    async def distribute_function(self) -> str:
        Distributes an API call

        :return: Dictionary with API response
            request_type = rq.functions[self.input_json['function']]['type']
            is_dapi_enabled = self.cluster_items['distributed_api']['enabled']
            is_cluster_disabled = self.node == local_client and cluster.check_cluster_status(

            if 'wait_for_complete' not in self.input_json['arguments']:
                self.input_json['arguments']['wait_for_complete'] = False

            # if it is a cluster API request and the cluster is not enabled, raise an exception
            if is_cluster_disabled and 'cluster' in self.input_json['function'] and \
                    self.input_json['function'] != '/cluster/status' and \
                    self.input_json['function'] != '/cluster/config' and \
                    self.input_json['function'] != '/cluster/node':
                raise exception.WazuhException(3013)

            # First case: execute the request local.
            # If the distributed api is not enabled
            # If the cluster is disabled or the request type is local_any
            # if the request was made in the master node and the request type is local_master
            # if the request came forwarded from the master node and its type is distributed_master
            if not is_dapi_enabled or is_cluster_disabled or request_type == 'local_any' or \
                    (request_type == 'local_master' and self.node_info['type'] == 'master') or \
                    (request_type == 'distributed_master' and self.input_json['from_cluster']):

                return await self.execute_local_request()

            # Second case: forward the request
            # Only the master node will forward a request, and it will only be forwarded if its type is distributed_
            # master
            elif request_type == 'distributed_master' and self.node_info[
                    'type'] == 'master':
                return await self.forward_request()

            # Last case: execute the request remotely.
            # A request will only be executed remotely if it was made in a worker node and its type isn't local_any
                return await self.execute_remote_request()
        except exception.WazuhException as e:
            if self.debug:
            return self.print_json(data=e.message, error=e.code)
        except Exception as e:
            if self.debug:
            return self.print_json(data=str(e), error=1000)
def distribute_function(input_json, pretty=False, debug=False):
    Distributes an API call.

    :param input_json: API call to execute.
    :param pretty: JSON pretty print.
    :param debug: whether to raise an exception or return an error.
    :return: a JSON response
        node_info = cluster.get_node()
        request_type = rq.functions[input_json['function']]['type']
        is_dapi_enabled = cluster.get_cluster_items(
        logger.debug("[Cluster] [D API        ] Distributed API is {}.".format(
            "enabled" if is_dapi_enabled else "disabled"))

        if 'wait_for_complete' not in input_json['arguments']:
            input_json['arguments']['wait_for_complete'] = False

        # First case: execute the request local.
        # If the distributed api is not enabled
        # If the cluster is disabled or the request type is local_any
        # if the request was made in the master node and the request type is local_master
        # if the request came forwarded from the master node and its type is distributed_master
        if not is_dapi_enabled or not cluster.check_cluster_status() or request_type == 'local_any' or\
                (request_type == 'local_master' and node_info['type'] == 'master')   or\
                (request_type == 'distributed_master' and input_json['from_cluster']):

            del input_json['arguments'][
                'wait_for_complete']  # local requests don't use this parameter
            return execute_local_request(input_json, pretty, debug)

        # Second case: forward the request
        # Only the master node will forward a request, and it will only be forwarded if its type is distributed_master
        elif request_type == 'distributed_master' and node_info[
                'type'] == 'master':
            return forward_request(input_json, node_info['node'], pretty,

        # Last case: execute the request remotely.
        # A request will only be executed remotely if it was made in a worker node and its type isn't local_any
            return execute_remote_request(input_json, pretty)
    except WazuhException as e:
        return print_json(data=e.message, error=e.code, pretty=pretty)
    except Exception as e:
        if debug:
        return print_json(data=str(e), error=1000, pretty=pretty)
# Python 2/3 compability
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    from Queue import Queue, Empty

    def base64_encoding(msg):
        return msg.encode('base64', 'strict')
    from queue import Queue, Empty
    import base64
    unicode = str

    def base64_encoding(msg):
        return base64.b64encode(msg.encode())

if check_cluster_status():
        from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidToken, InvalidSignature
    except ImportError as e:
        raise ImportError(
            "Could not import cryptography module. Install it using one of the following commands:\n\
 - pip install cryptography\n\
 - yum install python-cryptography python-setuptools\n\
 - apt install python-cryptography")

max_msg_size = 1000000
cmd_size = 12
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def msgbuild(counter, command, my_fernet, payload=None):