文件: cisBonus.py 项目: Nemie/syco
def verify_ssh():
    Verify that all ssh settings has been applied.

    Not a CIS test.

    print_header("11 BONUS - Verify ssh settings")

    print_header("11.1 BONUS - Verify ssh settings")
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.read('%s/hardening/config.cfg' % app.SYCO_VAR_PATH)
    counter = 0
    for setting in config.options('ssh'):
        counter += 1
        print_header("11.%s Verify ssh settings - %s" %
            (counter, config.get('ssh', setting)))

        check_not_empty("grep %s /etc/ssh/ssh_config" % config.get('ssh', setting))

    print_header("11.2 BONUS - Verify ssh settings")
    counter = 0
    for setting in config.options('sshd'):
        counter += 1

        print_header("11.%s Verify sshd settings - %s" %
            (counter, config.get('sshd', setting)))

        check_not_empty("grep %s /etc/ssh/sshd_config" % config.get('sshd', setting))
def verify_ssh():
    Verify that all ssh settings has been applied.

    Not a CIS test.

    print_header("11 BONUS - Verify ssh settings")

    print_header("11.1 BONUS - Verify ssh settings")
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.read('%s/hardening/config.cfg' % app.SYCO_VAR_PATH)
    counter = 0
    for setting in config.options('ssh'):
        counter += 1
        print_header("11.%s Verify ssh settings - %s" %
                     (counter, config.get('ssh', setting)))

        check_not_empty("grep %s /etc/ssh/ssh_config" %
                        config.get('ssh', setting))

    print_header("11.2 BONUS - Verify ssh settings")
    counter = 0
    for setting in config.options('sshd'):
        counter += 1

        print_header("11.%s Verify sshd settings - %s" %
                     (counter, config.get('sshd', setting)))

        check_not_empty("grep %s /etc/ssh/sshd_config" %
                        config.get('sshd', setting))
def verify_network():
    Verify that the network config settings in the hardning config file has
    been applied.

    Not a CIS test.

    print_header("10 BONUS - Verify network settings")

    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.read('%s/hardening/config.cfg' % app.SYCO_VAR_PATH)
    counter = 0
    for setting in config.options('network'):
        counter += 1
        print_header("10.{0} Verify network settings - {1}".format(
            counter, config.get('network', setting)))
        check_not_empty("grep %s /etc/sysctl.conf" %
                        config.get('network', setting))
文件: cisBonus.py 项目: Nemie/syco
def verify_network():
    Verify that the network config settings in the hardning config file has
    been applied.

    Not a CIS test.

    print_header("10 BONUS - Verify network settings")

    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.read('%s/hardening/config.cfg' % app.SYCO_VAR_PATH)
    counter = 0
    for setting in config.options('network'):
        counter += 1
            "10.{0} Verify network settings - {1}".format(
            counter, config.get('network', setting))
        check_not_empty("grep %s /etc/sysctl.conf" % config.get('network', setting))