def test_test_problem(self):
        weights, fn, grad_fn = optimizer_test_utils.test_quadratic_problem()

        # Function value in initial point is not negligible and gradient non-zero.
        self.assertGreater(fn(weights), 5.0)
        self.assertGreater(tf.linalg.norm(grad_fn(weights)), 0.01)

        # All-zeros is optimum with function value of 0.0.
        self.assertAllClose(0.0, fn(tf.zeros_like(weights))[0, 0])
  def test_convergence(self, momentum):
    weights, fn, grad_fn = optimizer_test_utils.test_quadratic_problem()
    self.assertGreater(fn(weights), 5.0)

    optimizer = sgdm.SGD(0.1, momentum=momentum)
    state = optimizer.initialize(tf.TensorSpec(weights.shape, weights.dtype))

    for _ in range(100):
      gradients = grad_fn(weights)
      state, weights =, weights, gradients)
    self.assertLess(fn(weights), 0.005)
    def test_disjoint_init_and_next_true(self, momentum):
        """Tests behavior expected as 'TFF server optimizer'.

    This test creates two `tff.tf_computation`s, which would correspond to parts
    of the two arguments for creation of a `tff.templates.IterativeProcess`.

    The `KerasOptimizers` is instantiated in both of these computations, and
    only one of its `initialize` and `next` methods is invoked in each of them.
    The state which optimizers need is exposed by the `KerasOptimizer` and needs
    to be carried between the invocations of the created `tff.Computation`s.

    Note that even though it is expected that `variables` passed to the
    `single_step` method are expected to be `tf.Variable` instances, the code
    can still be written in a functional manner.

      momentum: Momentum parameter to be used in tf.keras.optimizers.SGD.
        init_w, fn, grad_fn = optimizer_test_utils.test_quadratic_problem()
        weights = init_w()
        self.assertGreater(fn(weights), 5.0)
        optimizer_fn = lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(0.1, momentum=momentum)

        def initialize_fn():
            variables = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([5, 1]))
            optimizer = keras_optimizer.KerasOptimizer(
                optimizer_fn, variables, disjoint_init_and_next=True)
            return optimizer.initialize(
                tf.TensorSpec(variables.shape, variables.dtype))

        def single_step(optimizer, state, variables):
            gradients = grad_fn(variables)
            new_state, updated_weights =
                state, variables, gradients)
            return new_state, updated_weights

        def next_fn(state, initial_weights):
            variables = tf.Variable(initial_weights)
            optimizer = keras_optimizer.KerasOptimizer(
                optimizer_fn, variables, disjoint_init_and_next=True)
            return single_step(optimizer, state, variables)

        state = initialize_fn()
        for _ in range(100):
            state, weights = next_fn(state, weights)

        self.assertLess(fn(weights), 0.005)
        # The optimizer variables are exposed by the KerasOptimizer. First variable
        # of a keras optimzier is the number of steps taken.
        self.assertEqual(100, state[0])
  def test_convergence(self):
    init_w, fn, grad_fn = optimizer_test_utils.test_quadratic_problem()
    weights = init_w()
    self.assertGreater(fn(weights), 5.0)

    optimizer = adagrad.build_adagrad(0.5)
    state = optimizer.initialize(tf.TensorSpec(weights.shape, weights.dtype))

    for _ in range(100):
      gradients = grad_fn(weights)
      state, weights =, weights, gradients)
    self.assertLess(fn(weights), 0.005)
    def test_disjoint_init_and_next_false(self, momentum):
        """Tests behavior expected as 'TFF client optimizer'.

    The main part of this test is `training_loop` method, which works with
    already instantiated `KerasOptimizer` and uses both of its `initialize` and
    `next` methods to perform a number of training steps. This is the behavior
    expected to happen during local training at clients.

    Note that even though it is expected that `variables` passed to the
    `training_loop` method are expected to be `tf.Variable` instances, the code
    can still be written in a functional manner.

      momentum: Momentum parameter to be used in tf.keras.optimizers.SGD.
        init_w, fn, grad_fn = optimizer_test_utils.test_quadratic_problem()
        weights = init_w()
        self.assertGreater(fn(weights), 5.0)
        optimizer_fn = lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(0.1, momentum=momentum)

        def training_loop(optimizer, variables):
            state = optimizer.initialize(
                tf.TensorSpec(variables.shape, variables.dtype))
            for _ in range(100):
                gradients = grad_fn(variables)
                state, variables =, variables, gradients)
            return state, variables

        def local_training(initial_weights):
            variables = tf.Variable(initial_weights)
            optimizer = keras_optimizer.KerasOptimizer(
                optimizer_fn, variables, disjoint_init_and_next=False)
            return training_loop(optimizer, variables)

        state, optimized_weights = local_training(weights)
        self.assertLess(fn(optimized_weights), 0.005)
        # The optimizer variables are handled internally in the KerasOptimizer.