def run(LinkType, SrcObjTag, SrcIfTag,
        DstObjTag, DstIfTag, LinkPattern, LinkTag):
    logger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')

    # Check object tags are not empty
    if not SrcObjTag:
        raise RuntimeError('Source Object Tag is empty')
    if not DstObjTag:
        raise RuntimeError('Destination Object Tag is empty')

    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    src_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([SrcObjTag])
    src_type = get_list_type(src_obj_list)
    if src_type is None:
        raise RuntimeError('No objects tagged by tag "{}"'.format(SrcObjTag))
    elif not src_type:
        raise RuntimeError('Tag "{}" points to various object types'
    dst_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([DstObjTag])
    dst_type = get_list_type(dst_obj_list)
    if dst_type is None:
        raise RuntimeError('No objects tagged by tag "{}"'.format(DstObjTag))
    elif not dst_type:
        raise RuntimeError('Tag "{}" points to various object types'
    # Only check the multiples if it's not backbone
    if LinkPattern != 'BACKBONE':
        if len(src_obj_list) < len(dst_obj_list):
            raise RuntimeError('Not enough destination objects for '
                               '{} Link Pattern'.format(LinkPattern))
        if (len(src_obj_list) % len(dst_obj_list)) != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Source and Destination lists must match or be '
                               'even multiples '
                               'in {} Link Pattern'.format(LinkPattern))
    if dst_type != 'Port':
        src_if_list = \
            tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([SrcIfTag]) \
            if SrcIfTag else []
        dst_if_list = \
            tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names([DstIfTag]) \
            if DstIfTag else []
        if src_if_list and len(src_if_list) != len(src_obj_list):
            raise RuntimeError("Source Object and Interface list "
                               "sizes don't match")
        if dst_if_list and len(dst_if_list) != len(dst_obj_list):
            raise RuntimeError("Destination Object and Interface list "
                               "sizes don't match")
    # Make lists for each endpoint
    if 'src_if_list' not in locals() or not src_if_list:
        src_if_list = [None] * len(src_obj_list)
    if 'dst_if_list' not in locals() or not dst_if_list:
        dst_if_list = [None] * len(dst_obj_list)
    src_tup_list = zip(src_obj_list, src_if_list)
    dst_tup_list = zip(dst_obj_list, dst_if_list)
    pair_list = []
    logger.LogDebug('Src: ' +
                    ', '.join(['{} ({})'.format(o.Get('Name'),
                               for o in src_obj_list]))
    logger.LogDebug('Dst: ' +
                    ', '.join(['{} ({})'.format(o.Get('Name'),
                               for o in dst_obj_list]))
    if LinkPattern == 'BACKBONE':
        pair_list = [(x, y) for x in src_tup_list for y in dst_tup_list]
        multi = len(src_obj_list) / len(dst_obj_list)
        mult_dst_tup_list = []
        if LinkPattern == 'PAIR':
            mult_dst_tup_list = [y for y in dst_tup_list for _ in range(multi)]
            mult_dst_tup_list = dst_tup_list * multi
        pair_list = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(src_tup_list, mult_dst_tup_list)]
    link_list = []
    failure = ''
    for pair in pair_list:
        (src_obj, src_if), (dst_obj, dst_if) = pair
        # Command doesn't support reset, so each command needs instantiated
        cmd = ctor.CreateCommand('LinkCreateCommand')
        cmd.Set('LinkType', LinkType)
        cmd.Set('SrcDev', src_obj.GetObjectHandle())
        if (src_if):
            cmd.Set('SrcIf', src_if.GetObjectHandle())
        cmd.Set('DstDev', dst_obj.GetObjectHandle())
        if (dst_if):
            cmd.Set('DstIf', dst_if.GetObjectHandle())
        if 'COMPLETED' != cmd.Get('State'):
            failure = cmd.Get('Status')
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()
    this_cmd.SetCollection('LinkList', link_list)
    if LinkTag:
        hnd_reg = CHandleRegistry.Instance()
        for hdl in link_list:
            obj = hnd_reg.Find(hdl)
            if obj is not None:
                tag_utils.add_tag_to_object(obj, LinkTag)
    if failure:
        failure = 'Source: {}, Destination: {}, Error: {} '.format(SrcObjTag,
        this_cmd.Set('Status', failure)
        raise RuntimeError(failure)
    return True
def run(StmTemplateConfigList, CopiesPerParent,
        SrcTagList, TargetTagList):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger('methodology')
    plLogger.LogDebug("run ExpandTemplateCommand")

    time_data = {}
    time_data["cmd_start"] = time.clock()
    stc_sys = CStcSystem.Instance()
    project = stc_sys.GetObject("Project")
    ctor = CScriptableCreator()
    this_cmd = get_this_cmd()

    template_list = []
    obj_list = CCommandEx.ProcessInputHandleVec("StmTemplateConfig",
    for obj in obj_list:
        if obj is not None and obj not in template_list:

    if not len(template_list):
        err_str = "Could not find any valid StmTemplateConfig objects."
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False
    time_data["template_list_len"] = len(template_list)

    # Process the TargetTagList
    # Since it is string names, convert to a list of bll objects
    # An empty TargetTagList indicates the target is project
    target_obj_list = []
    if len(TargetTagList) == 0:
        plLogger.LogDebug("TargetTagList is empty so project will be " +
                          "used as the attachment target.")
        target_obj_list = [project]
        # This is only used for checking if each tag actually tags anything
        for target_tag in TargetTagList:
            obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
            if len(obj_list) < 1:
                err_str = "TargetTagList contains invalid tags " + \
                    "or tags that don't tag anything."
                this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
                return False
        target_obj_list = tag_utils.get_tagged_objects_from_string_names(
    if len(target_obj_list) < 1:
        err_str = "TargetTagList contains invalid tags " + \
            "or tags that don't tag anything."
        this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
        return False

    plLogger.LogDebug("target_obj_list: ")
    for obj in target_obj_list:
        plLogger.LogDebug("  target: " + obj.Get("Name"))

    if len(template_list) > 0:
        plLogger.LogDebug("call expand_template_configs")
        res = expand_template_configs(template_list,
        if res != "":
            err_str = "Failed to expand template(s): " + res
            this_cmd.Set("Status", err_str)
            return False

    # Remove duplicate tags from the copies
    cmd = ctor.CreateCommand("RemoveDuplicateTagsCommand")
    time_data["rem_dup_tags_cmd"] = cmd.Get("ElapsedTime")

    time_data["cmd_end"] = time.clock()

    return True