 def _post_process_request(self, req, *args):
     nbargs = len(args)
     resp = args
     for f in reversed(self.filters):
         # As the arity of `post_process_request` has changed since 
         # Trac 0.10, only filters with same arity gets passed real values.
         # Errors will call all filters with None arguments,
         # and results will not be not saved.
         extra_arg_count = arity(f.post_process_request) - 2
         if extra_arg_count == nbargs:
             resp = f.post_process_request(req, *resp)
         elif nbargs == 0:
             f.post_process_request(req, *(None,)*extra_arg_count)
     return resp
 def __repr__(self):
     if self.realm is None:
         return '<Resource>'
     path = []
     r = self
     while r:
         name = r.realm
         if r.id:
             name += ':' + unicode(r.id) # id can be numerical
         if r.version is not None:
             name += '@' + unicode(r.version)
         path.append(name or '')
         r = r.parent
     return '<Resource %r>' % (', '.join(reversed(path)))
 def _post_process_request(self, req, *args):
     nbargs = len(args)
     resp = args
     for f in reversed(self.filters):
         # As the arity of `post_process_request` has changed since
         # Trac 0.10, only filters with same arity gets passed real values.
         # Errors will call all filters with None arguments,
         # and results will not be not saved.
         extra_arg_count = arity(f.post_process_request) - 2
         if extra_arg_count == nbargs:
             resp = f.post_process_request(req, *resp)
         elif nbargs == 0:
             f.post_process_request(req, *(None, ) * extra_arg_count)
     return resp
    def execute(self, data, direction='execute', project=None):
        """Run this prototype on a new project.
        NOTE: If you pass in a project that isn't new, this could explode. Don't do that.
        from api import TracForgeAdminSystem
        steps = TracForgeAdminSystem(self.env).get_project_setup_participants()
        # Store this for later
        orig_direction = direction
        # Clear out the last attempt at making this project, if any
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        cursor = db.cursor()
        cursor.execute('DELETE FROM tracforge_project_log WHERE project=%s AND direction=%s', (data['name'], direction))
        cursor.execute('DELETE FROM tracforge_project_output WHERE project=%s AND direction=%s', (data['name'], direction))
        # Grab the current stdout/err
        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        old_stderr = sys.stderr
        if direction == 'execute':
            run_buffer = [(action, args, 'execute') for action, args in self]
            cursor.execute('SELECT action, args WHERE project=%s AND direction=%s AND undone=%s ORDER BY step DESC',
                           (project, direction, 0))
            run_buffer = [(action, args, 'undo') for action, args in cursor]

        for i, (action, args, step_direction) in enumerate(run_buffer):
            #print data['name'], orig_direction, action, step_direction
            cursor.execute('INSERT INTO tracforge_project_log (project, step, direction, action, step_direction, args, undone) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                           (data['name'], i, orig_direction, action, step_direction, args, 0))
            def log_cb(stdout, stderr):
                now = time.time()
                #print '!'1, stdout, '!', stderr
                values = []
                if stdout:
                    values.append((now, data['name'], orig_direction, action, 'stdout', step_direction, stdout))
                if stderr:
                    values.append((now, data['name'], orig_direction, action, 'stderr', step_direction, stderr))
                if values:
                    cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO tracforge_project_output ' \
                                 '(ts, project, direction, action, stream, step_direction, data) VALUES ' \
                                 '(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
            if getattr(steps[action]['provider'], 'capture_output', True):
                sys.stdout = _CaptureOutput(cursor, data['name'], orig_direction, action, 'stdout', step_direction)
                sys.stderr = _CaptureOutput(cursor, data['name'], orig_direction, action, 'stderr', step_direction)
                rv = getattr(steps[action]['provider'], step_direction+'_setup_action')(action, args, data, log_cb)
            except Exception, e:
                log_cb('', traceback.format_exc())
                rv = False
            cursor.execute('UPDATE tracforge_project_log SET return=%s WHERE project=%s AND direction=%s AND action=%s AND step_direction=%s',
                            (int(rv), data['name'], orig_direction, action, step_direction))
            if not rv and direction == 'execute':
                # Failure, initiate rollback
                direction = 'undo'
                del run_buffer[i+1:]
                run_buffer.extend([(action, args, 'undo') for action, args, _ in reversed(run_buffer)])