def angles(self): diff = self.points[0].means - self.points[3].means #diff=[x0-x1,y0-y1] a1 = unp.arctan(diff[1] / diff[0]) diff = self.points[1].means - self.points[2].means a2 = unp.arctan(diff[1] / diff[0]) print("\n{} {}\n".format(a1, a2)) return np.array([a1, a2])
def pitch_angle(self, y=1, halo='hernquist', relation='michikoshi'): Gamma = self.total_shear(y, halo) #tanpsi = 1.932 - 5.186*(0.5*Gamma) + 4.704*(0.5*Gamma)**2 if relation == 'michikoshi': tanpsi = 2 / 7 * unp.sqrt(4 - 2 * Gamma) / Gamma self.psi = unp.arctan(tanpsi) * 360 / (2 * math.pi) elif relation == 'fuchs': tanpsi = 1.932 - 5.186 * (0.5 * Gamma) + 4.704 * (0.5 * Gamma)**2 self.psi = unp.arctan(tanpsi) * 360 / (2 * math.pi) elif relation == 'seigar': m = uf(-36.62, 2.77) c = uf(64.25, 2.87) self.psi = m * Gamma + c return self.psi
def theta(theta_cm, n): """ function to convert θ in the center-of-mass system to θ in the lab system Arguments --------- theta_cm : scattering angle in the center-of-mass system [rad] n : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle Return ------ theta_lab : scattering angle in the lab system [rad] Notice ------ This function does not consider relativity """ if isinstance(theta_cm, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc): return umath.arctan( umath.sin(theta_cm) / (1.0 / n + umath.cos(theta_cm))) elif isinstance(theta_cm, np.ndarray) and isinstance( theta_cm[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc): return unp.arctan(unp.sin(theta_cm) / (1.0 / n + unp.cos(theta_cm))) else: return np.arctan(np.sin(theta_cm) / (1.0 / n + np.cos(theta_cm)))
def burkert_mass_22(self): a_h = self.R_halo()[0] rho0 = self.burkert_rho0() R22 = 2.2 * self.baryonic_scalelength() a = 2 * math.pi * rho0 * a_h**3 b = (unp.log((R22 + a_h) / a_h) + 0.5 * unp.log( (R22**2 + a_h**2) / a_h**2) - unp.arctan(R22 / a_h)) self.M_burkert_22 = a * b return self.M_burkert_22
def total_shear(self, y=1, halo='hernquist'): r = 2 * y * self.baryonic_scalelength() a_b = self.R_bulge M_b = self.M_bulge kappa2_b = M_b * (4 / (r * (r + a_b)**2) - (3 * r + a_b) / (r * (r + a_b)**3)) omega2_b = M_b * (1 / (r * (r + a_b)**2)) R_d = self.R_disc M_d = self.M_disc C = M_d / (2 * R_d) kappa2_d = C * ((r / (4 * R_d) * (3 * I(1, y) * K(0, y) - 3 * I(0, y) * K(1, y) + I(1, y) * K(2, y) - I(2, y) * K(1, y))) + 4 * (I(0, y) * K(0, y) - I(1, y) * K(1, y))) omega2_d = C * (I(0, y) * K(0, y) - I(1, y) * K(1, y)) if halo == 'hernquist': a_h = self.R_halo()[0] M_h = self.M_halo_hernquist() kappa2_h = M_h * (4 / (r * (r + a_h)**2) - (3 * r + a_h) / (r * (r + a_h)**3)) omega2_h = M_h * (1 / (r * (r + a_h)**2)) else: a_h = self.R_halo()[0] rho0 = self.burkert_rho0() C = 2 * math.pi * rho0 * a_h**3 kappa2_h = (C / r**3) * (r**2 / (r**2 + a_h**2) - r / (a_h * ( (r / a_h)**2 + 1)) + r / (r + a_h) + unp.log( (r + a_h) / a_h) + (1 / 2) * unp.log( (r**2 + a_h**2) / a_h**2) - unp.arctan(r / a_h)) omega2_h = (C / r**3) * (unp.log( (r + a_h) / a_h) + (1 / 2) * unp.log( (r**2 + a_h**2) / a_h**2) - unp.arctan(r / a_h)) omega2 = omega2_b + omega2_d + omega2_h kappa2 = kappa2_b + kappa2_d + kappa2_h self.Gamma = 2 - kappa2 / (2 * omega2) return self.Gamma
def burkert_rho0(self): exists = 'rho0' in self.__dict__ if exists is False: a_h, r200 = self.R_halo() M_h = self.M_halo() self.rho0 = (M_h / ((2 * np.pi * a_h**3) * (unp.log( (r200 + a_h) / a_h) + 0.5 * unp.log( (r200**2 + a_h**2) / a_h**2) - unp.arctan(r200 / a_h)))) return self.rho0
def wellenlaenge(d_array, mitte, L): d_links = unp.uarray(np.zeros(mitte), np.zeros(mitte)) d_rechts = unp.uarray(np.zeros(12-mitte), np.zeros(12-mitte)) for i in range(0, mitte, 1): d_links[i] = np.sum(d_array[mitte-(i+1):mitte]) for i in range(0, 12-mitte, 1): d_rechts[i] = np.sum(d_array[mitte:mitte+(i+1)]) g = (10**-3)/80 print('g = ', g*10**6, 'micro meter') d_links = d_links*10**-2 d_rechts = d_rechts*10**-2 d_all = np.concatenate((noms(d_links), noms(d_rechts))) n_links = np.linspace(1, 6, 6) lamda_links = g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(d_links/L))/n_links n_rechts = range(1, len(d_rechts)+1, 1) n_all = np.concatenate((n_links, n_rechts)) lamda_rechts = g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(d_rechts/L))/n_rechts lamda_all = np.concatenate((lamda_links, lamda_rechts)) werteZuTabelle(d_all*100, n_all.astype(int), (noms(lamda_all)*10**9).astype(int), (stds(lamda_all)*10**9).astype(int), rundungen=[3, 0, 0, 0]) print('lambda = ', (np.sum(lamda_all))/12) print('Abweichung = ', abweichungen(632.8*10**-9, (np.sum(lamda_all))/12)) print('Mittelwert = ', np.mean(noms(lamda_all)), '±', np.std(noms(lamda_all)))
def burkert_arm_number(self, y=1, X=1.5): M_d = self.M_disc + self.M_hi R_d = self.baryonic_scalelength() rho0 = self.burkert_rho0() a_h = self.R_halo()[0] a = unp.exp(2 * y) / X R = y * 2 * R_d c = (2 * np.pi * rho0 * R**3 / M_d) * (1 / (4 * y**2)) * ( (R**2 / (R**2 + a_h**2)) + (R / (a_h * (R**2 / a_h**2 + 1))) + unp.log(1 + R / a_h) + unp.log(1 + (R / a_h)**2) - unp.arctan(R / a_h)) self.m_burkert = a * c return self.m_burkert
plt.plot(x_plot, g2(x_plot, *params), 'k-', label='Anpassungsfunktion', linewidth=0.5) print(params) print(np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance_matrix))) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.18) plt.plot(L, I, 'r.', label='Messwerte', Markersize=4) plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlim((-16, 26)) plt.ylabel(r'$I / \mathrm{\mu A}$') plt.xlabel('$x$ / mm') plt.savefig('build/erstemode.pdf') plt.clf() print('----------------------------------------------------') print('Wellenlaenge:') dr = ufloat(7.2, 0.1) dl = ufloat(7.1, 0.1) L = ufloat(143.8, 0.1) dg = (1 / 80) * 10**(-3) d = np.mean([dr, dl]) print('Mittelwert:', d) print('Gitterkonstante:', dg) lam = dg * unp.sin(unp.arctan(d / L)) print('Wellenlaenge:', lam) print('relative Abweichung:', 1 - lam / (633 * 10**(-9)))
plt.errorbar(U_GM, N_GM, yerr, fmt='kx') x_plot = np.linspace(350, 670, 1000) plt.plot(x_plot ,par[0]*x_plot+par[1], 'b-', label="Lineare Regression des Plateaus") plt.xlabel(r'Spannung$\;U\;[V]$') plt.ylabel(r'Impulse$\;N\;$[s$^{-1}$]') plt.legend(loc="best") plt.grid() plt.tight_layout plt.savefig('build/plotGM.pdf') plt.close() m_GM = ufloat(par[0], err[0]) b_GM = ufloat(par[1], err[1]) m_winkel = unp.arctan(m_GM/100) m_percent = (m_winkel*180)/np.pi print(m_percent) # tex file for m_GM with open('build/m_GM.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(make_SI(m_GM,r'\percent\per{100}\volt', figures=1)) # tex file for b_GM with open('build/b_GM.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(make_SI(b_GM,r'\per\second', figures=1)) # tex file for m_percent
def t3(f, a, b, c, f0): # omega = 2 * np.pi * (f-f0) # return a * np.arctan((- omega*R*C)/(1-L*C*omega**2)) + b return a * unp.arctan(b * (f - f0)) + c
def t3(f, a, b, c, f0): #omega = 2 * np.pi * (f-f0) #return a * np.arctan((- omega*R*C)/(1-L*C*omega**2)) + b return a * unp.arctan(b * (f - f0)) + c
f, a = np.genfromtxt('data/phasenverschiebung.txt', unpack=True) # f in Hz, a in µs a *= 1e-6 # a in s phi = a * f * 360 phi = phi / 360 * 2 * np.pi f *= 1e-3 # f in khZ np.savetxt('data/berechnetephi.txt', phi, delimiter='\t', fmt='%1.2f') flinspace2 = np.linspace(0.007, 300, 10000) plt.plot(f, phi, 'rx', label='Messwerte') plt.plot(flinspace2, np.pi / 2 + unp.nominal_values( unp.arctan( (-2 * np.pi * flinspace2 * 1e3 * (R2 + 50) * C / (1 - L * C * (2 * np.pi * flinspace2 * 1e3)**2))**(-1))), 'k-', label='Theoriekurve') plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$f/$kHz') plt.ylabel(r'$\phi/$rad') plt.axis((0.007, 300, -0.2, 4)) # 1e-3 weil f in kHZ ist # Slicing: -3 ist drittletztes Element, : bedeutet bis zum Ende plt.plot(f[-3:], phi[-3:], 'ob', markersize=8, markeredgewidth=1, markerfacecolor='None') # Sorgt für Markierung dr Außreißer
z_0 = ufloat(9.0e-3, 0.2e-3) usigma_x = unp.uarray(xsigma, xsigma_error) usigma_y = unp.uarray(ysigma, ysigma_error) xerror = 1e-3 * np.ones(len(xsigma)) * 0.05 a = 1 b = 1 usigma_x = usigma_x**2 * a usigma_y = usigma_y**2 * a uheight = unp.uarray(heigh_m, xerror) * b alpha = unp.arctan((usigma_x - omega_0) / (uheight - z_0)) x = 150e-6 d_1 = x * unp.tan(unp.arcsin(1 / 3.551)) print(d_1) usigma_x -= 2 * unp.sqrt(d_1**2) print(usigma_x) #print(alpha,uheight) ################## Plot and Fit with ROOT ############################ root.gStyle.SetLabelSize(.055, "XY")
def lamb(l, L, g, n): return (g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(l / L))) / n
deltax =(dx-dxtheo)/dxtheo*100 print('prozentuelle Abweichung', deltax, '%') #----------------------------------------------------------------- #Differentieller Streuquerschnitt-------------------------------------------- theta, c, t = np.genfromtxt('wirkung.txt', unpack=True) theta = (2*np.pi)/360 *theta cpros = c/t errorc =np.sqrt(c)/t cpros = unp.uarray(cpros, errorc) x= 2*10**(-3) y= 10*10**(-3) L = 4.1*10**(-2) dOmega = 4* unp.arctan((x)/(2*L)) * unp.arctan(y/(2*L)) print('dOmega =', dOmega) #zhe= 3.204 * 10**(-19) # =2*e print('c pro s:', cpros) Na = 6.022*10*(23) d = 2* 10**(-6) G = 2*10**(-5) Vol = 10.21*10**(-6) Aktheo = 317.56*10**3 #print('Fehler:', errorc) dsigmadomega2 = 1/((4*np.pi*const.epsilon_0)**2) * ((Zhe* Zau * const.e**2)/(4*Ealpha))**2 * 1/(np.sin(theta/2))**4 cproszwei = 5.320 errorcproszwei = 0.040
def XYfun(a): return a[0], unumpy.sin(pi / 2 - unumpy.arctan((a[1] - zero) / D))
def wavelen(gconst, dist, dn): arr = np.array(dn) for n in range(1, 1 + len(dn)): arr[n - 1] = gconst * unp.sin(unp.arctan(dn[n - 1] / dist)) / n return (arr)
plt.plot(l * 2, I01, 'kx', label='Messwerte') plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta X/\si{\milli\meter}$') plt.ylabel(r'$I/\si{\nano\ampere}$') params, covariance_matrix = curve_fit(Mode_01, l * 2, I01, p0=(-0.46568761, 3.29542082, 12.97749986, 5)) errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance_matrix)) x_plot = np.linspace(np.min(l * 2), np.max(l * 2), 1000) plt.plot(x_plot, Mode_01(x_plot, *params), 'b-', label='Fit') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) print("Mode_01: x_0 I_0 \omega") print(params) print(errors) plt.savefig('build/Moden_01.pdf') plt.clf() print("Wellenlänge") d = 0.7 g = 100 * 10**3 x = unp.uarray([0.045, 0.045], [0.001, 0.001]) l = 1 / g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(x / d)) print(unp.nominal_values(l)) print(unp.std_devs(l))
print(a1, b1) print(a2, b2) # print(a3, b3) with open('build/fitresults.tex', 'w') as f: lines = [ r'\begin{align}', r'm_1 &= \num{{{:0.3f} +- {:0.3f}}} & b_1 &= \SI{{{:0.3f} +- {:0.3f}}}{{\nano\meter}} \\'.format(a1.n, a1.s, b1.n, b1.s), r'm_2 &= \num{{{:0.3f} +- {:0.3f}}} & b_2 &= \SI{{{:0.3f} +- {:0.3f}}}{{\nano\meter}}'.format(a2.n, a2.s, b2.n, b2.s), r'\end{align}', ] f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') a = (a1 + a2) / 2 delta_h = unp.cos(unp.arctan(a)) * (b1 - b2) print(delta_h) with open('build/height.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(r'\SI{{{:.1f} +- {:.1f}}}{{\pico\meter}}'.format( delta_h.n * 1000, delta_h.s * 1000) ) f.write('\n') grid_constant_gold = 407.82 step_factor = np.sqrt(3)*delta_h*1000/grid_constant_gold print(step_factor) with open('build/step_factor.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(r'\num{{{:.1f} +- {:.1f}}}'.format( step_factor.n, step_factor.s) )
#Mit diesem Skript lassen sich aus eingelesenen Miller Indizes die zugehörigen Gitterabstände, #Glanzwinkel und Wellenlängen bestimmen. from fractions import Fraction import numpy as np from numpy import genfromtxt import uncertainties.unumpy as unp from uncertainties import ufloat dataMiller = genfromtxt('LaueIndices.txt', delimiter=';') h = np.array(dataMiller[1:, 0], dtype='int') k = np.array(dataMiller[1:, 1], dtype='int') l = np.array(dataMiller[1:, 2], dtype='int') dataKoord = genfromtxt('Koord.txt', delimiter=';') x = unp.uarray(dataKoord[1:, 3],dataKoord[1:, 4]) y = unp.uarray(dataKoord[1:, 5],dataKoord[1:, 6]) z = unp.uarray(dataKoord[1:, 7],dataKoord[1:, 8]) a=564.02e-12 #Gitterkonstante d = a/(unp.sqrt(h**2+k**2+l**2)) teta = unp.arctan(l/unp.sqrt(h**2+k**2)) tetaKoord = unp.arctan(z/unp.sqrt(x**2+y**2)) lamda = 2*d*unp.sin(teta) print('Abstand d / pm; $\\teta / ^\circ$; $\lambda$ / pm') for i in range(0,8): print('%.3f'%(d[i]*1e12),180/np.pi*teta[i],lamda[i]*1e12, tetaKoord[i])
#+-0.1cm/s # 3*10^-5 * v/(cm/s) # fehler für v berechnen def FehlerV(v): return np.sqrt(0.01+(3*10**(-5)*v*v)**2) for i in range(len(Data1)): d.append(ufloat(Data1[i],deltaD)) v1.append(ufloat(Data2[i], FehlerV(Data2[i]))) v2.append(ufloat(Data3[i], FehlerV(Data3[i]))) #v2prime.append(ufloat(Data1[i], FehlerV(Data1[i]))) #v1prime.append(ufloat(Data1[i], FehlerV(Data1[i]))) #Berechnung des Neigungswinkels alpha = unumpy.arctan(h/s) #Berechnung von g aneu=0 gneu=[] G=0 A=0 for i in range(len(Data1)-1): a=(v2[i]**2-v1[i]**2)/(2*d[i]) g.append(a/unumpy.sin(alpha)/100) aneu = ((0.99*v2[i]) ** 2 - (0.99*v1[i]) ** 2) / (2 * d[i]) gneu.append(aneu / unumpy.sin(alpha) / 100) #print('{:.1u}'.format(a)) #print('{:.1u}'.format(aneu)) A += aneu print('{:.1u}'.format(d[i]))
def Wellenlange(a, n, d, L): return a / n * unp.sin(unp.arctan(d / L))
yerr=stds(N_miterr), fmt='kx', label='Messwerte mit Fehler') x_plot = np.linspace(350, 680, 10000) plt.plot(x_plot, par[0] * x_plot + par[1], 'r-', label='Fitkurve') plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel(r'Spannung $U \:/\:V$') plt.ylabel(r'Intensität $I\:/\:Imp/60s$') plt.grid() plt.tight_layout plt.savefig('build/plot_kenn.pdf') plt.close() par_kenn = unp.uarray(par / 60, err / 60) m_winkel = unp.arctan(par_kenn[0] / 100) m_percent = (m_winkel * 180) / np.pi # Plot zu Z ################################################################# N_Z = np.array([9837, 9995, 10264, 10151, 10184, 10253, 10493, 11547]) N_Z_miterr = unp.uarray(N_Z, np.sqrt(N_Z)) Z = I_miterr / (const.e * N_Z_miterr) par, cov = np.polyfit(noms(I_miterr), noms(Z), deg=1, cov=True) err = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) plt.errorbar(noms(I_miterr), noms(Z), xerr=(stds(I_miterr)), yerr=stds(Z),
def lam(x, n=1, s=s, d=d): alpha = unp.arctan(x/d) return s / n * unp.sin(alpha)
C = ufloat(2.098 * 10**(-9), 0.006 * 10**(-9)) R2 = ufloat(559.5, 0.5) q = ufloat(3.99, 0.01) k = np.linspace(1000, 65000, 100) print(unp.sqrt(1 / (L * C) - R2**2 / (2 * L**2)) / (2 * np.pi)) print(34000 / (unp.sqrt(1 / (L * C) - R2**2 / (2 * L**2)) / (2 * np.pi))) print('------------') print(1 / (unp.sqrt(L * C) * q * 2 * np.pi)) print(7500 / (1 / (unp.sqrt(L * C) * q * 2 * np.pi))) print(unp.sqrt(L * C) / (R2 * C)) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.18) plt.plot(k, unp.nominal_values( unp.arctan((1 - L * C * (2 * np.pi * k)**2) / (-k * 2 * np.pi * R2 * C))) + np.pi / 2, 'k-', label='Theoriekurve', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(f, phi, 'r.', label='Messwerte', Markersize=4) plt.yticks( [0, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2, (np.pi * 3) / 4, np.pi], [0, r'$\frac{\pi}{4}$', r'$\frac{\pi}{2}$', r'$\frac{3\pi}{4}$', r'$\pi$']) plt.title('Phasenverschiebung der Spannungen (halblogarithmisch)') plt.legend() plt.xscale('log') plt.grid() plt.xlim((3 * 10**3, 6.5 * 10**4)) plt.xlabel('$f$ / Hz') plt.ylabel(r'$\varphi$ / rad') plt.savefig('build/plot3.pdf')
return I_max*(((x-d)/w)**2)*np.exp(-2*((x-d)/w)**2) #Gitter #100 Spalte/mm -> 1*10^5 Spalte pro m d_1=ufloat(6.3, 0.2) #cm d_2=ufloat(6.2, 0.2) #cm l=ufloat(95.7, 0.2) #cm g=10**(-5) #HIER DIE AUSWERTUNG FÜR DIE WELLENLÄNGE d_1=d_1*1e-2 d_2=d_2*1e-2 l=l*1e-2 d=np.mean([d_1, d_2]) print('Mittelwert der Abstände:', d) lamda=g*unp.sin(unp.arctan(d/l)) print('lambda= ', lamda) print('Abweichung von der Theorie:', (lamda*1e9/632.8-1)*100) #plankonkav print('plankonkav:') l, I = np.genfromtxt('data/plankonkav.txt', unpack=True) hr = ['$L$/cm', '$I$/µA'] m = np.zeros((21, 2)) m[:,0] = l m[:,1] = I t=matrix2latex(m, headerRow=hr, format='%.2f') print(t) params, covariance_matrix = optimize.curve_fit(linfit, l, I)
def Lambda(d, L, n, g): return (sin(arctan(d / L))) / (abs(n) * g)