def test_pde_separate_add():
    x, y, z, t = symbols("x,y,z,t")
    F, T, X, Y, Z, u = map(Function, 'FTXYZu')

    eq = Eq(D(u(x, t), x), D(u(x, t), t) * exp(u(x, t)))
    res = pde_separate_add(eq, u(x, t), [X(x), T(t)])
    assert res == [D(X(x), x) * exp(-X(x)), D(T(t), t) * exp(T(t))]
def christoffel_symbol_component(lam: int, mu: int, nu: int,
                                 metric: Metric) -> Expr:
    """Compute a component of the Chrisoffel symbol for a particular metric corresponding to

		G_mn^l = 1/2 g^ms (p_m g_ns + p_n g_sm - p_s g_mn)

			int, Upper index of Christoffel symbol
			int, lower left index of Christoffel symbol
			int, lower right index of Christoffel symbol

		Expression of the G_mn^l
    M = metric.matrix
    I = metric.inverse.matrix
    coord_symbols = metric.coord_system.base_symbols()
    dim = len(coord_symbols)
    return Rational(1, 2) * sum([
        I[lam, sig] *
        (D(M[nu, sig], coord_symbols[mu]) + D(M[sig, mu], coord_symbols[nu]) -
         D(M[mu, nu], coord_symbols[sig])) for sig in range(dim)
def test_euler_sineg():
    psi = Function("psi")
    t = Symbol("t")
    x = Symbol("x")
    L = D(psi(t, x), t)**2 / 2 - D(psi(t, x), x)**2 / 2 + cos(psi(t, x))
    assert euler(L, psi(t, x), [t, x]) == [
        Eq(-sin(psi(t, x)) - D(psi(t, x), t, t) + D(psi(t, x), x, x), 0)
def test_euler_sineg():
    psi = Function('psi')
    t = Symbol('t')
    x = Symbol('x')
    L = D(psi(t, x), t)**2 / 2 - D(psi(t, x), x)**2 / 2 + cos(psi(t, x))
    assert euler(L, psi(t, x), [t, x]) == [
        Eq(-sin(psi(t, x)) - D(psi(t, x), t, t) + D(psi(t, x), x, x))
def test_issue_11726():
    x, t = symbols("x t")
    f = symbols("f", cls=Function)
    X, T = symbols("X T", cls=Function)

    u = f(x, t)
    eq = u.diff(x, 2) - u.diff(t, 2)
    res = pde_separate(eq, u, [T(x), X(t)])
    assert res == [D(T(x), x, x) / T(x), D(X(t), t, t) / X(t)]
def lagrange_equation(L, v):
    a = L.subs(D(v(t), t), tmp).diff(tmp).subs(tmp, D(v(t), t))
    b = L.subs(D(v(t), t),
               tmp).subs(v(t), v).diff(v).subs(v, v(t)).subs(tmp, D(v(t), t))
    c = a.diff(t) - b
    c = c.subs(sublist)
    c = trigsimp(simplify(c))
    c = collect(c, [th1, th2, dth1, dth2, ddth1, ddth2])
    return c
def test_euler_henonheiles():
    x = Function('x')
    y = Function('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = sum(D(z(t), t)**2 / 2 - z(t)**2 / 2 for z in [x, y])
    L += -x(t)**2 * y(t) + y(t)**3 / 3
    assert euler(L, [x(t), y(t)], t) == [
        Eq(-2 * x(t) * y(t) - x(t) - D(x(t), t, t)),
        Eq(-x(t)**2 + y(t)**2 - y(t) - D(y(t), t, t))
def lagrange_equation(L, th):
    ddL_th = L.subs(D(th(t), t), tmp).diff(tmp, 1).subs(tmp, D(th(t), t))
    dL_th = L.subs(D(th(t), t),
                                                th(t)).subs(tmp, D(th(t), t))
    L_equ = ddL_th.diff(t, 1) - dL_th
    #print("the lagrange equation of %r is:\n"%th)
    return L_equ
def main():
    r, phi, theta = symbols("r,phi,theta")
    Xi = Function("Xi")
    R, Phi, Theta, u = map(Function, ["R", "Phi", "Theta", "u"])
    C1, C2 = symbols("C1,C2")

        "Separation of variables in Laplace equation in spherical coordinates")
    pprint("Laplace equation in spherical coordinates:")
    eq = Eq(
        D(Xi(r, phi, theta), r, 2) + 2 / r * D(Xi(r, phi, theta), r) + 1 /
        (r**2 * sin(phi)**2) * D(Xi(r, phi, theta), theta, 2) + cos(phi) /
        (r**2 * sin(phi)) * D(Xi(r, phi, theta), phi) +
        1 / r**2 * D(Xi(r, phi, theta), phi, 2),

    pprint("We can either separate this equation in regards with variable r:")
    res_r = pde_separate(eq, Xi(r, phi, theta), [R(r), u(phi, theta)])

    pprint("Or separate it in regards of theta:")
    res_theta = pde_separate(eq, Xi(r, phi, theta), [Theta(theta), u(r, phi)])

    res_phi = pde_separate(eq, Xi(r, phi, theta), [Phi(phi), u(r, theta)])
    pprint("But we cannot separate it in regards of variable phi: ")
    pprint("Result: %s" % res_phi)

    pprint("\n\nSo let's make theta dependent part equal with -C1:")
    eq_theta = Eq(res_theta[0], -C1)

    pprint("\nThis also means that second part is also equal to -C1:")
    eq_left = Eq(res_theta[1], -C1)

    pprint("\nLets try to separate phi again :)")
    res_theta = pde_separate(eq_left, u(r, phi), [Phi(phi), R(r)])
    pprint("\nThis time it is successful:")

    pprint("\n\nSo our final equations with separated variables are:")
    pprint(Eq(res_theta[0], C2))
    pprint(Eq(res_theta[1], C2))
def test_euler_interface():
    x = Function('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    raises(TypeError, lambda: euler())
    raises(TypeError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t) * y(t), [x(t), y]))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t) * x(y), [x(t), x(y)]))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t)**2, x(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: euler(D(x(t), t) * y(t), [t]))
    assert euler(D(x(t), t)**2 / 2, {x(t)}) == [Eq(-D(x(t), t, t), 0)]
    assert euler(D(x(t), t)**2 / 2, x(t), {t}) == [Eq(-D(x(t), t, t), 0)]
    def test_simplify_deriv_notation(self):
        """Test simplify deriv notation"""
        cs = coords.cartesian_coords()
        t, x, *_ = cs.base_symbols()
        dt, dx, *_ = cs.base_oneforms()
        F = Function('F')(t)
        G = Function('G')(t, x)

        form = F ** 2 * tpow(dt, 2) + G ** 2 * tpow(dx, 2)
        g = metric.Metric(twoform=form, components=(F, G))

        # Check First-Order Terms
        assert str(metric.simplify_deriv_notation(D(F, t), g, max_order=1)) == "F'(t)"
        assert str(metric.simplify_deriv_notation(D(F, t), g, max_order=1, use_dots=True)) == r"\dot{F}(t)"

        # Check Second-Order Pure Terms
        assert str(metric.simplify_deriv_notation(D(D(F, t), t), g, max_order=2)) == "F''(t)"
        assert str(metric.simplify_deriv_notation(D(D(F, t), t), g, max_order=2, use_dots=True)) == r"\ddot{F}(t)"

        # Check Second-Order Mixed Terms
        assert str(metric.simplify_deriv_notation(D(D(G, t), t), g, max_order=2)) == "G_{t t}(t, x)"
        assert str(metric.simplify_deriv_notation(D(D(G, t), x), g, max_order=2)) == "G_{t x}(t, x)"
def riemann_tensor_component(rho: int,
                             sig: int,
                             mu: int,
                             nu: int,
                             metric: Metric,
                             simplify_intermediate: bool = False) -> Expr:
    """Compute a component of the Riemann Tensor for a particular metric corresponding to

		R^r_smn = p_m G_ns^r - p_n G_ms^r + G_ml^r G_ns^l - G_nl^r G_ms^l

			int, Upper index of the Riemann Tensor
			int, lower left index of Riemann Tensor
			int, lower middle index of Riemann Tensor
			int, lower right index of Riemann Tensor

		Expression of the R^r_smn
    def G(l, m, n):
        c = christoffel_symbol_component(l, m, n, metric)
        return sympy.simplify(c) if simplify_intermediate else c

    coord_symbols = metric.coord_system.base_symbols()
    dim = len(coord_symbols)
    return D(G(rho, nu, sig), coord_symbols[mu]) - \
        D(G(rho, mu, sig), coord_symbols[nu]) + \
        sum([G(rho, mu, lam) * G(lam, nu, sig) for lam in range(dim)]) - \
        sum([G(rho, nu, lam) * G(lam, mu, sig) for lam in range(dim)])
def test_pde_separate_mul():
    x, y, z, t = symbols("x,y,z,t")
    c = Symbol("C", real=True)
    Phi = Function('Phi')
    F, R, T, X, Y, Z, u = map(Function, 'FRTXYZu')
    r, theta, z = symbols('r,theta,z')

    # Something simple :)
    eq = Eq(D(F(x, y, z), x) + D(F(x, y, z), y) + D(F(x, y, z), z))

    # Duplicate arguments in functions
           lambda: pde_separate_mul(eq, F(x, y, z), [X(x), u(z, z)]))
    # Wrong number of arguments
    raises(ValueError, lambda: pde_separate_mul(eq, F(x, y, z), [X(x), Y(y)]))
    # Wrong variables: [x, y] -> [x, z]
           lambda: pde_separate_mul(eq, F(x, y, z), [X(t), Y(x, y)]))

    assert pde_separate_mul(eq, F(x, y, z), [Y(y), u(x, z)]) == \
        [D(Y(y), y)/Y(y), -D(u(x, z), x)/u(x, z) - D(u(x, z), z)/u(x, z)]
    assert pde_separate_mul(eq, F(x, y, z), [X(x), Y(y), Z(z)]) == \
        [D(X(x), x)/X(x), -D(Z(z), z)/Z(z) - D(Y(y), y)/Y(y)]

    # wave equation
    wave = Eq(D(u(x, t), t, t), c**2 * D(u(x, t), x, x))
    res = pde_separate_mul(wave, u(x, t), [X(x), T(t)])
    assert res == [D(X(x), x, x) / X(x), D(T(t), t, t) / (c**2 * T(t))]

    # Laplace equation in cylindrical coords
    eq = Eq(1 / r * D(Phi(r, theta, z), r) + D(Phi(r, theta, z), r, 2) +
            1 / r**2 * D(Phi(r, theta, z), theta, 2) +
            D(Phi(r, theta, z), z, 2))
    # Separate z
    res = pde_separate_mul(eq, Phi(r, theta, z), [Z(z), u(theta, r)])
    assert res == [
        D(Z(z), z, z) / Z(z),
        -D(u(theta, r), r, r) / u(theta, r) - D(u(theta, r), r) /
        (r * u(theta, r)) - D(u(theta, r), theta, theta) / (r**2 * u(theta, r))
    # Lets use the result to create a new equation...
    eq = Eq(res[1], c)
    # ...and separate theta...
    res = pde_separate_mul(eq, u(theta, r), [T(theta), R(r)])
    assert res == [
        D(T(theta), theta, theta) / T(theta),
        -r * D(R(r), r) / R(r) - r**2 * D(R(r), r, r) / R(r) - c * r**2
    # ...or r...
    res = pde_separate_mul(eq, u(theta, r), [R(r), T(theta)])
    assert res == [
        r * D(R(r), r) / R(r) + r**2 * D(R(r), r, r) / R(r) + c * r**2,
        -D(T(theta), theta, theta) / T(theta)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from sympy import *
from sympy import Derivative as D

var("x1 x2 y1 y2 l1 l2 m1 m2 th1 th2 dth1 dth2 ddth1 ddth2 t g tmp")

sublist = [
(D(th1(t), t, t), ddth1),
(D(th1(t), t), dth1),
(D(th2(t), t, t), ddth2),
(D(th2(t),t), dth2),
(th1(t), th1),
(th2(t), th2)    

x1 = l1*sin(th1(t))
y1 = -l1*cos(th1(t))
x2 = l1*sin(th1(t)) + l2*sin(th2(t))
y2 = -l1*cos(th1(t)) - l2*cos(th2(t))

vx1 = diff(x1, t)
vx2 = diff(x2, t)
vy1 = diff(y1, t)
vy2 = diff(y2, t)

# 拉格朗日量
L = m1/2*(vx1**2 + vy1**2) + m2/2*(vx2**2 + vy2**2) - m1*g*y1 - m2*g*y2

# 拉格朗日方程
def lagrange_equation(L, v):
    dvt = D(v(t), t)
print("the lagrange value is:\n")

#define the function which can calculate lagrange equations
def lagrange_equation(L, th):
    ddL_th = L.subs(D(th(t), t), tmp).diff(tmp, 1).subs(tmp, D(th(t), t))
    dL_th = L.subs(D(th(t), t),
                                                th(t)).subs(tmp, D(th(t), t))
    L_equ = ddL_th.diff(t, 1) - dL_th
    #print("the lagrange equation of %r is:\n"%th)
    return L_equ

var("dth_b dth_w dw_w dw_b")
sublist = [(D(th_b(t), t, t), dw_b), (D(th_b(t), t), dth_b),
           (D(th_w(t), t, t), dw_w), (D(th_w(t), t), dth_w)]

equ_th_b = expand(simplify(lagrange_equation(L, th_b) - F_th_b)).subs(sublist)
equ_th_w = expand(simplify(lagrange_equation(L, th_w) - F_th_w)).subs(sublist)

val = solve((equ_th_b, equ_th_w), (dw_b, dw_w))
dw_b, dw_w = val[dw_b], val[dw_w]
    def CouplerSolve(self):
        M  = Matrix([[cos(self.sᵢ), -sin(self.sᵢ)],[sin(self.sᵢ), cos(self.sᵢ)]])
        U  = Matrix([self.u,self.v])
        Xₒ = Matrix([self.xₒ,self.yₒ])
        Ẋₒ = Matrix([D(self.xₒ,t),D(self.yₒ,t)])
        Ẍₒ = Matrix([D(self.xₒ,t,2),D(self.yₒ,t,2)])
        P = Xₒ + M*U
        Ω = Matrix([[0, -1],[1,0]])
        Ṗ = Ẋₒ + D(self.sᵢ,t)*M*Ω*U
        Γ = Matrix([[D(self.sᵢ,t)**2, D(self.sᵢ,t,2)],[-D(self.sᵢ,t,2), D(self.sᵢ,t)**2]])
        P̈ = simplify(Ẍₒ) - simplify(M*Γ*U)

        Pt = Ṗ; Ptt = P̈
        for i in Ac:
            Ptt = Ptt.subs( D(i,t,2),Ac[i] )
            Ptt = Ptt.subs( D(i,t),Vc[i] )
        for i in Vc:
            Pt = Pt.subs( D(i,t),Vc[i] )

        desloc = [latex(i) for i in P]
        veloc  = [latex(i) for i in Pt]
        acel   = [latex(i) for i in Ptt]
        d0 = desloc[0]; d1 = desloc[1]
        v0 = veloc[0]; v1 = veloc[1]
        a0 = acel[0]; a1 = acel[1]
        d0 = d0.replace(" ", ""); d1 = d1.replace(" ", "")
        v0 = v0.replace(" ", ""); v1 = v1.replace(" ", "")
        a0 = a0.replace(" ", ""); a1 = a1.replace(" ", "")
        A = B = C = E = G = H = 1
        while (A > 0 or B > 0 or C > 0 or E > 0 or G > 0 or H > 0):
            A = d0.find('{\\left(t'); B = d1.find('{\\left(t')
            C = v0.find('{\\left(t'); E = v1.find('{\\left(t')
            G = a0.find('{\\left(t'); H = a1.find('{\\left(t')
            if A > 0:
                d0 = d0[:A]+d0[(A+16):]
            if B > 0:
                d1 = d1[:B]+d1[(B+16):]
            if C > 0:
                v0 = v0[:C]+v0[(C+16):]
            if E > 0:
                v1 = v1[:E]+v1[(E+16):]
            if G > 0:
                a0 = a0[:G]+a0[(G+16):]
            if H > 0:
                a1 = a1[:H]+a1[(H+16):]

        display(Markdown("### Deslocamentos"))
        display(Markdown("$ \qquad x_p $ = $ %s $" %d0))
        display(Markdown("$ \qquad y_p $ = $ %s $" %d1))
        display(Markdown("### Velocidades"))
        display(Markdown("$ \qquad \dot x_p $ = $ %s $" %v0))
        display(Markdown("$ \qquad \dot y_p $ = $ %s $" %v1))
        display(Markdown("### Acelerações"))
        display(Markdown("$ \qquad \ddot x_p $ = $ %s $" %a0))
        display(Markdown("$ \qquad \ddot y_p $ = $ %s $" %a1))
print(f(x * x).diff(x))

aaa = g.diff(x, 2)
# aaa._args[1] * aaa._args[0]
# init_printing()

pprint(Integral(sqrt(1 / x), x), use_unicode=True)
print(latex(Integral(sqrt(1 / x), x)))

pprint(g.diff((x, 1), (y, 0)), use_unicode=True)
# pprint(g.diff((x, 2),(y, 2)), use_unicode=True)

pprint(sym.diff(sym.tan(x), x))
pprint(sym.diff(g, x))

from sympy import Derivative as D, collect, Function
from sympy.abc import a, b, c, x, y, z

f = Function('f')(x)

pprint(a * D(D(f, x), x)**2 + b * D(D(f, x), x)**2)
pprint(collect(a * D(D(f, x), x)**2 + b * D(D(f, x), x)**2, D(f, x)))

# print("----------------------------------------------------")
# pprint(deriv.doit().subs({F: Symbol('F')}))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from sympy import *
from sympy import Derivative as D

var("x1 x2 y1 y2 l1 l2 m1 m2 th1 th2 dth1 dth2 ddth1 ddth2 t g tmp")

sublist = [(D(th1(t), t, t), ddth1), (D(th1(t), t), dth1),
           (D(th2(t), t, t), ddth2), (D(th2(t), t), dth2), (th1(t), th1),
           (th2(t), th2)]

x1 = l1 * sin(th1(t))
y1 = -l1 * cos(th1(t))
x2 = l1 * sin(th1(t)) + l2 * sin(th2(t))
y2 = -l1 * cos(th1(t)) - l2 * cos(th2(t))

vx1 = diff(x1, t)
vx2 = diff(x2, t)
vy1 = diff(y1, t)
vy2 = diff(y2, t)

# 拉格朗日量
L = m1 / 2 * (vx1**2 + vy1**2) + m2 / 2 * (vx2**2 +
                                           vy2**2) - m1 * g * y1 - m2 * g * y2

# 拉格朗日方程
def lagrange_equation(L, v):
    dvt = D(v(t), t)
    a = L.subs(dvt, tmp).diff(tmp).subs(tmp, dvt)
    b = L.subs(dvt, tmp).subs(v(t), v).diff(v).subs(v, v(t)).subs(tmp, dvt)
    c = a.diff(t) - b
def test_pde_separate():
    x, y, z, t = symbols("x,y,z,t")
    F, T, X, Y, Z, u = map(Function, "FTXYZu")

    eq = Eq(D(u(x, t), x), D(u(x, t), t) * exp(u(x, t)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: pde_separate(eq, u(x, t), [X(x), T(t)], "div"))
def test_euler_high_order():
    # an example from hep-th/0309038
    m = Symbol('m')
    k = Symbol('k')
    x = Function('x')
    y = Function('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = (m * D(x(t), t)**2 / 2 + m * D(y(t), t)**2 / 2 -
         k * D(x(t), t) * D(y(t), t, t) + k * D(y(t), t) * D(x(t), t, t))
    assert euler(L, [x(t), y(t)]) == [
        Eq(2 * k * D(y(t), t, t, t) - m * D(x(t), t, t)),
        Eq(-2 * k * D(x(t), t, t, t) - m * D(y(t), t, t))

    w = Symbol('w')
    L = D(x(t, w), t, w)**2 / 2
    assert euler(L) == [Eq(D(x(t, w), t, t, w, w))]
def test_euler_pendulum():
    x = Function("x")
    t = Symbol("t")
    L = D(x(t), t)**2 / 2 + cos(x(t))
    assert euler(L, x(t), t) == [Eq(-sin(x(t)) - D(x(t), t, t), 0)]
def test_euler_high_order():
    # an example from hep-th/0309038
    m = Symbol("m")
    k = Symbol("k")
    x = Function("x")
    y = Function("y")
    t = Symbol("t")
    L = (m * D(x(t), t)**2 / 2 + m * D(y(t), t)**2 / 2 -
         k * D(x(t), t) * D(y(t), t, t) + k * D(y(t), t) * D(x(t), t, t))
    assert euler(L, [x(t), y(t)]) == [
        Eq(2 * k * D(y(t), t, t, t) - m * D(x(t), t, t), 0),
        Eq(-2 * k * D(x(t), t, t, t) - m * D(y(t), t, t), 0),

    w = Symbol("w")
    L = D(x(t, w), t, w)**2 / 2
    assert euler(L) == [Eq(D(x(t, w), t, t, w, w), 0)]
def test_euler_pendulum():
    x = Function('x')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = D(x(t), t)**2 / 2 + cos(x(t))
    assert euler(L, x(t), t) == [Eq(-sin(x(t)) - D(x(t), t, t))]
for i in ['u','b']:
    for j in ['x','y','z']:
        globals() [i +'1'+j] = Symbol(i +'1'+j)
p0 = Symbol("p0")
b0x = Function("b0x")(x,y,z,t);b0y = Function("b0y")(x,y,z,t)
b0z = Function("b0z")(x,y,z,t);u0x = Function("u0x")(x,y,z,t)
u0y = Function("u0y")(x,y,z,t);u0z = Function("u0z")(x,y,z,t)
f0 = Function("f0")(x,y,z,t);f1 = Function("f1")(x,y,z,t)
f2 = Function("f2")(x,y,z,t);rho0 = Function("rho0")(x,y,z,t)
f0_2 = Function("f0_2")(x,y,z,t);f1_2 = Function("f1_2")(x,y,z,t)
f2_2 = Function("f2_2")(x,y,z,t)
g1 = Symbol("g1");Ax = Function("Ax")(x,y,z,t)
Ay = Function("Ay")(x,y,z,t);Az = Function("Az")(x,y,z,t)
Bx = Function("Bx")(x,y,z,t);By = Function("By")(x,y,z,t)
Bz = Function("Bz")(x,y,z,t)
AgradB =((Ax*D(Bx,x)+Ay*D(Bx,y)+Az*D(Bx,z))*C.i+

U0,qRm,qRe,qRo,qFr,chi,qAl,qRmm = symbols("U0,qRm,qRe,qRo,qFr,chi,qAl,qRmm",real = True)

u0 = u0x*C.i + u0y*C.j + u0z*C.k
b0 = b0x*C.i + b0y*C.j + b0z*C.k

g = -g0*C.k
f = f0 + e*f1 #+ f2*e**2   Uncomment for smaller scales of topography

# Vector normal and tangential to the topography
delf = de(f)
nfo= delf/sqrt((delf&C.i)**2+(delf&C.j)**2+(delf&C.k)**2)