def _igrf_interpolate(time, notilt1967=True):
    # get time as decimal year, note that epoch is completely arbitrary
    years = datetime64_as_years(time)

    if notilt1967 and np.abs(years - 1967.0) < 0.0006:
        # OpenGGCM special no-tilt hack
        # g10, g11, h11 = np.linalg.norm(IGRF[0, 1:]), 0.0, 0.0
        g10, g11, h11 = -30554.00, 0.0, 0.0
        g10 = np.interp(years, _IGRF[:, 0], _IGRF[:, 1])
        g11 = np.interp(years, _IGRF[:, 0], _IGRF[:, 2])
        h11 = np.interp(years, _IGRF[:, 0], _IGRF[:, 3])

    return g10, g11, h11
def _igrf_interpolate(time, notilt1967=True):
    # get time as decimal year, note that epoch is completely arbitrary
    years = datetime64_as_years(time)

    if notilt1967 and np.abs(years - 1967.0) < 0.0006:
        # OpenGGCM special no-tilt hack
        # g10, g11, h11 = np.linalg.norm(IGRF[0, 1:]), 0.0, 0.0
        g10, g11, h11 = -30554.00, 0.0, 0.0
        g10 = np.interp(years, _IGRF[:, 0], _IGRF[:, 1])
        g11 = np.interp(years, _IGRF[:, 0], _IGRF[:, 2])
        h11 = np.interp(years, _IGRF[:, 0], _IGRF[:, 3])

    return g10, g11, h11
    def __init__(self, time='1967-01-01', dip_tilt=None, dip_gsm=None, rdim=3,
        """Construct Cotr instance

            time (datetime-like): A specific date and time for the
                transformations (sets earth's geographic and dipole
            rdim (int): Dimensionality of rotation matrices
            dip_tilt (float): if given, override the dipole tilt angle
                (mu in degrees, positive points north pole sunward)
            dip_gsm (float): if given, override the dipole gse->gsm
                angle (psi in degrees, positive points north pole
            notilt1967 (bool): if True, then all transforms (except
                <->mhd transforms) are set to the identity. This is
                the special OpenGGCM no-dipole-tilt-time.
        self._emat_cache = dict()
        self._xform_cache = dict()

        # exact UT time of interest
        time = as_datetime64(time)
        self.time = time

        # dimension of rotation matrices (3 or 4), use 4 to support
        # translations
        self.rdim = rdim

        # modified julian date is days from 00:00UT on 17 Nov 1858
        mjd0 = as_datetime64('1858-11-17T00:00:00.0')
        mjd_td = as_timedelta(time.astype(mjd0.dtype) - mjd0)
        self.mjd = mjd_td.total_seconds() // (24 * 3600)

        # ut is hours from midnight
        dt = as_datetime(time)
        day = as_datetime64("{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}"
                            "".format(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day))
        secs = as_timedelta(time - day.astype(time.dtype)).total_seconds()
        self.ut = secs / 3600.0

        # julian centuries (36525 days) since 1 Jan 2000 (epoch 2000)
        self.t0 = (self.mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0

        # interpolated IGRF
        g10, g11, h11 = _igrf_interpolate(self.time, notilt1967=notilt1967)
        self.g10 = g10
        self.g11 = g11
        self.h11 = h11

        self._disable_mag_crds = dip_tilt is not None or dip_gsm is not None
        years = datetime64_as_years(time)
        notilt = notilt1967 and np.abs(years - 1967.0) < 0.0006

        if self._disable_mag_crds or notilt:
            dip_tilt = 0.0 if dip_tilt is None else dip_tilt
            dip_gsm = 0.0 if dip_gsm is None else dip_gsm

        self._cached_sun_ecliptic_longitude = None
        self._cached_q_g = None
        self._cached_q_e = None
        self._cached_dip_geolon_rad = None
        self._cached_dip_geolat_rad = None
        self._cached_dip_tilt = dip_tilt
        self._cached_dip_gsm = dip_gsm

        # hack the cache to set all geocentric transforms to the identity
        # except GSE -> MHD
        if notilt:
            eye = np.eye(self.rdim)
            # matrices 3, 4, and 6 are missing so that gse, gsm, sm, mhd
            # transformations still do something (from dip_tilt and dip_gsm)
            for i in (1, 2, 5):
                self._emat_cache[-i] = eye
                self._emat_cache[i] = eye
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct Cotr instance

            time (datetime-like): A specific date and time for the
                transformations (sets earth's geographic and dipole
            rdim (int): Dimensionality of rotation matrices
            dip_tilt (float): if given, override the dipole tilt angle
                (mu in degrees, positive points north pole sunward)
            dip_gsm (float): if given, override the dipole gse->gsm
                angle (psi in degrees, positive points north pole
            notilt1967 (bool): if True, then all transforms (except
                <->mhd transforms) are set to the identity if time is
                Jan 1 1967. This is the special OpenGGCM
        self._emat_cache = dict()
        self._xform_cache = dict()

        # exact UT time of interest
        time = as_datetime64(time)
        self.time = time

        # dimension of rotation matrices (3 or 4), use 4 to support
        # translations
        self.rdim = rdim

        # modified julian date is days from 00:00UT on 17 Nov 1858
        mjd0 = as_datetime64('1858-11-17T00:00:00.0')
        mjd_td = as_timedelta(time.astype(mjd0.dtype) - mjd0)
        self.mjd = mjd_td.total_seconds() // (24 * 3600)

        # ut is hours from midnight
        dt = as_datetime(time)
        day = as_datetime64("{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}"
                            "".format(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day))
        secs = as_timedelta(time - day.astype(time.dtype)).total_seconds()
        self.ut = secs / 3600.0

        # julian centuries (36525 days) since 1 Jan 2000 (epoch 2000)
        self.t0 = (self.mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0

        # interpolated IGRF
        g10, g11, h11 = _igrf_interpolate(self.time, notilt1967=notilt1967)
        self.g10 = g10
        self.g11 = g11
        self.h11 = h11

        self._disable_mag_crds = dip_tilt is not None or dip_gsm is not None
        years = datetime64_as_years(time)
        notilt = notilt1967 and np.abs(years - 1967.0) < 0.0006

        # do i really want the self._disable_mag_crds part of this? what
        # if i want dip_gsm set by the time, and dip_tilt set by hand...
        # would anyone ever want that? is it really more natural to say that
        # if you specify dip_tilt or dip_gsm then both ignore the time?
        if self._disable_mag_crds or notilt:
            dip_tilt = 0.0 if dip_tilt is None else dip_tilt
            dip_gsm = 0.0 if dip_gsm is None else dip_gsm

        self._cached_sun_ecliptic_longitude = None
        self._cached_q_g = None
        self._cached_q_e = None
        self._cached_dip_geolon_rad = None
        self._cached_dip_geolat_rad = None
        self._cached_dip_tilt = dip_tilt
        self._cached_dip_gsm = dip_gsm

        # hack the cache to set all geocentric transforms to the identity
        # except GSE -> MHD
        if notilt:
            eye = np.eye(self.rdim)
            # matrices 3, 4, and 6 are missing so that gse, gsm, sm, mhd
            # transformations still do something (from dip_tilt and dip_gsm)
            for i in (1, 2, 5):
                self._emat_cache[-i] = eye
                self._emat_cache[i] = eye