    def chunked_frame_data(self, chunksize: int, repeat: bool=False,
                           stopcondition: Callable[[], bool]=lambda: False) -> Generator[memoryview, None, None]:
        notes = itertools.cycle(self.title_music) if repeat else iter(self.title_music)
        attack, decay, sustain, release = self.adsr_times

        num_frames = chunksize // synth_params.norm_samplewidth // synth_params.norm_nchannels
        sample_residue = Sample(None, nchannels=2)
        for v1, v2 in notes:
            if stopcondition():
            vf1 = self.music_freq_table[v1]
            vf2 = self.music_freq_table[v2]
            osc1 = FastTriangle(vf1 * _sidfreq, amplitude=0.5)
            osc2 = FastTriangle(vf2 * _sidfreq, amplitude=0.5)
            f1 = EnvelopeFilter(osc1, attack, decay, sustain, 1.0, release, stop_at_end=True)
            f2 = EnvelopeFilter(osc2, attack, decay, sustain, 1.0, release, stop_at_end=True)
            sample1 = Sample.from_oscillator(f1, 1, synth_params.norm_samplerate)       # length is max. 1 second
            sample2 = Sample.from_oscillator(f2, 1, synth_params.norm_samplerate)       # length is max. 1 second
            sample_residue.join(sample1.stereo_mix(sample2, "R"))
            while len(sample_residue) >= num_frames:
                # TODO optimize this a bit by not using Samples but instead by looping over a memoryview of the frames (just like the super class does)
                yield sample_residue.view_frame_data()[:chunksize]
                sample_residue = Sample.from_raw_frames(sample_residue.view_frame_data()[chunksize:],
                                                        sample_residue.samplewidth, sample_residue.samplerate, sample_residue.nchannels)
        if len(sample_residue):
            yield sample_residue.view_frame_data()
def sample_from_osc(osc: Oscillator) -> Sample:
    s = Sample.from_oscillator(osc, 5)     # 5 seconds is the maximum it will be.
    return s.stereo()