    def forward(self,  # type: ignore
                metadata: Dict,
                tokens: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                span_start: torch.IntTensor = None,
                span_end: torch.IntTensor = None
                ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        tokens : Dict[str, torch.LongTensor]
            From a ``TextField`` (that has a bert-pretrained token indexer)
        span_start : torch.IntTensor, optional (default = None)
            A tensor of shape (batch_size, 1) which contains the start_position of the answer
            in the passage, or 0 if impossible. This is an `inclusive` token index.
            If this is given, we will compute a loss that gets included in the output dictionary.
        span_end : torch.IntTensor, optional (default = None)
            A tensor of shape (batch_size, 1) which contains the end_position of the answer
            in the passage, or 0 if impossible. This is an `inclusive` token index.
            If this is given, we will compute a loss that gets included in the output dictionary.
        An output dictionary consisting of:
        logits : torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing
            unnormalized log probabilities of the label.
        start_probs: torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing
            probabilities of the label.
        end_probs : torch.FloatTensor
            A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_labels)`` representing
            probabilities of the label.
        loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional
            A scalar loss to be optimised.
        input_ids = tokens[self._index]
        token_type_ids = tokens[f"{self._index}-type-ids"]
        input_mask = (input_ids != 0).long()

        # 1. Build model here
        bert_output, _ = self.bert_model(input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask)
        linear_output = self.linear(bert_output)
        linear_dropped = self.drop(linear_output)
        start_logits, end_logits = linear_dropped.split(1, dim=-1)
        start_logits, end_logits = start_logits.squeeze(-1), end_logits.squeeze(-1)

        # 2. Compute start_position and end_position and then get the best span
        # using allennlp.models.reading_comprehension.util.get_best_span()
        masked_soft_start = masked_softmax(start_logits, mask=input_mask)
        masked_soft_end = masked_softmax(end_logits, mask=input_mask)
        best_span = get_best_span(masked_soft_start, masked_soft_end)
        output_dict = {
            "start_logits": start_logits,
            "end_logits": end_logits,
            "start_probs": masked_soft_start,
            "end_probs": masked_soft_end,
            "best_span": best_span

        # 4. Compute loss and accuracies. You should compute at least:
        # span_start accuracy, span_end accuracy and full span accuracy.
        # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
        self._span_start_accuracy(start_logits, span_start.squeeze())
        self._span_end_accuracy(end_logits, span_end.squeeze())
        self._span_accuracy(best_span,  torch.stack([span_start.squeeze(), span_end.squeeze()]))

        # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
        if span_start is not None:
            ignored_index = start_logits.size(1)
            span_start.clamp_(0, ignored_index)
            span_end.clamp_(0, ignored_index)
            start_loss = self.loss(start_logits, span_start.squeeze(-1))
            end_loss = self.loss(end_logits, span_end.squeeze(-1))
            combined_loss = (start_loss + end_loss) / 2
            output_dict["loss"] = combined_loss

        # 5. Optionally you can compute the official squad metrics (exact match, f1).
        # Instantiate the metric object in __init__ using allennlp.training.metrics.SquadEmAndF1()
        # When you call it, you need to give it the word tokens of the span (implement and call decode() below)
        # and the gold tokens found in metadata[i]['answer_texts']

        return output_dict
    def forward(self,  # type: ignore
                question: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                passage: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor],
                span_starts: torch.IntTensor = None,
                span_ends: torch.IntTensor = None,
                yesno_labels : torch.IntTensor = None,
                metadata: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:

        batch_size, num_of_passage_tokens = passage['bert'].size()

        # Executing the BERT model on the word piece ids (input_ids)
        input_ids = passage['bert']
        token_type_ids = torch.zeros_like(input_ids)
        mask = (input_ids != 0).long()
        embedded_chunk, pooled_output = \

        # Just measuring some lengths and offsets to handle the converstion between tokens and word-pieces
        passage_length = embedded_chunk.size(1)
        mask_min_values, wordpiece_passage_lens = torch.min(mask, dim=1)
        wordpiece_passage_lens[mask_min_values == 1] = mask.shape[1]
        offset_min_values, token_passage_lens = torch.min(passage['bert-offsets'], dim=1)
        token_passage_lens[offset_min_values != 0] = passage['bert-offsets'].shape[1]
        bert_offsets = passage['bert-offsets'].cpu().numpy()

        # BERT for QA is a fully connected linear layer on top of BERT producing 2 vectors of
        # start and end spans.
        logits = self.qa_outputs(embedded_chunk)
        start_logits, end_logits = logits.split(1, dim=-1)
        span_start_logits = start_logits.squeeze(-1)
        span_end_logits = end_logits.squeeze(-1)

        # all input is preprocessed before farword is run, counting the yesno vocabulary
        # will indicate if yesno support is at all needed.
        if self.vocab.get_vocab_size("yesno_labels") > 1:
            yesno_logits = self.qa_yesno(torch.max(embedded_chunk, 1)[0])

        span_starts.clamp_(0, passage_length)
        span_ends.clamp_(0, passage_length)

        # moving to word piece indexes from token indexes of start and end span
        span_starts_list = [bert_offsets[i, span_starts[i]] if span_starts[i] != 0 else 0 for i in range(batch_size)]
        span_ends_list = [bert_offsets[i, span_ends[i]] if span_ends[i] != 0 else 0 for i in range(batch_size)]
        span_starts = torch.cuda.LongTensor(span_starts_list, device=span_end_logits.device) \
            if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.LongTensor(span_starts_list)
        span_ends = torch.cuda.LongTensor(span_ends_list, device=span_end_logits.device) \
            if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.LongTensor(span_ends_list)

        loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=passage_length)
        start_loss = loss_fct(start_logits.squeeze(-1), span_starts)
        end_loss = loss_fct(end_logits.squeeze(-1), span_ends)

        if self.vocab.get_vocab_size("yesno_labels") > 1 and yesno_labels is not None:
            yesno_loss = loss_fct(yesno_logits, yesno_labels)
            loss = (start_loss + end_loss + yesno_loss) / 3
            loss = (start_loss + end_loss) / 2

        output_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if loss == 0:
            # For evaluation purposes only!
            output_dict["loss"] = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([0], device=span_end_logits.device) \
                if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.FloatTensor([0])
            output_dict["loss"] = loss

        # Compute F1 and preparing the output dictionary.
        output_dict['best_span_str'] = []
        output_dict['best_span_logit'] = []
        output_dict['cannot_answer_logit'] = []
        output_dict['yesno'] = []
        output_dict['yesno_logit'] = []
        output_dict['qid'] = []
        if span_starts is not None:
            output_dict['EM'] = []
            output_dict['f1'] = []

        # getting best span prediction for
        best_span = self._get_example_predications(span_start_logits, span_end_logits, self._max_span_length)
        best_span_cpu = best_span.detach().cpu().numpy()

        for instance_ind, instance_metadata in zip(range(batch_size), metadata):
            best_span_logit = span_start_logits.data.cpu().numpy()[instance_ind, best_span_cpu[instance_ind][0]] + \
                              span_end_logits.data.cpu().numpy()[instance_ind, best_span_cpu[instance_ind][1]]
            cannot_answer_logit = span_start_logits.data.cpu().numpy()[instance_ind, 0] + \
                              span_end_logits.data.cpu().numpy()[instance_ind, 0]

            if self.vocab.get_vocab_size("yesno_labels") > 1:
                yesno_maxind = np.argmax(yesno_logits[instance_ind].data.cpu().numpy())
                yesno_logit = yesno_logits[instance_ind, yesno_maxind].data.cpu().numpy()
                yesno_pred = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(yesno_maxind, namespace="yesno_labels")
                yesno_pred = 'no_yesno'
                yesno_logit = -30.0

            passage_str = instance_metadata['original_passage']
            offsets = instance_metadata['token_offsets']

            predicted_span = best_span_cpu[instance_ind]
            # In this version yesno if not "no_yesno" will be regarded as final answer before the spans are considered.
            if yesno_pred != 'no_yesno':
                best_span_string = yesno_pred
                if cannot_answer_logit + 0.9 > best_span_logit :
                    best_span_string = 'cannot_answer'
                    wordpiece_offsets = self.bert_offsets_to_wordpiece_offsets(bert_offsets[instance_ind][0:len(offsets)])
                    start_offset = offsets[wordpiece_offsets[predicted_span[0] if predicted_span[0] < len(wordpiece_offsets) \
                        else len(wordpiece_offsets)-1]][0]
                    end_offset = offsets[wordpiece_offsets[predicted_span[1] if predicted_span[1] < len(wordpiece_offsets) \
                        else len(wordpiece_offsets)-1]][1]
                    best_span_string = passage_str[start_offset:end_offset]


            # In AllenNLP prediction mode we have no gold answers, so let's check
            if span_starts is not None:
                yesno_label_ind = yesno_labels.data.cpu().numpy()[instance_ind]
                yesno_label = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(yesno_label_ind, namespace="yesno_labels")

                if yesno_label != 'no_yesno':
                    gold_answer_texts = [yesno_label]
                elif instance_metadata['cannot_answer']:
                    gold_answer_texts = ['cannot_answer']
                    gold_answer_texts = instance_metadata['answer_texts_list']

                f1_score = squad_eval.metric_max_over_ground_truths(squad_eval.f1_score, best_span_string, gold_answer_texts)
                EM_score = squad_eval.metric_max_over_ground_truths(squad_eval.exact_match_score, best_span_string, gold_answer_texts)
                self._official_f1(100 * f1_score)
                self._official_EM(100 * EM_score)
                output_dict['EM'].append(100 * EM_score)
                output_dict['f1'].append(100 * f1_score)

        return output_dict