    def gen_unstructured(
            f: NativeFunction,
            g: Optional[NativeFunctionsGroup] = None) -> Optional[str]:
        with native_function_manager(f):
            inplace_meta = False
            gets_out_inplace_wrapper = False
            if not self.backend_index.has_kernel(f):
                if (self.backend_index.dispatch_key == DispatchKey.Meta
                        and f.func.kind() is SchemaKind.inplace and
                        # Defer to composites for meta implementation
                        not f.has_composite_kernel and
                        # Inplace list operations are not supported
                        len(f.func.returns) == 1):
                    inplace_meta = True
                elif (not self.backend_index.use_out_as_primary
                      and g is not None and gets_generated_out_inplace_wrapper(
                          f, g, self.backend_index)):
                    # We want to generate inplace/out wrappers, that don't have a kernel for the backend.
                    gets_out_inplace_wrapper = True
                    return None
            if f.manual_kernel_registration:
                return None

            if self.target is Target.REGISTRATION and not self.selector.is_native_function_selected(
                return None

            sig = self.wrapper_kernel_sig(f)

            name = sig.name()
            returns_type = sig.returns_type().cpp_type()
            args = sig.arguments()
            args_str = ', '.join(a.defn() for a in args)

            # See Note [Direct dispatch bindings]
            cpp_sig_group = CppSignatureGroup.from_native_function(
                f, method=False, fallback_binding=False)

            if self.target is Target.NAMESPACED_DECLARATION:
                result = f"TORCH_API {cpp_sig_group.signature.decl()};\n"
                if cpp_sig_group.faithful_signature is not None:
                    result += f"TORCH_API {cpp_sig_group.faithful_signature.decl()};\n"
                return result
            elif self.target is Target.NAMESPACED_DEFINITION:

                def generate_defn(cpp_sig: CppSignature) -> str:
                    return f"""
{cpp_sig.defn()} {{
return {sig.name()}({', '.join(e.expr for e in translate(cpp_sig.arguments(), sig.arguments()))});

                result = generate_defn(cpp_sig_group.signature)
                if cpp_sig_group.faithful_signature is not None:
                    result += generate_defn(cpp_sig_group.faithful_signature)
                return result
            elif self.target is Target.ANONYMOUS_DEFINITION:
                # short circuit for inplace_meta
                if inplace_meta:
                    assert f.func.arguments.self_arg is not None
                    self_arg_name = f.func.arguments.self_arg.argument.name
                    # TODO: handle in place on tensor list
                    return f"""
{returns_type} {name}({args_str}) {{
    "Cannot inplace into non-meta tensor with meta tensor argument");
  return {self_arg_name};

                # short circuit for generated inplace/out wrappers
                if gets_out_inplace_wrapper:
                    return self.gen_out_inplace_wrapper(f, g)

                metadata = self.backend_index.get_kernel(f)
                if metadata is None:
                    return None
                if self.class_method_name is None:
                    impl_name = f"{self.cpp_namespace}::{metadata.kernel}"
                    impl_name = f"{self.cpp_namespace}::{self.class_method_name}::{metadata.kernel}"

                args_exprs_str = ', '.join(a.name for a in args)

                device_check = '  // No device check\n'
                if is_cuda_dispatch_key(self.backend_index.dispatch_key):
                    device_check_args = itertools.chain(
                        f.func.arguments.out, f.func.arguments.flat_positional)
                    device_check = RegisterDispatchKey.gen_device_check(
                        f.device_check, list(device_check_args), name)

                device_guard = "// DeviceGuard omitted"  # default
                if f.device_guard and is_cuda_dispatch_key(
                    has_tensor_options = any(
                        isinstance(a.argument, TensorOptionsArguments)
                        for a in args)
                    if has_tensor_options:
                        # kernel is creating a tensor
                        device_guard = """globalContext().lazyInitCUDA();
  const DeviceGuard device_guard(device_or_default(device));"""
                        # kernel is operating on existing tensors

                        # There is precedence for which argument we use to do
                        # device guard.  This describes the precedence order.
                        self_arg = [
                        ] if f.func.arguments.self_arg is not None else []
                        candidate_args = itertools.chain(
                            self_arg, f.func.arguments.out,

                        # Only tensor like arguments are eligible
                        device_of = next((f'{a.name}' for a in candidate_args
                                          if a.type.is_tensor_like()), None)
                        if device_of is not None:
                            device_guard = f"const OptionalDeviceGuard device_guard(device_of({device_of}));"

                return f"""\
namespace {{

{returns_type} {name}({args_str}) {{

  return {impl_name}({args_exprs_str});

}} // anonymous namespace

            elif self.target is Target.REGISTRATION:
                if f.manual_kernel_registration:
                    return None
                    payload = f"TORCH_FN({name})"
                    return f'm.impl("{f.func.name}",\n{payload});\n'
        def gen_unstructured_external(f: NativeFunction) -> Optional[str]:
            if not requires_backend_wrapper(f, self.backend_index):
                return None

            def get_device_param(args: List[Argument]) -> str:
                # TODO: the XLA codegen has specific precedence rules when determining which tensor argument
                # to use as the device argument.
                # We should update this to be consistent with how we choose device guards.
                const_tensor_or_self = [
                    a for a in args
                    if (a.type == BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor)
                        or a.type == OptionalType(BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor)))
                    and not a.is_write
                if any(const_tensor_or_self):
                    return const_tensor_or_self[0].name
                tensor_like = [a for a in args if a.type.is_tensor_like()]
                if any(tensor_like):
                    return tensor_like[0].name
                device_like = [
                    a for a in args if a.type == BaseType(BaseTy.Device)
                    or a.type == OptionalType(BaseType(BaseTy.Device))
                if any(device_like):
                    return device_like[0].name
                raise AssertionError(
                    "Need a tensor-like or device argument in order to determine the output device"

            # XLA appears to have used the dispatcher convention to write their kernel signatures,
            # probably because they based their signatures off of our RegistrationDeclarations.h
            # See Note [External Backends Follow Dispatcher API]
            dispatcher_sig = DispatcherSignature.from_schema(f.func)
            name = dispatcher_sig.name()
            args = dispatcher_sig.arguments()

            if self.target is Target.NAMESPACED_DECLARATION:
                return f"  static {dispatcher_sig.decl()};"

            elif self.target is Target.REGISTRATION:
                # This codegen is only responsible for registering CPU fallback kernels
                # We also skip registrations if there is a functional backend kernel,
                # because we generate out/inplace wrappers in that case (handled in register_dispatch_key.py).
                if self.backend_index.get_kernel(f) is not None or \
                        (isinstance(g, NativeFunctionsGroup) and gets_generated_out_inplace_wrapper(f, g, self.backend_index)):
                    return ''
                payload = f"static_cast<{dispatcher_sig.ptr_type()}>(&AtenXlaTypeDefault::{name})"
                return f'  m.impl("{f.func.name}", {payload});\n'

            if self.target is not Target.NAMESPACED_DEFINITION:

            # Everything below here is where we generate the CPU fallback.
            dispatcher_order_args = dispatcher.jit_arguments(f.func)

            # Map each argument to it's intermediate variable name in the fallback
            # We have to do it separately for TensorList/Optional<Tensor>/Tensor
            tensorlist_args: Dict[Argument, str] = {
                a: f'l_{a.name}'
                for a in dispatcher_order_args if isinstance(a.type, ListType)
                and a.type.elem == BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor)

            opt_tensors = [
                a for a in dispatcher_order_args
                if isinstance(a.type, OptionalType)
                and a.type.elem == BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor)
            opt_tensor_args: Dict[Argument, str] = {
                a: f'xlatens_opt[{i}]'
                for i, a in enumerate(opt_tensors)

            tensors = [
                a for a in dispatcher_order_args
                if a.type == BaseType(BaseTy.Tensor)
            tensor_args: Dict[Argument, str] = {
                a: f'xlatens[{i}]'
                for i, a in enumerate(tensors)
            annotated_tensor_indices: List[int] = [
                i for i, a in enumerate(tensors)
                if a.annotation is not None and a.annotation.is_write

            print_args_str = ''.join([
                f' << " {a.name}=" << {a.name}.toString()'
                for a in tensor_args.keys()

            tensorlist_intermediates_str = ''
            if len(tensorlist_args) > 0:
                tensorlist_intermediates_str = '\n'.join([
                    f'  auto {updated_name} = to_cpu({arg.name});'
                    for arg, updated_name in tensorlist_args.items()

            opt_tensor_intermediates_str = ''
            if len(opt_tensor_args) > 0:
                arg_str = ", ".join([a.name for a in opt_tensor_args.keys()])
                opt_tensor_intermediates_str = f'\n  std::vector<c10::optional<at::Tensor>> xlatens_opt_tensors = {{{arg_str}}};'
                opt_tensor_intermediates_str += '\n  auto xlatens_opt = to_cpu(xlatens_opt_tensors);'

            intermediates = ''
            if tensorlist_intermediates_str != '':
                intermediates += tensorlist_intermediates_str + '\n'
            intermediates += f"  std::vector<at::Tensor> xlatens_tensors = {{{', '.join([a.name for a in tensor_args.keys()])}}};"
            intermediates += "\n  auto xlatens = to_cpu(xlatens_tensors);"
            if opt_tensor_intermediates_str != '':
                intermediates += opt_tensor_intermediates_str

            is_method = Variant.function not in f.variants
            func_name = f'AtenXlaTypeDefault::{name}'

            # Gather all of the updated variable names to call into the CPU operator.
            # Just use the original binding names for inputs where we didn't create explicit intermediate variables.
            updated_bindings: List[str] = [
                    a, opt_tensor_args.get(a, tensor_args.get(a, a.name)))
                for a in dispatcher_order_args

            at_call_name = CppSignatureGroup.from_native_function(
                f, method=is_method).most_faithful_signature().name()

            # Notice that we don't need to perform a translate: we're technically going from the dispatcher API
            # to the faithful C++ API, which are carefuly written to be exactly the same.
            cpu_result_name = 'x_result'
            if is_method:
                at_call = f'{updated_bindings[0]}.{at_call_name}({", ".join(name for name in updated_bindings[1:])});'
                at_call = f'at::{at_call_name}({", ".join(name for name in updated_bindings)});'
            avoid_warning = ''
            if f.func.returns:
                at_call = f'auto&& {cpu_result_name} = {at_call}'
                avoid_warning = f'\n  static_cast<void>({cpu_result_name}); // Avoid warnings in case not used'

            collect_mutated_tensors = ''
            update_tensors = ''
            if len(annotated_tensor_indices) > 0:
                indices_str = ", ".join(
                    [str(i) for i in annotated_tensor_indices])
                collect_mutated_tensors = f'\n  std::vector<size_t> xlatens_update_indices = {{{indices_str}}};'
                # TODO: uncomment the resize line below. Taken out temporarily for testing
                update_tensors = '''
  for (int i : xlatens_update_indices) {
    // if (xlatens_tensors[i].sizes() != xlatens[i].sizes()) xlatens_tensors[i].resize_(xlatens[i].sizes());
    at::_copy_from_and_resize(xlatens[i], xlatens_tensors[i]);

            returns = ''
            if f.func.returns:
                ret_names = cpp.return_names(f, fallback_name=cpu_result_name)
                if len(ret_names) == 1:
                    returns = xla_tensor_creation_api(
                    return_args = [
                        ) for i in range(len(f.func.returns))
                    returns = f'{dispatcher_sig.returns_type().cpp_type()}({", ".join(return_args)})'
            return_str = ''
            if returns != '':
                return_str = f'\n  return {returns};'

            return f"""\