    def move(self, target, pos=None):
        Moves the current node and all it's descendants to a new position
        relative to another node.

        pos = self._prepare_pos_var_for_move(pos)

        sib_order = None
        parent = None

        if pos in ('first-child', 'last-child', 'sorted-child'):
            # moving to a child
            if not target.is_leaf():
                target = target.get_last_child()
                pos = {
                    'first-child': 'first-sibling',
                    'last-child': 'last-sibling',
                    'sorted-child': 'sorted-sibling'
                parent = target
                if pos == 'sorted-child':
                    pos = 'sorted-sibling'
                    pos = 'first-sibling'
                    sib_order = 1

        if target.is_descendant_of(self):
            raise InvalidMoveToDescendant(
                _("Can't move node to a descendant."))

        if self == target and (
            (pos == 'left') or (pos in ('right', 'last-sibling')
                                and target == target.get_last_sibling()) or
            (pos == 'first-sibling' and target == target.get_first_sibling())):
            # special cases, not actually moving the node so no need to UPDATE

        if pos == 'sorted-sibling':
            if parent:
                self.parent = parent
                self.parent = target.parent
            if sib_order:
                self.sib_order = sib_order
                self.sib_order = self.__class__._get_new_sibling_order(
                    pos, target)
            if parent:
                self.parent = parent
                self.parent = target.parent

    def move(self, target, pos=None):
        Moves the current node and all it's descendants to a new position
        relative to another node.

        :raise PathOverflow: when the library can't make room for the
           node's new position

        pos = self._prepare_pos_var_for_move(pos)

        oldpath = self.path

        # initialize variables and if moving to a child, updates "move to
        # child" to become a "move to sibling" if possible (if it can't
        # be done, it means that we are  adding the first child)
        (pos, target, newdepth, siblings,
         newpos) = (self._fix_move_to_child(pos, target))

        if target.is_descendant_of(self):
            raise InvalidMoveToDescendant(
                _("Can't move node to a descendant."))

        if oldpath == target.path and (
            (pos == 'left') or
            (pos in ('right', 'last-sibling')
             and target.path == target.get_last_sibling().path) or
            (pos == 'first-sibling'
             and target.path == target.get_first_sibling().path)):
            # special cases, not actually moving the node so no need to UPDATE

        if pos == 'sorted-sibling':
            siblings = self.get_sorted_pos_queryset(target.get_siblings(),
                newpos = self._get_lastpos_in_path(siblings.all()[0].path)
            except IndexError:
                newpos = None
            if newpos is None:
                pos = 'last-sibling'

        stmts = []
        # generate the sql that will do the actual moving of nodes
        oldpath, newpath = self._move_add_sibling_aux(pos, newpos, newdepth,
                                                      target, siblings, stmts,
                                                      oldpath, True)
        # updates needed for mysql and children count in parents
        self._updates_after_move(oldpath, newpath, stmts)

        cursor = self._get_database_cursor('write')
        for sql, vals in stmts:
            cursor.execute(sql, vals)
    def process(self):

        self.pos = self.node._prepare_pos_var_for_move(self.pos)

        oldpath = self.node.path

        # initialize variables and if moving to a child, updates "move to
        # child" to become a "move to sibling" if possible (if it can't
        # be done, it means that we are  adding the first child)
        newdepth, siblings, newpos = self.update_move_to_child_vars()

        if self.target.is_descendant_of(self.node):
            raise InvalidMoveToDescendant(
                _("Can't move node to a descendant."))

        if (
            oldpath == self.target.path and
                (self.pos == 'left') or
                    self.pos in ('right', 'last-sibling') and
                    self.target.path == self.target.get_last_sibling().path
                ) or
                    self.pos == 'first-sibling' and
                    self.target.path == self.target.get_first_sibling().path
            # special cases, not actually moving the node so no need to UPDATE

        if self.pos == 'sorted-sibling':
            siblings = self.node.get_sorted_pos_queryset(
                self.target.get_siblings(), self.node)
                newpos = siblings.all()[0]._get_lastpos_in_path()
            except IndexError:
                newpos = None
            if newpos is None:
                self.pos = 'last-sibling'

        # generate the sql that will do the actual moving of nodes
        oldpath, newpath = self.reorder_nodes_before_add_or_move(
            self.pos, newpos, newdepth, self.target, siblings, oldpath, True)
        # updates needed for mysql and children count in parents
        self.sanity_updates_after_move(oldpath, newpath)

    def move(self, target, pos=None):
        Moves the current node and all it's descendants to a new position
        relative to another node.

        pos = self._prepare_pos_var_for_move(pos)
        cls = self.__class__

        parent = None

        if pos in ('first-child', 'last-child', 'sorted-child'):
            # moving to a child
            if target.is_leaf():
                parent = target
                pos = 'last-child'
                target = target.get_last_child()
                pos = {
                    'first-child': 'first-sibling',
                    'last-child': 'last-sibling',
                    'sorted-child': 'sorted-sibling'

        if target.is_descendant_of(self):
            raise InvalidMoveToDescendant(
                _("Can't move node to a descendant."))

        if self == target and (
            (pos == 'left') or (pos in ('right', 'last-sibling')
                                and target == target.get_last_sibling()) or
            (pos == 'first-sibling' and target == target.get_first_sibling())):
            # special cases, not actually moving the node so no need to UPDATE

        if pos == 'sorted-sibling':
            siblings = list(
                target.get_sorted_pos_queryset(target.get_siblings(), self))
            if siblings:
                pos = 'left'
                target = siblings[0]
                pos = 'last-sibling'
        if pos in ('left', 'right', 'first-sibling'):
            siblings = list(target.get_siblings())

            if pos == 'right':
                if target == siblings[-1]:
                    pos = 'last-sibling'
                    pos = 'left'
                    found = False
                    for node in siblings:
                        if found:
                            target = node
                        elif node == target:
                            found = True
            if pos == 'left':
                if target == siblings[0]:
                    pos = 'first-sibling'
            if pos == 'first-sibling':
                target = siblings[0]

        # ok let's move this
        cursor = self._get_database_cursor('write')
        move_right = cls._move_right
        gap = self.rgt - self.lft + 1
        sql = None
        target_tree = target.tree_id

        # first make a hole
        if pos == 'last-child':
            newpos = parent.rgt
            sql, params = move_right(target.tree_id, newpos, False, gap)
        elif target.is_root():
            newpos = 1
            if pos == 'last-sibling':
                target_tree = target.get_siblings().reverse()[0].tree_id + 1
            elif pos == 'first-sibling':
                target_tree = 1
                sql, params = cls._move_tree_right(1)
            elif pos == 'left':
                sql, params = cls._move_tree_right(target.tree_id)
            if pos == 'last-sibling':
                newpos = target.get_parent().rgt
                sql, params = move_right(target.tree_id, newpos, False, gap)
            elif pos == 'first-sibling':
                newpos = target.lft
                sql, params = move_right(target.tree_id, newpos - 1, False,
            elif pos == 'left':
                newpos = target.lft
                sql, params = move_right(target.tree_id, newpos, True, gap)

        if sql:
            cursor.execute(sql, params)

        # we reload 'self' because lft/rgt may have changed

        fromobj = cls.objects.get(pk=self.pk)

        depthdiff = target.depth - fromobj.depth
        if parent:
            depthdiff += 1

        # move the tree to the hole
        sql = "UPDATE %(table)s "\
              " SET tree_id = %(target_tree)d, "\
              "     lft = lft + %(jump)d , "\
              "     rgt = rgt + %(jump)d , "\
              "     depth = depth + %(depthdiff)d "\
              " WHERE tree_id = %(from_tree)d AND "\
              "     lft BETWEEN %(fromlft)d AND %(fromrgt)d" % {
                  'table': connection.ops.quote_name(cls._meta.db_table),
                  'from_tree': fromobj.tree_id,
                  'target_tree': target_tree,
                  'jump': newpos - fromobj.lft,
                  'depthdiff': depthdiff,
                  'fromlft': fromobj.lft,
                  'fromrgt': fromobj.rgt}
        cursor.execute(sql, [])

        # close the gap
        sql, params = cls._get_close_gap_sql(fromobj.lft, fromobj.rgt,
        cursor.execute(sql, params)

    def move(self, target, pos=None):
        Moves the current node and all it's descendants to a new position
        relative to another node.

        pos = self._fix_move_opts(pos)

        stmts = []
        sib_order = None
        parent = None

        if pos in ('first-child', 'last-child', 'sorted-child'):
            # moving to a child
            if not target.is_leaf():
                target = target.get_last_child()
                pos = {
                    'first-child': 'first-sibling',
                    'last-child': 'last-sibling',
                    'sorted-child': 'sorted-sibling'
                parent = target
                if pos == 'sorted-child':
                    pos = 'sorted-sibling'
                    pos = 'first-sibling'
                    sib_order = 1

        if target.is_descendant_of(self):
            raise InvalidMoveToDescendant("Can't move node to a descendant.")

        if self == target and (
              (pos == 'left') or \
              (pos in ('right', 'last-sibling') and \
                target == target.get_last_sibling()) or \
              (pos == 'first-sibling' and \
                target == target.get_first_sibling())):
            # special cases, not actually moving the node so no need to UPDATE

        if pos == 'sorted-sibling':
            # easy, just change the parent
            if parent:
                self.parent = parent
                self.parent = target.parent
            if sib_order:
                self.sib_order = sib_order
                self.sib_order = self.__class__._move_add_sibling_aux(
                    pos, target, stmts)
            if parent:
                self.parent = parent
                self.parent = target.parent

        if stmts:
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            for sql, vals in stmts:
                cursor.execute(sql, vals)

    def move(self, target, pos=None):
        Moves the current node and all it's descendants to a new position
        relative to another node.

        :raise PathOverflow: when the library can't make room for the
           node's new position

        pos = self._fix_move_opts(pos)

        oldpath = self.path

        # initialize variables and if moving to a child, updates "move to
        # child" to become a "move to sibling" if possible (if it can't
        # be done, it means that we are  adding the first child)
        pos, target, newdepth, siblings, newpos = self._fix_move_to_child(
            pos, target, target.depth)

        if target.is_descendant_of(self):
            raise InvalidMoveToDescendant(
                _("Can't move node to a descendant."))

        if oldpath == target.path and (
              (pos == 'left') or \
              (pos in ('right', 'last-sibling') and \
                target.path == target.get_last_sibling().path) or \
              (pos == 'first-sibling' and \
                target.path == target.get_first_sibling().path)):
            # special cases, not actually moving the node so no need to UPDATE

        if pos == 'sorted-sibling':
            siblings = self.get_sorted_pos_queryset(target.get_siblings(),
                newpos = self._get_lastpos_in_path(siblings.all()[0].path)
            except IndexError:
                newpos = None
            if newpos is None:
                pos = 'last-sibling'

        stmts = []
        # generate the sql that will do the actual moving of nodes
        oldpath, newpath = self._move_add_sibling_aux(pos, newpos, newdepth,
                                                      target, siblings, stmts,
                                                      oldpath, True)
        # updates needed for mysql and children count in parents
        self._updates_after_move(oldpath, newpath, stmts)

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        for sql, vals in stmts:
            cursor.execute(sql, vals)

        #change various fields of self in memory after it is moved
        table_name = self._meta.db_table
        sql = "Select path, depth from %s where id=%%s" % (table_name, )
        cursor.execute(sql, [self.id])
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        self.path = row[0]
        self.depth = row[1]