def ave_ali_err_params_new(ali_params1, ali_params2, r=25): ''' This function determines the relative angle, shifts and mirrorness between the two sets of alignment parameters. It also calculates the mirror consistent rate and average pixel error between two sets of parameters. ''' from utilities import combine_params2 from math import sqrt, sin, pi # Determine relative angle, shift and mirror alphai, sxi, syi, mirror = align_diff_params(ali_params1, ali_params2) #sxi = syi = 0. # Determine the average pixel error nima = len(ali_params1)/4 mirror_same = 0 err = 0.0 difi = [] for i in xrange(nima): alpha1, sx1, sy1, mirror1 = ali_params1[i*4:i*4+4] alpha2, sx2, sy2, mirror2 = ali_params2[i*4:i*4+4] if abs(mirror1-mirror2) == mirror: mirror_same += 1 alpha12, sx12, sy12, mirror12 = combine_params2(alpha1, sx1, sy1, int(mirror1), alphai, sxi, syi, 0) qerr = max_2D_pixel_error([alpha12, sx12, sy12], [alpha2, sx2, sy2], r) err += qerr difi.append([alpha12, sx12, sy12, mirror12,alpha2, sx2, sy2,qerr]) else: difi.append([-1.,-1.,-1.-1,9999.0]) return alphai, sxi, syi, mirror, float(mirror_same)/nima, err/mirror_same, difi
def ali_stable_list(ali_params1, ali_params2, pixel_error_threshold, r=25): ''' This function first determines the relative angle, shifts and mirrorness between the two sets of alignment parameters. It then determines whether each image is stable or not and return this information as an int list. (1 is stable and 0 is unstable) ''' from utilities import combine_params2 from math import sqrt, sin, pi # Determine relative angle, shift and mirror alphai, sxi, syi, mirror = align_diff_params(ali_params1, ali_params2) # Determine the average pixel error nima = len(ali_params1)/4 ali_list = [] for i in xrange(nima): alpha1, sx1, sy1, mirror1 = ali_params1[i*4:i*4+4] alpha2, sx2, sy2, mirror2 = ali_params2[i*4:i*4+4] if abs(mirror1-mirror2) == mirror: alpha12, sx12, sy12, mirror12 = combine_params2(alpha1, sx1, sy1, int(mirror1), alphai, sxi, syi, 0) if max_2D_pixel_error([alpha12, sx12, sy12], [alpha2, sx2, sy2], r) < pixel_error_threshold: ali_list.append(1) else: ali_list.append(0) else: ali_list.append(0) return ali_list
def ave_ali_err(data1, data2=None, r=25, suffix="_ideal"): ''' This function determines the relative angle, shifts and mirrorness between the two lists of data. It also calculates the mirror consistent rate and average pixel error between two sets of parameters. ''' from utilities import get_params2D, combine_params2 from math import sqrt, sin, pi # Determine relative angle, shifts and mirror alphai, sxi, syi, mirror = align_diff(data1, data2, suffix) # Determine the average pixel error err = 0.0 nima = len(data1) mirror_same = 0 for i in xrange(nima): alpha1, sx1, sy1, mirror1, scale1 = get_params2D(data1[i]) if data2 != None: alpha2, sx2, sy2, mirror2, scale2 = get_params2D(data2[i]) else: alpha2, sx2, sy2, mirror2, scale2 = get_params2D(data1[i], "xform.align2d"+suffix) if abs(mirror1-mirror2) == mirror: mirror_same += 1 alpha12, sx12, sy12, mirror12 = combine_params2(alpha1, sx1, sy1, int(mirror1), alphai, sxi, syi, 0) err += max_2D_pixel_error([alpha12, sx12, sy12], [alpha2, sx2, sy2], r) return alphai, sxi, syi, mirror, float(mirror_same)/nima, err/mirror_same
def func(args, data, return_avg_pixel_error=True): # Computes pixel error per particle given transformation parameters (G_l) from math import pi, sin, cos, sqrt from utilities import combine_params2 ali_params = data[0] d = data[1] #print ali_params L = len(ali_params) N = len(ali_params[0])/4 #print " FUNC",N,L,d args_list= [0.0]*(L*3) for i in xrange(L*3-3): args_list[i] = args[i] pt = Transform({"type":"2D"}) sqr_pixel_error = [0.0]*N ave_params =[] hmir = 0 for i in xrange(N): sum_cosa = 0.0 sum_sina = 0.0 sx = [0.0]*L sy = [0.0]*L alpha = [0.0]*L for l in xrange(L): alpha[l], sx[l], sy[l], mirror12 = combine_params2(ali_params[l][i*4+0], ali_params[l][i*4+1], ali_params[l][i*4+2], int(ali_params[l][i*4+3]), args_list[l*3+0],args_list[l*3+1],args_list[l*3+2],0) hmir += mirror12 sum_cosa += cos(alpha[l]*pi/180.0) sum_sina += sin(alpha[l]*pi/180.0) sqrtP = sqrt(sum_cosa**2+sum_sina**2) sum_cosa /= sqrtP sum_sina /= sqrtP # This completes calculation of matrix H_i """ anger = 0.0 for l in xrange(L): anger += (cos(alpha[l]*pi/180.0)-sum_cosa)**2 anger += (sin(alpha[l]*pi/180.0)-sum_sina)**2 anger *= 2 sqr_pixel_error[i] = d*d/4.*anger/L/4.+sqerr(sx)+sqerr(sy) """ sqr_pixel_error[i] = d*d/4*(1.0-sqrtP/L) + sqerr(sx) + sqerr(sy) # Get ave transform params pt.set_matrix([sum_cosa, sum_sina, 0.0, sum(sx)/L, -sum_sina, sum_cosa, 0.0, sum(sy)/L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) dd = pt.get_params("2D") # We are using here mirror of the FIRST SET. pt = Transform({"type":"2D","alpha":dd[ "alpha" ],"tx":dd[ "tx" ],"ty": dd[ "ty" ],"mirror":int(ali_params[0][i*4+3]),"scale":1.0}) dd = pt.get_params("2D") ave_params.append([dd[ "alpha" ], dd[ "tx" ], dd[ "ty" ], dd[ "mirror" ]]) #three different approaches give the same solution: #print i,d*d/4*(1.0-sqrtP/L) + sqerr(sx) + sqerr(sy),sqr_pixel_error[i]#, (sin((alpha[0]-alpha[1])*pi/180.0/4.0)*(d))**2/2 + ((sx[0]-sx[1])/2)**2 + ((sy[0]-sy[1])/2)**2 # Warning: Whatever I return here is squared pixel error, this is for the easy expression of derivative # Don't forget to square root it after getting the value if return_avg_pixel_error: return sum(sqr_pixel_error)/N else: return sqr_pixel_error, ave_params
def ave_ali_err_textfile(textfile1, textfile2, r=25): ''' This function determines the relative angle, shifts and mirrorness between the two sets of alignment parameters. It also calculates the mirror consistent rate and average pixel error between two sets of parameters. ''' from utilities import combine_params2 from math import sqrt, sin, pi from utilities import read_text_row ali1 = read_text_row(textfile1, "", "") ali2 = read_text_row(textfile2, "", "") nima = len(ali1) nima2 = len(ali2) if nima2 != nima: print "Error: Number of images don't agree!" return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0 else: del nima2 # Read the alignment parameters ali_params1 = [] ali_params2 = [] for i in xrange(nima): ali_params1.extend(ali1[i][0:4]) ali_params2.extend(ali2[i][0:4]) # Determine relative angle, shift and mirror alphai, sxi, syi, mirror = align_diff_params(ali_params1, ali_params2) # Determine the average pixel error nima = len(ali_params1)/4 mirror_same = 0 err = 0.0 for i in xrange(nima): alpha1, sx1, sy1, mirror1 = ali_params1[i*4:i*4+4] alpha2, sx2, sy2, mirror2 = ali_params2[i*4:i*4+4] if abs(mirror1-mirror2) == mirror: mirror_same += 1 alpha12, sx12, sy12, mirror12 = combine_params2(alpha1, sx1, sy1, int(mirror1), alphai, sxi, syi, 0) err += max_2D_pixel_error([alpha12, sx12, sy12], [alpha2, sx2, sy2], r) return alphai, sxi, syi, mirror, float(mirror_same)/nima, err/mirror_same
def main(args): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = ( progname + " stack_file output_directory --radius=particle_radius --img_per_grp=img_per_grp --CTF --restart_section<The remaining parameters are optional --ir=ir --rs=rs --xr=xr --yr=yr --ts=ts --maxit=maxit --dst=dst --FL=FL --FH=FH --FF=FF --init_iter=init_iter --main_maxit=main_iter" + " --iter_reali=iter_reali --match_first=match_first --max_round=max_round --match_second=match_second --stab_ali=stab_ali --thld_err=thld_err --indep_run=indep_run --thld_grp=thld_grp" + " --generation=generation --rand_seed=rand_seed>" ) parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--radius", type="int", help="particle radius: there is no default, a sensible number has to be provided, units - pixels (default required int)") parser.add_option("--target_radius", type="int", default=29, help="target particle radius: actual particle radius on which isac will process data. Images will be shrinked/enlarged to achieve this radius (default 29)") parser.add_option("--target_nx", type="int", default=76, help="target particle image size: actual image size on which isac will process data. Images will be shrinked/enlarged according to target particle radius and then cut/padded to achieve target_nx size. When xr > 0, the final image size for isac processing is 'target_nx + xr - 1' (default 76)") parser.add_option("--img_per_grp", type="int", default=100, help="number of images per class: in the ideal case (essentially maximum size of class) (default 100)") parser.add_option("--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="apply phase-flip for CTF correction: if set the data will be phase-flipped using CTF information included in image headers (default False)") parser.add_option("--ir", type="int", default=1, help="inner ring: of the resampling to polar coordinates. units - pixels (default 1)") parser.add_option("--rs", type="int", default=1, help="ring step: of the resampling to polar coordinates. units - pixels (default 1)") parser.add_option("--xr", type="int", default=1, help="x range: of translational search. By default, set by the program. (default 1)") parser.add_option("--yr", type="int", default=-1, help="y range: of translational search. By default, same as xr. (default -1)") parser.add_option("--ts", type="float", default=1.0, help="search step: of translational search: units - pixels (default 1.0)") parser.add_option("--maxit", type="int", default=30, help="number of iterations for reference-free alignment: (default 30)") #parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default=1.0, help="signal-to-noise ratio (only meaningful when CTF is enabled, currently not supported)") parser.add_option("--center_method", type="int", default=-1, help="method for centering: of global 2D average during initial prealignment of data (0 : no centering; -1 : average shift method; please see center_2D in for methods 1-7) (default -1)") parser.add_option("--dst", type="float", default=90.0, help="discrete angle used in within group alignment: (default 90.0)") parser.add_option("--FL", type="float", default=0.2, help="lowest stopband: frequency used in the tangent filter (default 0.2)") parser.add_option("--FH", type="float", default=0.3, help="highest stopband: frequency used in the tangent filter (default 0.3)") parser.add_option("--FF", type="float", default=0.2, help="fall-off of the tangent filter: (default 0.2)") parser.add_option("--init_iter", type="int", default=3, help="SAC initialization iterations: number of runs of ab-initio within-cluster alignment for stability evaluation in SAC initialization (default 3)") parser.add_option("--main_iter", type="int", default=3, help="SAC main iterations: number of runs of ab-initio within-cluster alignment for stability evaluation in SAC (default 3)") parser.add_option("--iter_reali", type="int", default=1, help="SAC stability check interval: every iter_reali iterations of SAC stability checking is performed (default 1)") parser.add_option("--match_first", type="int", default=1, help="number of iterations to run 2-way matching in the first phase: (default 1)") parser.add_option("--max_round", type="int", default=20, help="maximum rounds: of generating candidate class averages in the first phase (default 20)") parser.add_option("--match_second", type="int", default=5, help="number of iterations to run 2-way (or 3-way) matching in the second phase: (default 5)") parser.add_option("--stab_ali", type="int", default=5, help="number of alignments when checking stability: (default 5)") parser.add_option("--thld_err", type="float", default=0.7, help="threshold of pixel error when checking stability: equals root mean square of distances between corresponding pixels from set of found transformations and theirs average transformation, depends linearly on square of radius (parameter ou). units - pixels. (default 0.7)") parser.add_option("--indep_run", type="int", default=4, help="level of m-way matching for reproducibility tests: By default, perform full ISAC to 4-way matching. Value indep_run=2 will restrict ISAC to 2-way matching and 3 to 3-way matching. Note the number of used MPI processes requested in mpirun must be a multiplicity of indep_run. (default 4)") parser.add_option("--thld_grp", type="int", default=10, help="minimum size of reproducible class (default 10)") parser.add_option("--n_generations", type="int", default=100, help="maximum number of generations: program stops when reaching this total number of generations: (default 100)") #parser.add_option("--candidatesexist",action="store_true", default=False, help="Candidate class averages exist use them (default False)") parser.add_option("--rand_seed", type="int", help="random seed set before calculations: useful for testing purposes. By default, total randomness (type int)") parser.add_option("--new", action="store_true", default=False, help="use new code: (default False)") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="debug info printout: (default False)") # must be switched off in production parser.add_option("--use_latest_master_directory",action="store_true", default=False, help="use latest master directory: when active, the program looks for the latest directory that starts with the word 'master', so the user does not need to provide a directory name. (default False)") parser.add_option("--restart_section", type="string", default=' ', help="restart section: each generation (iteration) contains three sections: 'restart', 'candidate_class_averages', and 'reproducible_class_averages'. To restart from a particular step, for example, generation 4 and section 'candidate_class_averages' the following option is needed: '--restart_section=candidate_class_averages,4'. The option requires no white space before or after the comma. The default behavior is to restart execution from where it stopped intentionally or unintentionally. For default restart, it is assumed that the name of the directory is provided as argument. Alternatively, the '--use_latest_master_directory' option can be used. (default ' ')") parser.add_option("--stop_after_candidates", action="store_true", default=False, help="stop after candidates: stops after the 'candidate_class_averages' section. (default False)") ##### XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX option does not exist in docs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX parser.add_option("--return_options", action="store_true", dest="return_options", default=False, help = SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("--skip_prealignment", action="store_true", default=False, help="skip pre-alignment step: to be used if images are already centered. 2dalignment directory will still be generated but the parameters will be zero. (default False)") required_option_list = ['radius'] (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if options.return_options: return parser if len(args) > 2: print "usage: " + usage print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options" sys.exit() if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() global_def.BATCH = True from isac import iter_isac from fundamentals import rot_shift2D, resample from utilities import pad, combine_params2 command_line_provided_stack_filename = args[0] main_node = 0 mpi_init(0, []) myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) nproc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) if(myid == main_node): print "****************************************************************" Util.version() print "****************************************************************" sys.stdout.flush() mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Making sure all required options appeared. for required_option in required_option_list: if not options.__dict__[required_option]: print "\n ==%s== mandatory option is missing.\n"%required_option print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options" return 1 radi = options.radius target_radius = options.target_radius target_nx = options.target_nx center_method = options.center_method if(radi < 1): ERROR("Particle radius has to be provided!","sxisac",1,myid) use_latest_master_directory = options.use_latest_master_directory stop_after_candidates = options.stop_after_candidates # program_state_stack.restart_location_title_from_command_line = options.restart_section from utilities import qw program_state_stack.PROGRAM_STATE_VARIABLES = set(qw(""" isac_generation """)) # create or reuse master directory masterdir = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "" error_status = 0 if len(args) == 2: masterdir = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: if use_latest_master_directory: all_dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(d)] import re; r = re.compile("^master.*$") all_dirs = filter(r.match, all_dirs) if len(all_dirs)>0: # all_dirs = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getctime) masterdir = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getmtime) #Create folder for all results or check if there is one created already if(myid == main_node): if( masterdir == ""): timestring = strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S" + DIR_DELIM, localtime()) masterdir = "master"+timestring cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) cmdexecute(cmd) elif not os.path.exists(masterdir): # os.path.exists(masterdir) does not exist masterdir = args[1] cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) cmdexecute(cmd) if(args[0][:4] == "bdb:"): filename = args[0][4:] else: filename = args[0][:-4] filename = os.path.basename(filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "bdb:" + os.path.join(masterdir, filename ) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "bdb:" + filename if_error_then_all_processes_exit_program(error_status) # send masterdir to all processes masterdir = send_string_to_all(masterdir) if myid == 0: if options.restart_section != " ": if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state(os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) import re if "," in options.restart_section: parsed_restart_section_option = options.restart_section.split(",") stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub(r"___.*$", "___%s"%parsed_restart_section_option[0], stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) generation_str_format = parsed_restart_section_option[1] if generation_str_format != "": isac_generation_from_command_line = int(generation_str_format) stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] = isac_generation_from_command_line else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub(r"___.*$", "___%s"%options.restart_section, stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] store_program_state(os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE), stored_state, stored_stack) else: print "Please remove the restart_section option from the command line. The program must be started from the beginning." mpi_finalize() sys.exit() else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = send_string_to_all(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = \ send_string_to_all(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) # previous code 2016-05-05--20-14-12-153 # # PARAMETERS OF THE PROCEDURE # if( options.xr == -1 ): # # Default values # # target_nx = 76 # # target_radius = 29 # target_xr = 1 # else: # nx//2 # # Check below! # target_xr = options.xr # # target_nx = 76 + target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default # target_nx += target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default # # target_radius = 29 target_xr = options.xr target_nx += target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default if (options.yr == -1): yr = options.xr else: yr = options.yr mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Initialization of stacks if(myid == main_node): print "command_line_provided_stack_filename", command_line_provided_stack_filename number_of_images_in_stack = EMUtil.get_image_count(command_line_provided_stack_filename) else: number_of_images_in_stack = 0 number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node = main_node) nxrsteps = 4 init2dir = os.path.join(masterdir,"2dalignment") # from mpi import mpi_finalize # mpi_finalize() # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.exit() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(init2dir, "Finished_initial_2d_alignment.txt")): if(myid == 0): import subprocess from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files # Create output directory log2d = Logger(BaseLogger_Files()) log2d.prefix = os.path.join(init2dir) cmd = "mkdir -p "+log2d.prefix outcome =, shell=True) log2d.prefix += "/" # outcome =" "+command_line_provided_stack_filename+" --params=xform.align2d --zero", shell=True) else: outcome = 0 log2d = None if(myid == main_node): a = get_im(command_line_provided_stack_filename) nnxo = a.get_xsize() else: nnxo = 0 nnxo = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo, source_node = main_node) image_start, image_end = MPI_start_end(number_of_images_in_stack, nproc, myid) if options.skip_prealignment: params2d = [[0.0,0.0,0.0,0] for i in xrange(image_start, image_end)] else: original_images = EMData.read_images(command_line_provided_stack_filename, range(image_start,image_end)) # We assume the target radius will be 29, and xr = 1. shrink_ratio = float(target_radius)/float(radi) for im in xrange(len(original_images)): if(shrink_ratio != 1.0): original_images[im] = resample(original_images[im], shrink_ratio) nx = original_images[0].get_xsize() # nx = int(nx*shrink_ratio + 0.5) txrm = (nx - 2*(target_radius+1))//2 if(txrm < 0): ERROR( "ERROR!! Radius of the structure larger than the window data size permits %d"%(radi), "sxisac",1, myid) if(txrm/nxrsteps>0): tss = "" txr = "" while(txrm/nxrsteps>0): tts=txrm/nxrsteps tss += " %d"%tts txr += " %d"%(tts*nxrsteps) txrm =txrm//2 else: tss = "1" txr = "%d"%txrm # print "nx, txr, txrm, tss", nx, txr, txrm, tss # from mpi import mpi_finalize # mpi_finalize() # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.exit() # section ali2d_base params2d = ali2d_base(original_images, init2dir, None, 1, target_radius, 1, txr, txr, tss, \ False, 90.0, center_method, 14, options.CTF, 1.0, False, \ "ref_ali2d", "", log2d, nproc, myid, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD, write_headers = False) del original_images for i in xrange(len(params2d)): alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, params2d[i][1],params2d[i][2], 0, -params2d[i][0], 0, 0, 0) sx /= shrink_ratio sy /= shrink_ratio params2d[i][0] = 0.0 params2d[i][1] = sx params2d[i][2] = sy params2d[i][3] = 0 #set_params2D(aligned_images[i],[0.0, sx,sy,0.,1.0]) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) tmp = params2d[:] tmp = wrap_mpi_gatherv(tmp, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD) if( myid == main_node ): if options.skip_prealignment: print "=========================================" print "Even though there is no alignment step, '%s' params are set to zero for later use."%os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt") print "=========================================" write_text_row(tmp,os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")) del tmp mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # We assume the target image size will be target_nx, radius will be 29, and xr = 1. # Note images can be also padded, in which case shrink_ratio > 1. shrink_ratio = float(target_radius)/float(radi) aligned_images = EMData.read_images(command_line_provided_stack_filename, range(image_start,image_end)) nx = aligned_images[0].get_xsize() nima = len(aligned_images) newx = int(nx*shrink_ratio + 0.5) while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")): import time time.sleep(1) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) params = read_text_row(os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")) params = params[image_start:image_end] msk = model_circle(radi, nx, nx) for im in xrange(nima): st = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= st[0] if options.CTF: aligned_images[im] = filt_ctf(aligned_images[im], aligned_images[im].get_attr("ctf"), binary = True) if(shrink_ratio < 1.0): if newx > target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) #aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx : msk = model_circle(newx//2-2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif(shrink_ratio == 1.0): if newx > target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx : msk = model_circle(newx//2-2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) #aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif(shrink_ratio > 1.0): if newx > target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx : msk = model_circle(newx//2-2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) del msk gather_compacted_EMData_to_root(number_of_images_in_stack, aligned_images, myid) number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node = main_node) if( myid == main_node ): for i in range(number_of_images_in_stack): aligned_images[i].write_image(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename,i) # It has to be explicitly closed from EMAN2db import db_open_dict DB = db_open_dict(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) DB.close() fp = open(os.path.join(masterdir,"README_shrink_ratio.txt"), "w") output_text = """ Since, for processing purposes, isac changes the image dimensions, adjustment of pixel size needs to be made in subsequent steps, (e.g. running The shrink ratio for this particular isac run is -------- %.5f %.5f -------- To get the pixel size for the isac output the user needs to divide the original pixel size by the above value. This info is saved in the following file: README_shrink_ratio.txt """%(shrink_ratio, radi) fp.write(output_text); fp.flush() ;fp.close() print output_text fp = open(os.path.join(init2dir, "Finished_initial_2d_alignment.txt"), "w"); fp.flush() ;fp.close() else: if( myid == main_node ): print "Skipping 2d alignment since it was already done!" mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # from mpi import mpi_finalize # mpi_finalize() # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.exit() os.chdir(masterdir) if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): # if 1: pass if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute(" --consecutive --params=originalid %s"%stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) cmdexecute(" %s --makevstack=%s_000"%(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir, stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir)) if (myid == main_node): main_dir_no = get_latest_directory_increment_value("./", NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR, myformat="%04d") print "isac_generation_from_command_line", isac_generation_from_command_line, main_dir_no if isac_generation_from_command_line < 0: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 if isac_generation_from_command_line >= 0 and isac_generation_from_command_line <= main_dir_no: for i in xrange(isac_generation_from_command_line+1, main_dir_no + 1): if i == isac_generation_from_command_line+1: backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value("./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%i + " 000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("rm " + "EMAN2DB/"+stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[4:]+"_%03d.bdb"%i) # it includes both command line and json file my_restart_section = stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"].split("___")[-1] if "restart" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value("./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("rm " + "EMAN2DB/"+stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[4:]+"_%03d.bdb"%isac_generation_from_command_line ) elif "candidate_class_averages" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value("./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation_from_command_line) # cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_candidate*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) elif "reproducible_class_averages" in my_restart_section: cmdexecute("rm -rf " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/ali_params_generation_*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_generation*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) else: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 0 isac_generation_from_command_line = mpi_bcast(isac_generation_from_command_line, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0] isac_generation = isac_generation_from_command_line - 1 if (myid == main_node): if isac_generation == 0: cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation) write_text_file([1], os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation, "generation_%d_accounted.txt"%isac_generation)) write_text_file(range(number_of_images_in_stack), os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation, "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%isac_generation)) # Stopping criterion should be inside the program. while True: isac_generation += 1 if isac_generation > options.n_generations: break data64_stack_current = "bdb:../"+stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[4:]+"_%03d"%isac_generation program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "restart" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation) # reference the original stack list_file = os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation - 1), "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%(isac_generation - 1)) cmdexecute(" %s --makevstack=%s --list=%s"%(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir,\ stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir + "_%03d"%isac_generation, list_file)) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) os.chdir(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "candidate_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, yr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, False, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) # program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stopped_program1" # program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stop_after_candidates" program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) if stop_after_candidates: mpi_finalize() sys.exit() exit_program = 0 if(myid == main_node): if not os.path.exists("class_averages_candidate_generation_%d.hdf"%isac_generation): print "This generation (%d) no class average candidates were generated! Finishing."%isac_generation exit_program = 1 exit_program = int(mpi_bcast(exit_program, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if exit_program: os.chdir("..") break program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "reproducible_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, yr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, True, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) pass os.chdir("..") if(myid == main_node): accounted_images = read_text_file(os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation),"generation_%d_accounted.txt"%(isac_generation))) number_of_accounted_images = len(accounted_images) un_accounted_images = read_text_file(os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation),"generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%(isac_generation))) number_of_un_accounted_images = len(un_accounted_images) else: number_of_accounted_images = 0 number_of_un_accounted_images = 0 number_of_accounted_images = int(mpi_bcast(number_of_accounted_images, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) number_of_un_accounted_images = int(mpi_bcast(number_of_un_accounted_images, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if number_of_accounted_images == 0: if(myid == main_node): print "This generation (%d) there are no accounted images! Finishing."%isac_generation break while (myid == main_node): def files_are_missing(isac_generation): for i in xrange(1, isac_generation + 1): if not os.path.exists("generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf"%(i,i)): print "Error: generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf is missing! Exiting."%(i,i) return 1 return 0 if files_are_missing(isac_generation): break cmdexecute("rm -f class_averages.hdf") cpy(["generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf"%(i,i) for i in xrange(1, isac_generation + 1)], "class_averages.hdf") break if number_of_un_accounted_images == 0: if(myid == main_node): print "This generation (%d) there are no un accounted images! Finishing."%isac_generation break program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), last_call="__LastCall") mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_finalize()
def compare(compare_ref_free, outfile_repro,ref_free_output,yrng, xrng, rstep,nx,apix,ref_free_cutoff, nproc, myid, main_node): from alignment import Numrinit, ringwe, Applyws from random import seed, randint from utilities import get_params2D, set_params2D, model_circle, inverse_transform2, combine_params2 from fundamentals import rot_shift2D from mpi import MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_barrier, mpi_bcast, MPI_INT from statistics import fsc_mask from filter import fit_tanh from numpy import array fout = "%s.hdf" % ref_free_output frc_out = "%s_frc" % ref_free_output res_out = "%s_res" % ref_free_output nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(compare_ref_free) image_start, image_end = MPI_start_end(nima, nproc, myid) ima = EMData() ima.read_image(compare_ref_free, image_start) last_ring = nx/2-2 first_ring = 1 mask = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx) refi = [] numref = EMUtil.get_image_count(outfile_repro) cnx = nx/2 +1 cny = cnx mode = "F" numr = Numrinit(first_ring, last_ring, rstep, mode) wr = ringwe(numr, mode) ima.to_zero() for j in xrange(numref): temp = EMData() temp.read_image(outfile_repro, j) # even, odd, numer of even, number of images. After frc, totav refi.append(temp) # for each node read its share of data data = EMData.read_images(compare_ref_free, range(image_start, image_end)) for im in xrange(image_start, image_end): data[im-image_start].set_attr('ID', im) set_params2D(data[im-image_start],[0,0,0,0,1]) ringref = [] for j in xrange(numref): refi[j].process_inplace("normalize.mask", {"mask":mask, "no_sigma":1}) # normalize reference images to N(0,1) cimage = Util.Polar2Dm(refi[j], cnx, cny, numr, mode) Util.Frngs(cimage, numr) Applyws(cimage, numr, wr) ringref.append(cimage) if myid == main_node: seed(1000) data_shift = [] frc = [] res = [] for im in xrange(image_start, image_end): alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(data[im-image_start]) alphai, sxi, syi, scalei = inverse_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0) # normalize data[im-image_start].process_inplace("normalize.mask", {"mask":mask, "no_sigma":1}) # subtract average under the mask # align current image to the reference [angt, sxst, syst, mirrort, xiref, peakt] = Util.multiref_polar_ali_2d(data[im-image_start], ringref, xrng, yrng, 1, mode, numr, cnx+sxi, cny+syi) iref = int(xiref) [alphan, sxn, syn, mn] = combine_params2(0.0, -sxi, -syi, 0, angt, sxst, syst, (int)(mirrort)) set_params2D(data[im-image_start], [alphan, sxn, syn, int(mn), scale]) temp = rot_shift2D(data[im-image_start], alphan, sxn, syn, mn) temp.set_attr('assign',iref) tfrc = fsc_mask(temp,refi[iref],mask = mask) temp.set_attr('frc',tfrc[1]) res = fit_tanh(tfrc) temp.set_attr('res',res) data_shift.append(temp) for node in xrange(nproc): if myid == node: for image in data_shift: image.write_image(fout,-1) refindex = image.get_attr('assign') refi[refindex].write_image(fout,-1) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) rejects = [] if myid == main_node: a = EMData() index = 0 frc = [] res = [] temp = [] classes = [] for im in xrange(nima): a.read_image(fout, index) frc.append(a.get_attr("frc")) if ref_free_cutoff != -1: classes.append(a.get_attr("class_ptcl_idxs")) tmp = a.get_attr("res") temp.append(tmp[0]) res.append("%12f" %(apix/tmp[0])) res.append("\n") index = index + 2 res_num = array(temp) mean_score = res_num.mean(axis=0) std_score = res_num.std(axis=0) std = std_score / 2 if ref_free_cutoff !=-1: cutoff = mean_score - std * ref_free_cutoff reject = res_num < cutoff index = 0 for i in reject: if i: rejects.extend(classes[index]) index = index + 1 rejects.sort() length = mpi_bcast(len(rejects),1,MPI_INT,main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD) rejects = mpi_bcast(rejects,length , MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD) del a fout_frc = open(frc_out,'w') fout_res = open(res_out,'w') fout_res.write("".join(res)) temp = zip(*frc) datstrings = [] for i in temp: for j in i: datstrings.append(" %12f" % (j)) datstrings.append("\n") fout_frc.write("".join(datstrings)) fout_frc.close() del refi del ringref return rejects
def compare(compare_ref_free, outfile_repro, ref_free_output, yrng, xrng, rstep, nx, apix, ref_free_cutoff, nproc, myid, main_node): from alignment import Numrinit, ringwe, Applyws from random import seed, randint from utilities import get_params2D, set_params2D, model_circle, inverse_transform2, combine_params2 from fundamentals import rot_shift2D from mpi import MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_barrier, mpi_bcast, MPI_INT from statistics import fsc_mask from filter import fit_tanh from numpy import array fout = "%s.hdf" % ref_free_output frc_out = "%s_frc" % ref_free_output res_out = "%s_res" % ref_free_output nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(compare_ref_free) image_start, image_end = MPI_start_end(nima, nproc, myid) ima = EMData() ima.read_image(compare_ref_free, image_start) last_ring = nx / 2 - 2 first_ring = 1 mask = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx) refi = [] numref = EMUtil.get_image_count(outfile_repro) cnx = nx / 2 + 1 cny = cnx mode = "F" numr = Numrinit(first_ring, last_ring, rstep, mode) wr = ringwe(numr, mode) ima.to_zero() for j in xrange(numref): temp = EMData() temp.read_image(outfile_repro, j) # even, odd, numer of even, number of images. After frc, totav refi.append(temp) # for each node read its share of data data = EMData.read_images(compare_ref_free, range(image_start, image_end)) for im in xrange(image_start, image_end): data[im - image_start].set_attr('ID', im) set_params2D(data[im - image_start], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) ringref = [] for j in xrange(numref): refi[j].process_inplace("normalize.mask", { "mask": mask, "no_sigma": 1 }) # normalize reference images to N(0,1) cimage = Util.Polar2Dm(refi[j], cnx, cny, numr, mode) Util.Frngs(cimage, numr) Applyws(cimage, numr, wr) ringref.append(cimage) if myid == main_node: seed(1000) data_shift = [] frc = [] res = [] for im in xrange(image_start, image_end): alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(data[im - image_start]) alphai, sxi, syi, scalei = inverse_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0) # normalize data[im - image_start].process_inplace("normalize.mask", { "mask": mask, "no_sigma": 1 }) # subtract average under the mask # align current image to the reference [angt, sxst, syst, mirrort, xiref, peakt] = Util.multiref_polar_ali_2d(data[im - image_start], ringref, xrng, yrng, 1, mode, numr, cnx + sxi, cny + syi) iref = int(xiref) [alphan, sxn, syn, mn] = combine_params2(0.0, -sxi, -syi, 0, angt, sxst, syst, (int)(mirrort)) set_params2D(data[im - image_start], [alphan, sxn, syn, int(mn), scale]) temp = rot_shift2D(data[im - image_start], alphan, sxn, syn, mn) temp.set_attr('assign', iref) tfrc = fsc_mask(temp, refi[iref], mask=mask) temp.set_attr('frc', tfrc[1]) res = fit_tanh(tfrc) temp.set_attr('res', res) data_shift.append(temp) for node in xrange(nproc): if myid == node: for image in data_shift: image.write_image(fout, -1) refindex = image.get_attr('assign') refi[refindex].write_image(fout, -1) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) rejects = [] if myid == main_node: a = EMData() index = 0 frc = [] res = [] temp = [] classes = [] for im in xrange(nima): a.read_image(fout, index) frc.append(a.get_attr("frc")) if ref_free_cutoff != -1: classes.append(a.get_attr("class_ptcl_idxs")) tmp = a.get_attr("res") temp.append(tmp[0]) res.append("%12f" % (apix / tmp[0])) res.append("\n") index = index + 2 res_num = array(temp) mean_score = res_num.mean(axis=0) std_score = res_num.std(axis=0) std = std_score / 2 if ref_free_cutoff != -1: cutoff = mean_score - std * ref_free_cutoff reject = res_num < cutoff index = 0 for i in reject: if i: rejects.extend(classes[index]) index = index + 1 rejects.sort() length = mpi_bcast(len(rejects), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD) rejects = mpi_bcast(rejects, length, MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD) del a fout_frc = open(frc_out, 'w') fout_res = open(res_out, 'w') fout_res.write("".join(res)) temp = zip(*frc) datstrings = [] for i in temp: for j in i: datstrings.append(" %12f" % (j)) datstrings.append("\n") fout_frc.write("".join(datstrings)) fout_frc.close() del refi del ringref return rejects
def main(args): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = ( progname + " stack_file output_directory --radius=particle_radius --img_per_grp=img_per_grp --CTF --restart_section<The remaining parameters are optional --ir=ir --rs=rs --xr=xr --yr=yr --ts=ts --maxit=maxit --dst=dst --FL=FL --FH=FH --FF=FF --init_iter=init_iter --main_maxit=main_iter" + " --iter_reali=iter_reali --match_first=match_first --max_round=max_round --match_second=match_second --stab_ali=stab_ali --thld_err=thld_err --indep_run=indep_run --thld_grp=thld_grp" + " --generation=generation --rand_seed=rand_seed>" ) parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--radius", type="int", default=-1, help="<Particle radius>, it has to be provided.") parser.add_option("--img_per_grp", type="int", default=100, help="<number of images per group> in the ideal case (essentially maximum size of class) (100)") parser.add_option("--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="<CTF flag>, if set the data will be phase-flipped") parser.add_option("--ir", type="int", default=1, help="<inner ring> of the resampling to polar coordinates (1)") parser.add_option("--rs", type="int", default=1, help="<ring step> of the resampling to polar coordinates (1)") parser.add_option("--xr", type="int", default=-1, help="<x range> of translational search (By default set by the program) (advanced)") parser.add_option("--yr", type="int", default=-1, help="<y range> of translational search (same as xr) (advanced)") parser.add_option("--ts", type="float", default=1.0, help="<search step> of translational search (1.0)") parser.add_option("--maxit", type="int", default=30, help="number of iterations for reference-free alignment (30)") #parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default=1.0, help="signal-to-noise ratio (only meaningful when CTF is enabled, currently not supported)") parser.add_option("--center_method", type="int", default=7, help="<Method for centering> of global 2D average during initial prealignment of data (default : 7; 0 : no centering; -1 : average shift method; please see center_2D in for methods 1-7)") parser.add_option("--dst", type="float", default=90.0, help="discrete angle used in within group alignment ") parser.add_option("--FL", type="float", default=0.2, help="<lowest stopband> frequency used in the tangent filter (0.2)") parser.add_option("--FH", type="float", default=0.3, help="<highest stopband> frequency used in the tangent filter (0.3)") parser.add_option("--FF", type="float", default=0.2, help="<fall-off of the tangent> filter (0.2)") parser.add_option("--init_iter", type="int", default=3, help="<init_iter> number of iterations of ISAC program in initialization (3)") parser.add_option("--main_iter", type="int", default=3, help="<main_iter> number of iterations of ISAC program in main part (3)") parser.add_option("--iter_reali", type="int", default=1, help="<iter_reali> number of iterations in ISAC before checking stability (1)") parser.add_option("--match_first", type="int", default=1, help="number of iterations to run 2-way matching in the first phase (1)") parser.add_option("--max_round", type="int", default=20, help="maximum rounds of generating candidate averages in the first phase (20)") parser.add_option("--match_second", type="int", default=5, help="number of iterations to run 2-way (or 3-way) matching in the second phase (5)") parser.add_option("--stab_ali", type="int", default=5, help="number of alignments when checking stability (5)") parser.add_option("--thld_err", type="float", default=0.7, help="the threshold of pixel error when checking stability (0.7)") parser.add_option("--indep_run", type="int", default=4, help="number of independent runs for reproducibility (default=4, only values 2, 3 and 4 are supported (4)") parser.add_option("--thld_grp", type="int", default=10, help="minimum size of class (10)") parser.add_option("--n_generations", type="int", default=100, help="<n_generations> program stops when reaching this total number of generations (advanced)") #parser.add_option("--candidatesexist",action="store_true", default=False, help="Candidate class averages exist use them (default False)") parser.add_option("--rand_seed", type="int", default=None, help="random seed set before calculations, useful for testing purposes (default None - total randomness)") parser.add_option("--new", action="store_true", default=False, help="use new code (default = False)") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="debug info printout (default = False)") # must be switched off in production parser.add_option("--use_latest_master_directory", action="store_true", dest="use_latest_master_directory", default=False) parser.add_option("--restart_section", type="string", default="", help="<restart section name> (no spaces) followed immediately by comma, followed immediately by generation to restart, example: \n--restart_section=candidate_class_averages,1 (Sections: restart, candidate_class_averages, reproducible_class_averages)") parser.add_option("--stop_after_candidates", action="store_true", default=False, help="<stop_after_candidates> stops after the 'candidate_class_averages' section") parser.add_option("--return_options", action="store_true", dest="return_options", default=False, help = SUPPRESS_HELP) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if options.return_options: return parser if len(args) > 2: print "usage: " + usage print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options" sys.exit() if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() from isac import iter_isac global_def.BATCH = True global_def.BATCH = True command_line_provided_stack_filename = args[0] global_def.BATCH = True main_node = 0 mpi_init(0, []) myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) nproc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) radi = options.radius center_method = options.center_method if(radi < 1): ERROR("Particle radius has to be provided!","sxisac",1,myid) use_latest_master_directory = options.use_latest_master_directory stop_after_candidates = options.stop_after_candidates program_state_stack.restart_location_title_from_command_line = options.restart_section from utilities import qw program_state_stack.PROGRAM_STATE_VARIABLES = set(qw(""" isac_generation """)) # create or reuse master directory masterdir = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "" error_status = 0 if len(args) == 2: masterdir = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: if use_latest_master_directory: all_dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(d)] import re; r = re.compile("^master.*$") all_dirs = filter(r.match, all_dirs) if len(all_dirs)>0: # all_dirs = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getctime) masterdir = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getmtime) #Create folder for all results or check if there is one created already if(myid == main_node): if( masterdir == ""): timestring = strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S" + DIR_DELIM, localtime()) masterdir = "master"+timestring cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) cmdexecute(cmd) elif not os.path.exists(masterdir): # os.path.exists(masterdir) does not exist masterdir = args[1] cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) cmdexecute(cmd) if(args[0][:4] == "bdb:"): filename = args[0][4:] else: filename = args[0][:-4] filename = os.path.basename(filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "bdb:" + os.path.join(masterdir, filename ) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "bdb:" + filename if_error_all_processes_quit_program(error_status) # send masterdir to all processes masterdir = send_string_to_all(masterdir) if myid == 0: if options.restart_section != "": if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state(os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) import re if "," in options.restart_section: parsed_restart_section_option = options.restart_section.split(",") stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub(r"___.*$", "___%s"%parsed_restart_section_option[0], stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) generation_str_format = parsed_restart_section_option[1] if generation_str_format != "": isac_generation_from_command_line = int(generation_str_format) stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] = isac_generation_from_command_line else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub(r"___.*$", "___%s"%options.restart_section, stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] store_program_state(os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE), stored_state, stored_stack) else: print "Please remove the restart_section option from the command line. The program must be started from the beginning." mpi_finalize() sys.exit() else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), os.path.join(masterdir,NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = send_string_to_all(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = \ send_string_to_all(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) # PARAMETERS OF THE PROCEDURE if( options.xr == -1 ): # Default values target_nx = 76 target_radius = 29 target_xr = 1 else: # nx//2 # Check below! target_xr = options.xr target_nx = 76 + target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default target_radius = 29 mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Initialization of stacks if(myid == main_node): number_of_images_in_stack = EMUtil.get_image_count(command_line_provided_stack_filename) else: number_of_images_in_stack = 0 number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node = main_node) nxrsteps = 4 init2dir = os.path.join(masterdir,"2dalignment") if(myid == 0): import subprocess from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files # Create output directory log2d = Logger(BaseLogger_Files()) log2d.prefix = os.path.join(init2dir) cmd = "mkdir -p "+log2d.prefix outcome =, shell=True) log2d.prefix += "/" # outcome =" "+command_line_provided_stack_filename+" --params=xform.align2d --zero", shell=True) else: outcome = 0 log2d = None if(myid == main_node): a = get_im(command_line_provided_stack_filename) nnxo = a.get_xsize() else: nnxo = 0 nnxo = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo, source_node = main_node) txrm = (nnxo - 2*(radi+1))//2 if(txrm < 0): ERROR( "ERROR!! Radius of the structure larger than the window data size permits %d"%(radi), "sxisac",1, myid) if(txrm/nxrsteps>0): tss = "" txr = "" while(txrm/nxrsteps>0): tts=txrm/nxrsteps tss += " %d"%tts txr += " %d"%(tts*nxrsteps) txrm =txrm//2 else: tss = "1" txr = "%d"%txrm # section ali2d_base # centering method is set to #7 params2d, aligned_images = ali2d_base(command_line_provided_stack_filename, init2dir, None, 1, radi, 1, txr, txr, tss, \ False, 90.0, center_method, 14, options.CTF, 1.0, False, \ "ref_ali2d", "", log2d, nproc, myid, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD, write_headers = False) if( myid == main_node ): write_text_row(params2d,os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")) del params2d mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # We assume the target image size will be target_nx, radius will be 29, and xr = 1. # Note images can be also padded, in which case shrink_ratio > 1. shrink_ratio = float(target_radius)/float(radi) nx = aligned_images[0].get_xsize() nima = len(aligned_images) newx = int(nx*shrink_ratio + 0.5) from fundamentals import rot_shift2D, resample from utilities import pad, combine_params2 if(shrink_ratio < 1.0): if newx > target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx : msk = model_circle(newx//2-2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif(shrink_ratio == 1.0): if newx > target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx : msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx : msk = model_circle(nx//2-2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) #aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif(shrink_ratio > 1.0): target_radius = radi msk = model_circle(target_radius, nx, nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) del msk gather_compacted_EMData_to_root(number_of_images_in_stack, aligned_images, myid) number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node = main_node) if( myid == main_node ): for i in range(number_of_images_in_stack): aligned_images[i].write_image(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename,i) # It has to be explicitly closed from EMAN2db import db_open_dict DB = db_open_dict(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) DB.close() fp = open("README_shrink_ratio.txt", "w") output_text = """ Since, for processing purposes, isac changes the image dimensions, adjustment of pixel size needs to be made in subsequent steps, (e.g. running The shrink ratio for this particular isac run is -------- %.5f -------- To get the pixel size for the isac output the user needs to divide the original pixel size by the above value. This info is saved in the following file: README_shrink_ratio.txt """%shrink_ratio fp.write(output_text); fp.flush() ;fp.close() print output_text mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) global_def.BATCH = True os.chdir(masterdir) if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): # if 1: pass if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute(" --consecutive --params=originalid %s"%stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) cmdexecute(" %s --makevstack=%s_000"%(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir, stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir)) if (myid == main_node): main_dir_no = get_latest_directory_increment_value("./", NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR, myformat="%04d") print "isac_generation_from_command_line", isac_generation_from_command_line, main_dir_no if isac_generation_from_command_line < 0: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 if isac_generation_from_command_line >= 0 and isac_generation_from_command_line <= main_dir_no: for i in xrange(isac_generation_from_command_line+1, main_dir_no + 1): if i == isac_generation_from_command_line+1: backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value("./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%i + " 000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("rm " + "EMAN2DB/"+stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[4:]+"_%03d.bdb"%i) # it includes both command line and json file my_restart_section = stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"].split("___")[-1] if "restart" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value("./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("rm " + "EMAN2DB/"+stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[4:]+"_%03d.bdb"%isac_generation_from_command_line ) elif "candidate_class_averages" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value("./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d"%backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation_from_command_line) # cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_candidate*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) elif "reproducible_class_averages" in my_restart_section: cmdexecute("rm -rf " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/ali_params_generation_*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_generation*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) else: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 0 isac_generation_from_command_line = mpi_bcast(isac_generation_from_command_line, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0] isac_generation = isac_generation_from_command_line - 1 if (myid == main_node): if isac_generation == 0: cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation) write_text_file([1], os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation, "generation_%d_accounted.txt"%isac_generation)) write_text_file(range(number_of_images_in_stack), os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation, "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%isac_generation)) # Stopping criterion should be inside the program. while True: isac_generation += 1 if isac_generation > options.n_generations: break data64_stack_current = "bdb:../"+stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[4:]+"_%03d"%isac_generation if(myid == main_node): accounted_images = read_text_file(os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation - 1),"generation_%d_accounted.txt"%(isac_generation - 1))) number_of_accounted_images = len(accounted_images) # unaccounted_images = read_text_file(os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation - 1),"generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%(isac_generation - 1))) # number_of_unaccounted_images = len(unaccounted_images) else: number_of_accounted_images = 0 number_of_accounted_images = int(mpi_bcast(number_of_accounted_images, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if number_of_accounted_images == 0: os.chdir("..") break program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "restart" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation) # reference the original stack list_file = os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation - 1), "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%(isac_generation - 1)) cmdexecute(" %s --makevstack=%s --list=%s"%(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir,\ stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir + "_%03d"%isac_generation, list_file)) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) os.chdir(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%isac_generation) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "candidate_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, target_xr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, False, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) # program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stopped_program1" # program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stop_after_candidates" program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) if stop_after_candidates: mpi_finalize() sys.exit() exit_program = 0 if(myid == main_node): if not os.path.exists("class_averages_candidate_generation_%d.hdf"%isac_generation): print "This generation (%d) no class averages were generated!"%isac_generation exit_program = 1 exit_program = int(mpi_bcast(exit_program, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if exit_program: os.chdir("..") break program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "reproducible_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, target_xr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, True, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) pass os.chdir("..") if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute("rm -f class_averages.hdf") cpy(["generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf"%(i,i) for i in xrange(1, isac_generation)], "class_averages.hdf") # program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stopped_program2" # program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), last_call="__LastCall") mpi_finalize()
def main(args): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = ( progname + " stack_file output_directory --radius=particle_radius --img_per_grp=img_per_grp --CTF --restart_section<The remaining parameters are optional --ir=ir --rs=rs --xr=xr --yr=yr --ts=ts --maxit=maxit --dst=dst --FL=FL --FH=FH --FF=FF --init_iter=init_iter --main_maxit=main_iter" + " --iter_reali=iter_reali --match_first=match_first --max_round=max_round --match_second=match_second --stab_ali=stab_ali --thld_err=thld_err --indep_run=indep_run --thld_grp=thld_grp" + " --generation=generation --rand_seed=rand_seed>") parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option( "--radius", type="int", help= "particle radius: there is no default, a sensible number has to be provided, units - pixels (default required int)" ) parser.add_option( "--target_radius", type="int", default=29, help= "target particle radius: actual particle radius on which isac will process data. Images will be shrinked/enlarged to achieve this radius (default 29)" ) parser.add_option( "--target_nx", type="int", default=76, help= "target particle image size: actual image size on which isac will process data. Images will be shrinked/enlarged according to target particle radius and then cut/padded to achieve target_nx size. When xr > 0, the final image size for isac processing is 'target_nx + xr - 1' (default 76)" ) parser.add_option( "--img_per_grp", type="int", default=100, help= "number of images per class: in the ideal case (essentially maximum size of class) (default 100)" ) parser.add_option( "--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help= "apply phase-flip for CTF correction: if set the data will be phase-flipped using CTF information included in image headers (default False)" ) parser.add_option( "--ir", type="int", default=1, help= "inner ring: of the resampling to polar coordinates. units - pixels (default 1)" ) parser.add_option( "--rs", type="int", default=1, help= "ring step: of the resampling to polar coordinates. units - pixels (default 1)" ) parser.add_option( "--xr", type="int", default=1, help= "x range: of translational search. By default, set by the program. (default 1)" ) parser.add_option( "--yr", type="int", default=-1, help= "y range: of translational search. By default, same as xr. (default -1)" ) parser.add_option( "--ts", type="float", default=1.0, help= "search step: of translational search: units - pixels (default 1.0)") parser.add_option( "--maxit", type="int", default=30, help="number of iterations for reference-free alignment: (default 30)") #parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default=1.0, help="signal-to-noise ratio (only meaningful when CTF is enabled, currently not supported)") parser.add_option( "--center_method", type="int", default=-1, help= "method for centering: of global 2D average during initial prealignment of data (0 : no centering; -1 : average shift method; please see center_2D in for methods 1-7) (default -1)" ) parser.add_option( "--dst", type="float", default=90.0, help="discrete angle used in within group alignment: (default 90.0)") parser.add_option( "--FL", type="float", default=0.2, help= "lowest stopband: frequency used in the tangent filter (default 0.2)") parser.add_option( "--FH", type="float", default=0.3, help= "highest stopband: frequency used in the tangent filter (default 0.3)") parser.add_option("--FF", type="float", default=0.2, help="fall-off of the tangent filter: (default 0.2)") parser.add_option( "--init_iter", type="int", default=3, help= "SAC initialization iterations: number of runs of ab-initio within-cluster alignment for stability evaluation in SAC initialization (default 3)" ) parser.add_option( "--main_iter", type="int", default=3, help= "SAC main iterations: number of runs of ab-initio within-cluster alignment for stability evaluation in SAC (default 3)" ) parser.add_option( "--iter_reali", type="int", default=1, help= "SAC stability check interval: every iter_reali iterations of SAC stability checking is performed (default 1)" ) parser.add_option( "--match_first", type="int", default=1, help= "number of iterations to run 2-way matching in the first phase: (default 1)" ) parser.add_option( "--max_round", type="int", default=20, help= "maximum rounds: of generating candidate class averages in the first phase (default 20)" ) parser.add_option( "--match_second", type="int", default=5, help= "number of iterations to run 2-way (or 3-way) matching in the second phase: (default 5)" ) parser.add_option( "--stab_ali", type="int", default=5, help="number of alignments when checking stability: (default 5)") parser.add_option( "--thld_err", type="float", default=0.7, help= "threshold of pixel error when checking stability: equals root mean square of distances between corresponding pixels from set of found transformations and theirs average transformation, depends linearly on square of radius (parameter ou). units - pixels. (default 0.7)" ) parser.add_option( "--indep_run", type="int", default=4, help= "level of m-way matching for reproducibility tests: By default, perform full ISAC to 4-way matching. Value indep_run=2 will restrict ISAC to 2-way matching and 3 to 3-way matching. Note the number of used MPI processes requested in mpirun must be a multiplicity of indep_run. (default 4)" ) parser.add_option("--thld_grp", type="int", default=10, help="minimum size of reproducible class (default 10)") parser.add_option( "--n_generations", type="int", default=10, help= "maximum number of generations: program stops when reaching this total number of generations: (default 10)" ) #parser.add_option("--candidatesexist",action="store_true", default=False, help="Candidate class averages exist use them (default False)") parser.add_option( "--rand_seed", type="int", help= "random seed set before calculations: useful for testing purposes. By default, total randomness (type int)" ) parser.add_option("--new", action="store_true", default=False, help="use new code: (default False)") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="debug info printout: (default False)") # must be switched off in production parser.add_option( "--use_latest_master_directory", action="store_true", default=False, help= "use latest master directory: when active, the program looks for the latest directory that starts with the word 'master', so the user does not need to provide a directory name. (default False)" ) parser.add_option( "--restart_section", type="string", default=' ', help= "restart section: each generation (iteration) contains three sections: 'restart', 'candidate_class_averages', and 'reproducible_class_averages'. To restart from a particular step, for example, generation 4 and section 'candidate_class_averages' the following option is needed: '--restart_section=candidate_class_averages,4'. The option requires no white space before or after the comma. The default behavior is to restart execution from where it stopped intentionally or unintentionally. For default restart, it is assumed that the name of the directory is provided as argument. Alternatively, the '--use_latest_master_directory' option can be used. (default ' ')" ) parser.add_option( "--stop_after_candidates", action="store_true", default=False, help= "stop after candidates: stops after the 'candidate_class_averages' section. (default False)" ) ##### XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX option does not exist in docs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX parser.add_option("--return_options", action="store_true", dest="return_options", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( "--skip_prealignment", action="store_true", default=False, help= "skip pre-alignment step: to be used if images are already centered. 2dalignment directory will still be generated but the parameters will be zero. (default False)" ) required_option_list = ['radius'] (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if options.return_options: return parser if len(args) > 2: print "usage: " + usage print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options" sys.exit() if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() global_def.BATCH = True from isac import iter_isac from fundamentals import rot_shift2D, resample from utilities import pad, combine_params2 command_line_provided_stack_filename = args[0] main_node = 0 mpi_init(0, []) myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) nproc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) if (myid == main_node): print "****************************************************************" Util.version() print "****************************************************************" sys.stdout.flush() mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Making sure all required options appeared. for required_option in required_option_list: if not options.__dict__[required_option]: print "\n ==%s== mandatory option is missing.\n" % required_option print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options" return 1 radi = options.radius target_radius = options.target_radius target_nx = options.target_nx center_method = options.center_method if (radi < 1): ERROR("Particle radius has to be provided!", "sxisac", 1, myid) use_latest_master_directory = options.use_latest_master_directory stop_after_candidates = options.stop_after_candidates # program_state_stack.restart_location_title_from_command_line = options.restart_section from utilities import qw program_state_stack.PROGRAM_STATE_VARIABLES = set( qw(""" isac_generation """)) # create or reuse master directory masterdir = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "" error_status = 0 if len(args) == 2: masterdir = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: if use_latest_master_directory: all_dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(d)] import re r = re.compile("^master.*$") all_dirs = filter(r.match, all_dirs) if len(all_dirs) > 0: # all_dirs = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getctime) masterdir = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getmtime) #Create folder for all results or check if there is one created already if (myid == main_node): if (masterdir == ""): timestring = strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S" + DIR_DELIM, localtime()) masterdir = "master" + timestring cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) junk = cmdexecute(cmd) elif not os.path.exists(masterdir): # os.path.exists(masterdir) does not exist masterdir = args[1] cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) junk = cmdexecute(cmd) if (args[0][:4] == "bdb:"): filename = args[0][4:] else: filename = args[0][:-4] filename = os.path.basename(filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "bdb:" + os.path.join( masterdir, filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "bdb:" + filename if_error_then_all_processes_exit_program(error_status) # send masterdir to all processes masterdir = send_string_to_all(masterdir) if myid == 0: if options.restart_section != " ": if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state( os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) import re if "," in options.restart_section: parsed_restart_section_option = options.restart_section.split( ",") stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub( r"___.*$", "___%s" % parsed_restart_section_option[0], stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) generation_str_format = parsed_restart_section_option[1] if generation_str_format != "": isac_generation_from_command_line = int( generation_str_format) stored_state[-1][ "isac_generation"] = isac_generation_from_command_line else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub( r"___.*$", "___%s" % options.restart_section, stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] store_program_state( os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE), stored_state, stored_stack) else: print "Please remove the restart_section option from the command line. The program must be started from the beginning." mpi_finalize() sys.exit() else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = send_string_to_all( stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = \ send_string_to_all(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) # previous code 2016-05-05--20-14-12-153 # # PARAMETERS OF THE PROCEDURE # if( options.xr == -1 ): # # Default values # # target_nx = 76 # # target_radius = 29 # target_xr = 1 # else: # nx//2 # # Check below! # target_xr = options.xr # # target_nx = 76 + target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default # target_nx += target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default # # target_radius = 29 target_xr = options.xr target_nx += target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default if (options.yr == -1): yr = options.xr else: yr = options.yr mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Initialization of stacks if (myid == main_node): print "command_line_provided_stack_filename", command_line_provided_stack_filename number_of_images_in_stack = EMUtil.get_image_count( command_line_provided_stack_filename) else: number_of_images_in_stack = 0 number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node=main_node) nxrsteps = 4 init2dir = os.path.join(masterdir, "2dalignment") # from mpi import mpi_finalize # mpi_finalize() # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.exit() if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(init2dir, "Finished_initial_2d_alignment.txt")): if (myid == 0): import subprocess from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files # Create output directory log2d = Logger(BaseLogger_Files()) log2d.prefix = os.path.join(init2dir) cmd = "mkdir -p " + log2d.prefix outcome =, shell=True) log2d.prefix += "/" # outcome =" "+command_line_provided_stack_filename+" --params=xform.align2d --zero", shell=True) else: outcome = 0 log2d = None if (myid == main_node): a = get_im(command_line_provided_stack_filename) nnxo = a.get_xsize() else: nnxo = 0 nnxo = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo, source_node=main_node) image_start, image_end = MPI_start_end(number_of_images_in_stack, nproc, myid) if options.skip_prealignment: params2d = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0] for i in xrange(image_start, image_end)] else: original_images = EMData.read_images( command_line_provided_stack_filename, range(image_start, image_end)) # We assume the target radius will be 29, and xr = 1. shrink_ratio = float(target_radius) / float(radi) for im in xrange(len(original_images)): if (shrink_ratio != 1.0): original_images[im] = resample(original_images[im], shrink_ratio) nx = original_images[0].get_xsize() # nx = int(nx*shrink_ratio + 0.5) txrm = (nx - 2 * (target_radius + 1)) // 2 if (txrm < 0): ERROR( "ERROR!! Radius of the structure larger than the window data size permits %d" % (radi), "sxisac", 1, myid) if (txrm / nxrsteps > 0): tss = "" txr = "" while (txrm / nxrsteps > 0): tts = txrm / nxrsteps tss += " %d" % tts txr += " %d" % (tts * nxrsteps) txrm = txrm // 2 else: tss = "1" txr = "%d" % txrm # print "nx, txr, txrm, tss", nx, txr, txrm, tss # from mpi import mpi_finalize # mpi_finalize() # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.exit() # section ali2d_base params2d = ali2d_base(original_images, init2dir, None, 1, target_radius, 1, txr, txr, tss, \ False, 90.0, center_method, 14, options.CTF, 1.0, False, \ "ref_ali2d", "", log2d, nproc, myid, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD, write_headers = False) del original_images for i in xrange(len(params2d)): alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, params2d[i][1], params2d[i][2], 0, -params2d[i][0], 0, 0, 0) sx /= shrink_ratio sy /= shrink_ratio params2d[i][0] = 0.0 params2d[i][1] = sx params2d[i][2] = sy params2d[i][3] = 0 #set_params2D(aligned_images[i],[0.0, sx,sy,0.,1.0]) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) tmp = params2d[:] tmp = wrap_mpi_gatherv(tmp, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD) if (myid == main_node): if options.skip_prealignment: print "=========================================" print "Even though there is no alignment step, '%s' params are set to zero for later use." % os.path.join( init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt") print "=========================================" write_text_row(tmp, os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")) del tmp mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # We assume the target image size will be target_nx, radius will be 29, and xr = 1. # Note images can be also padded, in which case shrink_ratio > 1. shrink_ratio = float(target_radius) / float(radi) aligned_images = EMData.read_images( command_line_provided_stack_filename, range(image_start, image_end)) nx = aligned_images[0].get_xsize() nima = len(aligned_images) newx = int(nx * shrink_ratio + 0.5) while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")): import time time.sleep(1) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) params = read_text_row(os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")) params = params[image_start:image_end] msk = model_circle(radi, nx, nx) for im in xrange(nima): st = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= st[0] if options.CTF: aligned_images[im] = filt_ctf( aligned_images[im], aligned_images[im].get_attr("ctf"), binary=True) if (shrink_ratio < 1.0): if newx > target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) #aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx: msk = model_circle(newx // 2 - 2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif (shrink_ratio == 1.0): if newx > target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx: msk = model_circle(newx // 2 - 2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) #aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif (shrink_ratio > 1.0): if newx > target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx: msk = model_circle(newx // 2 - 2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts #alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) #alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2(0, sx,sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, params[im][1], params[im][2], 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) del msk gather_compacted_EMData_to_root(number_of_images_in_stack, aligned_images, myid) number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all( number_of_images_in_stack, source_node=main_node) if (myid == main_node): for i in range(number_of_images_in_stack): aligned_images[i].write_image( stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename, i) # It has to be explicitly closed from EMAN2db import db_open_dict DB = db_open_dict(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) DB.close() fp = open(os.path.join(masterdir, "README_shrink_ratio.txt"), "w") output_text = """ Since, for processing purposes, isac changes the image dimensions, adjustment of pixel size needs to be made in subsequent steps, (e.g. running The shrink ratio for this particular isac run is -------- %.5f %.5f -------- To get the pixel size for the isac output the user needs to divide the original pixel size by the above value. This info is saved in the following file: README_shrink_ratio.txt """ % (shrink_ratio, radi) fp.write(output_text) fp.flush() fp.close() print output_text fp = open( os.path.join(init2dir, "Finished_initial_2d_alignment.txt"), "w") fp.flush() fp.close() else: if (myid == main_node): print "Skipping 2d alignment since it was already done!" mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # from mpi import mpi_finalize # mpi_finalize() # sys.stdout.flush() # sys.exit() os.chdir(masterdir) if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): # if 1: pass if (myid == main_node): junk = cmdexecute( " --consecutive --params=originalid %s" % stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) junk = cmdexecute( " %s --makevstack=%s_000" % (stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir, stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir)) if (myid == main_node): main_dir_no = get_latest_directory_increment_value("./", NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR, myformat="%04d") print "isac_generation_from_command_line", isac_generation_from_command_line, main_dir_no if isac_generation_from_command_line < 0: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state( NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1][ "isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 if isac_generation_from_command_line >= 0 and isac_generation_from_command_line <= main_dir_no: for i in xrange(isac_generation_from_command_line + 1, main_dir_no + 1): if i == isac_generation_from_command_line + 1: backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value( "./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) junk = cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) junk = cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % i + " 000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) junk = cmdexecute( "rm " + "EMAN2DB/" + stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[ 4:] + "_%03d.bdb" % i) # it includes both command line and json file my_restart_section = stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"].split( "___")[-1] if "restart" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value( "./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) junk = cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) junk = cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) junk = cmdexecute( "rm " + "EMAN2DB/" + stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[ 4:] + "_%03d.bdb" % isac_generation_from_command_line) elif "candidate_class_averages" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value( "./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) junk = cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) junk = cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) junk = cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation_from_command_line) # junk = cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_candidate*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) elif "reproducible_class_averages" in my_restart_section: junk = cmdexecute("rm -rf " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/ali_params_generation_*" % isac_generation_from_command_line) junk = cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_generation*" % isac_generation_from_command_line) else: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state( NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1][ "isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 0 isac_generation_from_command_line = mpi_bcast( isac_generation_from_command_line, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0] isac_generation = isac_generation_from_command_line - 1 if (myid == main_node): if isac_generation == 0: junk = cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation) write_text_file( [1], os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation, "generation_%d_accounted.txt" % isac_generation)) write_text_file( range(number_of_images_in_stack), os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation, "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt" % isac_generation)) # Stopping criterion should be inside the program. while True: isac_generation += 1 if isac_generation > options.n_generations: break data64_stack_current = "bdb:../" + stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[ 4:] + "_%03d" % isac_generation program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "restart" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): if (myid == main_node): junk = cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation) # reference the original stack list_file = os.path.join( NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % (isac_generation - 1), "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt" % (isac_generation - 1)) junk = cmdexecute(" %s --makevstack=%s --list=%s"%(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir,\ stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir + "_%03d"%isac_generation, list_file)) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) os.chdir(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "candidate_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, yr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, False, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) # program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stopped_program1" # program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stop_after_candidates" program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) if stop_after_candidates: mpi_finalize() sys.exit() exit_program = 0 if (myid == main_node): if not os.path.exists( "class_averages_candidate_generation_%d.hdf" % isac_generation): print "This generation (%d) no class average candidates were generated! Finishing." % isac_generation exit_program = 1 exit_program = int( mpi_bcast(exit_program, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if exit_program: os.chdir("..") break program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "reproducible_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, yr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, True, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) pass os.chdir("..") if (myid == main_node): accounted_images = read_text_file( os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % (isac_generation), "generation_%d_accounted.txt" % (isac_generation))) number_of_accounted_images = len(accounted_images) un_accounted_images = read_text_file( os.path.join( NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % (isac_generation), "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt" % (isac_generation))) number_of_un_accounted_images = len(un_accounted_images) else: number_of_accounted_images = 0 number_of_un_accounted_images = 0 number_of_accounted_images = int( mpi_bcast(number_of_accounted_images, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) number_of_un_accounted_images = int( mpi_bcast(number_of_un_accounted_images, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if number_of_accounted_images == 0: if (myid == main_node): print "This generation (%d) there are no accounted images! Finishing." % isac_generation break while (myid == main_node): def files_are_missing(isac_generation): for i in xrange(1, isac_generation + 1): if not os.path.exists( "generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf" % (i, i)): print "Error: generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf is missing! Exiting." % ( i, i) return 1 return 0 if files_are_missing(isac_generation): break junk = cmdexecute("rm -f class_averages.hdf") cpy([ "generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf" % (i, i) for i in xrange(1, isac_generation + 1) ], "class_averages.hdf") break if number_of_un_accounted_images == 0: if (myid == main_node): print "This generation (%d) there are no un accounted images! Finishing." % isac_generation break program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), last_call="__LastCall") mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_finalize()
def main(args): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = ( progname + " stack_file output_directory --radius=particle_radius --img_per_grp=img_per_grp --CTF --restart_section<The remaining parameters are optional --ir=ir --rs=rs --xr=xr --yr=yr --ts=ts --maxit=maxit --dst=dst --FL=FL --FH=FH --FF=FF --init_iter=init_iter --main_maxit=main_iter" + " --iter_reali=iter_reali --match_first=match_first --max_round=max_round --match_second=match_second --stab_ali=stab_ali --thld_err=thld_err --indep_run=indep_run --thld_grp=thld_grp" + " --generation=generation --rand_seed=rand_seed>") parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--radius", type="int", default=-1, help="<Particle radius>, it has to be provided.") parser.add_option( "--img_per_grp", type="int", default=100, help= "<number of images per group> in the ideal case (essentially maximum size of class) (100)" ) parser.add_option("--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="<CTF flag>, if set the data will be phase-flipped") parser.add_option( "--ir", type="int", default=1, help="<inner ring> of the resampling to polar coordinates (1)") parser.add_option( "--rs", type="int", default=1, help="<ring step> of the resampling to polar coordinates (1)") parser.add_option( "--xr", type="int", default=-1, help= "<x range> of translational search (By default set by the program) (advanced)" ) parser.add_option( "--yr", type="int", default=-1, help="<y range> of translational search (same as xr) (advanced)") parser.add_option("--ts", type="float", default=1.0, help="<search step> of translational search (1.0)") parser.add_option( "--maxit", type="int", default=30, help="number of iterations for reference-free alignment (30)") #parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default=1.0, help="signal-to-noise ratio (only meaningful when CTF is enabled, currently not supported)") parser.add_option( "--center_method", type="int", default=7, help= "<Method for centering> of global 2D average during initial prealignment of data (default : 7; 0 : no centering; -1 : average shift method; please see center_2D in for methods 1-7)" ) parser.add_option("--dst", type="float", default=90.0, help="discrete angle used in within group alignment ") parser.add_option( "--FL", type="float", default=0.2, help="<lowest stopband> frequency used in the tangent filter (0.2)") parser.add_option( "--FH", type="float", default=0.3, help="<highest stopband> frequency used in the tangent filter (0.3)") parser.add_option("--FF", type="float", default=0.2, help="<fall-off of the tangent> filter (0.2)") parser.add_option( "--init_iter", type="int", default=3, help= "<init_iter> number of iterations of ISAC program in initialization (3)" ) parser.add_option( "--main_iter", type="int", default=3, help="<main_iter> number of iterations of ISAC program in main part (3)" ) parser.add_option( "--iter_reali", type="int", default=1, help= "<iter_reali> number of iterations in ISAC before checking stability (1)" ) parser.add_option( "--match_first", type="int", default=1, help="number of iterations to run 2-way matching in the first phase (1)" ) parser.add_option( "--max_round", type="int", default=20, help= "maximum rounds of generating candidate averages in the first phase (20)" ) parser.add_option( "--match_second", type="int", default=5, help= "number of iterations to run 2-way (or 3-way) matching in the second phase (5)" ) parser.add_option("--stab_ali", type="int", default=5, help="number of alignments when checking stability (5)") parser.add_option( "--thld_err", type="float", default=0.7, help="the threshold of pixel error when checking stability (0.7)") parser.add_option( "--indep_run", type="int", default=4, help= "number of independent runs for reproducibility (default=4, only values 2, 3 and 4 are supported (4)" ) parser.add_option("--thld_grp", type="int", default=10, help="minimum size of class (10)") parser.add_option( "--n_generations", type="int", default=100, help= "<n_generations> program stops when reaching this total number of generations (advanced)" ) #parser.add_option("--candidatesexist",action="store_true", default=False, help="Candidate class averages exist use them (default False)") parser.add_option( "--rand_seed", type="int", default=None, help= "random seed set before calculations, useful for testing purposes (default None - total randomness)" ) parser.add_option("--new", action="store_true", default=False, help="use new code (default = False)") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="debug info printout (default = False)") # must be switched off in production parser.add_option("--use_latest_master_directory", action="store_true", dest="use_latest_master_directory", default=False) parser.add_option( "--restart_section", type="string", default="", help= "<restart section name> (no spaces) followed immediately by comma, followed immediately by generation to restart, example: \n--restart_section=candidate_class_averages,1 (Sections: restart, candidate_class_averages, reproducible_class_averages)" ) parser.add_option( "--stop_after_candidates", action="store_true", default=False, help= "<stop_after_candidates> stops after the 'candidate_class_averages' section" ) parser.add_option("--return_options", action="store_true", dest="return_options", default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) if options.return_options: return parser if len(args) > 2: print "usage: " + usage print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options" sys.exit() if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() from isac import iter_isac global_def.BATCH = True global_def.BATCH = True command_line_provided_stack_filename = args[0] global_def.BATCH = True main_node = 0 mpi_init(0, []) myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) nproc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) radi = options.radius center_method = options.center_method if (radi < 1): ERROR("Particle radius has to be provided!", "sxisac", 1, myid) use_latest_master_directory = options.use_latest_master_directory stop_after_candidates = options.stop_after_candidates program_state_stack.restart_location_title_from_command_line = options.restart_section from utilities import qw program_state_stack.PROGRAM_STATE_VARIABLES = set( qw(""" isac_generation """)) # create or reuse master directory masterdir = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "" stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "" error_status = 0 if len(args) == 2: masterdir = args[1] elif len(args) == 1: if use_latest_master_directory: all_dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(d)] import re r = re.compile("^master.*$") all_dirs = filter(r.match, all_dirs) if len(all_dirs) > 0: # all_dirs = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getctime) masterdir = max(all_dirs, key=os.path.getmtime) #Create folder for all results or check if there is one created already if (myid == main_node): if (masterdir == ""): timestring = strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S" + DIR_DELIM, localtime()) masterdir = "master" + timestring cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) cmdexecute(cmd) elif not os.path.exists(masterdir): # os.path.exists(masterdir) does not exist masterdir = args[1] cmd = "{} {}".format("mkdir", masterdir) cmdexecute(cmd) if (args[0][:4] == "bdb:"): filename = args[0][4:] else: filename = args[0][:-4] filename = os.path.basename(filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = "bdb:" + os.path.join( masterdir, filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = "bdb:" + filename if_error_all_processes_quit_program(error_status) # send masterdir to all processes masterdir = send_string_to_all(masterdir) if myid == 0: if options.restart_section != "": if os.path.exists(os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state( os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) import re if "," in options.restart_section: parsed_restart_section_option = options.restart_section.split( ",") stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub( r"___.*$", "___%s" % parsed_restart_section_option[0], stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) generation_str_format = parsed_restart_section_option[1] if generation_str_format != "": isac_generation_from_command_line = int( generation_str_format) stored_state[-1][ "isac_generation"] = isac_generation_from_command_line else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"] = re.sub( r"___.*$", "___%s" % options.restart_section, stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"]) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: del stored_state[-1]["isac_generation"] store_program_state( os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE), stored_state, stored_stack) else: print "Please remove the restart_section option from the command line. The program must be started from the beginning." mpi_finalize() sys.exit() else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), os.path.join(masterdir, NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE)) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename = send_string_to_all( stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir = \ send_string_to_all(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) # PARAMETERS OF THE PROCEDURE if (options.xr == -1): # Default values target_nx = 76 target_radius = 29 target_xr = 1 else: # nx//2 # Check below! target_xr = options.xr target_nx = 76 + target_xr - 1 # subtract one, which is default target_radius = 29 mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Initialization of stacks if (myid == main_node): number_of_images_in_stack = EMUtil.get_image_count( command_line_provided_stack_filename) else: number_of_images_in_stack = 0 number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node=main_node) nxrsteps = 4 init2dir = os.path.join(masterdir, "2dalignment") if (myid == 0): import subprocess from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files # Create output directory log2d = Logger(BaseLogger_Files()) log2d.prefix = os.path.join(init2dir) cmd = "mkdir -p " + log2d.prefix outcome =, shell=True) log2d.prefix += "/" # outcome =" "+command_line_provided_stack_filename+" --params=xform.align2d --zero", shell=True) else: outcome = 0 log2d = None if (myid == main_node): a = get_im(command_line_provided_stack_filename) nnxo = a.get_xsize() else: nnxo = 0 nnxo = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo, source_node=main_node) txrm = (nnxo - 2 * (radi + 1)) // 2 if (txrm < 0): ERROR( "ERROR!! Radius of the structure larger than the window data size permits %d" % (radi), "sxisac", 1, myid) if (txrm / nxrsteps > 0): tss = "" txr = "" while (txrm / nxrsteps > 0): tts = txrm / nxrsteps tss += " %d" % tts txr += " %d" % (tts * nxrsteps) txrm = txrm // 2 else: tss = "1" txr = "%d" % txrm # section ali2d_base # centering method is set to #7 params2d, aligned_images = ali2d_base(command_line_provided_stack_filename, init2dir, None, 1, radi, 1, txr, txr, tss, \ False, 90.0, center_method, 14, options.CTF, 1.0, False, \ "ref_ali2d", "", log2d, nproc, myid, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD, write_headers = False) if (myid == main_node): write_text_row(params2d, os.path.join(init2dir, "initial2Dparams.txt")) del params2d mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # We assume the target image size will be target_nx, radius will be 29, and xr = 1. # Note images can be also padded, in which case shrink_ratio > 1. shrink_ratio = float(target_radius) / float(radi) nx = aligned_images[0].get_xsize() nima = len(aligned_images) newx = int(nx * shrink_ratio + 0.5) from fundamentals import rot_shift2D, resample from utilities import pad, combine_params2 if (shrink_ratio < 1.0): if newx > target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx: msk = model_circle(nx // 2 - 2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif (shrink_ratio == 1.0): if newx > target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx: msk = model_circle(nx // 2 - 2, newx, newx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = resample(aligned_images[im], shrink_ratio) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) elif (shrink_ratio > 1.0): if newx > target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) aligned_images[im] = Util.window(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx == target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, target_nx, target_nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] elif newx < target_nx: msk = model_circle(target_radius, nx, nx) for im in xrange(nima): # Here we should use only shifts alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(aligned_images[im]) alpha, sx, sy, mirror = combine_params2( 0, sx, sy, 0, -alpha, 0, 0, 0) aligned_images[im] = rot_shift2D(aligned_images[im], 0, sx, sy, 0) p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, False) aligned_images[im] -= p[0] p = Util.infomask(aligned_images[im], msk, True) aligned_images[im] /= p[1] aligned_images[im] = pad(aligned_images[im], target_nx, target_nx, 1, 0.0) del msk gather_compacted_EMData_to_root(number_of_images_in_stack, aligned_images, myid) number_of_images_in_stack = bcast_number_to_all(number_of_images_in_stack, source_node=main_node) if (myid == main_node): for i in range(number_of_images_in_stack): aligned_images[i].write_image( stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename, i) # It has to be explicitly closed from EMAN2db import db_open_dict DB = db_open_dict(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename) DB.close() mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) global_def.BATCH = True os.chdir(masterdir) if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): # if 1: pass if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute( " --consecutive --params=originalid %s" % stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir) cmdexecute( " %s --makevstack=%s_000" % (stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir, stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir)) if (myid == main_node): main_dir_no = get_latest_directory_increment_value("./", NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR, myformat="%04d") print "isac_generation_from_command_line", isac_generation_from_command_line, main_dir_no if isac_generation_from_command_line < 0: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state( NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1][ "isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = -1 if isac_generation_from_command_line >= 0 and isac_generation_from_command_line <= main_dir_no: for i in xrange(isac_generation_from_command_line + 1, main_dir_no + 1): if i == isac_generation_from_command_line + 1: backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value( "./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % i + " 000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) cmdexecute( "rm " + "EMAN2DB/" + stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[ 4:] + "_%03d.bdb" % i) # it includes both command line and json file my_restart_section = stored_state[-1]["location_in_program"].split( "___")[-1] if "restart" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value( "./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) cmdexecute( "rm " + "EMAN2DB/" + stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[ 4:] + "_%03d.bdb" % isac_generation_from_command_line) elif "candidate_class_averages" in my_restart_section: if "backup_dir_no" not in locals(): backup_dir_no = get_nonexistent_directory_increment_value( "./", "000_backup", myformat="%05d", start_value=1) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + "000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mv " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation_from_command_line + " 000_backup" + "%05d" % backup_dir_no) cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation_from_command_line) # cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_candidate*"%isac_generation_from_command_line) elif "reproducible_class_averages" in my_restart_section: cmdexecute("rm -rf " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/ali_params_generation_*" % isac_generation_from_command_line) cmdexecute("rm -f " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d/class_averages_generation*" % isac_generation_from_command_line) else: if os.path.exists(NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE): stored_stack, stored_state = restore_program_stack_and_state( NAME_OF_JSON_STATE_FILE) if "isac_generation" in stored_state[-1]: isac_generation_from_command_line = stored_state[-1][ "isac_generation"] else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 1 else: isac_generation_from_command_line = 0 isac_generation_from_command_line = mpi_bcast( isac_generation_from_command_line, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0] isac_generation = isac_generation_from_command_line - 1 if (myid == main_node): if isac_generation == 0: cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation) write_text_file( [1], os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation, "generation_%d_accounted.txt" % isac_generation)) write_text_file( range(number_of_images_in_stack), os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation, "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt" % isac_generation)) # Stopping criterion should be inside the program. while True: isac_generation += 1 if isac_generation > options.n_generations: break data64_stack_current = "bdb:../" + stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir[ 4:] + "_%03d" % isac_generation if (myid == main_node): accounted_images = read_text_file( os.path.join( NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % (isac_generation - 1), "generation_%d_accounted.txt" % (isac_generation - 1))) number_of_accounted_images = len(accounted_images) # unaccounted_images = read_text_file(os.path.join(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d"%(isac_generation - 1),"generation_%d_unaccounted.txt"%(isac_generation - 1))) # number_of_unaccounted_images = len(unaccounted_images) else: number_of_accounted_images = 0 number_of_accounted_images = int( mpi_bcast(number_of_accounted_images, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if number_of_accounted_images == 0: os.chdir("..") break program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "restart" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute("mkdir -p " + NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation) # reference the original stack list_file = os.path.join( NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % (isac_generation - 1), "generation_%d_unaccounted.txt" % (isac_generation - 1)) cmdexecute(" %s --makevstack=%s --list=%s"%(stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir,\ stack_processed_by_ali2d_base__filename__without_master_dir + "_%03d"%isac_generation, list_file)) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) os.chdir(NAME_OF_MAIN_DIR + "%04d" % isac_generation) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "candidate_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, target_xr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, False, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) # program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stopped_program1" # program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stop_after_candidates" program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) if stop_after_candidates: mpi_finalize() sys.exit() exit_program = 0 if (myid == main_node): if not os.path.exists( "class_averages_candidate_generation_%d.hdf" % isac_generation): print "This generation (%d) no class averages were generated!" % isac_generation exit_program = 1 exit_program = int( mpi_bcast(exit_program, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD)[0]) if exit_program: os.chdir("..") break program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "reproducible_class_averages" if program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())): iter_isac(data64_stack_current,, target_radius,, target_xr, target_xr, options.ts, options.maxit, False, 1.0,\ options.dst, options.FL, options.FH, options.FF, options.init_iter, options.main_iter, options.iter_reali, options.match_first, \ options.max_round, options.match_second, options.stab_ali, options.thld_err, options.indep_run, options.thld_grp, \ options.img_per_grp, isac_generation, True, random_seed=options.rand_seed, new=False) pass os.chdir("..") if (myid == main_node): cmdexecute("rm -f class_averages.hdf") cpy([ "generation_%04d/class_averages_generation_%d.hdf" % (i, i) for i in xrange(1, isac_generation) ], "class_averages.hdf") # program_state_stack.restart_location_title = "stopped_program2" # program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe())) program_state_stack(locals(), getframeinfo(currentframe()), last_call="__LastCall") mpi_finalize()
def align_diff_params(ali_params1, ali_params2): ''' This function determines the relative angle, shifts and mirrorness between two sets of alignment parameters. ''' from math import cos, sin, pi, atan from utilities import combine_params2 nima = len(ali_params1) nima2 = len(ali_params2) if nima2 != nima: print "Error: Number of images do not agree!" return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 else: nima/=4 del nima2 # Read the alignment parameters and determine the relative mirrorness mirror_same = 0 for i in xrange(nima): if ali_params1[i*4+3] == ali_params2[i*4+3]: mirror_same += 1 if mirror_same > nima/2: mirror = 0 else: mirror_same = nima-mirror_same mirror = 1 # Determine the relative angle cosi = 0.0 sini = 0.0 angle1 = [] angle2 = [] for i in xrange(nima): mirror1 = ali_params1[i*4+3] mirror2 = ali_params2[i*4+3] if abs(mirror1-mirror2) == mirror: alpha1 = ali_params1[i*4] alpha2 = ali_params2[i*4] if mirror1 == 1: alpha1 = -alpha1 alpha2 = -alpha2 angle1.append(alpha1) angle2.append(alpha2) alphai = angle_diff(angle1, angle2) # Determine the relative shift sxi = 0.0 syi = 0.0 for i in xrange(nima): mirror1 = ali_params1[i*4+3] mirror2 = ali_params2[i*4+3] if abs(mirror1-mirror2) == mirror: alpha1 = ali_params1[i*4] #alpha2 = ali_params2[i*4] sx1 = ali_params1[i*4+1] sx2 = ali_params2[i*4+1] sy1 = ali_params1[i*4+2] sy2 = ali_params2[i*4+2] alpha12, sx12, sy12, mirror12 = combine_params2(alpha1, sx1, sy1, int(mirror1), alphai, 0.0, 0.0, 0) if mirror1 == 0: sxi += sx2-sx12 else: sxi -= sx2-sx12 syi += sy2-sy12 sxi /= mirror_same syi /= mirror_same return alphai, sxi, syi, mirror