    def __init__(self, height, width, lr = 1, aux_loss = False, ray_tracing = False):
        super(Depth3DGridGen_with_mask, self).__init__()
        self.height, self.width = height, width
        self.aux_loss = aux_loss
        self.lr = lr
        self.ray_tracing = ray_tracing

        self.grid = np.zeros( [self.height, self.width, 3], dtype=np.float32)
        self.grid[:,:,0] = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.arange(-1, 1, 2.0/self.height), 0), repeats = self.width, axis = 0).T, 0)
        self.grid[:,:,1] = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.expand_dims(np.arange(-1, 1, 2.0/self.width), 0), repeats = self.height, axis = 0), 0)
        self.grid[:,:,2] = np.ones([self.height, width])
        self.grid = torch.from_numpy(self.grid.astype(np.float32))

        self.theta = self.grid[:,:,0] * np.pi/2 + np.pi/2
        self.phi = self.grid[:,:,1] * np.pi

        self.x = torch.sin(self.theta) * torch.cos(self.phi)
        self.y = torch.sin(self.theta) * torch.sin(self.phi)
        self.z = torch.cos(self.theta)

        self.grid3d = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros( [self.height, self.width, 4], dtype=np.float32))

        self.grid3d[:,:,0] = self.x
        self.grid3d[:,:,1] = self.y
        self.grid3d[:,:,2] = self.z
        self.grid3d[:,:,3] = self.grid[:,:,2]
    def forward(self, depth, trans0, trans1, rotate):
        self.batchgrid3d = torch.zeros(torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid3d.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid3d[i] = self.grid3d

        self.batchgrid3d = Variable(self.batchgrid3d)

        self.batchgrid = torch.zeros(torch.Size([depth.size(0)]) + self.grid.size())

        for i in range(depth.size(0)):
            self.batchgrid[i] = self.grid

        self.batchgrid = Variable(self.batchgrid)

        if depth.is_cuda:
            self.batchgrid = self.batchgrid.cuda()
            self.batchgrid3d = self.batchgrid3d.cuda()

        x_ = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,0:1] * depth + trans0.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width, 1)

        y_ = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,1:2] * depth + trans1.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1, self.height, self.width, 1)
        z = self.batchgrid3d[:,:,:,2:3] * depth
        #print(x.size(), y.size(), z.size())

        rotate_z = rotate.view(-1,1,1,1).repeat(1,self.height, self.width,1) * np.pi

        x = x_ * torch.cos(rotate_z) - y_ * torch.sin(rotate_z)
        y = x_ * torch.sin(rotate_z) + y_ * torch.cos(rotate_z)

        r = torch.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) + 1e-5

        theta = torch.acos(z/r)/(np.pi/2)  - 1
        #phi = torch.atan(y/x)

        if depth.is_cuda:
            phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor))
            phi = torch.atan(y/(x + 1e-5))  + np.pi * x.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) * (y.ge(0).type(torch.FloatTensor) - y.lt(0).type(torch.FloatTensor))

        phi = phi/np.pi

        output = torch.cat([theta,phi], 3)
        return output
文件: periodic.py 项目: lewisKit/pyro
    def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
        if diag:
            return self._diag(X)

        variance = self.get_param("variance")
        r = self._scaled_dist(X, Z)
        return variance * torch.cos(r)
    def draw(
        self, n: int = 1, out: Optional[Tensor] = None, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float
    ) -> Optional[Tensor]:
        r"""Draw `n` qMC samples from the standard Normal.

            n: The number of samples to draw.
            out: An option output tensor. If provided, draws are put into this
                tensor, and the function returns None.
            dtype: The desired torch data type (ignored if `out` is provided).

            A `n x d` tensor of samples if `out=None` and `None` otherwise.
        # get base samples
        samples = self._sobol_engine.draw(n, dtype=dtype)
        if self._inv_transform:
            # apply inverse transform (values to close to 0/1 result in inf values)
            v = 0.5 + (1 - 1e-10) * (samples - 0.5)
            samples_tf = torch.erfinv(2 * v - 1) * math.sqrt(2)
            # apply Box-Muller transform (note: [1] indexes starting from 1)
            even = torch.arange(0, samples.shape[-1], 2)
            Rs = (-2 * torch.log(samples[:, even])).sqrt()
            thetas = 2 * math.pi * samples[:, 1 + even]
            cos = torch.cos(thetas)
            sin = torch.sin(thetas)
            samples_tf = torch.stack([Rs * cos, Rs * sin], -1).reshape(n, -1)
            # make sure we only return the number of dimension requested
            samples_tf = samples_tf[:, : self._d]
        if out is None:
            return samples_tf
def neg_branin(X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    r"""Negative Branin test function.

    Two-dimensional function (usually evaluated on `[-5, 10] x [0, 15]`):

        `B(x) = (x2 - b x_1^2 + c x_1 - r)^2 + 10 (1-t) cos(x_1) + 10`

    B has 3 minimizers for its global minimum at

        `z_1 = (-pi, 12.275), z_2 = (pi, 2.275), z_3 = (9.42478, 2.475)`

    with `B(z_i) = -0.397887`

        X: A Tensor of size `2` or `k x 2` (`k` batch evaluations).

        `-B(X)`, the negative value of the standard Branin function.
    batch = X.ndimension() > 1
    X = X if batch else X.unsqueeze(0)
    t1 = X[:, 1] - 5.1 / (4 * math.pi ** 2) * X[:, 0] ** 2 + 5 / math.pi * X[:, 0] - 6
    t2 = 10 * (1 - 1 / (8 * math.pi)) * torch.cos(X[:, 0])
    B = t1 ** 2 + t2 + 10
    result = -B
    return result if batch else result.squeeze(0)
def _get_random_data(n, **tkwargs):
    train_x1 = torch.linspace(0, 0.95, n + 1, **tkwargs) + 0.05 * torch.rand(
        n + 1, **tkwargs
    train_x2 = torch.linspace(0, 0.95, n, **tkwargs) + 0.05 * torch.rand(n, **tkwargs)
    train_y1 = torch.sin(train_x1 * (2 * math.pi)) + 0.2 * torch.randn_like(train_x1)
    train_y2 = torch.cos(train_x2 * (2 * math.pi)) + 0.2 * torch.randn_like(train_x2)
    return train_x1.unsqueeze(-1), train_x2.unsqueeze(-1), train_y1, train_y2
 def backward(ctx, grad_output):
     input,         = ctx.saved_tensors
     grad_input     = torch.stack((grad_output, torch.zeros_like(grad_output)), dim=len(grad_output.shape))
     phase_input    = angle(input)
     phase_input    = torch.stack((torch.cos(phase_input), torch.sin(phase_input)), dim=len(grad_output.shape))
     grad_input     = multiply_complex(phase_input, grad_input)
     return 0.5*grad_input
 def forward(ctx, input):
     assert input.shape[-1]==2, "Complex tensor should have real and imaginary parts."
     output         = input.clone()
     amplitude      = torch.exp(input[..., 0])
     # amplitude      = input[..., 0]
     output[..., 0] = amplitude*torch.cos(input[..., 1])
     output[..., 1] = amplitude*torch.sin(input[..., 1])
     return output
    def __init__(self, input_dim: int, max_len: int = 5000) -> None:

        # Compute the positional encodings once in log space.
        positional_encoding = torch.zeros(max_len, input_dim, requires_grad=False)
        position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1).float()
        div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, input_dim, 2).float() * -(math.log(10000.0) / input_dim))
        positional_encoding[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
        positional_encoding[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
        positional_encoding = positional_encoding.unsqueeze(0)
        self.register_buffer('positional_encoding', positional_encoding)
    def __init__(self, d_model, dropout, max_len=5000):
        super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()
        self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)

        pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model)
        position = torch.arange(0., max_len).unsqueeze(1)
        div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0., d_model, 2) * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model))
        pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
        pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)
        self.register_buffer("pe", pe)
 def __init__(self, dropout, dim, max_len=5000):
     pe = torch.zeros(max_len, dim)
     position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1)
     div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, dim, 2) *
                          -(math.log(10000.0) / dim))
     pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
     pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
     pe = pe.unsqueeze(1)
     super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()
     self.register_buffer('pe', pe)
     self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
     self.dim = dim
def _get_random_mt_data(**tkwargs):
    train_x = torch.linspace(0, 0.95, 10, **tkwargs) + 0.05 * torch.rand(10, **tkwargs)
    train_y1 = torch.sin(train_x * (2 * math.pi)) + torch.randn_like(train_x) * 0.2
    train_y2 = torch.cos(train_x * (2 * math.pi)) + torch.randn_like(train_x) * 0.2
    train_i_task1 = torch.full_like(train_x, dtype=torch.long, fill_value=0)
    train_i_task2 = torch.full_like(train_x, dtype=torch.long, fill_value=1)
    full_train_x = torch.cat([train_x, train_x])
    full_train_i = torch.cat([train_i_task1, train_i_task2])
    full_train_y = torch.cat([train_y1, train_y2])
    train_X = torch.stack([full_train_x, full_train_i.type_as(full_train_x)], dim=-1)
    train_Y = full_train_y
    return train_X, train_Y
文件: util.py 项目: pyknife/allennlp
def add_positional_features(tensor: torch.Tensor,
                            min_timescale: float = 1.0,
                            max_timescale: float = 1.0e4):
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    Implements the frequency-based positional encoding described
    in `Attention is all you Need
    <https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Attention-Is-All-You-Need-Vaswani-Shazeer/0737da0767d77606169cbf4187b83e1ab62f6077>`_ .

    Adds sinusoids of different frequencies to a ``Tensor``. A sinusoid of a
    different frequency and phase is added to each dimension of the input ``Tensor``.
    This allows the attention heads to use absolute and relative positions.

    The number of timescales is equal to hidden_dim / 2 within the range
    (min_timescale, max_timescale). For each timescale, the two sinusoidal
    signals sin(timestep / timescale) and cos(timestep / timescale) are
    generated and concatenated along the hidden_dim dimension.

    tensor : ``torch.Tensor``
        a Tensor with shape (batch_size, timesteps, hidden_dim).
    min_timescale : ``float``, optional (default = 1.0)
        The smallest timescale to use.
    max_timescale : ``float``, optional (default = 1.0e4)
        The largest timescale to use.

    The input tensor augmented with the sinusoidal frequencies.
    _, timesteps, hidden_dim = tensor.size()

    timestep_range = get_range_vector(timesteps, get_device_of(tensor)).data.float()
    # We're generating both cos and sin frequencies,
    # so half for each.
    num_timescales = hidden_dim // 2
    timescale_range = get_range_vector(num_timescales, get_device_of(tensor)).data.float()

    log_timescale_increments = math.log(float(max_timescale) / float(min_timescale)) / float(num_timescales - 1)
    inverse_timescales = min_timescale * torch.exp(timescale_range * -log_timescale_increments)

    # Broadcasted multiplication - shape (timesteps, num_timescales)
    scaled_time = timestep_range.unsqueeze(1) * inverse_timescales.unsqueeze(0)
    # shape (timesteps, 2 * num_timescales)
    sinusoids = torch.cat([torch.sin(scaled_time), torch.cos(scaled_time)], 1)
    if hidden_dim % 2 != 0:
        # if the number of dimensions is odd, the cos and sin
        # timescales had size (hidden_dim - 1) / 2, so we need
        # to add a row of zeros to make up the difference.
        sinusoids = torch.cat([sinusoids, sinusoids.new_zeros(timesteps, 1)], 1)
    return tensor + sinusoids.unsqueeze(0)
 def invert(self, head_coords, segment_len, mean_angle, eigenworms):
     angles = torch.matmul(eigenworms, self.eigen_components)
     angles += mean_angle.view(-1, 1)
     ske_x = torch.sin(angles).view(-1, self.n_angles, 1)
     ske_y = torch.cos(angles).view(-1, self.n_angles, 1)
     skels_n = torch.cat([ske_x, ske_y], 2)*segment_len.view(-1, 1, 1)
     skels_n = torch.cat([head_coords.view(-1, 1, 2),  skels_n], 1)
     skels_n = torch.cumsum(skels_n, dim=1) 
     return skels_n
    def __init__(self, _, **kwargs):
        super(PositionalLookupTableEmbeddings, self).__init__(_, **kwargs)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(kwargs.get('dropout', 0.1))
        # This could get us in trouble, if in doubt, pick something big
        mxlen = kwargs.get('mxlen', 1000)
        max_timescale = kwargs.get('max_timescale', 1.0e4)

        log_timescale_increment = math.log(max_timescale) / self.dsz
        inv_timescales = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, self.dsz, 2).float() * -log_timescale_increment)

        pe = torch.zeros(mxlen, self.dsz)
        position = torch.arange(0, mxlen).float().unsqueeze(1)
        pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * inv_timescales)
        pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * inv_timescales)
        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)
        self.register_buffer('pe', pe)
def positional_encodings_like(x, t=None):
    if t is None:
        positions = torch.arange(0, x.size(1))
        if x.is_cuda:
            positions = positions.cuda(x.get_device())
        positions = t
    encodings = torch.zeros(*x.size()[1:])
    if x.is_cuda:
        encodings = encodings.cuda(x.get_device())
    for channel in range(x.size(-1)):
        if channel % 2 == 0:
            encodings[:, channel] = torch.sin(
                positions / 10000 ** (channel / x.size(2)))
            encodings[:, channel] = torch.cos(
                positions / 10000 ** ((channel - 1) / x.size(2)))
    return Variable(encodings)
def _h_eigenworms_inv_T(head_x, head_y, segment_l, 
                        mean_angle, eigenworms):
    Convert the eigen value transformed data into xy coordinates
    n_components = eigenworms.size(0)
    angles = torch.mm(eigenworms.view(1, -1), EIGENWORMS_COMPONENTS_T[:n_components])
    angles += mean_angle
    ske_x = torch.sin(angles)*segment_l
    ske_x = torch.cat([head_x.view(1,1),  ske_x], 1)
    ske_x = torch.cumsum(ske_x, dim=1) 
    ske_y = torch.cos(angles)*segment_l
    ske_y = torch.cat([head_y.view(1,1),  ske_y], 1)
    ske_y = torch.cumsum(ske_y, dim=1) 
    skels_n = torch.cat((ske_x.view(-1, 1), ske_y.view(-1, 1)), 1)
    return skels_n
def warmup_cosine(x, warmup=0.002):
    s = 1 if x <= warmup else 0
    return s*(x/warmup) + (1-s)*(0.5 * (1 + torch.cos(math.pi * x)))
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn import Parameter
from gpytorch.parameters import MLEParameterGroup
from gpytorch.kernels import RBFKernel, IndexKernel
from gpytorch.means import ConstantMean
from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood
from gpytorch.inference import Inference
from gpytorch.random_variables import GaussianRandomVariable

# Simple training data: let's try to learn a sine function
train_x = Variable(torch.linspace(0, 1, 11))
y1_inds = Variable(torch.zeros(11).long())
y2_inds = Variable(torch.ones(11).long())
train_y1 = Variable(torch.sin(train_x.data * (2 * math.pi)))
train_y2 = Variable(torch.cos(train_x.data * (2 * math.pi)))

test_x = Variable(torch.linspace(0, 1, 51))
y1_inds_test = Variable(torch.zeros(51).long())
y2_inds_test = Variable(torch.ones(51).long())
test_y1 = Variable(torch.sin(test_x.data * (2 * math.pi)))
test_y2 = Variable(torch.cos(test_x.data * (2 * math.pi)))

class MultitaskGPModel(gpytorch.ObservationModel):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MultitaskGPModel, self).__init__(GaussianLikelihood())
        self.mean_module = ConstantMean()
        self.covar_module = RBFKernel()
        self.task_covar_module = IndexKernel()
        self.model_params = MLEParameterGroup(
    def project(self, X, frame='w'):
        Projects 3D points onto the image plane

        X : torch.Tensor [B,3,H,W]
            3D points to be projected
        frame : 'w'
            Reference frame: 'c' for camera and 'w' for world

        points : torch.Tensor [B,H,W,2]
            2D projected points that are within the image boundaries
        B, C, H, W = X.shape
        assert C == 3

        # World to camera:
        if frame == 'c':
            Xc = X.view(B, 3, -1) # [B, 3, HW]
        elif frame == 'w':
            Xc = (self.Tcw @ X).view(B, 3, -1) # [B, 3, HW]
            raise ValueError('Unknown reference frame {}'.format(frame))

        c1 = self.poly_coeffs[:, 0].unsqueeze(1)
        c2 = self.poly_coeffs[:, 1].unsqueeze(1)
        c3 = self.poly_coeffs[:, 2].unsqueeze(1)
        c4 = self.poly_coeffs[:, 3].unsqueeze(1)

        # Project 3D points onto the camera image plane
        X = Xc[:, 0] # [B, HW]
        Y = Xc[:, 1] # [B, HW]
        Z = Xc[:, 2] # [B, HW]
        phi = torch.atan2(Y, X) # [B, HW]
        rc = torch.sqrt(torch.pow(X, 2) + torch.pow(Y, 2)) # [B, HW]
        theta_1 = math.pi / 2 - torch.atan2(Z, rc) # [B, HW]
        theta_2 = torch.pow(theta_1, 2) # [B, HW]
        theta_3 = torch.pow(theta_1, 3) # [B, HW]
        theta_4 = torch.pow(theta_1, 4) # [B, HW]

        rho = c1 * theta_1 + c2 * theta_2 + c3 * theta_3 + c4 * theta_4 # [B, HW]
        rho = rho * ((X != 0) | (Y != 0) | (Z != 0))
        u = rho * torch.cos(phi) / self.scale_factors[:, 0].unsqueeze(1) + self.principal_point[:, 0].unsqueeze(1) # [B, HW]
        v = rho * torch.sin(phi) / self.scale_factors[:, 1].unsqueeze(1) + self.principal_point[:, 1].unsqueeze(1) # [B, HW]

        # Normalize points
        Xnorm = 2 * u / (W - 1)# - 1.
        Ynorm = 2 * v / (H - 1)# - 1.

        # Clamp out-of-bounds pixels
        Xmask = ((Xnorm > 1) + (Xnorm < -1)).detach()
        Xnorm[Xmask] = 2.
        Ymask = ((Ynorm > 1) + (Ynorm < -1)).detach()
        Ynorm[Ymask] = 2.

        mask = (theta_1 * 180 * 2 / np.pi > 190.0).detach()
        Xnorm[mask] = 2.
        Ynorm[mask] = 2.

        # Return pixel coordinates
        return torch.stack([Xnorm, Ynorm], dim=-1).view(B, H, W, 2)
def encode(q):
    c = torch.cos(q)
    s = torch.sin(q)
    return torch.cat((c, s), dim=2)
 def y_exact(self, t):
     return -0.5 * t**4 * torch.cos(2 * t) + 0.5 * t**3 * torch.sin(
         2 * t) + 0.25 * t**2 * torch.cos(
             2 * t) - t**3 + 2 * t**4 + (math.pi - 0.25) * t**2
    def forward(self, output, labels, seq_len): #trans_params = (R00,R01,R10,R11,Tx,Ty,Tz)

        lossMSE = nn.MSELoss()
        lossHuber = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
        lossCrossEntropy  = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        lossBinEntropy = nn.BCELoss()

        batch_size = labels.shape[0]
        score_seq, loc_seq, box_seq  = output
        score_seq = score_seq.permute(1,0) #(B,S,1)
        loc_seq = loc_seq.permute(1,0,2) #(B,S,7)
        box_seq = box_seq.permute(1,0,2) #(B,S,7)

        total_loss = 0

        for B in range(batch_size):
            target =  labels[B,:seq_len,8] #(3,1)
            car_loc = torch.squeeze(target.nonzero())
            num_car = car_loc.nelement()

                trans_params_hat = torch.zeros(seq_len,5).cuda()
                rot = labels[B,car_loc, 3] # CHANGED removed negative sign
                trans_params_hat[:num_car, 0] = torch.cos(rot)
                trans_params_hat[:num_car, 1] = torch.sin(rot)
                trans_params_hat[:num_car,2:5] = labels[B, car_loc, :3]
                # trans_params_hat[:num_car,5:] = labels[B, car_loc, 5:8]

                    zero_rot = torch.tensor(0).float()
                    trans_params_hat[num_car:, 0] = torch.cos(zero_rot)
                    trans_params_hat[num_car:, 1] = torch.sin(zero_rot)
                    trans_params_hat[num_car:,2:5] = torch.tensor([0,0,-4]).cuda()
                    # trans_params_hat[num_car:,5:] = torch.tensor([2,2.5,5]).cuda()

                # if(num_car == 3):
                #     print("yes", B, trans_params_hat)

                ind = hungarian_matching(loc_seq[B,:,2:5].detach().cpu(), labels[B,car_loc,:3].view(num_car,-1).detach().cpu())
                ind = np.concatenate((ind,[i for i in range(seq_len) if i not in ind]))

                # loc_seq_matched = loc_seq[B,ind].view(num_car,-1)
                loc_seq_matched = loc_seq[B,ind]
                score_seq_matched = score_seq[B, ind]
                box_seq_matched = box_seq[B, ind, :5]
                size_seq_matched = box_seq[B, ind, 5:]

                # pos_ind = score_seq_matched > 0.5
                # pos_ind = torch.squeeze(pos_ind.nonzero())
                # num_pos_ind = pos_ind.nelement()
                # pdb.set_trace()

                trans_mat_1 = torch.eye(3).view(1,-1).repeat(seq_len,1).cuda()
                trans_mat_1[:,0] = loc_seq_matched[:,0] # c
                trans_mat_1[:,1] = -loc_seq_matched[:,1] # -s
                trans_mat_1[:,3] = loc_seq_matched[:,1] # s
                trans_mat_1[:,4] = loc_seq_matched[:,0] # c
                trans_mat_1[:,2] = loc_seq_matched[:,2] #tx
                trans_mat_1[:,5] = loc_seq_matched[:,3] #ty
                trans_mat_1 = trans_mat_1.view(seq_len,3,3)

                # trans_mat_1 =  trans_mat_1.detach() # here we detach bcoz we aim to train two network seperately!

                trans_mat_2 = torch.eye(3).view(1,-1).repeat(seq_len,1).cuda()
                trans_mat_2[:,0] = box_seq_matched[:,0] # c
                trans_mat_2[:,1] = -box_seq_matched[:,1] # -s
                trans_mat_2[:,3] = box_seq_matched[:,1] # s
                trans_mat_2[:,4] = box_seq_matched[:,0] # c
                trans_mat_2[:,2] = box_seq_matched[:,2] #tx
                trans_mat_2[:,5] = box_seq_matched[:,3] #ty
                trans_mat_2 = trans_mat_2.view(seq_len,3,3)

                resultant_trans = torch.bmm(trans_mat_1, trans_mat_2)
                resultant_trans = resultant_trans.view(seq_len, 9)

                final_trans_params = resultant_trans[:,[0,3,2,5]]
                z = (loc_seq_matched[:,4] + box_seq_matched[:,4]).view(seq_len,-1)
                final_trans_params = torch.cat((final_trans_params,z),1)

                rotx = loc_seq_matched[:,0]**2 + loc_seq_matched[:,1]**2
                reg_loss_1 = lossMSE(rotx, torch.tensor([1]).cuda().float())

                rotx = final_trans_params[:,0]**2 + final_trans_params[:,1]**2
                reg_loss_2 = lossMSE(rotx, torch.tensor([1]).cuda().float())
                # reg_loss = reg_loss.mean()

                loss_where = lossHuber(loc_seq_matched , trans_params_hat)
                loss_what = lossBinEntropy(score_seq_matched, target)
                loss_residual = lossHuber(final_trans_params[car_loc].view(num_car,-1) , trans_params_hat[car_loc].view(num_car,-1))
                loss_size = lossHuber(size_seq_matched[car_loc].view(num_car,-1), labels[B,:num_car,5:8].view(num_car,-1))

                total_seq_loss = loss_where + loss_what + 0.01*(reg_loss_1+ reg_loss_2) + 1.5*loss_residual + 0.5*loss_size
                loss_what = lossBinEntropy(score_seq[B], target)
                total_seq_loss = loss_what

            total_loss += total_seq_loss
        return total_loss/batch_size
def rotate2d(x, y, ang):
    if isinstance(x, t.Tensor):
        (c, s) = (t.cos(ang), t.sin(ang))
        (c, s) = (math.cos(ang), math.sin(ang))
    return (c * x - s * y, s * x + c * y)
def get_normals(points3d):
    """ Computes normal maps from 3D cloud
    :param points3d: Ordered 3D cloud with shape [batch_size x height x width x 3]
    :return: Normal map with shape [batch_size x height x width x 3]
    batch_size = points3d.shape[0]
    dtype = points3d.dtype
    device = points3d.device
    pi = torch.tensor([np.pi], dtype=dtype, device=device)
    nan = torch.tensor([np.nan], dtype=dtype, device=device)

    # Create a huge tensor to keep the points, as well as the points shifted one step in all directions
    hugeTensor = torch.zeros(batch_size,
                             points3d.shape[1] + 2,
                             points3d.shape[2] + 2,
    hugeTensor[:, 1:points3d.shape[1] + 1, 1:points3d.shape[2] + 1, 0:3,
               0] = points3d  # original points in center

    # Now add them in this order: top-left, top-center, top-right
    hugeTensor[:, 0:points3d.shape[1], 0:points3d.shape[2], 0:3, 1] = points3d
    hugeTensor[:, 0:points3d.shape[1], 1:points3d.shape[2] + 1, 0:3,
               2] = points3d
    hugeTensor[:, 0:points3d.shape[1], 2:points3d.shape[2] + 2, 0:3,
               3] = points3d

    # Now center-left, center-right
    hugeTensor[:, 1:points3d.shape[1] + 1, 0:points3d.shape[2], 0:3,
               4] = points3d
    hugeTensor[:, 1:points3d.shape[1] + 1, 2:points3d.shape[2] + 2, 0:3,
               5] = points3d

    # Now bottom-left, bottom-cente1, bottom-right
    hugeTensor[:, 2:points3d.shape[1] + 2, 0:points3d.shape[2], 0:3,
               6] = points3d
    hugeTensor[:, 2:points3d.shape[1] + 2, 1:points3d.shape[2] + 1, 0:3,
               7] = points3d
    hugeTensor[:, 2:points3d.shape[1] + 2, 2:points3d.shape[2] + 2, 0:3,
               8] = points3d

    # Done! Now compute the mean vector for each pixel.
    meanPoints = hugeTensor.mean(4)
    h = hugeTensor.shape[1]
    w = hugeTensor.shape[2]

    S = torch.zeros(batch_size, h, w, 3, 3, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    for k in range(9):
        hugeTensor[:, :, :, :, k] = hugeTensor[:, :, :, :, k] - meanPoints
        S = S + hugeTensor[:, :, :, :, k].reshape(
            batch_size, h, w, 1, 3) * hugeTensor[:, :, :, :, k].reshape(
                batch_size, h, w, 3, 1)
    S = S / 8

    eye3 = torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype, device=device).unsqueeze(0)
    # Now, compute the smallest eigenvector of each covariance matrix
    mat = torch.tensor(np.array([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]),
    mat = mat.unsqueeze(0)
    p1 = ((S * mat)**2).sum(4).sum(3)
    q = (S * eye3).sum(4).sum(3) / 3
    p2 = ((((S - q.reshape(batch_size, q.shape[1], q.shape[2], 1, 1)) * eye3) *
    p2 = p2 + 2 * p1
    val_mask = p2 > 0
    p2[~val_mask] = 1

    p2 = torch.sqrt(p2 / 6.0)

    # No more division by zero
    B = (S - q.reshape(batch_size, q.shape[1], q.shape[2], 1, 1) *
         eye3) / p2.reshape(batch_size, p2.shape[1], p2.shape[2], 1, 1)

    detB = B[:, :, :, 0, 0] * B[:, :, :, 1, 1] * B[:, :, :, 2, 2] + \
           B[:, :, :, 0, 1] * B[:, :, :, 1, 2] * B[:, :, :, 2, 0] + \
           B[:, :, :, 0, 2] * B[:, :, :, 1, 0] * B[:, :, :, 2, 1] - \
           B[:, :, :, 0, 2] * B[:, :, :, 1, 1] * B[:, :, :, 2, 0] - \
           B[:, :, :, 0, 1] * B[:, :, :, 1, 0] * B[:, :, :, 2, 2] - \
           B[:, :, :, 0, 0] * B[:, :, :, 1, 2] * B[:, :, :, 2, 1]

    detB = detB / 2.0
    detB = detB.clamp(min=-1, max=1)
    lambda0 = 2.0 * p2 * torch.cos(torch.acos(detB) / 3.0 + 2 * pi / 3.0) + q

    detM = (S[:, :, :, 0, 0] - lambda0) * (
        S[:, :, :, 1, 1] - lambda0) - S[:, :, :, 0, 1] * S[:, :, :, 1, 0]
    normals = torch.ones(batch_size,

    val_mask = val_mask & (detM != 0)
    detM[~val_mask] = 1
    normals[:, :, :, 0] = (S[:, :, :, 0, 2] * (lambda0 - S[:, :, :, 1, 1]) +
                           S[:, :, :, 1, 2] * S[:, :, :, 0, 1]) / detM
    normals[:, :, :, 1] = (S[:, :, :, 1, 2] * (lambda0 - S[:, :, :, 0, 0]) +
                           S[:, :, :, 0, 2] * S[:, :, :, 1, 0]) / detM

    normals_length = torch.sqrt((normals**2).sum(3))
    normals = normals / normals_length.reshape(batch_size, normals.shape[1],
                                               normals.shape[2], 1)

    neg_offsets = ((normals * meanPoints).sum(3)).reshape(
        batch_size, normals.shape[1], normals.shape[2], 1)
    normals = normals * torch.sign(neg_offsets)

    normals[~val_mask] = nan
    lambda0[~val_mask] = nan

    normals = normals[:, 1:normals.shape[1] - 1, 1:normals.shape[2] - 1, :]
    return normals, lambda0
 def test_cos(x, y):
     c = torch.cos(torch.add(x, y))
     return c
def warmup_cosine(x, warmup=0.002):
    s = 1 if x <= warmup else 0
    return s * (x / warmup) + (1 - s) * (0.5 * (1 + torch.cos(math.pi * x)))
t.set_num_threads(int)  #设定用于并行化CPU操作的OpenMP线程数

#数学操作Math operations
input = t.Tensor([[1, 2][3, 4]])
value = 3
t.abs(input, out=None)  #返回张量:取绝对值
t.acos(input, out=None)  #返回张量:反余弦
t.add(input, value, out=None)  #返回张量:加value值
#t.addcdiv(input, value=1, tensor1, tensor2, out=None)   #用tensor2对tensor1逐元素相除,然后乘以标量值value 并加到tensor
#t.addcmul(input, value=1, tensor1, tensor2, out=None)   #用tensor2对tensor1逐元素相乘,并对结果乘以标量值value然后加到tensor。 张量的形状不需要匹配,但元素数量必须一致。 如果输入是FloatTensor or DoubleTensor类型,则value 必须为实数,否则须为整数。
t.asin(input, out=None)  #取反正弦
t.atan(input, out=None)  #取反正切
#t.atan2(input1, input2, out=None)      #返回一个新张量,包含两个输入张量input1和input2的反正切函数
t.ceil(input, out=None)  #天井函数,对输入input张量每个元素向上取整, 即取不小于每个元素的最小整数,并返回结果到输出。
#t.clamp(input, min, max, out=None)     #将输入input张量每个元素的夹紧到区间 [min,max],并返回结果到一个新张量。
t.cos(input, out=None)
t.cosh(input, out=None)
t.div(input, value, out=None)  #将input逐元素除以标量值value,并返回结果到输出张量out
t.exp(input, out=None)
t.floor(input, out=None)  #床函数: 返回一个新张量,包含输入input张量每个元素的floor,即不小于元素的最大整数。
#t.fmod(input, divisor, out=None)   #计算除法余数。 除数与被除数可能同时含有整数和浮点数。此时,余数的正负与被除数相同。
t.frac(input, out=None)  #返回小数部分
#t.lerp(start, end, weight, out=None)   #对两个张量以start,end做线性插值, 将结果返回到输出张量。
t.log(input, out=None)
t.log1p(input, out=None)  #计算 input+1的自然对数 yi=log(xi+1)
t.mul(input, value,
      out=None)  #用标量值value乘以输入input的每个元素,并返回一个新的结果张量。 out=tensor∗value
t.neg(input, out=None)  #返回一个新张量,包含输入input 张量按元素取负。 即, out=−1∗input
#t.pow(input, exponent, out=None)   #对输入input的按元素求exponent次幂值,并返回结果张量。 幂值exponent 可以为单一 float 数或者与input相同元素数的张量。
t.reciprocal(input, out=None)  #返回一个新张量,包含输入input张量每个元素的倒数,即 1.0/x。
#t.remainder(input, divisor, out=None)  #返回一个新张量,包含输入input张量每个元素的除法余数。 除数与被除数可能同时包含整数或浮点数。余数与除数有相同的符号。
 def test_pi_quaternion(self, device):
     one = torch.tensor(1.).to(device)
     quaternion_log = torch.tensor([1., 0., 0.]).to(device)
     expected = torch.tensor([torch.sin(one), 0., 0.,
     assert_allclose(kornia.quaternion_log_to_exp(quaternion_log), expected)
    def forward(self, input):
        input = input.reshape(len(input), self.input_dim, -1)  # [N, F, T]
        input = input.permute(0, 2, 1)  # [N, T, F]
        time_step = input.shape[1]

        for ts in range(time_step):
            x = input[:, ts, :]
            if len(self.states) == 0:  # hasn't initialized yet
            p_tm1 = self.states[0]
            h_tm1 = self.states[1]
            S_re_tm1 = self.states[2]
            S_im_tm1 = self.states[3]
            time_tm1 = self.states[4]
            B_U = self.states[5]
            B_W = self.states[6]
            frequency = self.states[7]

            x_i = torch.matmul(x * B_W[0], self.W_i) + self.b_i
            x_ste = torch.matmul(x * B_W[0], self.W_ste) + self.b_ste
            x_fre = torch.matmul(x * B_W[0], self.W_fre) + self.b_fre
            x_c = torch.matmul(x * B_W[0], self.W_c) + self.b_c
            x_o = torch.matmul(x * B_W[0], self.W_o) + self.b_o

            i = self.inner_activation(x_i +
                                      torch.matmul(h_tm1 * B_U[0], self.U_i))
            ste = self.inner_activation(x_ste +
                                        torch.matmul(h_tm1 *
                                                     B_U[0], self.U_ste))
            fre = self.inner_activation(x_fre +
                                        torch.matmul(h_tm1 *
                                                     B_U[0], self.U_fre))

            ste = torch.reshape(ste, (-1, self.hidden_dim, 1))
            fre = torch.reshape(fre, (-1, 1, self.freq_dim))

            f = ste * fre

            c = i * self.activation(x_c +
                                    torch.matmul(h_tm1 * B_U[0], self.U_c))

            time = time_tm1 + 1

            omega = torch.tensor(2 * np.pi) * time * frequency

            re = torch.cos(omega)
            im = torch.sin(omega)

            c = torch.reshape(c, (-1, self.hidden_dim, 1))

            S_re = f * S_re_tm1 + c * re
            S_im = f * S_im_tm1 + c * im

            A = torch.square(S_re) + torch.square(S_im)

            A = torch.reshape(A, (-1, self.freq_dim)).float()
            A_a = torch.matmul(A * B_U[0], self.U_a)
            A_a = torch.reshape(A_a, (-1, self.hidden_dim))
            a = self.activation(A_a + self.b_a)

            o = self.inner_activation(x_o +
                                      torch.matmul(h_tm1 * B_U[0], self.U_o))

            h = o * a
            p = torch.matmul(h, self.W_p) + self.b_p

            self.states = [p, h, S_re, S_im, time, None, None, None]
        self.states = []
        return self.fc_out(p).squeeze()
 def log_prob(self, value):
     log_prob = self.concentration * torch.cos(value - self.loc)
     log_prob = log_prob - math.log(2 * math.pi) - _log_modified_bessel_fn_0(self.concentration)
     return log_prob
def evaluate_torsion(r12, r23, r34, torsion_params, explicit_forces=True):
    # Calculate dihedral angles from vectors
    crossA = torch.cross(r12, r23, dim=1)
    crossB = torch.cross(r23, r34, dim=1)
    crossC = torch.cross(r23, crossA, dim=1)
    normA = torch.norm(crossA, dim=1)
    normB = torch.norm(crossB, dim=1)
    normC = torch.norm(crossC, dim=1)
    normcrossB = crossB / normB.unsqueeze(1)
    cosPhi = torch.sum(crossA * normcrossB, dim=1) / normA
    sinPhi = torch.sum(crossC * normcrossB, dim=1) / normC
    phi = -torch.atan2(sinPhi, cosPhi)

    ntorsions = len(torsion_params[0]["idx"])
    pot = torch.zeros(ntorsions,
    if explicit_forces:
        coeff = torch.zeros(ntorsions,
    for i in range(0, len(torsion_params)):
        idx = torsion_params[i]["idx"]
        k0 = torsion_params[i]["params"][:, 0]
        phi0 = torsion_params[i]["params"][:, 1]
        per = torsion_params[i]["params"][:, 2]

        if torch.all(per > 0):  # AMBER torsions
            angleDiff = per * phi[idx] - phi0
            pot.scatter_add_(0, idx, k0 * (1 + torch.cos(angleDiff)))
            if explicit_forces:
                coeff.scatter_add_(0, idx, -per * k0 * torch.sin(angleDiff))
        else:  # CHARMM torsions
            angleDiff = phi[idx] - phi0
            angleDiff[angleDiff < -pi] = angleDiff[angleDiff < -pi] + 2 * pi
            angleDiff[angleDiff > pi] = angleDiff[angleDiff > pi] - 2 * pi
            pot.scatter_add_(0, idx, k0 * angleDiff**2)
            if explicit_forces:
                coeff.scatter_add_(0, idx, 2 * k0 * angleDiff)

    # coeff.unsqueeze_(1)

    force0, force1, force2, force3 = None, None, None, None
    if explicit_forces:
        # Taken from OpenMM
        normDelta2 = torch.norm(r23, dim=1)
        norm2Delta2 = normDelta2**2
        forceFactor0 = (-coeff * normDelta2) / (normA**2)
        forceFactor1 = torch.sum(r12 * r23, dim=1) / norm2Delta2
        forceFactor2 = torch.sum(r34 * r23, dim=1) / norm2Delta2
        forceFactor3 = (coeff * normDelta2) / (normB**2)

        force0vec = forceFactor0.unsqueeze(1) * crossA
        force3vec = forceFactor3.unsqueeze(1) * crossB
        s = (forceFactor1.unsqueeze(1) * force0vec -
             forceFactor2.unsqueeze(1) * force3vec)

        force0 = -force0vec
        force1 = force0vec + s
        force2 = force3vec - s
        force3 = -force3vec

    return pot, (force0, force1, force2, force3)
 def backward(ctx, grad_output):
     (x, ) = ctx.saved_tensors
     ret = torch.cos(x) / x - torch.sin(x) / (x * x)
     ret[x.abs() < 1e-10] = 0.0
     return ret * grad_output
    def convert(box: _RawBoxType, from_mode: "BoxMode",
                to_mode: "BoxMode") -> _RawBoxType:
            box: can be a k-tuple, k-list or an Nxk array/tensor, where k = 4 or 5
            from_mode, to_mode (BoxMode)

            The converted box of the same type.
        if from_mode == to_mode:
            return box

        original_type = type(box)
        is_numpy = isinstance(box, np.ndarray)
        single_box = isinstance(box, (list, tuple))
        if single_box:
            assert len(box) == 4 or len(box) == 5, (
                "BoxMode.convert takes either a k-tuple/list or an Nxk array/tensor,"
                " where k == 4 or 5")
            arr = torch.tensor(box)[None, :]
            # avoid modifying the input box
            if is_numpy:
                arr = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(box)).clone()
                arr = box.clone()

        assert to_mode.value not in [
        ] and from_mode.value not in [
        ], "Relative mode not yet supported!"

        if from_mode == BoxMode.XYWHA_ABS and to_mode == BoxMode.XYXY_ABS:
            assert (
                arr.shape[-1] == 5
            ), "The last dimension of input shape must be 5 for XYWHA format"
            original_dtype = arr.dtype
            arr = arr.double()

            w = arr[:, 2]
            h = arr[:, 3]
            a = arr[:, 4]
            c = torch.abs(torch.cos(a * math.pi / 180.0))
            s = torch.abs(torch.sin(a * math.pi / 180.0))
            # This basically computes the horizontal bounding rectangle of the rotated box
            new_w = c * w + s * h
            new_h = c * h + s * w

            # convert center to top-left corner
            arr[:, 0] -= new_w / 2.0
            arr[:, 1] -= new_h / 2.0
            # bottom-right corner
            arr[:, 2] = arr[:, 0] + new_w
            arr[:, 3] = arr[:, 1] + new_h

            arr = arr[:, :4].to(dtype=original_dtype)
        elif from_mode == BoxMode.XYWH_ABS and to_mode == BoxMode.XYWHA_ABS:
            original_dtype = arr.dtype
            arr = arr.double()
            arr[:, 0] += arr[:, 2] / 2.0
            arr[:, 1] += arr[:, 3] / 2.0
            angles = torch.zeros((arr.shape[0], 1), dtype=arr.dtype)
            arr = torch.cat((arr, angles), axis=1).to(dtype=original_dtype)
            if to_mode == BoxMode.XYXY_ABS and from_mode == BoxMode.XYWH_ABS:
                arr[:, 2] += arr[:, 0]
                arr[:, 3] += arr[:, 1]
            elif from_mode == BoxMode.XYXY_ABS and to_mode == BoxMode.XYWH_ABS:
                arr[:, 2] -= arr[:, 0]
                arr[:, 3] -= arr[:, 1]
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Conversion from BoxMode {} to {} is not supported yet".
                    format(from_mode, to_mode))

        if single_box:
            return original_type(arr.flatten().tolist())
        if is_numpy:
            return arr.numpy()
            return arr
def cubic_spline(inputs,
    > Blinn, J. F. (2007). How to solve a cubic equation, part 5: Back to numerics. IEEE Computer
    Graphics and Applications, 27(3):78–89.
    if not inverse and (torch.min(inputs) < left or torch.max(inputs) > right):
        raise ValueError('Input is outside the domain')
    elif inverse and (torch.min(inputs) < bottom or torch.max(inputs) > top):
        raise ValueError('Input is outside the domain')

    num_bins = unnormalized_widths.shape[-1]

    if min_bin_width * num_bins > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Minimal bin width too large for the number of bins')
    if min_bin_height * num_bins > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Minimal bin height too large for the number of bins')

    if inverse:
        inputs = (inputs - bottom) / (top - bottom)
        inputs = (inputs - left) / (right - left)

    widths = F.softmax(unnormalized_widths, dim=-1)
    widths = min_bin_width + (1 - min_bin_width * num_bins) * widths

    cumwidths = torch.cumsum(widths, dim=-1)
    cumwidths[..., -1] = 1
    cumwidths = F.pad(cumwidths, pad=(1, 0), mode='constant', value=0.0)

    heights = F.softmax(unnormalized_heights, dim=-1)
    heights = min_bin_height + (1 - min_bin_height * num_bins) * heights

    cumheights = torch.cumsum(heights, dim=-1)
    cumheights[..., -1] = 1
    cumheights = F.pad(cumheights, pad=(1, 0), mode='constant', value=0.0)

    slopes = heights / widths
    min_something_1 = torch.min(torch.abs(slopes[..., :-1]),
                                torch.abs(slopes[..., 1:]))
    min_something_2 = (0.5 * (widths[..., 1:] * slopes[..., :-1] +
                              widths[..., :-1] * slopes[..., 1:]) /
                       (widths[..., :-1] + widths[..., 1:]))
    min_something = torch.min(min_something_1, min_something_2)

    derivatives_left = torch.sigmoid(unnorm_derivatives_left) * 3 * slopes[
        ..., 0][..., None]
    derivatives_right = torch.sigmoid(unnorm_derivatives_right) * 3 * slopes[
        ..., -1][..., None]

    derivatives = min_something * (torch.sign(slopes[..., :-1]) +
                                   torch.sign(slopes[..., 1:]))
    derivatives = torch.cat([derivatives_left, derivatives, derivatives_right],

    a = (derivatives[..., :-1] + derivatives[..., 1:] -
         2 * slopes) / widths.pow(2)
    b = (3 * slopes - 2 * derivatives[..., :-1] -
         derivatives[..., 1:]) / widths
    c = derivatives[..., :-1]
    d = cumheights[..., :-1]

    if inverse:
        bin_idx = nf.util.searchsorted(cumheights, inputs)[..., None]
        bin_idx = nf.util.searchsorted(cumwidths, inputs)[..., None]

    inputs_a = a.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    inputs_b = b.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    inputs_c = c.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    inputs_d = d.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]

    input_left_cumwidths = cumwidths.gather(-1, bin_idx)[..., 0]
    input_right_cumwidths = cumwidths.gather(-1, bin_idx + 1)[..., 0]

    if inverse:
        # Modified coefficients for solving the cubic.
        inputs_b_ = (inputs_b / inputs_a) / 3.
        inputs_c_ = (inputs_c / inputs_a) / 3.
        inputs_d_ = (inputs_d - inputs) / inputs_a

        delta_1 = -inputs_b_.pow(2) + inputs_c_
        delta_2 = -inputs_c_ * inputs_b_ + inputs_d_
        delta_3 = inputs_b_ * inputs_d_ - inputs_c_.pow(2)

        discriminant = 4. * delta_1 * delta_3 - delta_2.pow(2)

        depressed_1 = -2. * inputs_b_ * delta_1 + delta_2
        depressed_2 = delta_1

        three_roots_mask = discriminant > 0  # Discriminant == 0 might be a problem in practice.
        one_root_mask = discriminant <= 0

        outputs = torch.zeros_like(inputs)

        # Deal with one root cases.

        p = cbrt((-depressed_1[one_root_mask] +
                  torch.sqrt(-discriminant[one_root_mask])) / 2.)
        q = cbrt((-depressed_1[one_root_mask] -
                  torch.sqrt(-discriminant[one_root_mask])) / 2.)

        outputs[one_root_mask] = ((p + q) - inputs_b_[one_root_mask] +

        # Deal with three root cases.

        theta = torch.atan2(torch.sqrt(discriminant[three_roots_mask]),
        theta /= 3.

        cubic_root_1 = torch.cos(theta)
        cubic_root_2 = torch.sin(theta)

        root_1 = cubic_root_1
        root_2 = -0.5 * cubic_root_1 - 0.5 * math.sqrt(3) * cubic_root_2
        root_3 = -0.5 * cubic_root_1 + 0.5 * math.sqrt(3) * cubic_root_2

        root_scale = 2 * torch.sqrt(-depressed_2[three_roots_mask])
        root_shift = (-inputs_b_[three_roots_mask] +

        root_1 = root_1 * root_scale + root_shift
        root_2 = root_2 * root_scale + root_shift
        root_3 = root_3 * root_scale + root_shift

        root1_mask = ((input_left_cumwidths[three_roots_mask] - eps) <
        root1_mask *= (
            root_1 < (input_right_cumwidths[three_roots_mask] + eps)).float()

        root2_mask = ((input_left_cumwidths[three_roots_mask] - eps) <
        root2_mask *= (
            root_2 < (input_right_cumwidths[three_roots_mask] + eps)).float()

        root3_mask = ((input_left_cumwidths[three_roots_mask] - eps) <
        root3_mask *= (
            root_3 < (input_right_cumwidths[three_roots_mask] + eps)).float()

        roots = torch.stack([root_1, root_2, root_3], dim=-1)
        masks = torch.stack([root1_mask, root2_mask, root3_mask], dim=-1)
        mask_index = torch.argsort(masks, dim=-1,
                                   descending=True)[..., 0][..., None]
        outputs[three_roots_mask] = torch.gather(roots,

        # Deal with a -> 0 (almost quadratic) cases.

        quadratic_mask = inputs_a.abs() < quadratic_threshold
        a = inputs_b[quadratic_mask]
        b = inputs_c[quadratic_mask]
        c = (inputs_d[quadratic_mask] - inputs[quadratic_mask])

        alpha = (-b + torch.sqrt(b.pow(2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
        outputs[quadratic_mask] = alpha + input_left_cumwidths[quadratic_mask]

        shifted_outputs = (outputs - input_left_cumwidths)
        logabsdet = -torch.log((3 * inputs_a * shifted_outputs.pow(2) +
                                2 * inputs_b * shifted_outputs + inputs_c))
        shifted_inputs = (inputs - input_left_cumwidths)
        outputs = (inputs_a * shifted_inputs.pow(3) +
                   inputs_b * shifted_inputs.pow(2) +
                   inputs_c * shifted_inputs + inputs_d)

        logabsdet = torch.log((3 * inputs_a * shifted_inputs.pow(2) +
                               2 * inputs_b * shifted_inputs + inputs_c))

    if inverse:
        outputs = outputs * (right - left) + left
        logabsdet = logabsdet - math.log(top - bottom) + math.log(right - left)
        outputs = outputs * (top - bottom) + bottom
        logabsdet = logabsdet + math.log(top - bottom) - math.log(right - left)

    return outputs, logabsdet
def _inverse_stft(transform: Union[th.Tensor, Tuple[th.Tensor, th.Tensor]],
                  kernel: th.Tensor,
                  window: th.Tensor,
                  input: str = "polar",
                  frame_hop: int = 256,
                  onesided: bool = False,
                  center: bool = False) -> th.Tensor:
    iSTFT inner function
        transform (Tensor or [Tensor, Tensor]), STFT transform results
        kernel (Tensor), STFT transform kernels, from init_kernel(...)
        input (str), input format:
            polar: return (magnitude, phase) pair
            complex: return (real, imag) pair
            real: return [real; imag] Tensor
        frame_hop: frame hop size in number samples
        onesided: return half FFT bins
        center: used in _forward_stft
        wav (Tensor), N x S
    if input not in ["polar", "complex", "real"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown output format: {input}")

    if input == "real":
        real, imag = transform[..., 0], transform[..., 1]
    elif input == "polar":
        real = transform[0] * th.cos(transform[1])
        imag = transform[0] * th.sin(transform[1])
        real, imag = transform

    # (N) x F x T
    imag_dim = imag.dim()
    if imag_dim not in [2, 3]:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Expect 2D/3D tensor, but got {imag_dim}D")

    # if F x T, reshape 1 x F x T
    if imag_dim == 2:
        real = th.unsqueeze(real, 0)
        imag = th.unsqueeze(imag, 0)

    if onesided:
        # [self.num_bins - 2, ..., 1]
        reverse = range(kernel.shape[0] // 4 - 1, 0, -1)
        # extend matrix: N x B x T
        real = th.cat([real, real[:, reverse]], 1)
        imag = th.cat([imag, -imag[:, reverse]], 1)
    # pack: N x 2B x T
    packed = th.cat([real, imag], dim=1)
    # N x 1 x T
    s = tf.conv_transpose1d(packed, kernel, stride=frame_hop, padding=0)
    # normalized audio samples
    # refer: https://github.com/pytorch/audio/blob/2ebbbf511fb1e6c47b59fd32ad7e66023fa0dff1/torchaudio/functional.py#L171
    # 1 x W x T
    win = th.repeat_interleave(window[None, ..., None],
    # W x 1 x W
    I = th.eye(window.shape[0], device=win.device)[:, None]
    # 1 x 1 x T
    norm = tf.conv_transpose1d(win**2, I, stride=frame_hop, padding=0)
    if center:
        pad = kernel.shape[-1] // 2
        s = s[..., pad:-pad]
        norm = norm[..., pad:-pad]
    s = s / (norm + EPSILON)
    # N x S
    s = s.squeeze(1)
    return s
 def log_prob(self, value):
     log_prob = self.concentration * torch.cos(value - self.loc)
     log_prob = log_prob - math.log(2 * math.pi) - _log_modified_bessel_fn(
         self.concentration, order=0)
     return log_prob
    def reconstruct(self, depth, frame='w'):
        Reconstructs pixel-wise 3D points from a depth map.

        depth : torch.Tensor [B,1,H,W]
            Depth map for the camera
        frame : 'w'
            Reference frame: 'c' for camera and 'w' for world

        points : torch.tensor [B,3,H,W]
            Pixel-wise 3D points
        B, C, H, W = depth.shape
        assert C == 1

        device = depth.get_device()

        xi, yi = meshgrid(B, H, W, depth.dtype, depth.device, normalized=False)

        xi = ((xi - (W - 1) / 2 - self.principal_point[:, 0].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).repeat([1, H, W]))
              * self.scale_factors[:, 0].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).repeat([1, H, W])).unsqueeze(1)
        yi = ((yi - (H - 1) / 2 - self.principal_point[:, 1].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).repeat([1, H, W]))
              * self.scale_factors[:, 1].unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).repeat([1, H, W])).unsqueeze(1)

        use_precomputed_theta_lut = False
        if use_precomputed_theta_lut:
            theta_tensor = torch.zeros(B, 1, H, W)
            for b in range(B):
                theta_tensor[b, 0] = torch.from_numpy(np.load(self.path_to_theta_lut[b]))
            theta_tensor = theta_tensor.to(device)
            N = 12
            theta_tensor = (torch.zeros(B, 1, H, W)).to(device)
            ri = torch.sqrt(xi.pow(2) + yi.pow(2))
            for _ in range(N):
                t1 = theta_tensor
                t2 = theta_tensor * t1
                t3 = theta_tensor * t2
                t4 = theta_tensor * t3
                theta_tensor = t1 + .5 * (ri - (self.poly_coeffs[:, 0].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t1
                                                + self.poly_coeffs[:, 1].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t2
                                                + self.poly_coeffs[:, 2].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t3
                                                + self.poly_coeffs[:, 3].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t4)) \
                                       / (self.poly_coeffs[:, 0].view(B, 1, 1, 1)
                                          + 2 * self.poly_coeffs[:, 1].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t1
                                          + 3 * self.poly_coeffs[:, 2].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t2
                                          + 4 * self.poly_coeffs[:, 3].view(B, 1, 1, 1) * t3)
                # l'astuce pour que ça marche a été de multiplier la mise à jour par 0.5 (au lieu de 1 selon Newton...)

        #get_roots_table_tensor(self.poly_coeffs, self.principal_point, self.scale_factors, H, W).to(device)

        rc = depth * torch.sin(theta_tensor)

        #yi, xi = centered_2d_grid(B, H, W, depth.dtype, depth.device, self.principal_point, self.scale_factors)

        phi = torch.atan2(yi, xi).to(device)

        xc = rc * torch.cos(phi)
        yc = rc * torch.sin(phi)
        zc = depth * torch.cos(theta_tensor)
        #print(zc[0, 0, :, 127])

        # mask = (depth == 0).detach()
        # xc[mask] = 0.
        # yc[mask] = 0.
        # zc[mask] = 0.

        Xc = torch.cat([xc, yc, zc], dim=1)

        # If in camera frame of reference
        if frame == 'c':
            return Xc
        # If in world frame of reference
        elif frame == 'w':
            return self.Twc @ Xc
        # If none of the above
            raise ValueError('Unknown reference frame {}'.format(frame))
def warmup_cosine(x, warmup=0.002):
    if x < warmup:
        return x / warmup
    return 0.5 * (1.0 + torch.cos(math.pi * x))
 def forward(self, v):
     x = self.base
     # Project v onto {<x,v> = 0}
     v = self.frame(x, v)
     vnorm = v.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
     return self.radius * (torch.cos(vnorm) * x + sinc(vnorm) * v)
 def forward(self, event_times):
     N, T = event_times.shape
     pe = torch.zeros(N, T, self.dim).to(event_times)
     pe[:, :, 0::2] = torch.sin(event_times[..., None] * self.div_term)
     pe[:, :, 1::2] = torch.cos(event_times[..., None] * self.div_term)
     return pe
 def reference(ref_data):
     a = torch.tensor(d1, requires_grad=True)
     b = torch.cos(a)
     d__o = ref_data.getOutputTensorGrad(0)
     return [b, a.grad, None]
def phase_vocoder(complex_specgrams, rate, phase_advance):
    # type: (Tensor, float, Tensor) -> Tensor
    r"""Given a STFT tensor, speed up in time without modifying pitch by a
    factor of ``rate``.
        complex_specgrams (torch.Tensor): Dimension of `(channel, freq, time, complex=2)`
        rate (float): Speed-up factor
        phase_advance (torch.Tensor): Expected phase advance in each bin. Dimension
            of (freq, 1)
        complex_specgrams_stretch (torch.Tensor): Dimension of `(channel,
        freq, ceil(time/rate), complex=2)`
        >>> freq, hop_length = 1025, 512
        >>> # (channel, freq, time, complex=2)
        >>> complex_specgrams = torch.randn(2, freq, 300, 2)
        >>> rate = 1.3 # Speed up by 30%
        >>> phase_advance = torch.linspace(
        >>>    0, math.pi * hop_length, freq)[..., None]
        >>> x = phase_vocoder(complex_specgrams, rate, phase_advance)
        >>> x.shape # with 231 == ceil(300 / 1.3)
        torch.Size([2, 1025, 231, 2])

    time_steps = torch.arange(0,

    alphas = time_steps % 1.0
    phase_0 = angle(complex_specgrams[:, :, :1])

    # Time Padding
    complex_specgrams = torch.nn.functional.pad(complex_specgrams,
                                                [0, 0, 0, 2])

    # (new_bins, freq, 2)
    complex_specgrams_0 = complex_specgrams[:, :, time_steps.long()]
    complex_specgrams_1 = complex_specgrams[:, :, (time_steps + 1).long()]

    angle_0 = angle(complex_specgrams_0)
    angle_1 = angle(complex_specgrams_1)

    norm_0 = torch.norm(complex_specgrams_0, p=2, dim=-1)
    norm_1 = torch.norm(complex_specgrams_1, p=2, dim=-1)

    phase = angle_1 - angle_0 - phase_advance
    phase = phase - 2 * math.pi * torch.round(phase / (2 * math.pi))

    # Compute Phase Accum
    phase = phase + phase_advance
    phase = torch.cat([phase_0, phase[:, :, :-1]], dim=-1)
    phase_acc = torch.cumsum(phase, -1)

    mag = alphas * norm_1 + (1 - alphas) * norm_0

    real_stretch = mag * torch.cos(phase_acc)
    imag_stretch = mag * torch.sin(phase_acc)

    complex_specgrams_stretch = torch.stack([real_stretch, imag_stretch],

    return complex_specgrams_stretch
 def reference(ref_data):
     a = torch.tensor(d1, requires_grad=True)
     b = torch.cos(a)
     return [b]
import random
import torch
import unittest
import gpytorch
from gpytorch.kernels import RBFKernel, MultitaskKernel, GridInterpolationKernel
from gpytorch.means import ConstantMean, MultitaskMean
from gpytorch.likelihoods import MultitaskGaussianLikelihood
from gpytorch.random_variables import MultitaskGaussianRandomVariable

# Simple training data: let's try to learn a sine function
train_x = torch.linspace(0, 1, 100)

# y1 function is sin(2*pi*x) with noise N(0, 0.04)
train_y1 = torch.sin(train_x * (2 * pi)) + torch.randn(train_x.size()) * 0.1
# y2 function is cos(2*pi*x) with noise N(0, 0.04)
train_y2 = torch.cos(train_x * (2 * pi)) + torch.randn(train_x.size()) * 0.1

# Create a train_y which interleaves the two
train_y = torch.stack([train_y1, train_y2], -1)

class MultitaskGPModel(gpytorch.models.ExactGP):
    def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood):
        super(MultitaskGPModel, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood)
        self.mean_module = MultitaskMean(ConstantMean(), n_tasks=2)
        self_covar_module = GridInterpolationKernel(RBFKernel(),
                                                    grid_bounds=[(0, 1)])
        self.covar_module = MultitaskKernel(self_covar_module,
def sinusoidal_encode(x, w):
    y = w * x
    y[1:, 0::2] = torch.sin(y[1:, 0::2].clone())
    y[1:, 1::2] = torch.cos(y[1:, 1::2].clone())
    return y
    # 'avg_roi_pool': unsupported,
    # 'max_roi_pool': unsupported,
    # 'roi_resample': unsupported,
    # 'avg_roi_align': unsupported,
    # 'max_roi_align': unsupported,
    lambda x: torch.sin(x),
    lambda x: torch.cos(x),
    lambda input, repeats: input.repeat(*repeats),
    lambda input, axes: _nnef_generic_reduce(input, axes=axes, f=torch.any),
    lambda input, axes: _nnef_generic_reduce(input, axes=axes, f=torch.all),
    def psf_func(self, X_os, Y_os, Z, I, add_wmap=True):

        if add_wmap:
            self.filt_size = self.w_map.shape[-1]

        v = torch.arange(self.filt_size) - self.filt_size // 2
        v = v.reshape([1, self.filt_size]).float().cuda()

        if self.psf_pars['modality'] == 'GAUSS_2D':

            W_x = (v[None, :, :] - X_os)**2
            W_y = (v.transpose(1, 0)[None, :, :] - Y_os)**2
            W = self.psf_pars['w_prop'] * torch.exp(
                -(W_x + W_y) /
                (2 * (Z * self.psf_pars['width1'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)) / (
                    2 * np.pi *
                    (Z * self.psf_pars['width1'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)
            W += (1 - self.psf_pars['w_prop']) * torch.exp(
                -(W_x + W_y) /
                (2 * (Z * self.psf_pars['width2'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)) / (
                    2 * np.pi *
                    (Z * self.psf_pars['width2'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)

        if self.psf_pars['modality'] == 'ASTIG_3D':

            om_x = 0.5 * self.psf_pars['om_0'] * torch.sqrt(1 + (
                (Z - self.psf_pars['c_x']) / self.psf_pars['d'])**2)
            om_y = 0.5 * self.psf_pars['om_0'] * torch.sqrt(1 + (
                (Z - self.psf_pars['c_y']) / self.psf_pars['d'])**2)
            W_x = (v[None, :, :] - X_os)**2
            W_y = (v.transpose(1, 0)[None, :, :] - Y_os)**2
            W = torch.exp(-W_x /
                          (2 * (om_x**2 + self.taylor_corr))) * torch.exp(
                              -W_y / (2 * (om_y**2 + self.taylor_corr))) / (
                                  2 * np.pi * (om_x * om_y + self.taylor_corr))

        if self.psf_pars['modality'] == 'HELIX_3D':

            x_shift = -self.psf_pars['rad'] * torch.cos(
                self.psf_pars['rot_multi'] * Z + self.psf_pars['zero_rot'])
            y_shift = self.psf_pars['rad'] * torch.sin(
                self.psf_pars['rot_multi'] * Z + self.psf_pars['zero_rot'])

            W1 = torch.sqrt((v[None, :, :] - (X_os + x_shift))**2 +
                            (v.transpose(1, 0)[None, :, :] -
                             (Y_os + y_shift))**2)
            W = torch.exp(-W1**2 /
                          (2 *
                           (self.psf_pars['width'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)) / (
                               2 * np.pi *
                               (self.psf_pars['width'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)
            W2 = torch.sqrt((v[None, :, :] - (X_os - x_shift))**2 +
                            (v.transpose(1, 0)[None, :, :] -
                             (Y_os - y_shift))**2)
            W += torch.exp(
                -W2**2 /
                (2 * (self.psf_pars['width'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)) / (
                    2 * np.pi * (self.psf_pars['width'])**2 + self.taylor_corr)

            W /= 2

        if self.psf_pars['modality'] == 'ELIPSE_2D':

            om_x = Z * self.psf_pars['om_0'] * (1 +
            om_y = Z * self.psf_pars['om_0']

            W_x = (v[None, :, :] - X_os)**2
            W_y = (v.transpose(1, 0)[None, :, :] - Y_os)**2

            W = torch.exp(-W_x /
                          (2 * (om_x**2 + self.taylor_corr))) * torch.exp(
                              -W_y / (2 * (om_y**2 + self.taylor_corr))) / (
                                  2 * np.pi * (om_x * om_y + self.taylor_corr))

        if add_wmap:
            maps = self.interpolate_tri(self.w_map, X_os, Y_os,
                                        self.z_for_map_ind, self.interpolate)
            W += maps

        W /= W.sum(-1).sum(-1)[:, None, None]
        W *= I

        return W
    def forward(self, wave, gt, fps, pred = None, flag = None):  # all variable operation

        if flag is not None:
            idx = flag.eq(1);
            wave = wave[idx,:];
            gt = gt[idx,:];
            fps = fps[idx,:];
            pred = pred[idx,:];

            if(gt.shape[0] == 0):
                loss = 0.0;
                return loss, 0;

        hr = torch.mul(gt, fps);
        hr = hr*60/self.clip_length;
        hr[hr.ge(self.high_bound)] = self.high_bound-1;
        hr[hr.le(self.low_bound)] = self.low_bound;

        if pred is not None:
            pred = torch.mul(pred, fps);
            pred = pred * 60 / self.clip_length;

        batch_size = wave.shape[0];

        f_t = self.bpm_range / fps;
        preds = wave * self.hanning;

        preds = preds.view(batch_size, 1, -1);
        f_t = f_t.view(batch_size, -1, 1);

        tmp = self.two_pi_n.repeat(batch_size, 1);
        tmp = tmp.view(batch_size, 1, -1)

        complex_absolute = torch.sum(preds * torch.sin(f_t*tmp), dim=-1) ** 2 \
                           + torch.sum(preds * torch.cos(f_t*tmp), dim=-1) ** 2

        target = hr - self.low_bound;
        target = target.type(torch.long).view(batch_size);

        whole_max_val, whole_max_idx = complex_absolute.max(1)
        whole_max_idx = whole_max_idx + self.low_bound;

        if self.loss_type == 1:
            loss = self.cross_entropy(complex_absolute, target);

        elif self.loss_type == 7:
            norm_t = (torch.ones(batch_size).cuda() / torch.sum(complex_absolute, dim = 1));
            norm_t = norm_t.view(-1,1);
            complex_absolute = complex_absolute * norm_t;

            loss = self.cross_entropy(complex_absolute, target);

            idx_l = target - self.delta;
            idx_l[idx_l.le(0)] = 0;
            idx_r = target + self.delta;
            idx_r[idx_r.ge(self.high_bound - self.low_bound - 1)] = self.high_bound - self.low_bound - 1;

            loss_snr = 0.0;
            for i in range(0, batch_size):
                loss_snr = loss_snr + 1 - torch.sum(complex_absolute[i, idx_l[i]:idx_r[i]]);

            loss_snr = loss_snr / batch_size;

            loss = loss + loss_snr;

        return loss, whole_max_idx
    def makeProjection(self, gti_b, inj_b, trs_b, rot_b, sca_b):
        Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
        n_batches = gti_b.shape[0]

        projection = Variable(
            Tensor(np.zeros((n_batches, self.window_size, self.window_size))))

        for batch in range(n_batches):

            conn = gti_b[batch].clone()
            conn = conn.cpu().numpy()
            conn = np.uint16(measure.label(conn, background=0))

            n_instances = np.amax(conn)

            trs = trs_b[batch]
            rot = rot_b[batch]
            sca = sca_b[batch]
            inj = inj_b[batch]

            for ins in range(1, n_instances + 1):
                indices = np.argwhere(conn == ins)

                ins_mask = np.zeros((self.window_size, self.window_size))
                ins_mask[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] = 1.0
                ins_mask = Variable(Tensor(ins_mask))

                # Compute center of mass
                bx = np.mean(indices[:, 1])
                by = np.mean(indices[:, 0])

                remove = torch.mean(inj[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]])
                if remove < 0.5:  # if close to zero the instance is not to remove

                    ti = torch.mean(trs[0, indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]])
                    tj = torch.mean(trs[1, indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]])
                    r = torch.mean(rot[0, indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]])
                    s = torch.mean(sca[0, indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]])

                    # Computation of the homograpy
                    bx = (
                        (self.window_size // 2) - bx) / (self.window_size // 2)
                    by = (
                        (self.window_size // 2) - by) / (self.window_size // 2)

                    R = torch.eye(3, 3)
                    R[0, 0] = torch.cos(r)
                    R[0, 1] = -torch.sin(r)
                    R[1, 0] = torch.sin(r)
                    R[1, 1] = torch.cos(r)

                    T = torch.eye(3, 3)
                    T[0, 2] = ti
                    T[1, 2] = tj

                    S = torch.eye(3, 3)
                    S[0, 0] = 1 + s
                    S[1, 1] = 1 + s

                    B = torch.eye(3, 3)
                    B[0, 2] = bx
                    B[1, 2] = by

                    B_ = torch.eye(3, 3)
                    B_[0, 2] = -bx
                    B_[1, 2] = -by

                    H = torch.mm(R, B)
                    H = torch.mm(S, H)
                    H = torch.mm(B_, H)
                    H = torch.mm(T, H)

                    H = H.inverse().cuda()
                    #H[0,0] = 1.0
                    #H[1,1] = 1.0
                    #H[2,2] = 1.0
                    #H[0,2] = ti
                    #H[1,2] = tj

                    ins_mask = self.warper(
                        ins_mask.view(1, 1, self.window_size,
                                      self.window_size), H.view(1, 1, 3, 3))
                    ins_mask = ins_mask[0, 0, :, :]

                    projection[batch] += ins_mask
        return projection
    def register_fn(model):
        for args in init_args:
            test_example = Example(model, args)
    return register_fn

        q_i={'x': torch.tensor([0.0])},
        p_i={'x': torch.tensor([1.0])},
        q_f={'x': torch.sin(torch.tensor([1.0]))},
        p_f={'x': torch.cos(torch.tensor([1.0]))},
class HarmonicOscillator(object):
    def energy(q, p):
        return 0.5 * p['x'] ** 2 + 0.5 * q['x'] ** 2

    def potential_fn(q):
        return 0.5 * q['x'] ** 2
