations
    res = numpy.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, SAMPLE))

    # Find the tets connected to the bottom face
    # First find all the tets with ONE face on a boundary
    boundtets = []
    #store the 0to3 index of the surface triangle for each of these boundary tets
    bt_srftriidx = []

    for i in range(ntets):
        tettemp = g.getTetTetNeighb(i)
        if (tettemp[0] == -1 or tettemp[1] == -1 or tettemp[2] == -1
                or tettemp[3] == -1):
            templist = []
            if (tettemp[0] == -1):
            if (tettemp[1] == -1):
            if (tettemp[2] == -1):
            if (tettemp[3] == -1):

    assert (boundtets.__len__() == bt_srftriidx.__len__())

    minztets = []
    boundminz = g.getBoundMin()[2] + 0.01e-06
    num2s = 0
    for i in range(boundtets.__len__()):
        # get the boundary triangle
        if (bt_srftriidx[i].__len__() == 2): num2s += 1
        for btriidx in bt_srftriidx[i]:
            zminboundtri = True
            tribidx = g.getTetTriNeighb(boundtets[i])[btriidx]
            tritemp = g.getTri(tribidx)
            trizs = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            trizs[0] = g.getVertex(tritemp[0])[2]
            trizs[1] = g.getVertex(tritemp[1])[2]
            trizs[2] = g.getVertex(tritemp[2])[2]
            for j in range(3):
                if (trizs[j] > boundminz): zminboundtri = False
            if (zminboundtri): minztets.append(boundtets[i])

    nztets = minztets.__len__()
    volztets = 0.0
    for z in minztets:
        volztets += g.getTetVol(z)
    conc = NITER * 6.022e23 * 1.0e-3 / volztets

    for j in range(NITER):
        tetcount = int((1.0 * NINJECT) / nztets)
        totset = 0
        for k in minztets:
            sim.setTetCount(k, 'X', tetcount)
            totset += tetcount
        for i in range(ntpnts):
            for k in range(SAMPLE):
                res[j, i, k] = sim.getTetCount(int(tetidxs[k]), 'X')

    itermeans = numpy.mean(res, axis=0)


    D = DCST
    pi = math.pi
    nmax = 1000
    N = int((1.0 * NINJECT) / nztets) * nztets

    def getprob(x, t):
        if (x > a):
            print('x out of bounds')
        p = 0.0
        for n in range(nmax):
            if (n == 0): A = math.sqrt(1.0 / a)
            else: A = math.sqrt(2.0 / a)
            p += math.exp(-D * math.pow(
                (n * pi / a), 2) * t) * A * math.cos(n * pi * x / a) * A * a

        return p * N / a

    tpnt_compare = [6, 8, 10]
    passed = True
    max_err = 0.0

    for t in tpnt_compare:
        NBINS = 5

        radmax = 0.0
        radmin = 11.0
        for r in tetrads:
            if (r > radmax): radmax = r
            if (r < radmin): radmin = r

        rsec = (radmax - radmin) / NBINS
        binmins = numpy.zeros(NBINS + 1)
        tetradsbinned = numpy.zeros(NBINS)
        r = radmin
        bin_vols = numpy.zeros(NBINS)

        for b in range(NBINS + 1):
            binmins[b] = r
            if (b != NBINS): tetradsbinned[b] = r + rsec / 2.0
            r += rsec

        bin_counts = [None] * NBINS
        for i in range(NBINS):
            bin_counts[i] = []
        filled = 0

        for i in range(itermeans[t].size):
            irad = tetrads[i]

            for b in range(NBINS):
                if (irad >= binmins[b] and irad < binmins[b + 1]):
                    bin_vols[b] += sim.getTetVol(int(tetidxs[i]))
                    filled += 1.0
        bin_concs = numpy.zeros(NBINS)
        for c in range(NBINS):
            for d in range(bin_counts[c].__len__()):
                bin_concs[c] += bin_counts[c][d]
            bin_concs[c] /= (bin_vols[c])
            bin_concs[c] *= (1.0e-3 / 6.022e23) * 1.0e6

        for i in range(NBINS):
            if (tetradsbinned[i] > 2 and tetradsbinned[i] < 8):
                rad = tetradsbinned[i] * 1.0e-6
                det_conc = (getprob(rad, tpnts[t]) / area) * (1.0 / 6.022e20)
                steps_conc = bin_concs[i]
                assert tol_funcs.tolerable(det_conc, steps_conc, tolerance)
                                k=lambda V:1.0e3*_b_h(V*1.0e3), vrange=Vrange)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Create ohmic current objects

OC_K = smodel.OhmicCurr('OC_K', ssys, chanstate=K_n4, g=K_G, erev=K_rev)
OC_Na = smodel.OhmicCurr('OC_Na', ssys, chanstate=Na_m3h1, g=Na_G, erev=Na_rev)
OC_L = smodel.OhmicCurr('OC_L', ssys, chanstate=Leak, g=L_G, erev=leak_rev)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # TETRAHEDRAL MESH  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

mesh = meshio.importAbaqus(meshfile_ab, 1e-6)[0]
tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(mesh, steps.mpi.nhosts)
tri_hosts = gd.partitionTris(mesh, tet_hosts, mesh.getSurfTris())

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # MESH MANIPULATION # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Find the vertices for the current clamp and store in a list
injverts = []
for i in range(mesh.nverts):
    if ((mesh.getVertex(i)[2] < (mesh.getBoundMin()[2] + 0.1e-6))):
if steps.mpi.rank == 0: print "Found ", injverts.__len__(), "I_inject vertices"

facetris = []
for i in range(mesh.ntris):
    tri = mesh.getTri(i)
    if ((tri[0] in injverts) and (tri[1] in injverts)
def test_unbdiff():
    "Diffusion - Unbounded (Parallel TetOpSplit)"

    m = gen_model()
    g = gen_geom()

    # Fetch the index of the centre tet
    ctetidx = g.findTetByPoint([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    # And fetch the total number of tets to make the data structures
    ntets = g.countTets()

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(g, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    sim = solvmod.TetOpSplit(m, g, rng, False, tet_hosts)

    tpnts = numpy.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    # Create the big old data structure: iterations x time points x concentrations
    res = numpy.zeros((NITER, ntpnts, SAMPLE))

    for j in range(NITER):
        sim.setTetCount(ctetidx, 'X', NINJECT)
        for i in range(ntpnts):
            for k in range(SAMPLE):
                res[j, i, k] = sim.getTetCount(int(tetidxs[k]), 'X')

    itermeans = numpy.mean(res, axis = 0)

    tpnt_compare = [10, 15, 20]
    passed = True
    max_err = 0.0

    for t in tpnt_compare:
        bin_n = 20

        r_max = tetrads.max()
        r_min = 0.0

        r_seg = (r_max-r_min)/bin_n
        bin_mins = numpy.zeros(bin_n+1)
        r_tets_binned = numpy.zeros(bin_n)
        bin_vols = numpy.zeros(bin_n)

        r = r_min
        for b in range(bin_n + 1):
            bin_mins[b] = r
            if (b!=bin_n): r_tets_binned[b] = r +r_seg/2.0
        bin_counts = [None]*bin_n
        for i in range(bin_n): bin_counts[i] = []
        for i in range((itermeans[t].size)):
            i_r = tetrads[i]
            for b in range(bin_n):
                if(i_r>=bin_mins[b] and i_r<bin_mins[b+1]):

        bin_concs = numpy.zeros(bin_n)
        for c in range(bin_n):
            for d in range(bin_counts[c].__len__()):
                bin_concs[c] += bin_counts[c][d]

        for i in range(bin_n):
            if (r_tets_binned[i] > 2.0 and r_tets_binned[i] < 6.0):
                rad = r_tets_binned[i]*1.0e-6
                det_conc = 1e-18*((NINJECT/(math.pow((4*math.pi*DCST*tpnts[t]),1.5)))*(math.exp((-1.0*(rad*rad))/(4*DCST*tpnts[t]))))
                steps_conc = bin_concs[i]
                assert tol_funcs.tolerable(det_conc, steps_conc, tolerance)
def test_masteq_diff():
    "Reaction-diffusion - Production and second order degradation (Parallel TetOpSplit)"

    ### NOW   A+B-> B,  0->A (see Erban and Chapman, 2009)

    SCALE = 1.0

    KCST_f = 100e6 * SCALE  # The reaction constant, degradation
    KCST_b = (20.0e-10 * SCALE)  # The reaction constant, production

    DCST_A = 20e-12
    DCST_B = 20e-12

    B0 = 1  # The number of B moleucles

    DT = 0.1  # Sampling time-step
    INT = 50000.1  # Sim endtime

    filename = 'cube_1_1_1_73tets.inp'

    # A tolerance of 7.5% will fail <1% of the time
    tolerance = 7.5 / 100


    mdl = smod.Model()

    A = smod.Spec('A', mdl)
    B = smod.Spec('B', mdl)

    volsys = smod.Volsys('vsys', mdl)

    diffA = smod.Diff('diffA', volsys, A)
    diffB = smod.Diff('diffB', volsys, B)

    # Production
    R1 = smod.Reac('R1', volsys, lhs=[A, B], rhs=[B], kcst=KCST_f)
    R2 = smod.Reac('R2', volsys, lhs=[], rhs=[A], kcst=KCST_b)

    geom = meshio.loadMesh('validation_rd_mpi/meshes/' + filename)[0]

    comp1 = sgeom.TmComp('comp1', geom, range(geom.ntets))

    rng = srng.create('r123', 512)

    tet_hosts = gd.binTetsByAxis(geom, steps.mpi.nhosts)
    sim = solvmod.TetOpSplit(mdl, geom, rng, False, tet_hosts)


    tpnts = numpy.arange(0.0, INT, DT)
    ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0]

    res = numpy.zeros([ntpnts])
    res_std1 = numpy.zeros([ntpnts])
    res_std2 = numpy.zeros([ntpnts])

    sim.setCompCount('comp1', 'A', 0)
    sim.setCompCount('comp1', 'B', B0)

    b_time = time.time()
    for t in range(0, ntpnts):[t])
        res[t] = sim.getCompCount('comp1', 'A')

    def fact(x):
        return (1 if x == 0 else x * fact(x - 1))

    # Do cumulative count, but not comparing them all.
    # Don't get over 50 (I hope)
    steps_n_res = numpy.zeros(50)
    for r in res:
        steps_n_res[int(r)] += 1
    for s in range(50):
        steps_n_res[s] = steps_n_res[s] / ntpnts

    k1 = KCST_f / 6.022e23
    k2 = KCST_b * 6.022e23
    v = comp1.getVol() * 1.0e3  # litres

    for m in range(5, 11):
        analy = (1.0 / fact(m)) * math.pow(
            (k2 * v * v) / (B0 * k1), m) * math.exp(-((k2 * v * v) /
                                                      (k1 * B0)))
        assert tol_funcs.tolerable(steps_n_res[m], analy, tolerance)