def predict(x, weights, state, rng):
   """Predict function jited and parallelized as requested."""
   res, state = backend.combine_devices(model_predict(
       backend.reshape_by_device(x, n_devices),
       np.stack(jax_random.split(rng, n_devices))))
   return layers.nested_map(lambda y: np.mean(y, axis=0), res), state
    def __init__(self,
        if backend.get_name() == 'jax':
            self._host_id = jax.host_id()
            self._host_count = jax.host_count()
            self._host_id = 0
            self._host_count = 1
        self._is_chief = (self._host_id == 0)

        if save_steps is None:
            save_steps = []
        self._save_steps = save_steps
        self._should_save_checkpoints = should_save_checkpoints
        self._should_write_summaries = should_write_summaries
        self._has_weights = has_weights
        self._mask_id = mask_id
        self._metrics_dict = _METRICS if metrics is None else metrics
        loss_fn = loss_fn(has_weights=has_weights, mask_id=mask_id)
        device_count = backend.device_count()
        n_devices = n_devices or device_count
        # TODO(lukaszkaiser): remove this restriction when possible.
        if n_devices != device_count and backend.get_name() == 'jax':
            raise ValueError(
                'JAX cannot work yet with n_devices != all devices: '
                '%d != %d' % (n_devices, device_count))
        self._n_devices = n_devices

        # Simple differential seeding of RNG across hosts by host_id and time.
        if random_seed is None and self._host_count > 1:
            _, random_seed = divmod(
                int(time.time() * 1e6) + int(self._host_id * 1e6), 2**32)
        rng = get_random_number_generator_and_set_seed(random_seed)
        inputs = inputs(n_devices)
        self._inputs = inputs

        # Initialize the learning rate to a dummy value. It will be set in reset().
        opt = optimizer(learning_rate=0.0)

        # Setup the model.
        model_train = model(mode='train')
        model_predict_eval = model(mode='eval')

        # Setup state.
        rng, init_rng = jax_random.split(rng)
        self._rngs = np.stack(jax_random.split(rng, n_devices))
        first_shape = inputs.input_shape[0]
        # If the inputs are a tuple/list, add [None] (batch) to each element.
        if isinstance(first_shape, (list, tuple)):
            model_input_shape = tuple(
                tuple([None] + list(shape)) for shape in inputs.input_shape)
            model_target_shape = tuple(
                tuple([None] + list(shape)) for shape in inputs.target_shape)
        else:  # Otherwise just add [None] to the input shape.
            model_input_shape = tuple([None] + list(inputs.input_shape))
            model_target_shape = tuple([None] + list(inputs.target_shape))
        # Change all None to 1 in input and target shape.
        model_input_shape = backend.nested_map(lambda x: x or 1,
        model_target_shape = backend.nested_map(lambda x: x or 1,

        def new_opt_state_and_model_state(input_shape, input_dtype,
                                          target_shape, target_dtype, rng):
            """Returns optimizer and model states suitable for training a model."""
            # Combine inputs and targets on the stack.
            if not isinstance(input_dtype, (list, tuple)):
                input_dtype = [input_dtype]
                input_shape = [input_shape]
            if not isinstance(target_dtype, (list, tuple)):
                target_dtype = [target_dtype]
                target_shape = [target_shape]
            dtypes = list(input_dtype) + list(target_dtype)
            shapes = list(input_shape) + list(target_shape)
            if self._has_weights:
                shapes += list(target_shape)
                dtypes += [np.float32 for _ in target_dtype]
            input_signature = tuple(
                ShapeDtype(s, d) for (s, d) in zip(shapes, dtypes))
            # We need to create a new model instance and not reuse `model_train` here,
            # because `m.initialize` puts cached parameter values in `m` and hence the
            # next call of `m.initialize` will give wrong results.
            m = tl.Serial(model(mode='train'), loss_fn)
            m._set_rng_recursive(rng)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            weights, state = m.init(input_signature)
            (slots, opt_params) = opt.tree_init(weights)
            return (OptState(weights, slots, opt_params), state)

        if _is_jit_init():
            # JIT parameter initialization to avoid memory fragmentation
            new_opt_state_and_model_state = backend.jit(
                new_opt_state_and_model_state, static_argnums=(0, 1, 2, 3))
        self._new_opt_state_and_model_state = (
            lambda: new_opt_state_and_model_state(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
                model_input_shape, self._inputs.input_dtype,
                model_target_shape, self._inputs.target_dtype, init_rng))

        # Arrange and initialize metrics layers.
        self._metrics = list(sorted(self._metrics_dict.keys()))
        metrics_layers = [
                                  mask_id=self._mask_id) for m in self._metrics
        metrics_in_parallel = tl.Branch(*metrics_layers)
        # TODO(lukaszkaiser): clean this up once layer API stabilizes.
        # For now, we need to initialize metric layers somehow, so here we go.
        # We assume that they do not have any parameters, so this is a dummy.
        dummy_shapes = ((1, 2), (1, ),
                        (1, )) if self._has_weights else ((1, 2), (1, ))
        dummy_signature = tuple(ShapeDtype(s) for s in dummy_shapes)
        metrics_in_parallel._set_rng_recursive(init_rng)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        m_weights, m_state = metrics_in_parallel.init(dummy_signature)
        self._metrics_weights = self._for_n_devices(m_weights)
        self._metrics_state = self._for_n_devices(m_state)

        # Jit model_predict and update so they're fast.
        self._jit_eval = _jit_predict_fn(model_predict_eval,
                                         metrics_in_parallel, n_devices)
        self._jit_update_fn = _jit_update_fn(model_train, loss_fn, opt,

        self._model_train = model_train
        self._model_predict_eval = model_predict_eval
        self._loss_fn = loss_fn
        # TODO(pkozakowski): "Learning rate schedules" are currently able to control
        # control all optimizer parameters and model state, so let's rename them
        # accordingly.
        self._lr_schedule = lr_schedule

        if nontrainable_param_map is None:
            nontrainable_param_map = {}
        self._nontrainable_param_map = nontrainable_param_map

        # Those fields will be set in reset().
        self._output_dir = None
        self._train_sw = None
        self._eval_sw = None
        self._history = None
        self._lr_fn = None
        self._opt_state = None
        self._step = None
        self._model_state = None

        if output_dir is not None: