def write_request_to_log(self, dev): '''Records the subvolume requested of this sample in a log''' if self.log is not None: log_line1 = self.sec_name log_line2 = "subvolume: [{},{},{}] requested".format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2]) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line1) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line2)
def do_point_query(points, raster, csv_pth, num, log_out): try: u.verify_dir(csv_pth) dataset = raster.split('\\')[-2].replace(' ', '_') raster_name_to_csv = os.path.basename(raster).replace('.tif', '.csv') csv_name = '__'.join([dataset, raster_name_to_csv]) csv_out = os.path.join(csv_pth, csv_name) start = timer() u.write_to_log(' {}) Raster: {}'.format(num, os.path.basename(raster)), log_out) stats = point_query(points, raster, interpolate='nearest', geojson_out=True) print(' point_query... ({} sec.)'.format(round(timer()-start, 2))) start = timer() attributes = [] for item in stats: #print ('{}'.format(item['properties'])) attributes.append(item['properties']) print(' append dicts... ({} sec.)'.format(round(timer()-start, 2))) start = timer() with open(csv_out, 'w', newline='') as outfile: fp = csv.DictWriter(outfile, attributes[0].keys()) fp.writeheader() fp.writerows(attributes) print(' write to csv... ({} sec.)'.format(round(timer()-start, 2))) u.write_to_log(' CSV file: {}'.format(csv_out), log_out) u.write_to_log(' Log file: {}'.format(log_out), log_out) except Exception as e: u.write_to_log(str(e), log_out) u.write_to_log('FINISH POINTS: {}'.format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), log_out)
def get_initial_company_info(): """Gets the initial information for each company""" company_dict = utils.open_json(MONITOR) for company in company_dict: # Gets symbol for company if company_dict[company]["Symbol"] == "unknown": try: with urllib.request.urlopen( f'' f'api/resource/searchassist;searchTerm={company}' ) as response: html = d = json.loads(html) company_dict[company]["Symbol"] = d['items'][0][ 'symbol'] except urllib.error.HTTPError as error: utils.write_to_log(f'Error opening URL: {error}') # Gets initial share price if company_dict[company]["Initial-share-price"] == 1: yahoo = Share(company_dict[company]["Symbol"]) share = yahoo.get_price() company_dict[company]["Initial-share-price"] = float(share) company_dict[company]["Current-share-price"] = float(share) utils.write_to_json(MONITOR, company_dict)
def write_request_to_log(self, dev): '''Records the subvolume requested of this sample in a log''' if self.log is not None: log_line1 = self.sec_name log_line2 = "subvolume: [{},{},{}] requested".format( dev[0], dev[1], dev[2]) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line1) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line2)
def check_mentions(self): """Checks mentions for sign up's via email or twitter via "Sign up / Sign up [email]""" try: mentions = self.api.mentions_timeline(count=3) for mention in mentions: if "stop" in mention.text.lower(): # Unsubscribe for email if len(mention.text.split()) == 3: email = mention.text.split()[2] email_list = utils.open_file(EMAILS).split() if email in email_list: email_list.remove(email) utils.write_to_file(EMAILS, ' '.join(email_list)) # Unsubscribe for Twitter handle else: twitter_name = mention.user.screen_name twitter_name_list = utils.open_file( TWITTER_NAMES).split() if twitter_name in twitter_name_list: twitter_name_list.remove(twitter_name) utils.write_to_file(TWITTER_NAMES, ' '.join(twitter_name_list)) elif "sign up" in mention.text.lower(): # Email sign up if len(mention.text.split()) > 3: email = mention.text.split()[3] email_list = utils.open_file(EMAILS).split() if email not in email_list: email_list.append(email) utils.append_to_file(EMAILS, email) # Twitter handle sign up else: twitter_name = mention.user.screen_name twitter_name_list = utils.open_file( TWITTER_NAMES).split() if twitter_name not in twitter_name_list: twitter_name_list.append(twitter_name) utils.append_to_file(TWITTER_NAMES, twitter_name) except tweepy.TweepError as error: utils.write_to_log(f'Error checking mentions: {error}')
def track_directories(directories, session, bucket_name): global aws_session, bucket aws_session = session bucket = bucket_name observer = Observer() # Create event handler and set the function to call when event occurs. event_handler = FileSystemEventHandler() event_handler.on_created = upload_file_to_S3 # Schedule the observer to monitor every directory in the config file. for directory in directories: observer.schedule(event_handler, directory, recursive=True) write_to_log('Scheduled observer for ' + directory) # Start the observer. observer.start() try: write_to_log('Beginning to wait for events.') # Constantly wait for events. while True: time.sleep(1) # Stop when user presses Ctrl + C. except KeyboardInterrupt: write_to_log('Stopping observers...') observer.stop() observer.join() write_to_log('Stopped observers.')
def upload_file_to_S3(event): global observer_paused, aws_session, bucket # Don't respond to events if paused flag is true. # Make sure to only upload files and ignore directories. if observer_paused or not os.path.isfile(event.src_path): return # Unify folder names. (username replaced with placeholder) s3_key = event.src_path.replace(getpass.getuser(), core.user_placeholder).replace('\\', '/') s3_client = aws_session.resource('s3') s3_client.meta.client.upload_file(event.src_path, bucket, s3_key) write_to_log('Uploaded file ' + s3_key)
def main_code(raster_dir, pts, csv_path, log, raster_regex,): # Main stuff start_all = timer() u.write_to_log('\nSTART POINTS: {}'.format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), log) raster_list = [] for filename in glob.iglob(raster_dir+raster_regex, recursive=True): raster_list.append(filename) count = 0 for tif in raster_list: count+=1 try: do_point_query(pts, tif, csv_path, count, log) except Exception as e: print(e) u.write_to_log('FINISH POINTS: {}\nELAPSED TIME: ({} sec.)'.format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), round(timer()-start_all, 2)), log)
def test_write_to_log_func(): """Test write_to_log function from utils""" email = '*****@*****.**' event = 'TEST' today ='%d-%m-%Y') record = email + ', ' + event log_str = '[' + today + '] -- ' + record + '\n' write_to_log(email, event) with open(LOG_FILE) as log_file: assert log_str in # clean log from test records with open(LOG_FILE, 'r') as log_file: lines = log_file.readlines() with open(LOG_FILE, 'w') as log_file: for line in lines: if line != log_str: log_file.write(line)
def email(self): """Emails a list of people""" company_output = ', '.join(self.matches) try: email_list = utils.open_file(EMAILS).split() server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) server.starttls() server.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD) server.sendmail( EMAIL, email_list, f'Trump just tweeted about {company_output}. ' f'Might be time to check your shares...') server.quit() except smtplib.SMTPResponseException as error: utils.write_to_log(f'Email error: {error}')
def share_output(): """Calls difference_in_shares from the Companies class, Outputs the data to twitter.""" share_difference_dict = Companies().difference_in_shares() for company in share_difference_dict: try: # If you're following one person, this can be changed to look better # Remove "[Mentioned by: {company["Handle"]}" in the first line. Twitter().api.update_status( f'{company} [Mentioned by: {company["Handle"]} - ' f'Initial Share Price: {company["Initial"]} ' f'Current Share Price: {company["Current"]}' f'Change: {company["Change"]}' f'Max Change: {company["Max-change"]} ') except tweepy.TweepError as error: utils.write_to_log(f'Twitter output Error: {error}')
def tweet(self): """Tweets and DMs the company that has been mentioned""" try: for company in self.matches: self.twitter.api.update_status( f'Yelp, looks like a good time to take a look at your shares in {company.upper()}! ' f'{self.handle} just mentioned them!') twitter_users = utils.open_file(TWITTER_NAMES).split() for user in twitter_users: time.sleep(2) self.twitter.api.send_direct_message( screen_name=user, text=f'{self.handle} just tweeted about {company.upper()}! ' f'Might be time to check your shares!') except tweepy.TweepError as error: utils.write_to_log(f'Error tweeting: {error}')
def check_tweets(self): """Checks the twitter handle for new tweets. If there has been a new tweet, checks it in the Companies class to see if a company is contained in it""" try: new_tweet = self.api.user_timeline(screen_name=self.handle, count=1) for tweet in new_tweet: # Need to find a fix for this loop old_tweet = utils.open_file( f'{GENERIC}{self.handle}.txt').strip() if old_tweet != tweet.text.encode('utf8'): utils.write_to_file(f'{GENERIC}{self.handle}.txt', tweet.text) return tweet.text.encode('utf8') except tweepy.TweepError as error: utils.write_to_log(f'Error checking for new tweets: {error}')
def okta(): """ View for user creation in Okta """ result = list() data = request.get_data() users = users_list_gen(data) if not users: return 'No users to create!' for user in users: okta_user = { "profile": { "firstName": user["firstName"], "lastName": user["lastName"], "email": user["email"], "login": user["email"] }, "credentials": { "password": { "value": settings.OKTA_USER_PASS } }, } if settings.OKTA_USER_GROUP: okta_user.update({"groupIds": [ settings.OKTA_USER_GROUP, ]}) okta_req = post(settings.OKTA_API_URL, headers=settings.OKTA_HEADERS, data=json.dumps(okta_user)) if okta_req.status_code != 200: result.append('%s: %s' % (user['email'], okta_req.json()['errorCauses'][0]['errorSummary'])) else: result.append('%s: user succefully created.' % user['email']) write_to_log(user['email'], 'OKTA') return '\n'.join(result)
def write_request_to_log(self, dev, rft): '''Records the subvolume requested of this sample in a log''' if self.log is not None: rft_string = utils.rft_to_string(rft) log_line1 = self.sec_name log_line2 = "subvolume: [{},{},{}] requested".format(dev[0],dev[1],dev[2]) log_line3 = "transformation: {}".format(rft_string) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line1) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line2) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line3)
def write_request_to_log(self, dev, rft): '''Records the subvolume requested of this sample in a log''' if self.log is not None: rft_string = utils.rft_to_string(rft) log_line1 = self.sec_name log_line2 = "subvolume: [{},{},{}] requested".format( dev[0], dev[1], dev[2]) log_line3 = "transformation: {}".format(rft_string) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line1) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line2) utils.write_to_log(self.log, log_line3)
def active_directory(): """ View for user creation in Active Directory Useful info about python ldap lib """ result = list() data = request.get_data() users = users_list_gen(data) if not users: return 'No users to create!' ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) ad_srv = ldap.initialize(settings.AD_SERVER) ad_srv.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) ad_srv.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) ad_srv.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND) ad_srv.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, True) ad_srv.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 255) try: ad_srv.start_tls_s() except ldap.LDAPError as err: msg = get_err_msg(err) result.append('Failed to connect to LDAP server! Error message: %s.' % msg) return '\n'.join(result) ad_srv.simple_bind_s(settings.AD_BIND_DN, settings.AD_ADMIN_PASS) for user in users: user_dn = 'CN=' + user['fullName'] + ',' + settings.AD_USER_DN user_attrs = {} user_attrs['objectClass'] = [ b'top', b'person', b'organizationalPerson', b'user' ] user_attrs['cn'] = str.encode(user['fullName']) user_attrs['userPrincipalName'] = str.encode(user['adName'] + '@' + settings.AD_DOMAIN) user_attrs['sAMAccountName'] = str.encode(user['adName']) user_attrs['givenName'] = str.encode(user['firstName']) user_attrs['sn'] = str.encode(user['lastName']) user_attrs['displayName'] = str.encode(user['fullName']) user_attrs['description'] = str.encode(user['jobtitle']) user_attrs['userAccountControl'] = b'514' # user is disabled # add user user_ldif = modlist.addModlist(user_attrs) try: ad_srv.add_s(user_dn, user_ldif) result.append('%s: User succefully created.' % user['adName']) write_to_log(user['email'], 'AD') except ldap.LDAPError as err: msg = get_err_msg(err) result.append('%s: Failed to create user! Error message: %s' % (user['adName'], msg)) return '\n'.join(result) # change pass unicode_pass = '******' + settings.AD_USER_PASS + '\"' password_value = unicode_pass.encode('utf-16-le') add_pass = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'unicodePwd', [password_value])] try: ad_srv.modify_s(user_dn, add_pass) result.append('%s: Password has changed succefully.' % user['adName']) except ldap.LDAPError as err: msg = get_err_msg(err) result.append('%s: Failed to change password! Error message: %s.' % (user['adName'], msg)) return '\n'.join(result) # enable user mod_acct = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userAccountControl', b'512')] try: ad_srv.modify_s(user_dn, mod_acct) result.append('%s: user enabled succefully' % user['adName']) except ldap.LDAPError as err: msg = get_err_msg(err) result.append('%s: Failed to enable user! Error message: %s.' % (user['adName'], msg)) return '\n'.join(result) if settings.AD_GROUP_NAME: # add to group add_member = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'member', str.encode(user_dn))] try: ad_srv.modify_s(settings.AD_GROUP_DN, add_member) result.append('%s: User succefully added to group %s.' % (user['adName'], settings.AD_GROUP_NAME)) except ldap.LDAPError as err: msg = get_err_msg(err) result.append( '%s: Failed to add user to group %s! Error message: %s.' % (user['adName'], settings.AD_GROUP_NAME, msg)) # Disconnect from AD server ad_srv.unbind_s() return '\n'.join(result)
def main_code(buff_dir, pt_dir, combine_dir, log): u.verify_dir(combine_dir) start_all = timer() u.write_to_log( '\nSTART COMBINE: {}'.format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), log) buff_list = [] for filename in glob.iglob(buff_dir + '/*.csv'): buff_list.append(filename) pt_list = [] for filename in glob.iglob(pt_dir + '/*.csv'): pt_list.append(filename) match_count = 0 for buff_csv in buff_list: buff_name = os.path.basename(buff_csv) process_buff = buff_csv for pt_csv in pt_list: pt_name = os.path.basename(pt_csv) if buff_name == pt_name: process_pt = pt_csv match_count += 1 u.write_to_log( ' {}) buffers: {} points: {}'.format( match_count, buff_name, pt_name), log) #csv_name = os.path.basename(os.path.basename(buff_csv).replace('.csv', '_pandas.csv')) out_csv = os.path.join(combine_dir, buff_name) buff_df = pd.read_csv(buff_csv, dtype='object') pt_df = pd.read_csv(pt_csv, dtype='object') print(' buff shape: {}'.format(buff_df.shape)) print(' pt shape: {}'.format(pt_df.shape)) merged = pd.merge(left=buff_df, right=pt_df, on='DHSID') print(' merge shape: {}'.format(merged.shape)) for col in list(merged): if col.endswith("_y"): merged = merged.drop(str(col), 1) # These select columns by name and merge point values into them if # the buffer analysis resulted in a blank value. try: merged.loc[merged['mean'].isnull(), 'mean'] = merged['value'] except: print(' no MEAN column') try: merged.loc[merged['sum'].isnull(), 'sum'] = merged['value'] except: print(' no SUM column') try: merged.loc[merged['majority'].isnull(), 'majority'] = merged['value'] except: print(' no MAJORITY column') try: merged = merged.drop('nodata', 1) except: print(' no NODATA column') merged = merged.drop('value', 1) merged.to_csv(out_csv, sep=',') u.write_to_log( 'FINISH COMBINE: {}\nELAPSED TIME: {} sec.'.format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), round(timer() - start_all, 3)), log)
import dirtracker import syncmonitor import utils import threading user_placeholder = 'USER' #--------------------------------------------------------- # Run order #--------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': config = utils.get_config() credentials = utils.get_credentials(config) aws_session = utils.get_session(credentials, config) # Start the sync monitor in a separate daemon thread. sync = threading.Thread(target=syncmonitor.sync_monitor, args=(aws_session, config), daemon=True) sync.start() utils.write_to_log('Started sync monitor.') # Start monitoring for new files in directories using main thread. utils.write_to_log('Started directory trackers.') dirtracker.track_directories(config['folders'], aws_session, config['bucket'])
def main( conf_file='config.cfg', logfile=None ): #%% parameters print "reading config parameters..." config, pars = zconfig.parser( conf_file ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: print "recording configuration file..." zlog.record_config_file( pars ) logfile = zlog.make_logfile_name( pars ) #%% create and initialize the network if pars['train_load_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_load_net']): print "loading network..." net = znetio.load_network( pars ) # load existing learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve( pars['train_load_net'] ) # the last iteration we want to continue training iter_last = lc.get_last_it() else: if pars['train_seed_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_seed_net']): print "seeding network..." net = znetio.load_network( pars, is_seed=True ) else: print "initializing network..." net = znetio.init_network( pars ) # initalize a learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve() iter_last = lc.get_last_it() # show field of view print "field of view: ", net.get_fov() # total voxel number of output volumes vn = utils.get_total_num(net.get_outputs_setsz()) # set some parameters print 'setting up the network...' eta = pars['eta'] net.set_eta( pars['eta'] ) net.set_momentum( pars['momentum'] ) net.set_weight_decay( pars['weight_decay'] ) # initialize samples outsz = pars['train_outsz'] print "\n\ncreate train samples..." smp_trn = zsample.CSamples(config, pars, pars['train_range'], net, outsz, logfile) print "\n\ncreate test samples..." smp_tst = zsample.CSamples(config, pars, pars['test_range'], net, outsz, logfile) # initialization elapsed = 0 err = 0.0 # cost energy cls = 0.0 # pixel classification error re = 0.0 # rand error # number of voxels which accumulate error # (if a mask exists) num_mask_voxels = 0 if pars['is_malis']: malis_cls = 0.0 print "start training..." start = time.time() total_time = 0.0 print "start from ", iter_last+1 #Saving initialized network if iter_last+1 == 1: znetio.save_network(net, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=0) pars, 0.0 ) for i in xrange(iter_last+1, pars['Max_iter']+1): # get random sub volume from sample vol_ins, lbl_outs, msks, wmsks = smp_trn.get_random_sample() # forward pass # apply the transformations in memory rather than array view vol_ins = utils.make_continuous(vol_ins, dtype=pars['dtype']) props = net.forward( vol_ins ) # cost function and accumulate errors props, cerr, grdts = pars['cost_fn']( props, lbl_outs, msks ) err += cerr cls += cost_fn.get_cls(props, lbl_outs) num_mask_voxels += utils.sum_over_dict(msks) # gradient reweighting grdts = utils.dict_mul( grdts, msks ) grdts = utils.dict_mul( grdts, wmsks ) if pars['is_malis'] : malis_weights, rand_errors = cost_fn.malis_weight(pars, props, lbl_outs) grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, malis_weights) # accumulate the rand error re += rand_errors.values()[0] malis_cls_dict = utils.get_malis_cls( props, lbl_outs, malis_weights ) malis_cls += malis_cls_dict.values()[0] total_time += time.time() - start start = time.time() # test the net if i%pars['Num_iter_per_test']==0: lc = test.znn_test(net, pars, smp_tst, vn, i, lc) if i%pars['Num_iter_per_show']==0: # normalize if utils.dict_mask_empty(msks): err = err / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] else: err = err / num_mask_voxels / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / num_mask_voxels / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train(i, err, cls) # time elapsed = total_time / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] if pars['is_malis']: re = re / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train_rand_error( re ) malis_cls = malis_cls / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train_malis_cls( malis_cls ) show_string = "iteration %d, err: %.3f, cls: %.3f, re: %.6f, mc: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.6f"\ %(i, err, cls, re, malis_cls, elapsed, eta ) else: show_string = "iteration %d, err: %.3f, cls: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.6f"\ %(i, err, cls, elapsed, eta ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: utils.write_to_log(logfile, show_string) print show_string # reset err and cls err = 0 cls = 0 re = 0 num_mask_voxels = 0 if pars['is_malis']: malis_cls = 0 # reset time total_time = 0 start = time.time() if i%pars['Num_iter_per_annealing']==0: # anneal factor eta = eta * pars['anneal_factor'] net.set_eta(eta) if i%pars['Num_iter_per_save']==0: # save network znetio.save_network(net, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=i) pars, elapsed ) if pars['is_malis']: utils.save_malis(malis_weights, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=i) # run backward pass grdts = utils.make_continuous(grdts, dtype=pars['dtype']) net.backward( grdts )
def main(args): config, pars, logfile = parse_args(args) #%% create and initialize the network net, lc = znetio.create_net(pars) # total voxel number of output volumes vn = utils.get_total_num(net.get_outputs_setsz()) # initialize samples outsz = pars['train_outsz'] print "\n\ncreate train samples..." smp_trn = zsample.CSamples(config, pars, pars['train_range'], net, outsz, logfile) print "\n\ncreate test samples..." smp_tst = zsample.CSamples(config, pars, pars['test_range'], net, outsz, logfile) if pars['is_check']: import zcheck zcheck.check_patch(pars, smp_trn) # gradient check is not working now. # zcheck.check_gradient(pars, net, smp_trn) # initialization eta = pars['eta'] elapsed = 0 err = 0.0 # cost energy cls = 0.0 # pixel classification error re = 0.0 # rand error # number of voxels which accumulate error # (if a mask exists) num_mask_voxels = 0 if pars['is_malis']: malis_cls = 0.0 malis_eng = 0.0 else: malis_weights = None # the last iteration we want to continue training iter_last = lc.get_last_it() print "start training..." start = time.time() total_time = 0.0 print "start from ", iter_last + 1 #Saving initial/seeded network # get file name fname, fname_current = znetio.get_net_fname(pars['train_net_prefix'], iter_last, suffix="init") znetio.save_network(net, fname, pars['is_stdio']), fname, elapsed=0.0, suffix="init_iter{}".format(iter_last)) # no nan detected nonan = True for i in xrange(iter_last + 1, pars['Max_iter'] + 1): # time cumulation total_time += time.time() - start start = time.time() # get random sub volume from sample vol_ins, lbl_outs, msks, wmsks = smp_trn.get_random_sample() # forward pass # apply the transformations in memory rather than array view vol_ins = utils.make_continuous(vol_ins) props = net.forward(vol_ins) # cost function and accumulate errors props, cerr, grdts = pars['cost_fn'](props, lbl_outs, msks) err += cerr cls += cost_fn.get_cls(props, lbl_outs) # compute rand error if pars['is_debug']: assert not np.all(lbl_outs.values()[0] == 0) re += pyznn.get_rand_error(props.values()[0], lbl_outs.values()[0]) num_mask_voxels += utils.sum_over_dict(msks) # check whether there is a NaN here! if pars['is_debug']: nonan = nonan and utils.check_dict_nan(vol_ins) nonan = nonan and utils.check_dict_nan(lbl_outs) nonan = nonan and utils.check_dict_nan(msks) nonan = nonan and utils.check_dict_nan(wmsks) nonan = nonan and utils.check_dict_nan(props) nonan = nonan and utils.check_dict_nan(grdts) if not nonan: utils.inter_save(pars, net, lc, vol_ins, props, lbl_outs, \ grdts, malis_weights, wmsks, elapsed, i) # stop training return # gradient reweighting grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, msks) if pars['rebalance_mode']: grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, wmsks) if pars['is_malis']: malis_weights, rand_errors, num_non_bdr = cost_fn.malis_weight( pars, props, lbl_outs) if num_non_bdr <= 1: # skip this iteration continue grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, malis_weights) dmc, dme = utils.get_malis_cost(props, lbl_outs, malis_weights) malis_cls += dmc.values()[0] malis_eng += dme.values()[0] # run backward pass grdts = utils.make_continuous(grdts) net.backward(grdts) total_time += time.time() - start start = time.time() if i % pars['Num_iter_per_show'] == 0: # time elapsed = total_time / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] # normalize if utils.dict_mask_empty(msks): err = err / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] else: err = err / num_mask_voxels / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / num_mask_voxels / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] re = re / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train(i, err, cls, re) if pars['is_malis']: malis_cls = malis_cls / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] malis_eng = malis_eng / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train_malis_cls(malis_cls) lc.append_train_malis_eng(malis_eng) show_string = "update %d, cost: %.3f, pixel error: %.3f, rand error: %.3f, me: %.3f, mc: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.5f"\ %(i, err, cls, re, malis_eng, malis_cls, elapsed, eta ) else: show_string = "update %d, cost: %.3f, pixel error: %.3f, rand error: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.5f"\ %(i, err, cls, re, elapsed, eta ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: utils.write_to_log(logfile, show_string) print show_string # reset err and cls err = 0 cls = 0 re = 0 num_mask_voxels = 0 if pars['is_malis']: malis_cls = 0 # reset time total_time = 0 start = time.time() # test the net if i % pars['Num_iter_per_test'] == 0: # time accumulation should skip the test total_time += time.time() - start lc = test.znn_test(net, pars, smp_tst, vn, i, lc) start = time.time() if i % pars['Num_iter_per_save'] == 0: utils.inter_save(pars, net, lc, vol_ins, props, lbl_outs, \ grdts, malis_weights, wmsks, elapsed, i) if i % pars['Num_iter_per_annealing'] == 0: # anneal factor eta = eta * pars['anneal_factor'] net.set_eta(eta) # stop the iteration at checking mode if pars['is_check']: print "only need one iteration for checking, stop program..." break
def gmail(): """ View for user creation in Gmail """ result = list() data = request.get_data() users = users_list_gen(data) if not users: return 'No users to create!' scopes = [ '', '' ] creds = None if os.path.exists('token.pickle'): with open('token.pickle', 'rb') as token: creds = pickle.load(token) if not creds or not creds.valid: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( settings.GMAIL_CREDENTIALS, scopes) creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) with open('token.pickle', 'wb') as token: pickle.dump(creds, token) service = build('admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=creds) for user in users: gmail_user = { 'primaryEmail': user['email'], 'name': { 'givenName': user['firstName'], 'familyName': user['lastName'] }, 'orgUnitPath': settings.GMAIL_ORG_UNIT_PATH, 'password': settings.GMAIL_USER_PASS } member = {'email': user['email']} # add user try: service.users().insert(body=gmail_user).execute() result.append('%s: user succefully created.' % user['email']) write_to_log(user['email'], 'GMAIL') except HttpError as err: msg = json.loads(err.content.decode())['error']['message'] result.append('%s: Failed to create user. Error message: %s' % (user['email'], msg)) return '\n'.join(result) # add user to group if settings.GMAIL_GROUP: try: service.members().insert(groupKey=settings.GMAIL_GROUP, body=member).execute() result.append('%s: User succefully added to group %s.' % (user['email'], settings.GMAIL_GROUP)) except HttpError as err: msg = json.loads(err.content.decode())['error']['message'] result.append( '%s: Failed to add user to group %s. Error message: %s.' % (user['email'], settings.GMAIL_GROUP, msg)) return '\n'.join(result)
def main( conf_file='config.cfg', logfile=None ): #%% parameters print "reading config parameters..." config, pars = front_end.parser( conf_file ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: print "recording configuration file..." front_end.record_config_file( pars ) logfile = front_end.make_logfile_name( pars ) #%% create and initialize the network if pars['train_load_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_load_net']): print "loading network..." net = netio.load_network( pars ) # load existing learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve( pars['train_load_net'] ) else: if pars['train_seed_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_seed_net']): print "seeding network..." net = netio.load_network( pars, is_seed=True ) else: print "initializing network..." net = netio.init_network( pars ) # initalize a learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve() # show field of view print "field of view: ", net.get_fov() print "output volume info: ", net.get_outputs_setsz() # set some parameters print 'setting up the network...' vn = utils.get_total_num(net.get_outputs_setsz()) eta = pars['eta'] #/ vn net.set_eta( eta ) net.set_momentum( pars['momentum'] ) net.set_weight_decay( pars['weight_decay'] ) # initialize samples outsz = pars['train_outsz'] print "\n\ncreate train samples..." smp_trn = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['train_range'], net, outsz, logfile) print "\n\ncreate test samples..." smp_tst = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['test_range'], net, outsz, logfile) # initialization elapsed = 0 err = 0 cls = 0 # interactive visualization plt.ion() # the last iteration we want to continue training iter_last = lc.get_last_it() print "start training..." start = time.time() print "start from ", iter_last+1 for i in xrange(iter_last+1, pars['Max_iter']+1): vol_ins, lbl_outs, msks = smp_trn.get_random_sample() # forward pass vol_ins = utils.make_continuous(vol_ins, dtype=pars['dtype']) props = net.forward( vol_ins ) # cost function and accumulate errors props, cerr, grdts = pars['cost_fn']( props, lbl_outs ) err = err + cerr cls = cls + cost_fn.get_cls(props, lbl_outs) # mask process the gradient grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, msks) # run backward pass grdts = utils.make_continuous(grdts, dtype=pars['dtype']) net.backward( grdts ) if pars['is_malis'] : malis_weights = cost_fn.malis_weight(props, lbl_outs) grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, malis_weights) if i%pars['Num_iter_per_test']==0: # test the net lc = test.znn_test(net, pars, smp_tst, vn, i, lc) if i%pars['Num_iter_per_show']==0: # anneal factor eta = eta * pars['anneal_factor'] net.set_eta(eta) # normalize err = err / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train(i, err, cls) # time elapsed = time.time() - start elapsed = elapsed / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] show_string = "iteration %d, err: %.3f, cls: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.6f"\ %(i, err, cls, elapsed, eta ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: utils.write_to_log(logfile, show_string) print show_string if pars['is_visual']: # show results To-do: run in a separate thread front_end.inter_show(start, lc, eta, vol_ins, props, lbl_outs, grdts, pars) if pars['is_rebalance'] and 'aff' not in pars['out_type']: plt.subplot(247) plt.imshow(msks.values()[0][0,0,:,:], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('rebalance weight') if pars['is_malis']: plt.subplot(248) plt.imshow(malis_weights.values()[0][0,0,:,:], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('malis weight (log)') plt.pause(2) # reset err and cls err = 0 cls = 0 # reset time start = time.time() if i%pars['Num_iter_per_save']==0: # save network netio.save_network(net, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=i) pars, elapsed )
def main(conf_file='config.cfg', logfile=None): #%% parameters print "reading config parameters..." config, pars = front_end.parser(conf_file) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: print "recording configuration file..." front_end.record_config_file(pars) logfile = front_end.make_logfile_name(pars) #%% create and initialize the network if pars['train_load_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_load_net']): print "loading network..." net = netio.load_network(pars) # load existing learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve(pars['train_load_net']) else: if pars['train_seed_net'] and os.path.exists(pars['train_seed_net']): print "seeding network..." net = netio.seed_network(pars, is_seed=True) else: print "initializing network..." net = netio.init_network(pars) # initalize a learning curve lc = zstatistics.CLearnCurve() # show field of view print "field of view: ", net.get_fov() print "output volume info: ", net.get_outputs_setsz() # set some parameters print 'setting up the network...' vn = utils.get_total_num(net.get_outputs_setsz()) eta = pars['eta'] #/ vn net.set_eta(eta) net.set_momentum(pars['momentum']) net.set_weight_decay(pars['weight_decay']) # initialize samples outsz = pars['train_outsz'] print "\n\ncreate train samples..." smp_trn = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['train_range'], net, outsz, logfile) print "\n\ncreate test samples..." smp_tst = front_end.CSamples(config, pars, pars['test_range'], net, outsz, logfile) # initialization elapsed = 0 err = 0 cls = 0 # interactive visualization plt.ion() # the last iteration we want to continue training iter_last = lc.get_last_it() print "start training..." start = time.time() print "start from ", iter_last + 1 for i in xrange(iter_last + 1, pars['Max_iter'] + 1): vol_ins, lbl_outs, msks = smp_trn.get_random_sample() # forward pass vol_ins = utils.make_continuous(vol_ins, dtype=pars['dtype']) props = net.forward(vol_ins) # cost function and accumulate errors props, cerr, grdts = pars['cost_fn'](props, lbl_outs) err = err + cerr cls = cls + cost_fn.get_cls(props, lbl_outs) # mask process the gradient grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, msks) # run backward pass grdts = utils.make_continuous(grdts, dtype=pars['dtype']) net.backward(grdts) if pars['is_malis']: malis_weights = cost_fn.malis_weight(props, lbl_outs) grdts = utils.dict_mul(grdts, malis_weights) if i % pars['Num_iter_per_test'] == 0: # test the net lc = test.znn_test(net, pars, smp_tst, vn, i, lc) if i % pars['Num_iter_per_show'] == 0: # anneal factor eta = eta * pars['anneal_factor'] net.set_eta(eta) # normalize err = err / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] cls = cls / vn / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] lc.append_train(i, err, cls) # time elapsed = time.time() - start elapsed = elapsed / pars['Num_iter_per_show'] show_string = "iteration %d, err: %.3f, cls: %.3f, elapsed: %.1f s/iter, learning rate: %.6f"\ %(i, err, cls, elapsed, eta ) if pars.has_key('logging') and pars['logging']: utils.write_to_log(logfile, show_string) print show_string if pars['is_visual']: # show results To-do: run in a separate thread front_end.inter_show(start, lc, eta, vol_ins, props, lbl_outs, grdts, pars) if pars['is_rebalance'] and 'aff' not in pars['out_type']: plt.subplot(247) plt.imshow(msks.values()[0][0, 0, :, :], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('rebalance weight') if pars['is_malis']: plt.subplot(248) plt.imshow(malis_weights.values()[0][0, 0, :, :], interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray') plt.xlabel('malis weight (log)') plt.pause(2) # reset err and cls err = 0 cls = 0 # reset time start = time.time() if i % pars['Num_iter_per_save'] == 0: # save network netio.save_network(net, pars['train_save_net'], num_iters=i), elapsed)