    def create_plugin_context(self, plugin: BasePlugin, args: Namespace,
                              trinity_config: TrinityConfig,
                              boot_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> PluginContext:

        # Plugins that run in a shared process all share the endpoint of the plugin manager
        context = PluginContext(self.endpoint)
        context.args = args
        context.trinity_config = trinity_config
        context.boot_kwargs = boot_kwargs
        return context
    def create_plugin_context(self, plugin: BasePlugin, args: Namespace,
                              trinity_config: TrinityConfig,
                              boot_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> PluginContext:

        if isinstance(plugin, BaseIsolatedPlugin):
            # Isolated plugins get an entirely new endpoint to be passed into that new process
            context = PluginContext(self.event_bus.create_endpoint(
            context.args = args
            context.trinity_config = trinity_config
            context.boot_kwargs = boot_kwargs
            return context

        # A plugin that overtakes the main process never gets far enough to even get a context.
        # For now it should be safe to just return `None`. Maybe reconsider in the future.
        return None
    def _create_context_for_plugin(
            self, plugin: BasePlugin, args: Namespace,
            chain_config: ChainConfig,
            boot_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> PluginContext:

        context: PluginContext = None
        if plugin.process_scope in self.MAIN_ANS_SHARED_SCOPES:
            # A plugin that runs in a shared process as well as a plugin that overtakes the main
            # process uses the endpoint of the PluginManager which will either be the main
            # endpoint or the networking endpoint in the case of Trinity
            context = PluginContext(self._scope.endpoint)
        elif plugin.process_scope is PluginProcessScope.ISOLATED:
            # A plugin that runs in it's own process gets a new endpoint created to get
            # passed into that new process

            # mypy doesn't know it can only be that scope at this point. The `isinstance`
            # check avoids adding an ignore
            if isinstance(self._scope, MainAndIsolatedProcessScope):
                endpoint = self._scope.event_bus.create_endpoint(plugin.name)
                context = PluginContext(endpoint)
            Exception("Invariant: unreachable code path")

        context.args = args
        context.chain_config = chain_config
        context.boot_kwargs = boot_kwargs

        return context
 def create_plugin_context(self, plugin: BasePlugin,
                           boot_info: TrinityBootInfo) -> None:
     Create a :class:`~trinity.extensibility.plugin.PluginContext` that uses the
     :class:`~lahja.endpoint.Endpoint` of the
     :class:`~trinity.extensibility.plugin_manager.PluginManager` as the event bus that
     enables application wide, event-driven communication even across process boundaries.
     # Plugins that run in a shared process all share the endpoint of the plugin manager
     plugin.set_context(PluginContext(self.endpoint, boot_info))
 def create_plugin_context(self, plugin: BasePlugin,
                           boot_info: TrinityBootInfo) -> None:
     Create a :class:`~trinity.extensibility.plugin.PluginContext` that holds a reference to a
     dedicated new :class:`~lahja.endpoint.Endpoint` to enable plugins which run in their own
     isolated processes to connect to the central :class:`~lahja.endpoint.EventBus` that Trinity
     uses to enable application wide event-driven communication even across process boundaries.
     if isinstance(plugin, BaseIsolatedPlugin):
         # Isolated plugins get an entirely new endpoint to be passed into that new process
    def create_plugin_context(self, plugin: BasePlugin,
                              boot_info: TrinityBootInfo) -> None:
        Create a :class:`~trinity.extensibility.plugin.PluginContext` that creates a new
        :class:`~lahja.endpoint.Endpoint` dedicated to the isolated plugin that runs in its own
        process. The :class:`~lahja.endpoint.Endpoint` enable application wide event-driven
        communication even across process boundaries.

        if isinstance(plugin, BaseIsolatedPlugin):
            # Isolated plugins use their own Endpoint that lives in the new process. It is only
            # created here for API symmetry. Endpoints are pickleable *before* they are connected,
            # which means, this Endpoint will be pickled and transferred into the new process
            # together with the rest of the `PluginContext`.