def branchwise_node_infos(tree):
    branches = []
    for branch in partition(tree):
        branch = filter(lambda node_id: node_id != -1, branch)
        branch_nodes = map(lambda node_id: tree.node[node_id]['info'], branch)
    return branches
文件: 项目: fferen/CATMAID
def _node_centrality_by_synapse(tree, nodes, totalOutputs, totalInputs):
    """ tree: a DiGraph
        nodes: a dictionary of treenode ID vs Counts instance
        totalOutputs: the total number of output synapses of the tree
        totalInputs: the total number of input synapses of the tree
        Returns nothing, the results are an update to the Counts instance of each treenode entry in nodes, namely the nPossibleIOPaths. """
    # 1. Ensure the root is an end by checking that it has only one child; otherwise reroot at the first end node found

    if 0 == totalOutputs:
        # Not computable
        for counts in nodes.itervalues():
            counts.synapse_centrality = -1

    if len(tree.successors(find_root(tree))) > 1:
        # Reroot at the first end node found
        tree = tree.copy()
        endNode = (nodeID for nodeID in nodes.iterkeys() if not tree.successors(nodeID)).next()
        reroot(tree, endNode)

    # 2. Partition into sequences, sorted from small to large
    sequences = sorted(partition(tree), key=len)

    # 3. Traverse all partitions counting synapses seen
    for seq in sequences:
        # Each seq runs from an end node towards the root or a branch node
        seenI = 0
        seenO = 0
        for nodeID in seq:
            counts = nodes[nodeID]
            seenI += counts.inputs + counts.seenInputs
            seenO += counts.outputs + counts.seenOutputs
            counts.seenInputs = seenI
            counts.seenOutputs = seenO
            counts.nPossibleIOPaths = counts.seenInputs * (totalOutputs - counts.seenOutputs) + counts.seenOutputs * (totalInputs - counts.seenInputs)
            counts.synapse_centrality = counts.nPossibleIOPaths / float(totalOutputs)
def _measure_skeletons(skeleton_ids):
    if not skeleton_ids:
        raise Exception("Must provide the ID of at least one skeleton.")

    skids_string = ",".join(map(str, skeleton_ids))

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    SELECT id, parent_id, skeleton_id, location_x, location_y, location_z
    FROM treenode
    WHERE skeleton_id IN (%s)
    ''' % skids_string)

    # TODO should be all done with numpy,
    # TODO  by partitioning the skeleton into sequences of x,y,z representing the slabs
    # TODO  and then convolving them.

    class Skeleton():
        def __init__(self):
            self.nodes = {}
            self.raw_cable = 0
            self.smooth_cable = 0
            self.principal_branch_cable = 0
            self.n_ends = 0
            self.n_branch = 0
            self.n_pre = 0
            self.n_post = 0

    class Node():
        def __init__(self, parent_id, x, y, z):
            self.parent_id = parent_id
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            self.wx = x # weighted average of itself and neighbors
            self.wy = y
            self.wz = z
            self.children = {} # node ID vs distance

    skeletons = defaultdict(dict) # skeleton ID vs (node ID vs Node)
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        skeleton = skeletons.get(row[2])
        if not skeleton:
            skeleton = Skeleton()
            skeletons[row[2]] = skeleton
        skeleton.nodes[row[0]] = Node(row[1], row[3], row[4], row[5])

    for skeleton in skeletons.itervalues():
        nodes = skeleton.nodes
        tree = nx.DiGraph()
        root = None
        # Accumulate children
        for nodeID, node in nodes.iteritems():
            if not node.parent_id:
                root = nodeID
            tree.add_edge(node.parent_id, nodeID)
            parent = nodes[node.parent_id]
            distance = sqrt(  pow(node.x - parent.x, 2)
                            + pow(node.y - parent.y, 2)
                            + pow(node.z - parent.z, 2))
            parent.children[nodeID] = distance
            # Measure raw cable, given that we have the parent already
            skeleton.raw_cable += distance
        # Utilize accumulated children and the distances to them
        for nodeID, node in nodes.iteritems():
            # Count end nodes and branch nodes
            n_children = len(node.children)
            if not node.parent_id:
                if 1 == n_children:
                    skeleton.n_ends += 1
                if n_children > 2:
                    skeleton.n_branch += 1
                # Else, if 2 == n_children, the root node is in the middle of the skeleton, being a slab node
            elif 0 == n_children:
                skeleton.n_ends += 1
            elif n_children > 1:
                skeleton.n_branch += 1
            # Compute weighted position for slab nodes only
            # (root, branch and end nodes do not move)
            oids = node.children.copy()
            if node.parent_id:
                oids[node.parent_id] = skeleton.nodes[node.parent_id].children[nodeID]
            sum_distances = sum(oids.itervalues())
            wx, wy, wz = 0, 0, 0
            for oid, distance in oids.iteritems():
                other = skeleton.nodes[oid]
                w = distance / sum_distances if sum_distances != 0 else 0
                wx += other.x * w
                wy += other.y * w
                wz += other.z * w
            node.wx = node.x * 0.4 + wx * 0.6
            node.wy = node.y * 0.4 + wy * 0.6
            node.wz = node.z * 0.4 + wz * 0.6
        # Find out nodes that belong to the principal branch
        principal_branch_nodes = set(sorted(partition(tree, root), key=len)[-1])
        # Compute smoothed cable length, also for principal branch
        for nodeID, node in nodes.iteritems():
            if not node.parent_id:
                # root node
            parent = nodes[node.parent_id]
            length = sqrt(  pow(node.wx - parent.wx, 2)
                          + pow(node.wy - parent.wy, 2)
                          + pow(node.wz - parent.wz, 2))
            skeleton.smooth_cable += length
            if nodeID in principal_branch_nodes:
                skeleton.principal_branch_cable += length

    # Count inputs
    SELECT tc.skeleton_id, count(tc.skeleton_id)
    FROM treenode_connector tc,
         relation r
    WHERE tc.skeleton_id IN (%s)
      AND tc.relation_id =
      AND r.relation_name = 'postsynaptic_to'
    GROUP BY tc.skeleton_id
    ''' % skids_string)

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        skeletons[row[0]].n_pre = row[1]

    # Count outputs
    SELECT tc1.skeleton_id, count(tc1.skeleton_id)
    FROM treenode_connector tc1,
         treenode_connector tc2,
         relation r1,
         relation r2
    WHERE tc1.skeleton_id IN (%s)
      AND tc1.connector_id = tc2.connector_id
      AND tc1.relation_id =
      AND r1.relation_name = 'presynaptic_to'
      AND tc2.relation_id =
      AND r2.relation_name = 'postsynaptic_to'
      GROUP BY tc1.skeleton_id
    ''' % skids_string)

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        skeletons[row[0]].n_post = row[1]

    return skeletons
def _measure_skeletons(skeleton_ids):
    if not skeleton_ids:
        raise Exception("Must provide the ID of at least one skeleton.")

    skids_string = ",".join(map(str, skeleton_ids))

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    SELECT id, parent_id, skeleton_id, location_x, location_y, location_z
    FROM treenode
    WHERE skeleton_id IN (%s)
    ''' % skids_string)

    # TODO should be all done with numpy,
    # TODO  by partitioning the skeleton into sequences of x,y,z representing the slabs
    # TODO  and then convolving them.

    class Skeleton():
        def __init__(self):
            self.nodes = {}
            self.raw_cable = 0
            self.smooth_cable = 0
            self.principal_branch_cable = 0
            self.n_ends = 0
            self.n_branch = 0
            self.n_pre = 0
            self.n_post = 0

    class Node():
        def __init__(self, parent_id, x, y, z):
            self.parent_id = parent_id
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            self.wx = x # weighted average of itself and neighbors
            self.wy = y
            self.wz = z
            self.children = {} # node ID vs distance

    skeletons = defaultdict(dict) # skeleton ID vs (node ID vs Node)
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        skeleton = skeletons.get(row[2])
        if not skeleton:
            skeleton = Skeleton()
            skeletons[row[2]] = skeleton
        skeleton.nodes[row[0]] = Node(row[1], row[3], row[4], row[5])

    for skeleton in skeletons.itervalues():
        nodes = skeleton.nodes
        tree = nx.DiGraph()
        root = None
        # Accumulate children
        for nodeID, node in nodes.iteritems():
            if not node.parent_id:
                root = nodeID
            tree.add_edge(node.parent_id, nodeID)
            parent = nodes[node.parent_id]
            distance = sqrt(  pow(node.x - parent.x, 2)
                            + pow(node.y - parent.y, 2)
                            + pow(node.z - parent.z, 2))
            parent.children[nodeID] = distance
            # Measure raw cable, given that we have the parent already
            skeleton.raw_cable += distance
        # Utilize accumulated children and the distances to them
        for nodeID, node in nodes.iteritems():
            # Count end nodes and branch nodes
            n_children = len(node.children)
            if not node.parent_id:
                if 1 == n_children:
                    skeleton.n_ends += 1
                if n_children > 2:
                    skeleton.n_branch += 1
                # Else, if 2 == n_children, the root node is in the middle of the skeleton, being a slab node
            elif 0 == n_children:
                skeleton.n_ends += 1
            elif n_children > 1:
                skeleton.n_branch += 1
            # Compute weighted position for slab nodes only
            # (root, branch and end nodes do not move)
            oids = node.children.copy()
            if node.parent_id:
                oids[node.parent_id] = skeleton.nodes[node.parent_id].children[nodeID]
            sum_distances = sum(oids.itervalues())
            wx, wy, wz = 0, 0, 0
            for oid, distance in oids.iteritems():
                other = skeleton.nodes[oid]
                w = distance / sum_distances if sum_distances != 0 else 0
                wx += other.x * w
                wy += other.y * w
                wz += other.z * w
            node.wx = node.x * 0.4 + wx * 0.6
            node.wy = node.y * 0.4 + wy * 0.6
            node.wz = node.z * 0.4 + wz * 0.6
        # Find out nodes that belong to the principal branch
        principal_branch_nodes = set(sorted(partition(tree, root), key=len)[-1])
        # Compute smoothed cable length, also for principal branch
        for nodeID, node in nodes.iteritems():
            if not node.parent_id:
                # root node
            parent = nodes[node.parent_id]
            length = sqrt(  pow(node.wx - parent.wx, 2)
                          + pow(node.wy - parent.wy, 2)
                          + pow(node.wz - parent.wz, 2))
            skeleton.smooth_cable += length
            if nodeID in principal_branch_nodes:
                skeleton.principal_branch_cable += length

    # Count inputs
    SELECT tc.skeleton_id, count(tc.skeleton_id)
    FROM treenode_connector tc,
         relation r
    WHERE tc.skeleton_id IN (%s)
      AND tc.relation_id =
      AND r.relation_name = 'postsynaptic_to'
    GROUP BY tc.skeleton_id
    ''' % skids_string)

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        skeletons[row[0]].n_pre = row[1]

    # Count outputs
    SELECT tc1.skeleton_id, count(tc1.skeleton_id)
    FROM treenode_connector tc1,
         treenode_connector tc2,
         relation r1,
         relation r2
    WHERE tc1.skeleton_id IN (%s)
      AND tc1.connector_id = tc2.connector_id
      AND tc1.relation_id =
      AND r1.relation_name = 'presynaptic_to'
      AND tc2.relation_id =
      AND r2.relation_name = 'postsynaptic_to'
      GROUP BY tc1.skeleton_id
    ''' % skids_string)

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        skeletons[row[0]].n_post = row[1]

    return skeletons