    def __init__(self, system, code):

        # Get the zone constants.
        self.const = get_projection(system, code)
        if self.const['TYPE'] != 'TM':
            raise TypeError('Expected Transverse Mercator, found \'{0}\''.format(self.const['TYPE']))

        # Coordinate system constants
        a = 6378137.0                       # semi-major radius of ellipsoid, meters (WGS84)
        # f = 1.0 / 298.257223563           # flattening (WGS84)
        f = 1.0 / 298.25722210088           # flattening (GRS80)
        e2 = 2.0*f - f*f                    # first eccentricity squared
        e12 = e2 / (1.0 - e2)               # second eccentricity squared
        n = f / (2.0 - f)
        n2 = n  * n
        n3 = n2 * n
        n4 = n3 * n
        r = a * (1.0 - n) * (1.0 - n2) * (1.0 + 9.0 * n2 / 4.0 + 225.0 * n4 / 64.0)

        # Defining coordinate system constants for the zone
        P0 = dms_radians(self.const['P0'])      # Latitude of origin, radians (Bb)
        M0 = dms_radians(self.const['M0'])      # Central meridian, radians (Lo)
        X0 = float(self.const['X0'])            # False northing of latitude of origin, meters (No)
        Y0 = float(self.const['Y0'])            # False easting of central meridian, meters (Eo)
        K0 = 1.0 - 1.0/float(self.const['SF'])  # Grid scale factor assigned to central meridian

        # Calculate the derived coordinate system constants.
        u2 = -3.0 * n / 2.0 + 9.0 * n3 / 16.0
        u4 = 15.0 * n2 / 16.0 - 15.0 * n4 / 32.0
        u6 = -35.0 * n3 / 48.0
        u8 = 315.0 * n4 / 512.0

        u0 = 2.0 * (u2 - 2.0 * u4 + 3.0 * u6 - 4.0 * u8)
        u2 = 8.0 * (u4 - 4.0 * u6 + 10.0 * u8)
        u4 = 32.0 * (u6 - 6.0 * u8)
        u6 = 128.0 * u8

        v2 = 3.0 * n / 2.0 - 27.0 * n3 / 32.0
        v4 = 21.0 * n2 / 16.0 - 55.0 * n4 / 32.0
        v6 = 151.0 * n3 / 96.0
        v8 = 1097.0 * n4 / 512.0

        v0 = 2.0 * (v2 - 2.0 * v4 + 3.0 * v6 - 4.0 * v8)
        v2 = 8.0 * (v4 - 4.0 * v6 + 10.0 * v8)
        v4 = 32.0 * (v6 - 6.0 * v8)
        v6 = 128.0 * v8

        sinp = math.sin(P0)
        cosp = math.cos(P0)
        cosp2 = cosp * cosp
        S0 = K0 * (P0 + sinp * cosp * (u0 + cosp2 * (u2 + cosp2 * (u4 + u6 * cosp2)))) * r

        # Save off the locals.
        self._locals = [P0, M0, X0, Y0, K0, a, e2, e12, r, u0, u2, u4, u6, v0, v2, v4, v6, S0]
    def __init__(self, system, code):

        # Get the zone constants.
        self.const = get_projection(system, code)
        if self.const['TYPE'] != 'LC':
            raise TypeError('Expected Lambert, found \'{0}\''.format(self.const['TYPE']))

        # Coordinate system constants
        # A = 6378206.4                 # major radius of ellipsoid, meters (NAD27)
        # E = 0.08227185422             # eccentricity of ellipsoid (NAD27)
        A = 6378137.0                   # major radius of ellipsoid, meters (NAD83)
        E = 0.08181922146               # eccentricity of ellipsoid (NAD83)
        PI4 = math.pi / 4.0
        PI2 = math.pi / 2.0

        # Defining coordinate system constants for the zone
        P0 = dms_radians(self.const['P0'])     # latitude of origin, radians (Bb)
        M0 = dms_radians(self.const['M0'])     # central meridian, radians (Lo)
        X0 = float(self.const['X0'])           # False northing of latitude of origin, meters (Nb)
        Y0 = float(self.const['Y0'])           # False easting of central meridian, meters (Eo)
        P1 = dms_radians(self.const['P1'])     # latitude of first standard parallel, radians (Bs)
        P2 = dms_radians(self.const['P2'])     # latitude of second standard parallel, radians (Bn)

        # Calculate the derived coordinate system constants.
        m1 = math.cos(P1) / math.sqrt(1.0 - math.pow(E * math.sin(P1), 2.0))
        m2 = math.cos(P2) / math.sqrt(1.0 - math.pow(E * math.sin(P2), 2.0))
        t1 = (math.tan(PI4 - P1 / 2.0)
                / math.pow((1.0 - E * math.sin(P1)) / (1.0 + E * math.sin(P1)), E / 2.0))
        t2 = (math.tan(PI4 - P2 / 2.0)
                / math.pow( (1.0 - E * math.sin(P2)) / (1.0 + E * math.sin(P2)), E / 2.0))
        t0 = (math.tan(PI4 - P0 / 2.0)
                / math.pow((1.0 - E * math.sin(P0)) / (1.0 + E * math.sin(P0)), E / 2.0))
        n = math.log(m1 / m2) / math.log(t1 / t2)
        F = m1 / (n * math.pow(t1, n))
        rho0 = A * F * math.pow(t0, n)

        # Save off the locals.
        self._locals = [A, E, PI4, PI2, P0, M0, X0, Y0, P1, P2, m1, m2, t1, t2, t0, n, F, rho0]