文件: txn.py 项目: jameshilliard/two1
    def __bytes__(self):
        """ Serializes the object into a byte stream.

            b (bytes): byte stream containing the serialized input.
        return (
            + pack_u32(self.outpoint_index)
            + pack_var_str(bytes(self.script))
            + pack_u32(self.sequence_num)
文件: block.py 项目: SamvitJ/21BC-lib
    def __bytes__(self):
        """ Serializes the BlockHeader object.

            byte_str (bytes): The serialized byte stream.
        return (
            pack_u32(self.version) +
            bytes(self.prev_block_hash) +
            bytes(self.merkle_root_hash) +
            pack_u32(self.time) +
            pack_u32(self.bits) +
文件: txn.py 项目: jameshilliard/two1
    def __bytes__(self):
        """ Serializes the object into a byte stream.

            b (bytes): The serialized transaction.
        return (
            + pack_compact_int(self.num_inputs)  # Version
            + b"".join([bytes(i) for i in self.inputs])  # Input count
            + pack_compact_int(self.num_outputs)  # Inputs
            + b"".join([bytes(o) for o in self.outputs])  # Output count
            + pack_u32(self.lock_time)  # Outputs  # Lock time
    def _op_checksig(self):
        """ The entire transaction's outputs, inputs, and script (from
            the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR to the end) are
            hashed. The signature used by OP_CHECKSIG must be a valid
            signature for this hash and public key. If it is, 1 is
            returned, 0 otherwise.

        pub_key_bytes = self._stack.pop()
        s = self._stack.pop()
        sig_der, hash_type = s[:-1], s[-1]

        pub_key = PublicKey.from_bytes(pub_key_bytes)
        sig = Signature.from_der(sig_der)

        txn_copy = self._txn._copy_for_sig(input_index=self._input_index,
        msg = bytes(txn_copy) + utils.pack_u32(hash_type)
        tx_digest = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()

        verified = pub_key.verify(tx_digest, sig)

文件: txn.py 项目: masonicGIT/two1
    def _verify_p2sh_multisig_input(self, input_index, sub_script,
        if not sub_script.is_p2sh():
            raise TypeError("sub_script is not a P2SH script!")

        rv = False
        sig_script = self.inputs[input_index].script

        if not sig_script.is_multisig_sig():
            raise TypeError("sigScript doesn't appear to be a multisig signature script")

        stack = []
        sig_info = sig_script.extract_multisig_sig_info()

        stack.append(bytes([Script.BTC_OPCODE_TABLE[sig_script.ast[0]]]))  # Push OP_0

        # Push all the signatures
        hash_types = set()
        for s in sig_info['signatures']:
            s1, hash_type = s[:-1], s[-1]

        if len(hash_types) != 1:
            raise TypeError("Not all signatures have the same hash type!")

        hash_type = hash_types.pop()
        redeem_script = sig_info['redeem_script']
        redeem_script_h160 = redeem_script.hash160()

        # Re-create txn for sig verification
        txn_copy_bytes = bytes(self._copy_for_sig(input_index,
        msg = txn_copy_bytes + pack_u32(hash_type)
        txn_digest = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()

        sub_script_h160 = bytes.fromhex(sub_script.get_hash160()[2:])
        rv = redeem_script_h160 == sub_script_h160

        rs_info = redeem_script.extract_multisig_redeem_info()
        # Now start pushing the elements of the redeem script
        stack.append(bytes([0x50 + rs_info['m']]))
        for p in rs_info['public_keys']:
        stack.append(bytes([0x50 + rs_info['n']]))

            res, match_count = self._op_checkmultisig(stack=stack,
            if partial:
                rv &= match_count > 0 and match_count <= len(sig_info['signatures'])
                rv &= res
        except Exception as e:
            rv = False

        return rv
文件: txn.py 项目: masonicGIT/two1
    def _verify_p2pkh_input(self, input_index, sub_script):
        if not sub_script.is_p2pkh():
            raise TypeError("sub_script is not a P2PKH script!")

        rv = False
        sig_script = self.inputs[input_index].script

        # Use a fake stack
        stack = []

        # Push sigScript and publicKey onto stack

        # OP_DUP

        # OP_HASH160
        pub_key_bytes = stack.pop()
        pub_key = crypto.PublicKey.from_bytes(pub_key_bytes)
        # Was it compressed?
        compressed = pub_key_bytes[0] in [0x02, 0x03]
        hash160 = pub_key.hash160(compressed=compressed)

        # OP_EQUALVERIFY - this pub key must match the one in
        # sub_script
        sub_script_pub_key_hash = bytes.fromhex(sub_script.get_hash160()[2:])
        rv = hash160 == sub_script_pub_key_hash

        # OP_CHECKSIG
        stack.pop()  # pop duplicate pub key off stack
        script_sig_complete = stack.pop()
        script_sig, hash_type = script_sig_complete[:-1], script_sig_complete[-1]

        # Re-create txn for sig verification
        txn_copy_bytes = bytes(self._copy_for_sig(input_index,

        # Now verify
        sig = crypto.Signature.from_der(script_sig)
        msg = txn_copy_bytes + pack_u32(hash_type)
        tx_digest = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()
        rv &= pub_key.verify(tx_digest, sig)

        return rv
文件: txn.py 项目: cloudzombie/two1
    def get_signature_for_input(self, input_index, hash_type, private_key,
        """ Returns the signature for an input.

            This function only returns the signature for an input, it
            does not insert the signature into the script member of
            the input. It also does not validate that the given private key
            matches any public keys in the sub_script.

            input_index (int): The index of the input to sign.
            hash_type (int): What kind of signature hash to do.
            private_key (crypto.PrivateKey): private key with which
                to sign the transaction.
            sub_script (Script): the scriptPubKey of the corresponding
                utxo being spent if the outpoint is P2PKH or the redeem
                script if the outpoint is P2SH.

            tuple: A tuple containing the signature object and the message that
                was signed.
        if input_index < 0 or input_index >= len(self.inputs):
            raise ValueError("Invalid input index.")

        tmp_script = sub_script.remove_op("OP_CODESEPARATOR")
        if hash_type & 0x1f == self.SIG_HASH_SINGLE and len(self.inputs) > len(self.outputs):
            # This is to deal with the bug where specifying an index
            # that is out of range (wrt outputs) results in a
            # signature hash of 0x1 (little-endian)
            msg_to_sign = 0x1.to_bytes(32, 'little')
            txn_copy = self._copy_for_sig(input_index, hash_type, tmp_script)

            msg_to_sign = bytes(Hash.dhash(bytes(txn_copy) +

        sig = private_key.sign(msg_to_sign, False)

        return sig, msg_to_sign
    def receive_payment(self, deposit_txid, payment_tx):
        """Receive and process a payment within the channel.

        The customer makes a payment in the channel by sending the merchant a
        half-signed payment transaction. The merchant signs the other half of
        the transaction and saves it in its records (but does not broadcast it
        or send it to the customer). The merchant responds with 200 to verify
        that the payment was handled successfully.

            deposit_txid (string): string representation of the deposit
                transaction hash. This is used to look up the payment channel.
            payment_tx (string): half-signed payment transaction from a
            (string): payment transaction id
        with self.lock:
            # Parse payment channel `payment` parameters
            payment_tx = Transaction.from_hex(payment_tx)

            # Get channel and addresses related to the deposit
            channel = self._db.pc.lookup(deposit_txid)

            if not channel:
                raise PaymentChannelNotFoundError('Related channel not found.')

            # Get merchant public key information from payment channel
            redeem_script = PaymentChannelRedeemScript.from_bytes(payment_tx.inputs[0].script[-1])
            merch_pubkey = redeem_script.merchant_public_key

            # Verify that the payment has a valid signature from the customer
            txn_copy = payment_tx._copy_for_sig(0, Transaction.SIG_HASH_ALL, redeem_script)
            msg_to_sign = bytes(Hash.dhash(bytes(txn_copy) + pack_u32(Transaction.SIG_HASH_ALL)))
            sig = Signature.from_der(payment_tx.inputs[0].script[0][:-1])
            if not redeem_script.customer_public_key.verify(msg_to_sign, sig, False):
                raise BadTransactionError('Invalid payment signature.')

            # Verify the length of the script is what we expect
            if len(payment_tx.inputs[0].script) != 3:
                raise BadTransactionError('Invalid payment channel transaction structure.')

            # Verify the script template is valid for accepting a merchant signature
            if (not Script.validate_template(payment_tx.inputs[0].script, [bytes, 'OP_1', bytes]) and
                    not Script.validate_template(payment_tx.inputs[0].script, [bytes, 'OP_TRUE', bytes])):
                raise BadTransactionError('Invalid payment channel transaction structure.')

            # Verify that the payment channel is ready
            if channel.state == ChannelSQLite3.CONFIRMING:
                raise ChannelClosedError('Payment channel not ready.')
            elif channel.state == ChannelSQLite3.CLOSED:
                raise ChannelClosedError('Payment channel closed.')

            # Verify that payment is made to the merchant's pubkey
            index = payment_tx.output_index_for_address(merch_pubkey.hash160())
            if index is None:
                raise BadTransactionError('Payment must pay to merchant pubkey.')

            # Verify that both payments are not below the dust limit
            if any(p.value < PaymentServer.DUST_LIMIT for p in payment_tx.outputs):
                raise BadTransactionError(
                    'Final payment must have outputs greater than {}.'.format(PaymentServer.DUST_LIMIT))

            # Validate that the payment is more than the last one
            new_pmt_amt = payment_tx.outputs[index].value
            if new_pmt_amt <= channel.last_payment_amount:
                raise BadTransactionError('Payment must be greater than 0.')

            # Verify that the transaction has adequate fees
            net_pmt_amount = sum([d.value for d in payment_tx.outputs])
            deposit_amount = channel.amount
            if deposit_amount < net_pmt_amount + PaymentServer.MIN_TX_FEE:
                raise BadTransactionError('Payment must have adequate fees.')

            # Update the current payment transaction
            self._db.pc.update_payment(deposit_txid, payment_tx, new_pmt_amt)
            self._db.pmt.create(deposit_txid, payment_tx, new_pmt_amt - channel.last_payment_amount)

            return str(payment_tx.hash)
    def _op_checkmultisig(self, partial=False):
        """ Compares the first signature against each public key until
            it finds an ECDSA match. Starting with the subsequent public
            key, it compares the second signature against each remaining
            public key until it finds an ECDSA match. The process is
            repeated until all signatures have been checked or not enough
            public keys remain to produce a successful result. All
            signatures need to match a public key. Because public keys are
            not checked again if they fail any signature comparison,
            signatures must be placed in the scriptSig using the same
            order as their corresponding public keys were placed in the
            scriptPubKey or redeemScript. If all signatures are valid, 1
            is returned, 0 otherwise. Due to a bug, one extra unused value
            is removed from the stack.

        num_keys = self._stack.pop()

        keys_bytes = []
        for i in range(num_keys):
            keys_bytes.insert(0, self._stack.pop())
        public_keys = [PublicKey.from_bytes(p) for p in keys_bytes]

        min_num_sigs = self._stack.pop()

        # Although "m" is the *minimum* number of required signatures, bitcoin
        # core only consumes "m" signatures and then expects an OP_0. This
        # means that if m < min_num_sigs <= n, bitcoin core will return a
        # script failure. See:
        # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/0.10/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L840
        # We will do the same.
        hash_types = set()
        sigs = []
        for i in range(min_num_sigs):
            s = self._stack.pop()
                sig = Signature.from_der(s[:-1])
                sigs.insert(0, sig)
            except ValueError:
                if partial:
                    # Put it back on stack
                    # If not a partial evaluation there are not enough
                    # sigs
                    rv = False

        if len(hash_types) != 1:
            raise ScriptInterpreterError("Not all signatures have the same hash type!")

        hash_type = hash_types.pop()
        txn_copy = self._txn._copy_for_sig(input_index=self._input_index,

        msg = bytes(txn_copy) + utils.pack_u32(hash_type)
        txn_digest = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()

        # Now we verify
        last_match = -1
        rv = True
        match_count = 0

        for sig in sigs:
            matched_any = False
            for i, pub_key in enumerate(public_keys[last_match+1:]):
                if pub_key.verify(txn_digest, sig):
                    last_match = i
                    match_count += 1
                    matched_any = True

            if not matched_any:
                # Bail early if the sig couldn't be verified
                # by any public key
                rv = False

        rv &= match_count >= min_num_sigs

        # Now make sure the last thing on the stack is OP_0
        if len(self._stack) == 1:
            rv &= self._stack.pop() == b''
            rv &= len(self._stack) == 0
            rv = False

        if partial:
            self.match_count = match_count
文件: txn.py 项目: masonicGIT/two1
    def sign_input(self, input_index, hash_type, private_key, sub_script):
        """ Signs an input.

            input_index (int): The index of the input to sign.
            hash_type (int): What kind of signature hash to do.
            private_key (crypto.PrivateKey): private key with which
                to sign the transaction.
            sub_script (Script): the scriptPubKey of the corresponding
                utxo being spent if the outpoint is P2PKH or the redeem
                script if the outpoint is P2SH.
        if input_index < 0 or input_index >= len(self.inputs):
            raise ValueError("Invalid input index.")

        inp = self.inputs[input_index]

        curr_script_sig = inp.script
        multisig = False
        multisig_params = None
        multisig_key_index = -1
        if sub_script.is_multisig_redeem():
            multisig = True
            multisig_params = sub_script.extract_multisig_redeem_info()
        elif not sub_script.is_p2pkh():
            raise TypeError("Signing arbitrary redeem scripts is not currently supported.")

        tmp_script = sub_script.remove_op("OP_CODESEPARATOR")

        compressed = False
        if hash_type & 0x1f == self.SIG_HASH_SINGLE and len(self.inputs) > len(self.outputs):
            # This is to deal with the bug where specifying an index
            # that is out of range (wrt outputs) results in a
            # signature hash of 0x1 (little-endian)
            msg_to_sign = 0x1.to_bytes(32, 'little')
            txn_copy = self._copy_for_sig(input_index, hash_type, tmp_script)

            if multisig:
                # Determine which of the public keys this private key
                # corresponds to.
                public_keys = multisig_params['public_keys']
                pub_key_full = self._get_public_key_bytes(private_key, False)
                pub_key_comp = self._get_public_key_bytes(private_key, True)

                for i, p in enumerate(public_keys):
                    if pub_key_full == p or pub_key_comp == p:
                        multisig_key_index = i

                if multisig_key_index == -1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Public key derived from private key does not match any of the public keys in redeem script.")
                # Before signing we should verify that the address in the
                # sub_script corresponds to that of the private key
                script_pub_key_h160_hex = tmp_script.get_hash160()
                if script_pub_key_h160_hex is None:
                    raise ValueError("Couldn't find public key hash in sub_script!")

                # first try uncompressed key
                h160 = None
                for compressed in [True, False]:
                    h160 = private_key.public_key.hash160(compressed)
                    if h160 != bytes.fromhex(script_pub_key_h160_hex[2:]):
                        h160 = None

                if h160 is None:
                    raise ValueError("Address derived from private key does not match sub_script!")

            msg_to_sign = bytes(Hash.dhash(bytes(txn_copy) +

        sig = private_key.sign(msg_to_sign, False)

        if multisig:
            # For multisig, we need to determine if there are already
            # signatures and if so, where we insert this signature
            inp.script = self._do_multisig_script([dict(index=multisig_key_index,
            pub_key_bytes = self._get_public_key_bytes(private_key, compressed)
            pub_key_str = pack_var_str(pub_key_bytes)
            script_sig = pack_var_str(
                sig.to_der() + pack_compact_int(hash_type)) + pub_key_str
            inp.script = Script(script_sig)

        return True
    def receive_payment(self, deposit_txid, payment_tx):
        """Receive and process a payment within the channel.

        The customer makes a payment in the channel by sending the merchant a
        half-signed payment transaction. The merchant signs the other half of
        the transaction and saves it in its records (but does not broadcast it
        or send it to the customer). The merchant responds with 200 to verify
        that the payment was handled successfully.

            deposit_txid (string): string representation of the deposit
                transaction hash. This is used to look up the payment channel.
            payment_tx (string): half-signed payment transaction from a
            (string): payment transaction id
        with self.lock:
            # Parse payment channel `payment` parameters
            payment_tx = Transaction.from_hex(payment_tx)

            # Get channel and addresses related to the deposit
            channel = self._db.pc.lookup(deposit_txid)

            if not channel:
                raise PaymentChannelNotFoundError('Related channel not found.')

            # Get merchant public key information from payment channel
            redeem_script = PaymentChannelRedeemScript.from_bytes(payment_tx.inputs[0].script[-1])
            merch_pubkey = redeem_script.merchant_public_key

            # Verify that the payment has a valid signature from the customer
            txn_copy = payment_tx._copy_for_sig(0, Transaction.SIG_HASH_ALL, redeem_script)
            msg_to_sign = bytes(Hash.dhash(bytes(txn_copy) + pack_u32(Transaction.SIG_HASH_ALL)))
            sig = Signature.from_der(payment_tx.inputs[0].script[0][:-1])
            if not redeem_script.customer_public_key.verify(msg_to_sign, sig, False):
                raise BadTransactionError('Invalid payment signature.')

            # Verify the length of the script is what we expect
            if len(payment_tx.inputs[0].script) != 3:
                raise BadTransactionError('Invalid payment channel transaction structure.')

            # Verify the script template is valid for accepting a merchant signature
            if (not Script.validate_template(payment_tx.inputs[0].script, [bytes, 'OP_1', bytes]) and
                    not Script.validate_template(payment_tx.inputs[0].script, [bytes, 'OP_TRUE', bytes])):
                raise BadTransactionError('Invalid payment channel transaction structure.')

            # Verify that the payment channel is ready
            if channel.state == ChannelSQLite3.CONFIRMING:
                raise ChannelClosedError('Payment channel not ready.')
            elif channel.state == ChannelSQLite3.CLOSED:
                raise ChannelClosedError('Payment channel closed.')

            # Verify that payment is made to the merchant's pubkey
            index = payment_tx.output_index_for_address(merch_pubkey.hash160())
            if index is None:
                raise BadTransactionError('Payment must pay to merchant pubkey.')

            # Verify that both payments are not below the dust limit
            if any(p.value < PaymentServer.DUST_LIMIT for p in payment_tx.outputs):
                raise BadTransactionError(
                    'Final payment must have outputs greater than {}.'.format(PaymentServer.DUST_LIMIT))

            # Validate that the payment is more than the last one
            new_pmt_amt = payment_tx.outputs[index].value
            if new_pmt_amt <= channel.last_payment_amount:
                raise BadTransactionError('Payment must be greater than 0.')

            # Verify that the transaction has adequate fees
            net_pmt_amount = sum([d.value for d in payment_tx.outputs])
            deposit_amount = channel.amount
            if deposit_amount < net_pmt_amount + PaymentServer.MIN_TX_FEE:
                raise BadTransactionError('Payment must have adequate fees.')

            # Update the current payment transaction
            self._db.pc.update_payment(deposit_txid, payment_tx, new_pmt_amt)
            self._db.pmt.create(deposit_txid, payment_tx, new_pmt_amt - channel.last_payment_amount)

            return str(payment_tx.hash)
    def _op_checkmultisig(self, partial=False):
        """ Compares the first signature against each public key until
            it finds an ECDSA match. Starting with the subsequent public
            key, it compares the second signature against each remaining
            public key until it finds an ECDSA match. The process is
            repeated until all signatures have been checked or not enough
            public keys remain to produce a successful result. All
            signatures need to match a public key. Because public keys are
            not checked again if they fail any signature comparison,
            signatures must be placed in the scriptSig using the same
            order as their corresponding public keys were placed in the
            scriptPubKey or redeemScript. If all signatures are valid, 1
            is returned, 0 otherwise. Due to a bug, one extra unused value
            is removed from the stack.

        num_keys = self._stack.pop()

        keys_bytes = []
        for i in range(num_keys):
            keys_bytes.insert(0, self._stack.pop())
        public_keys = [PublicKey.from_bytes(p) for p in keys_bytes]

        min_num_sigs = self._stack.pop()

        # Although "m" is the *minimum* number of required signatures, bitcoin
        # core only consumes "m" signatures and then expects an OP_0. This
        # means that if m < min_num_sigs <= n, bitcoin core will return a
        # script failure. See:
        # https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/0.10/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L840
        # We will do the same.
        hash_types = set()
        sigs = []
        for i in range(min_num_sigs):
            s = self._stack.pop()
                sig = Signature.from_der(s[:-1])
                sigs.insert(0, sig)
            except ValueError:
                if partial:
                    # Put it back on stack
                    # If not a partial evaluation there are not enough
                    # sigs
                    rv = False

        if len(hash_types) != 1:
            raise ScriptInterpreterError("Not all signatures have the same hash type!")

        hash_type = hash_types.pop()
        txn_copy = self._txn._copy_for_sig(input_index=self._input_index,

        msg = bytes(txn_copy) + utils.pack_u32(hash_type)
        txn_digest = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest()

        # Now we verify
        last_match = -1
        rv = True
        match_count = 0

        for sig in sigs:
            matched_any = False
            for i, pub_key in enumerate(public_keys[last_match+1:]):
                if pub_key.verify(txn_digest, sig):
                    last_match = i
                    match_count += 1
                    matched_any = True

            if not matched_any:
                # Bail early if the sig couldn't be verified
                # by any public key
                rv = False

        rv &= match_count >= min_num_sigs

        # Now make sure the last thing on the stack is OP_0
        if len(self._stack) == 1:
            rv &= self._stack.pop() == b''
            rv &= len(self._stack) == 0
            rv = False

        if partial:
            self.match_count = match_count