def certs_profile_2(certificate_dir, fqdn=None, num_server_certs=1, num_client_certs=3):
    Profile 2 generates the specified number of server and client certificates
    all signed by the same self-signed certificate.


        certs = certs_profile_1("/tmp/abc", 1, 2)

    :param certificate_dir:
    :return: ns

    certs = Certs(certificate_dir)
    data = {'C': 'US',
            'ST': 'Washington',
            'L': 'Richland',
            'O': 'pnnl',
            'OU': 'volttron_test',
            'CN': "myca"}
    if not certs.ca_exists():
        ca_cert, ca_pk = certs.create_root_ca(**data)
    # If the root ca already exists, get ca_cert and ca_pk from current root ca
        ca_cert = certs.cert(certs.root_ca_name)
        ca_pk = _load_key(certs.private_key_file(certs.root_ca_name))
    # print(f"ca_cert: {ca_cert}")
    # print(f"ca_pk: {ca_pk}")
    # print(f"ca_pk_bytes: {certs.get_pk_bytes(certs.root_ca_name)}")
    ns = dict(ca_cert=ca_cert, ca_key=ca_pk, ca_cert_file=certs.cert_file(certs.root_ca_name),
                         ca_key_file=certs.private_key_file(certs.root_ca_name), server_certs=[], client_certs=[])

    for x in range(num_server_certs):
        cert, key = certs.create_signed_cert_files(f"server{x}", cert_type="server", fqdn=fqdn)

        cert_ns = dict(key=key, cert=cert, cert_file=certs.cert_file(f"server{x}"),


    for x in range(num_client_certs):

        cert, pk1 = certs.create_signed_cert_files(f"client{x}")
        cert_ns = dict(key=pk1, cert=cert, cert_file=certs.cert_file(f"client{x}"),

    return ns
class MasterWebService(Agent):
    """The service that is responsible for managing and serving registered pages

    Agents can register either a directory of files to serve or an rpc method
    that will be called during the request process.
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the discovery service with the serverkey

        serverkey is the public key in order to access this volttron's bus.
        super(MasterWebService, self).__init__(identity, address, **kwargs)

        self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address
        self.serverkey = serverkey
        self.instance_name = None
        self.registeredroutes = []
        self.peerroutes = defaultdict(list)
        self.pathroutes = defaultdict(list)
        # These will be used if set rather than the
        # any of the internal agent's certificates
        self.web_ssl_key = web_ssl_key
        self.web_ssl_cert = web_ssl_cert

        # Maps from endpoint to peer.
        self.endpoints = {}
        self.aip = aip

        self.volttron_central_address = volttron_central_address
        self.volttron_central_rmq_address = volttron_central_rmq_address

        # If vc is this instance then make the vc address the same as
        # the web address.
        if not self.volttron_central_address:
            self.volttron_central_address = bind_web_address

        if not mimetypes.inited:

        self._certs = Certs()
        self._csr_endpoints = None
        self.appContainer = None
        self._server_greenlet = None
        self._admin_endpoints = None

    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def onsetup(self, sender, **kwargs):
        self.vip.rpc.export(self._auto_allow_csr, 'auto_allow_csr')
        self.vip.rpc.export(self._is_auto_allow_csr, 'is_auto_allow_csr')

    def _is_auto_allow_csr(self):
        return self._csr_endpoints.auto_allow_csr

    def _auto_allow_csr(self, auto_allow_csr):
        self._csr_endpoints.auto_allow_csr = auto_allow_csr

    def remove_unconnnected_routes(self):
        peers = self.vip.peerlist().get()

        for p in self.peerroutes:
            if p not in peers:
                del self.peerroutes[p]

    def get_user_claims(self, bearer):
        from volttron.platform.web import get_user_claim_from_bearer
        return get_user_claim_from_bearer(bearer)

    def websocket_send(self, endpoint, message):
        _log.debug("Sending data to {} with message {}".format(
            endpoint, message))
        self.appContainer.websocket_send(endpoint, message)

    def get_bind_web_address(self):
        return self.bind_web_address

    def get_serverkey(self):
        return self.serverkey

    def get_volttron_central_address(self):
        """Return address of external Volttron Central

        Note: this only applies to Volltron Central agents that are
        running on a different platform.
        return self.volttron_central_address

    def register_endpoint(self, endpoint, res_type):
        RPC method to register a dynamic route.

        :param endpoint:
        _log.debug('Registering route with endpoint: {}'.format(endpoint))
        # Get calling peer from the rpc context
        peer = bytes(self.vip.rpc.context.vip_message.peer)
        _log.debug('Route is associated with peer: {}'.format(peer))

        if endpoint in self.endpoints:
            _log.error("Attempting to register an already existing endpoint.")
            _log.error("Ignoring registration.")
            raise DuplicateEndpointError(
                "Endpoint {} is already an endpoint".format(endpoint))

        self.endpoints[endpoint] = (peer, res_type)

    def register_agent_route(self, regex, fn):
        """ Register an agent route to an exported function.

        When a http request is executed and matches the passed regular
        expression then the function on peer is executed.

        # Get calling peer from the rpc context
        peer = bytes(self.vip.rpc.context.vip_message.peer)

            'Registering agent route expression: {} peer: {} function: {}'.
            format(regex, peer, fn))

        # TODO: inspect peer for function

        compiled = re.compile(regex)
        self.registeredroutes.insert(0, (compiled, 'peer_route', (peer, fn)))

    def unregister_all_agent_routes(self):

        # Get calling peer from the rpc context
        peer = bytes(self.vip.rpc.context.vip_message.peer)

        _log.info('Unregistering agent routes for: {}'.format(peer))
        for regex in self.peerroutes[peer]:
            out = [cp for cp in self.registeredroutes if cp[0] != regex]
            self.registeredroutes = out
        del self.peerroutes[peer]
        for regex in self.pathroutes[peer]:
            out = [cp for cp in self.registeredroutes if cp[0] != regex]
            self.registeredroutes = out
        del self.pathroutes[peer]

        endpoints = self.endpoints.copy()
        endpoints = {
            i: endpoints[i]
            for i in endpoints if endpoints[i][0] != peer
        self.endpoints = endpoints

    def register_path_route(self, regex, root_dir):
        _log.info('Registering path route: {} {}'.format(regex, root_dir))

        # Get calling peer from the rpc context
        peer = bytes(self.vip.rpc.context.vip_message.peer)

        compiled = re.compile(regex)
        # in order for this agent to pass against the default route we want this
        # to be before the last route which will resolve to .*
            len(self.registeredroutes) - 1, (compiled, 'path', root_dir))

    def register_websocket(self, endpoint):
        identity = bytes(self.vip.rpc.context.vip_message.peer)
        _log.debug('Caller identity: {}'.format(identity))
        _log.debug('REGISTERING ENDPOINT: {}'.format(endpoint))
        if self.appContainer:
            self.appContainer.create_ws_endpoint(endpoint, identity)
            _log.error('Attempting to register endpoint without web'
                       'subsystem initialized')
            raise AttributeError("self does not contain"
                                 " attribute appContainer")

    def unregister_websocket(self, endpoint):
        identity = bytes(self.vip.rpc.context.vip_message.peer)
        _log.debug('Caller identity: {}'.format(identity))

    def _redirect_index(self, env, start_response, data=None):
        """ Redirect to the index page.
        @param env:
        @param start_response:
        @param data:
        start_response('302 Found', [('Location', '/index.html')])
        return ['1']

    def _allow(self, environ, start_response, data=None):
        _log.info('Allowing new vc instance to connect to server.')
        jsondata = jsonapi.loads(data)

        assert jsondata.get('method') == 'allowvc'
        assert jsondata.get('params')

        params = jsondata.get('params')
        if isinstance(params, list):
            vcpublickey = params[0]
            vcpublickey = params.get('vcpublickey')

        assert vcpublickey
        assert len(vcpublickey) == 43

        authfile = AuthFile()
        authentry = AuthEntry(credentials=vcpublickey)

        except AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists:

        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
        return jsonapi.dumps(json_result(jsondata['id'], "Added"))

    def _get_discovery(self, environ, start_response, data=None):
        q = query.Query(self.core)

        self.instance_name = q.query('instance-name').get(timeout=60)
        addreses = q.query('addresses').get(timeout=60)
        external_vip = None
        for x in addreses:
                if not is_ip_private(x):
                    external_vip = x
            except IndexError:

        return_dict = {}

        if external_vip and self.serverkey:
            return_dict['serverkey'] = encode_key(self.serverkey)
            return_dict['vip-address'] = external_vip

        if self.instance_name:
            return_dict['instance-name'] = self.instance_name

        if self.core.messagebus == 'rmq':
            config = RMQConfig()
            rmq_address = None
            if config.is_ssl:
                rmq_address = "amqps://{host}:{port}/{vhost}".format(
                rmq_address = "amqp://{host}:{port}/{vhost}".format(
            return_dict['rmq-address'] = rmq_address
            return_dict['rmq-ca-cert'] = self._certs.cert(
        return Response(jsonapi.dumps(return_dict),

    def app_routing(self, env, start_response):
        The main routing function that maps the incoming request to a response.

        Depending on the registered routes map the request data onto an rpc
        function or a specific named file.
        path_info = env['PATH_INFO']

        if path_info.startswith('/http://'):
            path_info = path_info[path_info.index('/', len('/http://')):]

        # only expose a partial list of the env variables to the registered
        # agents.
        envlist = [
            'wsgi.url_scheme', 'HTTP_HOST'
        data = env['wsgi.input'].read()
        passenv = dict((envlist[i], env[envlist[i]])
                       for i in range(0, len(envlist))
                       if envlist[i] in env.keys())

        _log.debug('path_info is: {}'.format(path_info))
        # Get the peer responsible for dealing with the endpoint.  If there
        # isn't a peer then fall back on the other methods of routing.
        (peer, res_type) = self.endpoints.get(path_info, (None, None))
        _log.debug('Peer path_info is associated with: {}'.format(peer))

        if self.is_json_content(env):
            data = json.loads(data)

        # Only if https available and rmq for the admin area.
        if env['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https' and self.core.messagebus == 'rmq':
            # Load the publickey that was used to sign the login message through the env
            # parameter so agents can use it to verify the Bearer has specific
            # jwt claims
            passenv['WEB_PUBLIC_KEY'] = env[
                'WEB_PUBLIC_KEY'] = self._certs.get_cert_public_key(

        # if we have a peer then we expect to call that peer's web subsystem
        # callback to perform whatever is required of the method.
        if peer:
            _log.debug('Calling peer {} back with env={} data={}'.format(
                peer, passenv, data))
            res = self.vip.rpc.call(peer, 'route.callback', passenv,

            if res_type == "jsonrpc":
                return self.create_response(res, start_response)
            elif res_type == "raw":
                return self.create_raw_response(res, start_response)

        env['JINJA2_TEMPLATE_ENV'] = tplenv

        # if ws4pi.socket is set then this connection is a web socket
        # and so we return the websocket response.
        if 'ws4py.socket' in env:
            return env['ws4py.socket'](env, start_response)

        for k, t, v in self.registeredroutes:
            if k.match(path_info):
                    "MATCHED:\npattern: {}, path_info: {}\n v: {}".format(
                        k.pattern, path_info, v))
                _log.debug('registered route t is: {}'.format(t))
                if t == 'callable':  # Generally for locally called items.
                    # Changing signature of the "locally" called points to return
                    # a Response object. Our response object then will in turn
                    # be processed and the response will be written back to the
                    # calling client.
                        retvalue = v(env, start_response, data)
                    except TypeError:
                        retvalue = self.process_response(
                            start_response, v(env, data))

                    if isinstance(retvalue, Response):
                        return self.process_response(start_response, retvalue)
                        return retvalue

                elif t == 'peer_route':  # RPC calls from agents on the platform
                    _log.debug('Matched peer_route with pattern {}'.format(
                    peer, fn = (v[0], v[1])
                    res = self.vip.rpc.call(peer, fn, passenv,
                    return self.create_response(res, start_response)

                elif t == 'path':  # File service from agents on the platform.
                    if path_info == '/':
                        return self._redirect_index(env, start_response)
                    server_path = v + path_info  # os.path.join(v, path_info)
                    _log.debug('Serverpath: {}'.format(server_path))
                    return self._sendfile(env, start_response, server_path)

        start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
        return [b'<h1>Not Found</h1>']

    def is_json_content(self, env):
        ct = env.get('CONTENT_TYPE')
        if ct is not None and 'application/json' in ct:
            return True
        return False

    def process_response(self, start_responsee, response):
        # process the response
        start_responsee(response.status, response.headers)
        return bytes(response.content)

    def create_raw_response(self, res, start_response):
        # If this is a tuple then we know we are going to have a response
        # and a headers portion of the data.
        if isinstance(res, tuple) or isinstance(res, list):
            if len(res) == 1:
                status, = res
                headers = ()
            if len(res) == 2:
                headers = ()
                status, response = res
            if len(res) == 3:
                status, response, headers = res
            start_response(status, headers)
            return base64.b64decode(response)
            start_response("500 Programming Error",
                           [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
            _log.error("Invalid length of response tuple (must be 1-3)")
            return [b'Invalid response tuple (must contain 1-3 elements)']

    def create_response(self, res, start_response):

        # Dictionaries are going to be treated as if they are meant to be json
        # serialized with Content-Type of application/json
        if isinstance(res, dict):
            # Note this is specific to volttron central agent and should
            # probably not be at this level of abstraction.
            _log.debug('res is a dictionary.')
            if 'error' in res.keys():
                if res['error']['code'] == UNAUTHORIZED:
                    start_response('401 Unauthorized',
                                   [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
                    message = res['error']['message']
                    code = res['error']['code']
                    return [
                        b'<h1>{}</h1>\n<h2>CODE:{}</h2>'.format(message, code)

            start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
            return jsonapi.dumps(res)
        elif isinstance(res, list):
            _log.debug('list implies [content, headers]')
            if len(res) == 2:
                start_response('200 OK', res[1])
                return res[0]
            elif len(res) == 3:
                start_response(res[0], res[2])
                return res[1]

        # If this is a tuple then we know we are going to have a response
        # and a headers portion of the data.
        if isinstance(res, tuple) or isinstance(res, list):
            if len(res) != 2:
                start_response("500 Programming Error",
                               [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
                _log.error("Invalid length of response tuple (must be 2)")
                return [b'Invalid response tuple (must contain 2 elements)']

            response, headers = res
            header_dict = dict(headers)
            if header_dict.get('Content-Encoding', None) == 'gzip':
                gzip_compress = zlib.compressobj(9, zlib.DEFLATED,
                                                 zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
                data = gzip_compress.compress(response) + gzip_compress.flush()
                start_response('200 OK', headers)
                return data
                return response
            start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')])
            return jsonapi.dumps(res)

    def _sendfile(self, env, start_response, filename):
        from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper
        status = '200 OK'
        _log.debug('SENDING FILE: {}'.format(filename))
        guess = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
        _log.debug('MIME GUESS: {}'.format(guess))

        basename = os.path.dirname(filename)

        if not os.path.exists(basename):
            start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
            return [b'<h1>Not Found</h1>']
        elif not os.path.isfile(filename):
            start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
            return [b'<h1>Not Found</h1>']

        if not guess:
            guess = 'text/plain'

        response_headers = [
            ('Content-type', guess),
        start_response(status, response_headers)

        return FileWrapper(open(filename, 'r'))

    def startupagent(self, sender, **kwargs):

        import urlparse
        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.bind_web_address)

        ssl_key = self.web_ssl_key
        ssl_cert = self.web_ssl_cert

        if parsed.scheme == 'https':
            # Admin interface is only availble to rmq at present.
            if self.core.messagebus == 'rmq':
                self._admin_endpoints = AdminEndpoints(

            if ssl_key is None or ssl_cert is None:
                # Because the master.web service certificate is a client to rabbitmq we
                # can't use it directly therefore we use the -server on the file to specify
                # the server based file.
                base_filename = get_fq_identity(self.core.identity) + "-server"
                ssl_cert = self._certs.cert_file(base_filename)
                ssl_key = self._certs.private_key_file(base_filename)

                if not os.path.isfile(ssl_cert) or not os.path.isfile(ssl_key):

        hostname = parsed.hostname
        port = parsed.port

        _log.info('Starting web server binding to {}://{}:{}.'.format(
            parsed.scheme, hostname, port))
        # Handle the platform.web routes here.
            (re.compile('^/discovery/$'), 'callable', self._get_discovery))
            (re.compile('^/discovery/allow$'), 'callable', self._allow))
        # these routes are only available for rmq based message bus
        # at present.
        if self.core.messagebus == 'rmq':
            # We need reference to the object so we can change the behavior of
            # whether or not to have auto certs be created or not.
            self._csr_endpoints = CSREndpoints(self.core)
            for rt in self._csr_endpoints.get_routes():

            for rt in self._admin_endpoints.get_routes():

            ssl_private_key = self._certs.get_private_key(

            for rt in AuthenticateEndpoints(ssl_private_key).get_routes():

        static_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static")
        self.registeredroutes.append((re.compile('^/.*$'), 'path', static_dir))

        port = int(port)
        vhome = os.environ.get('VOLTTRON_HOME')
        logdir = os.path.join(vhome, "log")
        if not os.path.exists(logdir):

        self.appContainer = WebApplicationWrapper(self, hostname, port)
        if ssl_key and ssl_cert:
            svr = WSGIServer((hostname, port),
            svr = WSGIServer((hostname, port), self.appContainer)
        self._server_greenlet = gevent.spawn(svr.serve_forever)

    def _authenticate_route(self, env, start_response, data):
        scheme = env.get('wsgi.url_scheme')

        if scheme != 'https':
            _log.warning("Authentication should be through https")
            start_response("401 Unauthorized", [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
            return "<html><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>"

        from pprint import pprint

        import jwt
