    def remove_connection(self, conn, host=None, reason=UNKNOWN):
        Remove a connection, it was closed by the server.

        :param conn: Connection to remove
        :param host: The host for to the connection. If passed, the connection
                     will be removed faster.
        :param reason: Why this connection is removed
        # Just make sure we don't leak open connections
        except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError:
            # This exception is raised when the remote end closes the connection
            # before we do. We continue as if nothing happen, because our goal
            # is to have a closed connection, and we already got that.

        # Remove it from out internal DB
        for conns in (self._free_conns, self._used_conns):

        args = (conn, reason)
        msg = 'Removed %s from pool. Reason "%s"'
        debug(msg % args)
    def remove_connection(self, conn, reason=UNKNOWN):
        Remove a connection, it was closed by the server.

        :param conn: Connection to remove
        :param reason: Why this connection is removed
        # Just make sure we don't leak open connections
        except (AttributeError, OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError):
            # This exception is raised when the remote end closes the connection
            # before we do. We continue as if nothing happen, because our goal
            # is to have a closed connection, and we already got that.

        # Remove it from out internal DB
        for conns in (self._free_conns, self._used_conns):

        msg = 'Removed %s from pool. Reason "%s"'
        args = (conn, reason)
        debug(msg % args)

        msg = 'Free connection size %s / Used connection size %s'
        args = (len(self._free_conns), len(self._used_conns))
        debug(msg % args)
    def cleanup_broken_connections(self):
        Find connections that have been in self._used_conns or self._free_conns
        for more than FORCEFULLY_CLOSE_CONN_TIME. Close and remove them.

        :return: None
        now = time.time()

        for conn in self._used_conns.copy():
            current_request_start = conn.current_request_start
            if current_request_start is None:

            time_in_used_state = now - current_request_start

            if time_in_used_state > self.FORCEFULLY_CLOSE_CONN_TIME:
                reason = ('Connection %s has been in "used_conns" for more than'
                          ' %.2f seconds, forcefully closing it')
                args = (conn, self.FORCEFULLY_CLOSE_CONN_TIME)

                om.out.debug(reason % args)

                # This does a conn.close() and removes from self._used_conns
                self.remove_connection(conn, reason=reason)
                msg = '%s has been in used state for %.2f seconds'
                args = (conn, time_in_used_state)
                debug(msg % args)

        for conn in self._free_conns.copy():
            connection_manager_move_ts = conn.connection_manager_move_ts
            if connection_manager_move_ts is None:

            time_in_free_state = now - connection_manager_move_ts

            if time_in_free_state > self.FORCEFULLY_CLOSE_CONN_TIME:
                reason = ('Connection %s has been in "free_conns" for more than'
                          ' %.2f seconds, forcefully closing it')
                args = (conn, self.FORCEFULLY_CLOSE_CONN_TIME)

                om.out.debug(reason % args)

                # This does a conn.close() and removes from self._used_conns
                self.remove_connection(conn, reason=reason)
                msg = '%s has been in free state for %.2f seconds'
                args = (conn, time_in_free_state)
                debug(msg % args)
    def replace_connection(self, bad_conn, req, conn_factory):
        Replace a broken connection.

        :param bad_conn: The bad connection
        :param req: The request we want to send using the new connection
        :param conn_factory: The factory function for new connection creation.
        # Remove
        self.remove_connection(bad_conn, reason='replace connection')

        # Create the new one
        new_conn = conn_factory(req)
        new_conn.current_request_start = time.time()
        new_conn.connection_manager_move_ts = time.time()

        # Log
        args = (bad_conn, new_conn)
        debug('Replaced broken %s with the new %s' % args)

        return new_conn
    def _create_new_connection(self, req, conn_factory, host_port, conn_total):
        Creates a new HTTP connection using conn_factory

        :return: An HTTP connection
        debug('Creating a new HTTPConnection for request %s' % req)

        # Create a new connection
        conn = conn_factory(req)
        conn.current_request_start = time.time()
        conn.connection_manager_move_ts = time.time()

        # Store it internally

        # Log
        msg = 'Added %s to pool to use in %s, current %s pool size: %s'
        args = (conn, req, host_port, conn_total + 1)
        debug(msg % args)

        return conn
    def _reuse_connection(self, req, host_port):
        Find an existing connection to reuse

        :param req: HTTP request
        :param host: The host to connect to
        for conn in self.get_all_free_for_host_port(host_port):
            except KeyError:
                # The connection was removed from the set by another thread
                conn.current_request_start = time.time()
                conn.connection_manager_move_ts = time.time()

                msg = 'Reusing free %s to use in %s'
                args = (conn, req)
                debug(msg % args)

                return conn
    def get_available_connection(self, req, conn_factory):
        Return an available connection ready to be reused

        :param req: Request we want to send using the connection.
        :param conn_factory: Factory function for connection creation. Receives
                             req as parameter.
        waited_time_for_conn = 0.0
        host = req.get_host()


        while waited_time_for_conn < self.GET_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_RETRY_MAX_TIME:
            if not req.new_connection:
                # If the user is not specifying that he needs a new HTTP
                # connection for this request then check if we can reuse an
                # existing free connection from the connection pool
                # By default req.new_connection is False, meaning that we'll
                # most likely re-use the connections
                # A user sets req.new_connection to True when he wants to
                # do something special with the connection (such as setting
                # a specific timeout)
                for conn in self.get_all_free_for_host(host):
                    except KeyError:
                        # The connection was removed from the set by another thread
                        conn.current_request_start = time.time()

                        msg = 'Reusing free %s to use in %s'
                        args = (conn, req)
                        debug(msg % args)

                        return conn

            debug('Going to create a new HTTPConnection')

            # If the connection pool is not full let's try to create a new conn
            conn_total = self.get_connections_total(host)
            if conn_total < self.MAX_CONNECTIONS:
                # Create a new connection
                conn = conn_factory(req)
                conn.current_request_start = time.time()

                # Store it internally

                # Log
                msg = 'Added %s to pool to use in %s, current %s pool size: %s'
                args = (conn, req, host, conn_total + 1)
                debug(msg % args)

                if waited_time_for_conn > 0:
                    msg = 'Waited %.2fs for a connection to be available in the pool.'
                    om.out.debug(msg % waited_time_for_conn)

                return conn

            # Well, the connection pool for this host is full, this
            # means that many threads are sending requests to the host
            # and using the connections. This is not bad, just shows
            # that w3af is keeping the connections busy
            # Another reason for this situation is that the connections
            # are *really* slow => taking many seconds to retrieve the
            # HTTP response => not freeing often
            # We should wait a little and try again
            args = (conn_total, host)
            msg = ('MAX_CONNECTIONS (%s) for host %s reached. Waiting for one'
                   ' to be released')
            debug(msg % args)

            waited_time_for_conn += self.GET_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_RETRY_SECS

            # Yet another potential situation is that w3af is not freeing the
            # connections properly because of a bug. Connections that never
            # leave the self._used_conns are going to slowly kill the HTTP
            # client, since at some point (when the max is reached) no more HTTP
            # requests will be sent.

        msg = ('HTTP connection pool (keepalive) waited too long (%s sec)'
               ' for a free connection, giving up. This usually occurs'
               ' when w3af is scanning using a slow connection, the remote'
               ' server is slow (or applying QoS to IP addresses flagged'
               ' as attackers) or the configured number of threads in w3af'
               ' is too high compared with the connection manager'
               ' MAX_CONNECTIONS.')
        raise ConnectionPoolException(msg % self.GET_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_RETRY_MAX_TIME)
    def get_available_connection(self, req, conn_factory):
        Return an available connection ready to be reused

        :param req: Request we want to send using the connection.
        :param conn_factory: Factory function for connection creation. Receives
                             req as parameter.
        host_port = req.get_netloc()

        waited_time_for_conn = 0.0

        while waited_time_for_conn < self.GET_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_RETRY_MAX_TIME:
            # One potential situation is that w3af is not freeing the
            # connections properly because of a bug. Connections that never
            # leave self._used_conns or self._free_conns are going to slowly kill
            # the HTTP connection pool, and then the whole framework, since at
            # some point (when the max is reached) no more HTTP requests will be
            # sent.

            conn_total = self.get_connections_total(host_port)

            # If the connection pool is not full let's try to create a new connection
            # this is the default case, we want to quickly populate the connection
            # pool and, only if the pool is full, re-use the existing connections
            # FIXME: Doing this here without a lock leads to a situation where
            #        the total connections exceed the MAX_CONNECTIONS
            if conn_total < self.MAX_CONNECTIONS:
                conn = self._create_new_connection(req, conn_factory, host_port, conn_total)

                return conn

            if req.new_connection:
                # The user is requesting a new HTTP connection, this is a rare
                # case because req.new_connection is False by default.
                # Before this feature was used together with req.timeout, but
                # now it is not required anymore.
                # This code path is reached when there is no more space in the
                # connection pool, but because new_connection is set, it is
                # possible to force a free connection to be closed:
                if len(self._free_conns) > len(self._used_conns):
                    # Close one of the free connections and create a new one.
                    # Close an existing free connection because the framework
                    # is not using them (more free than used), this action should
                    # not degrade the connection pool performance
                    conn = self.get_free_connection_to_close()

                    if conn is not None:
                        self.remove_connection(conn, reason='need fresh connection')

                        return self._create_new_connection(req,

                msg = ('The HTTP request %s has new_connection set to True.'
                       ' This forces the ConnectionManager to wait until a'
                       ' new connection can be created. No pre-existing'
                       ' connections can be reused.')
                args = (req,)
                debug(msg % args)

                # If the user is not specifying that he needs a new HTTP
                # connection for this request then check if we can reuse an
                # existing free connection from the connection pool
                # By default req.new_connection is False, meaning that we'll
                # most likely re-use the connections
                # A user sets req.new_connection to True when he wants to
                # do something special with the connection. In the past a
                # new_connection was set to True when a timeout was specified,
                # that is not required anymore!
                conn = self._reuse_connection(req, host_port)
                if conn is not None:
                    return conn

            # Well, the connection pool for this host is full AND there are
            # no free connections to re-use, this means that many threads are
            # sending requests to the host and using the connections. This is
            # not bad, just shows that w3af is keeping the connections busy
            # Another reason for this situation is that the connections
            # are *really* slow => taking many seconds to retrieve the
            # HTTP response => not freeing often
            # We should wait a little and try again
            msg = ('Will not create a new connection because MAX_CONNECTIONS'
                   ' (%s) for host %s was reached. Waiting for a connection'
                   ' to be released to send HTTP request %s. %s')

            stats = self.get_connection_pool_stats(host_port)
            args = (self.MAX_CONNECTIONS, host_port, req, stats)

            debug(msg % args)

            waited_time_for_conn += self.GET_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_RETRY_SECS

        msg = ('HTTP connection pool (keepalive) waited too long (%s sec)'
               ' for a free connection, giving up. This usually occurs'
               ' when w3af is scanning using a slow connection, the remote'
               ' server is slow (or applying QoS to IP addresses flagged'
               ' as attackers) or the configured number of threads in w3af'
               ' is too high compared with the connection manager'
               ' MAX_CONNECTIONS.')
        raise ConnectionPoolException(msg % self.GET_AVAILABLE_CONNECTION_RETRY_MAX_TIME)