def _canonicalize_jit_arg(x):
  if isinstance(x, ndarray):
    return x.data
      # We need to convert `int` to the most precise dtype, otherwise the dtype
      # of the result may be different from numpy's. For example, when a binary
      # op takes in a Python integer 5 and an array of uint32, numpy will pick
      # uint32 as 5's dtype, while tf.convert_to_tensor will choose int32 which
      # will cause the two arguments to be promoted to int64. We pick uint8
      # here, which will be promoted to uint32 by the binary op.
      # Note that we prefer unsigned int to signed int when both are equally
      # precise. For example, for 5, we pick uint8 instead of int8. There is no
      # reason to prefer one to the other, because for each there is a case
      # where the behavior diverges from numpy. If we prefer signed int,
      # consider the case where the first operand is 5 and the second is
      # 2**64-1. Numpy picks uint64 as the result dtype, but because we choose a
      # signed type for 5 such as int8, the result type will be float64. On the
      # other hand, if we prefer unsigned int, consider the case where the first
      # operand is 2**31-1 and the second is -1. Numpy will pick int32, but
      # because we choose uint32 for 2*32-1, the result will be int64. The root
      # of the problem is that `jit` converts `int` to tensors (hence committing
      # to a dtype) too early, when we don't have enough information about the
      # jitted function (e.g. which subset of the arguments should be promoted
      # together using np.result_type). tf.function doesn't have this problem
      # because it doesn't convert `int` to tensors. jax.jit doesn't have this
      # problem because it converts `int` to "int tracer" which doesn't commit
      # to a dtype.
      # TODO(wangpeng): Revisit this design and see whether we can improve `jit`
      #   and tf.function.
      dtype = most_precise_int_dtype(x)
      return arrays.convert_to_tensor(value=x, dtype=dtype)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
      return x
def array(val, dtype=None, copy=True, ndmin=0):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    """Creates an ndarray with the contents of val.

    val: array_like. Could be an ndarray, a Tensor or any object that can be
      converted to a Tensor using `tf.convert_to_tensor`.
    dtype: Optional, defaults to dtype of the `val`. The type of the resulting
      ndarray. Could be a python type, a NumPy type or a TensorFlow `DType`.
    copy: Determines whether to create a copy of the backing buffer. Since
      Tensors are immutable, a copy is made only if val is placed on a different
      device than the current one. Even if `copy` is False, a new Tensor may
      need to be built to satisfy `dtype` and `ndim`. This is used only if `val`
      is an ndarray or a Tensor.
    ndmin: The minimum rank of the returned array.

    An ndarray.
    if dtype:
        dtype = utils.result_type(dtype)
    if isinstance(val, arrays_lib.ndarray):
        result_t = val.data
        result_t = val

    if copy and isinstance(result_t, tf.Tensor):
        # Note: In eager mode, a copy of `result_t` is made only if it is not on
        # the context device.
        result_t = tf.identity(result_t)

    if not isinstance(result_t, tf.Tensor):
        if not dtype:
            dtype = utils.result_type(result_t)
        # We can't call `convert_to_tensor(result_t, dtype=dtype)` here because
        # convert_to_tensor doesn't allow incompatible arguments such as (5.5, int)
        # while np.array allows them. We need to convert-then-cast.
        def maybe_data(x):
            if isinstance(x, arrays_lib.ndarray):
                return x.data
            return x

        # Handles lists of ndarrays
        result_t = tf.nest.map_structure(maybe_data, result_t)
        result_t = arrays_lib.convert_to_tensor(result_t)
        result_t = tf.cast(result_t, dtype=dtype)
    elif dtype:
        result_t = tf.cast(result_t, dtype)
    ndims = tf.rank(result_t)

    def true_fn():
        old_shape = tf.shape(result_t)
        new_shape = tf.concat([tf.ones(ndmin - ndims, tf.int32), old_shape],
        return tf.reshape(result_t, new_shape)

    result_t = utils.cond(utils.greater(ndmin, ndims), true_fn,
                          lambda: result_t)
    return arrays_lib.tensor_to_ndarray(result_t)
def bernoulli(key, mean=np.float32(0.5), shape=()):
    """Sample Bernoulli random values with given shape and mean.

    key: a random key, not used in the TF backend (stored in graph).
    mean: optional, an array_like broadcastable to `shape` for the mean of the
      random variables (default 0.5).
    shape: optional, a tuple of nonnegative integers representing the shape
      (default scalar).

    A random array with the specified shape and boolean dtype.
    # TODO(wangpeng): convert types TF <-> numpy.
    shape = shape or arrays.convert_to_tensor(value=mean).shape
    return array(tf.less(uniform(key, shape), mean), copy=False)
def array(val, dtype=None, copy=True, ndmin=0):
    """Creates an ndarray with the contents of val.

    val: array_like. Could be an ndarray, a Tensor or any object that can
      be converted to a Tensor using `tf.convert_to_tensor`.
    dtype: Optional, defaults to dtype of the `val`. The type of the
      resulting ndarray. Could be a python type, a NumPy type or a TensorFlow
    copy: Determines whether to create a copy of the backing buffer. Since
      Tensors are immutable, a copy is made only if val is placed on a different
      device than the current one. Even if `copy` is False, a new Tensor may
      need to be built to satisfy `dtype` and `ndim`. This is used only if `val`
      is an ndarray or a Tensor.
    ndmin: The minimum rank of the returned array.

    An ndarray.
    if dtype:
        dtype = utils.result_type(dtype)
    if isinstance(val, arrays.ndarray):
        result_t = val.data
        result_t = val

    if copy and isinstance(result_t, tf.Tensor):
        # Note: In eager mode, a copy of `result_t` is made only if it is not on
        # the context device.
        result_t = tf.identity(result_t)

    if not isinstance(result_t, tf.Tensor):
        if not dtype:
            dtype = utils.result_type(result_t)
        # We can't call `convert_to_tensor(result_t, dtype=dtype)` here because
        # convert_to_tensor doesn't allow incompatible arguments such as (5.5, int)
        # while np.array allows them. We need to convert-then-cast.
        result_t = arrays.convert_to_tensor(result_t)
        result_t = tf.cast(result_t, dtype=dtype)
    elif dtype:
        result_t = tf.cast(result_t, dtype)
    ndims = len(result_t.shape)
    if ndmin > ndims:
        old_shape = list(result_t.shape)
        new_shape = [1 for _ in range(ndmin - ndims)] + old_shape
        result_t = tf.reshape(result_t, new_shape)
    return arrays.tensor_to_ndarray(result_t)