def adaptive_segment(args):
    Applies an adaptive threshold to reconstructed data.

    Also known as local or dynamic thresholding
    where the threshold value is the weighted mean
    for the local neighborhood of a pixel subtracted
    by constant. Alternatively the threshold can be
    determined dynamically by a given function using
    the 'generic' method.

    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D reconstructed data with dimensions:
        [slices, pixels, pixels]

    block_size : scalar, int
        Uneven size of pixel neighborhood which is
        used to calculate the threshold value
        (e.g. 3, 5, 7, ..., 21, ...).

    offset : scalar, float
         Constant subtracted from weighted mean of
         neighborhood to calculate the local threshold
         value. Default offset is 0.

    output : ndarray
        Thresholded data.

    - `http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/plot_threshold_adaptive.html \
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    block_size, offset = inputs

    for m in ind:
        img = data[m, :, :]

        # Perform scikit adaptive thresholding.
        img = threshold_adaptive(img, block_size=block_size, offset=offset)

        # Remove small white regions
        img = ndimage.binary_opening(img)

        # Remove small black holes
        img = ndimage.binary_closing(img)

        data[m, :, :] = img
def median_filter(args):
    Apply median filter to data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]
    size : scalar
        The size of the filter. 

    output : ndarray
        Median filtered data.
    - Apply median-filter to sinograms:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save data before filtering
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_filtering_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform filtering
        >>> d.median_filter()
        >>> # Save data after filtering
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_filtering_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args
    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape) # shared-array
    size = inputs
    for m in ind:
        data[:, m, :] = filters.median_filter(data[:, m, :], (1, size))
def threshold_segment(args):
    Applies threshold based on Otsu's method to reconstructed data.

    Otsu’s method calculates an “optimal” threshold
    (marked by a red line in the histogram below) by
    maximizing the variance between two classes of pixels,
    which are separated by the threshold. Equivalently,
    this threshold minimizes the intra-class variance.

    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D reconstructed data with dimensions:
        [slices, pixels, pixels]

    cutoff : scalar, int
        Manually selected threshold value.

    output : ndarray
        Thresholded data.

    - `http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otsu’s_method \
    - `http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/plot_otsu.html#example-plot-otsu-py \
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    cutoff = inputs

    for m in ind:
        img = data[m, :, :]
        if cutoff is None:
            cutoff = threshold_otsu(img)
        img = img > cutoff
        data[m, :, :] = img
def threshold_segment(args):
    Applies threshold based on Otsu's method to reconstructed data.
    Otsu’s method calculates an “optimal” threshold 
    (marked by a red line in the histogram below) by 
    maximizing the variance between two classes of pixels, 
    which are separated by the threshold. Equivalently, 
    this threshold minimizes the intra-class variance.
    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D reconstructed data with dimensions:
        [slices, pixels, pixels]
    cutoff : scalar, int
        Manually selected threshold value.
    output : ndarray
        Thresholded data.
    - `http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otsu’s_method \
    - `http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/plot_otsu.html#example-plot-otsu-py \
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    cutoff = inputs

    for m in ind:
        img = data[m, :, :]
        if cutoff == None:
            cutoff = threshold_otsu(img)
        img = img > cutoff
        data[m, :, :] = img
def remove_background(args):
    Remove background from reconstructed data.

    We use morphological reconstruction to create
    a background image, which we can subtract from
    the original image to isolate bright features.

    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D reconstructed data with dimensions:
        [slices, pixels, pixels]

    output : ndarray
        Background removed data.

    - `http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/plot_regional_maxima.html \
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array

    for m in ind:
        img = data[m, :, :]

        # first remove background.
        seed = np.copy(img)
        seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = img.min()
        img -= reconstruction(seed, img, method='dilation')

        data[m, :, :] = img
def region_segment(args):
    Applies an region-based segementation to reconstructed data.
    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D reconstructed data with dimensions:
        [slices, pixels, pixels]
    low : scalar, int
       Lowest value for the marker.
    high : scalar, int
       Higest value for the marker.
    output : ndarray
        Segmented data.
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    low, high = inputs

    for m in ind:
        img = data[m, :, :]
        elevation_map = sobel(img)

        markers = np.zeros_like(img)
        markers[img < low] = 1
        markers[img > high] = 2

        img = morphology.watershed(elevation_map, markers)
        data[m, :, :] = img
def region_segment(args):
    Applies an region-based segementation to reconstructed data.
    data : ndarray, float32
        3-D reconstructed data with dimensions:
        [slices, pixels, pixels]
    low : scalar, int
       Lowest value for the marker.
    high : scalar, int
       Higest value for the marker.
    output : ndarray
        Segmented data.
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape) # shared-array
    low, high = inputs
    for m in ind:
        img = data[m, :, :]
        elevation_map = sobel(img)

        markers = np.zeros_like(img)
        markers[img < low] = 1
        markers[img > high] = 2

        img = morphology.watershed(elevation_map, markers)
        data[m, :, :] = img
def zinger_removal(args):
    Zinger removal.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]
    zinger_level : scalar
        Threshold of counts to cut zingers.
    median_width : scalar
        Median filter width.
    output : ndarray
        Zinger removed data.
    - Remove zingers:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Add some artificial zingers to data
        >>> ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=1005, size=data.shape)
        >>> data[ind>1000] = 2000
        >>> # Save data before zinger removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_zinger_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform zinger removal
        >>> d.zinger_removal(median_width=10)
        >>> # Save data after zinger removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_zinger_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    zinger_level, median_width = inputs

    zinger_mask = np.zeros((1, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))

    for m in ind:
        tmp_img = filters.median_filter(data[m, :, :], (median_width, median_width))
        zinger_mask = ((data[m, :, :] - tmp_img) >= zinger_level).astype(int)
        data[m, :, :] = tmp_img * zinger_mask + data[m, :, :] * (1 - zinger_mask)
def normalize(args):
    Normalize raw projection data with
    the white field projection data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    data_white : ndarray
        2-D white field projection data.
    data_dark : ndarray
        2-D dark field projection data.

    cutoff : scalar
        Permitted maximum vaue of the
        normalized data. 

    data : ndarray
        Normalized data.
    - Normalize using white and dark fields:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load sinogram
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save sinogram before normalization
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_normalization_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform normalization
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Save sinogram after normalization
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_normalization_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args
    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape) # shared-array
    data_white, data_dark, cutoff = inputs
    for m in ind:
        data[m, :, :] = np.divide(data[m, :, :]-data_dark, 

    if cutoff is not None:
        data[data > cutoff] = cutoff
文件: normalize.py 项目: ddale/tomopy
def normalize(args):
    Normalize raw projection data with
    the white field projection data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    data_white : ndarray
        2-D white field projection data.
    data_dark : ndarray
        2-D dark field projection data.

    cutoff : scalar
        Permitted maximum vaue of the
        normalized data. 
    negvals : scalar
        Assigns new value to the nonpositive
        values after normalization.

    data : ndarray
        Normalized data.
    - Normalize using white and dark fields:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load sinogram
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save sinogram before normalization
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_normalization_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform normalization
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Save sinogram after normalization
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_normalization_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    data_white, data_dark, cutoff, negvals = inputs

    # Avoid zero division in normalization
    denominator = data_white - data_dark
    denominator[denominator == 0] = 1

    for m in ind:
        proj = data[m, :, :]
        proj = np.divide(proj - data_dark, denominator)
        proj[proj <= 0] = negvals
        if cutoff is not None:
            proj[proj > cutoff] = cutoff
        data[m, :, :] = proj
def phase_retrieval(args):
    Perform single-material phase retrieval
    using projection data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    pixel_size : scalar
        Detector pixel size in cm.

    dist : scalar
        Propagation distance of x-rays in cm.

    energy : scalar
        Energy of x-rays in keV.

    alpha : scalar, optional
        Regularization parameter.

    padding : bool, optional
        Applies padding for Fourier transform. For quick testing
        you can use False for faster results.

    phase : ndarray
        Retrieved phase.

    - `J. of Microscopy, Vol 206(1), 33-40, 2001 \
    - Phase retrieval:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile)
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Reconstruct data before phase retrieval
        >>> d.center=661.5
        >>> d.gridrec()
        >>> # Save reconstructed data before phase retrieval
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_phase_retrieval_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data_recon, output_file)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Reconstruct data after phase retrieval
        >>> d.phase_retrieval(pixel_size=1e-4, dist=70, energy=20)
        >>> d.gridrec()
        >>> # Save reconstructed data after phase retrieval
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_phase_retrieval_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data_recon, output_file)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    pixel_size, dist, energy, alpha, padding = inputs

    # Compute the filter.
    H, x_shift, y_shift, tmp_proj = paganin_filter(data, pixel_size, dist,
                                                   energy, alpha, padding)

    num_proj, dx, dy = dshape  # dx:slices, dy:pixels

    for m in ind:
        proj = data[m, :, :]

        if padding:
            tmp_proj[x_shift:dx + x_shift, y_shift:dy + y_shift] = proj
            fft_proj = fftw.fftw2(tmp_proj)
            filtered_proj = np.multiply(H, fft_proj)
            tmp = np.real(fftw.ifftw2(filtered_proj)) / np.max(H)
            proj = tmp[x_shift:dx + x_shift, y_shift:dy + y_shift]

        elif not padding:
            fft_proj = fftw.fftw2(proj)
            filtered_proj = np.multiply(H, fft_proj)
            proj = np.real(fftw.ifftw2(filtered_proj)) / np.max(H)

        data[m, :, :] = proj
def stripe_removal2(args):
    Remove stripes from sinogram data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    nblocks : scalar
        Number of blocks

    alpha : scalar
        Damping factor.

    output : ndarray
        Corrected data.

    - `J. Synchrotron Rad. (2014). 21, 1333–1346 \

    - Remove sinogram stripes:

        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save data before stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform stripe removal
        >>> d.stripe_removal2()
        >>> # Save data after stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'

    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    nblocks, alpha = inputs

    dx, num_slices, dy = dshape

    sino = numpy.zeros((dx, dy), dtype='float32')
    for n in ind:
        sino[:, :] = -numpy.log(data[:, n, :])
        if (nblocks == 0):
            d1 = _ring(sino, 1, 1)
            d2 = _ring(sino, 2, 1)
            p = d1 * d2
            d = numpy.sqrt(p + alpha * numpy.abs(p.min()))
            # half = int(sino.shape[0] / 2)
            size = int(sino.shape[0] / nblocks)
            d1 = _ringb(sino, 1, 1, size)
            d2 = _ringb(sino, 2, 1, size)
            p = d1 * d2
            d = numpy.sqrt(p + alpha * numpy.fabs(p.min()))

        data[:, n, :] = numpy.exp(-d[:, :])
def median_filter(args):
    Apply median filter to data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]
    size : scalar
        The size of the filter. 
    axis : scalar
        Define the axis of data for filtering.
        0: projections, 1:sinograms, 2:pixels

    output : ndarray
        Median filtered data.
    - Apply median-filter to sinograms:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save data before filtering
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_filtering_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform filtering
        >>> d.median_filter()
        >>> # Save data after filtering
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_filtering_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    size, axis = inputs

    if axis == 0:
        for m in ind:
            data[m, :, :] = filters.median_filter(data[m, :, :], (size, size))
    elif axis == 1:
        for m in ind:
            data[:, m, :] = filters.median_filter(data[:, m, :], (size, size))
    elif axis == 2:
        for m in ind:
            data[:, :, m] = filters.median_filter(data[:, :, m], (size, size))
def stripe_removal(args):
    Remove stripes from sinogram data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    level : scalar
        Number of DWT levels.

    wname : str
        Type of the wavelet filter.

    sigma : scalar
        Damping parameter in Fourier space.
    output : ndarray
        Corrected data.

    - `Optics Express, Vol 17(10), 8567-8591(2009) \
    - Remove sinogram stripes:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save data before stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform stripe removal
        >>> d.stripe_removal(padding=True)
        >>> # Save data after stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    level, wname, sigma, padding = inputs

    dx, num_slices, dy = dshape

    # Padded temp image.
    num_x = dx
    if padding:
        num_x = dx + dx / 8

    x_shift = int((num_x - dx) / 2.0)
    sli = np.zeros((num_x, dy), dtype="float32")

    for n in ind:
        sli[x_shift : dx + x_shift, :] = data[:, n, :]

        # Wavelet decomposition.
        cH = []
        cV = []
        cD = []
        for m in range(level):
            sli, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sli, wname)

        # FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands.
        for m in range(level):
            # FFT
            fcV = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(cV[m], axis=0))
            my, mx = fcV.shape

            # Damping of ring artifact information.
            y_hat = (np.arange(-my, my, 2, dtype="float") + 1) / 2
            damp = 1 - np.exp(-np.power(y_hat, 2) / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2)))
            fcV = np.multiply(fcV, np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (mx, 1))))

            # Inverse FFT.
            cV[m] = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(fcV), axis=0))

        # Wavelet reconstruction.
        for m in range(level)[::-1]:
            sli = sli[0 : cH[m].shape[0], 0 : cH[m].shape[1]]
            sli = pywt.idwt2((sli, (cH[m], cV[m], cD[m])), wname)

        data[:, n, :] = sli[x_shift : dx + x_shift, 0:dy]
def zinger_removal(args):
    Zinger removal.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    zinger_level : scalar
        Threshold of counts to cut zingers.

    median_width : scalar
        Median filter width.

    output : ndarray
        Zinger removed data.

    - Remove zingers:

        >>> import tomopy
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Add some artificial zingers to data
        >>> ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=1005, size=data.shape)
        >>> data[ind>1000] = 2000
        >>> # Save data before zinger removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_zinger_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform zinger removal
        >>> d.zinger_removal(median_width=10)
        >>> # Save data after zinger removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_zinger_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    zinger_level, median_width = inputs

    zinger_mask = np.zeros((1, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))

    for m in ind:
        tmp_img = filters.median_filter(data[m, :, :],
                                        (median_width, median_width))
        zinger_mask = ((data[m, :, :] - tmp_img) >= zinger_level).astype(int)
        data[m, :, :] = tmp_img * zinger_mask + data[m, :, :] * (1 -
def stripe_removal2(args):
    Remove stripes from sinogram data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    nblocks : scalar
        Number of blocks

    alpha : scalar
        Damping factor.

    output : ndarray
        Corrected data.

    - `J. Synchrotron Rad. (2014). 21, 1333–1346 \

    - Remove sinogram stripes:

        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save data before stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform stripe removal
        >>> d.stripe_removal2()
        >>> # Save data after stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'

    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    nblocks, alpha = inputs

    dx, num_slices, dy = dshape

    sino = numpy.zeros((dx, dy), dtype='float32')
    for n in ind:
        sino[:, :] = -numpy.log(data[:, n, :])
        if (nblocks == 0):
            d1 = _ring(sino, 1, 1)
            d2 = _ring(sino, 2, 1)
            p = d1 * d2
            d = numpy.sqrt(p + alpha * numpy.abs(p.min()))
            # half = int(sino.shape[0] / 2)
            size = int(sino.shape[0] / nblocks)
            d1 = _ringb(sino, 1, 1, size)
            d2 = _ringb(sino, 2, 1, size)
            p = d1 * d2
            d = numpy.sqrt(p + alpha * numpy.fabs(p.min()))

        data[:, n, :] = numpy.exp(-d[:, :])
def phase_retrieval(args):
    Perform single-material phase retrieval
    using projection data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    pixel_size : scalar
        Detector pixel size in cm.

    dist : scalar
        Propagation distance of x-rays in cm.

    energy : scalar
        Energy of x-rays in keV.

    alpha : scalar, optional
        Regularization parameter.

    padding : bool, optional
        Applies padding for Fourier transform. For quick testing
        you can use False for faster results.

    phase : ndarray
        Retrieved phase.

    - `J. of Microscopy, Vol 206(1), 33-40, 2001 \
    - Phase retrieval:
        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile)
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> d.normalize()
        >>> # Reconstruct data before phase retrieval
        >>> d.center=661.5
        >>> d.gridrec()
        >>> # Save reconstructed data before phase retrieval
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_phase_retrieval_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data_recon, output_file)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Reconstruct data after phase retrieval
        >>> d.phase_retrieval(pixel_size=1e-4, dist=70, energy=20)
        >>> d.gridrec()
        >>> # Save reconstructed data after phase retrieval
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_phase_retrieval_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data_recon, output_file)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args
    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape) # shared-array
    pixel_size, dist, energy, alpha, padding = inputs

    # Compute the filter.
    H, x_shift, y_shift, tmp_proj = paganin_filter(data,
                                    pixel_size, dist, energy, alpha, padding)    

    num_proj, dx, dy = dshape # dx:slices, dy:pixels
    for m in ind:
        proj = data[m, :, :]
        if padding:
            tmp_proj[x_shift:dx+x_shift, y_shift:dy+y_shift] = proj
            fft_proj = fftw.fftw2(tmp_proj)
            filtered_proj = np.multiply(H, fft_proj)
            tmp = np.real(fftw.ifftw2(filtered_proj))/np.max(H)
            proj = tmp[x_shift:dx+x_shift, y_shift:dy+y_shift]   
        elif not padding:
            fft_proj = fftw.fftw2(proj)
            filtered_proj = np.multiply(H, fft_proj)
            proj = np.real(fftw.ifftw2(filtered_proj))/np.max(H)
        data[m, :, :] = proj
def stripe_removal(args):
    Remove stripes from sinogram data.

    data : ndarray
        3-D tomographic data with dimensions:
        [projections, slices, pixels]

    level : scalar
        Number of DWT levels.

    wname : str
        Type of the wavelet filter.

    sigma : scalar
        Damping parameter in Fourier space.

    output : ndarray
        Corrected data.

    - `Optics Express, Vol 17(10), 8567-8591(2009) \

    - Remove sinogram stripes:

        >>> import tomopy
        >>> # Load data
        >>> myfile = 'demo/data.h5'
        >>> data, white, dark, theta = tomopy.xtomo_reader(myfile, slices_start=0, slices_end=1)
        >>> # Save data before stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/before_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
        >>> # Construct tomo object
        >>> d = tomopy.xtomo_dataset(log='error')
        >>> d.dataset(data, white, dark, theta)
        >>> # Perform stripe removal
        >>> d.stripe_removal(padding=True)
        >>> # Save data after stripe removal
        >>> output_file='tmp/after_stripe_removal_'
        >>> tomopy.xtomo_writer(d.data, output_file, axis=1)
        >>> print "Images are succesfully saved at " + output_file + '...'
    # Arguments passed by multi-processing wrapper
    ind, dshape, inputs = args

    # Function inputs
    data = mp.tonumpyarray(mp.shared_arr, dshape)  # shared-array
    level, wname, sigma, padding = inputs

    dx, num_slices, dy = dshape

    # Padded temp image.
    num_x = dx
    if padding:
        num_x = dx + dx / 8

    x_shift = int((num_x - dx) / 2.)
    sli = np.zeros((num_x, dy), dtype='float32')

    for n in ind:
        sli[x_shift:dx + x_shift, :] = data[:, n, :]

        # Wavelet decomposition.
        cH = []
        cV = []
        cD = []
        for m in range(level):
            sli, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sli, wname)

        # FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands.
        for m in range(level):
            # FFT
            fcV = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(cV[m], axis=0))
            my, mx = fcV.shape

            # Damping of ring artifact information.
            y_hat = (np.arange(-my, my, 2, dtype='float') + 1) / 2
            damp = 1 - np.exp(-np.power(y_hat, 2) / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2)))
            fcV = np.multiply(fcV, np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (mx, 1))))

            # Inverse FFT.
            cV[m] = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(fcV), axis=0))

        # Wavelet reconstruction.
        for m in range(level)[::-1]:
            sli = sli[0:cH[m].shape[0], 0:cH[m].shape[1]]
            sli = pywt.idwt2((sli, (cH[m], cV[m], cD[m])), wname)

        data[:, n, :] = sli[x_shift:dx + x_shift, 0:dy]