def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get('DESCRIPTION', u'')
        title = fields.get('TITLE', u'')
        identifier = fields.get('id_NUMBER', u'')

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, 'S')
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD')

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.
        doc.set_data(json.dumps(fields, encoding='utf8'))

        ### Start of example code.
        # parse the two values we need
        measurements = fields.get('MEASUREMENTS', u'')
        if measurements != u'':
            numbers = numbers_from_string(measurements)
            if len(numbers) > 0:
                doc.add_value(0, xapian.sortable_serialise(max(numbers)))

        date_made = fields.get('DATE_MADE', u'')
        years = numbers_from_string(date_made)
        if len(years) > 0:
            doc.add_value(1, xapian.sortable_serialise(years[0]))

### End of example code.

# We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
# database only once no matter how many times we run the
# indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)
def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get('DESCRIPTION', u'')
        title = fields.get('TITLE', u'')
        identifier = fields.get('id_NUMBER', u'')

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, 'S')
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD')

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.
        doc.set_data(json.dumps(fields, encoding='utf8'))

### Start of example code.
        # parse the two values we need
        measurements = fields.get('MEASUREMENTS', u'')
        if measurements != u'':
            numbers = numbers_from_string(measurements)
            if len(numbers) > 0:
                doc.add_value(0, xapian.sortable_serialise(max(numbers)))

        date_made = fields.get('DATE_MADE', u'')
        years = numbers_from_string(date_made)
        if len(years) > 0:
            doc.add_value(1, xapian.sortable_serialise(years[0]))
### End of example code.

        # We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
        # database only once no matter how many times we run the
        # indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)
def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get('DESCRIPTION', u'')
        title = fields.get('TITLE', u'')
        identifier = fields.get('id_NUMBER', u'')
        collection = fields.get('COLLECTION', u'')
        maker = fields.get('MAKER', u'')

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, 'S')
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD')

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

### Start of example code.
        # add the collection as a value in slot 0
        doc.add_value(0, collection)

        # add the maker as a value in slot 1
        doc.add_value(1, maker)
### End of example code.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.
        doc.set_data(json.dumps(fields, encoding='utf8'))

        # We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
        # database only once no matter how many times we run the
        # indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)
def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get('DESCRIPTION', u'')
        title = fields.get('TITLE', u'')
        identifier = fields.get('id_NUMBER', u'')
        collection = fields.get('COLLECTION', u'')
        maker = fields.get('MAKER', u'')

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, 'S')
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD')

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

        ### Start of example code.
        # add the collection as a value in slot 0
        doc.add_value(0, collection)

        # add the maker as a value in slot 1
        doc.add_value(1, maker)
        ### End of example code.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.

        # We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
        # database only once no matter how many times we run the
        # indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)
def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get('DESCRIPTION', u'')
        title = fields.get('TITLE', u'')
        identifier = fields.get('id_NUMBER', u'')

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, 'S')
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD')

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

        ### Start of new indexing code.
        # Index the MATERIALS field, splitting on semicolons.
        for material in fields.get('MATERIALS', u'').split(';'):
            material = material.strip().lower()
            if material != '':
                doc.add_boolean_term('XM' + material)
        ### End of new indexing code.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.
        doc.set_data(json.dumps(fields, encoding='utf8'))

        # We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
        # database only once no matter how many times we run the
        # indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)
def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get('DESCRIPTION', u'')
        title = fields.get('TITLE', u'')
        identifier = fields.get('id_NUMBER', u'')

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, 'S')
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD')

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

        ### Start of new indexing code.
        # index the MATERIALS field, splitting on semicolons
        for material in fields.get('MATERIALS', u'').split(';'):
            material = material.strip().lower()
            if material != '':
                doc.add_boolean_term('XM' + material)
        ### End of new indexing code.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.

        # We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
        # database only once no matter how many times we run the
        # indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)
def index(datapath, dbpath):
    # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to.
    db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN)

    # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing.
    termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator()

    for fields in parse_csv_file(datapath):
        # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value.
        # Pick out the fields we're going to index.
        description = fields.get("DESCRIPTION", u"")
        title = fields.get("TITLE", u"")
        identifier = fields.get("id_NUMBER", u"")

        # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this.
        doc = xapian.Document()

        # Index each field with a suitable prefix.
        termgenerator.index_text(title, 1, "S")
        termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, "XD")

        # Index fields without prefixes for general search.

        # Store all the fields for display purposes.

        # We use the identifier to ensure each object ends up in the
        # database only once no matter how many times we run the
        # indexer.
        idterm = u"Q" + identifier
        db.replace_document(idterm, doc)