def validate_app(data, listed=True, market_urls=None, url=None, format="json"):
    A handy function for validating apps.

        A copy of the manifest as a JSON string.
        Whether the app is headed for the app marketplace.
        A list of URLs to use when validating the `installs_allowed_from`
        field of the manifest. Does not apply if `listed` is not set to `True`.
        The URL of the manifest. Used to resolve non-absolute URLs.
        The output format to return the results in.

    - App validation is always determined because there is only one tier.
    - Spidermonkey paths are not accepted by this function because we don't
      perform JavaScript validation on webapps.
    bundle = ErrorBundle(listed=listed)
    bundle.save_resource("market_urls", market_urls)
    bundle.save_resource("manifest_url", url)

    webapp.detect_webapp_string(bundle, data)
    submain.test_inner_package(bundle, None)

    return format_result(bundle, format)
def validate_app(data, listed=True, market_urls=None, url=None,
                 format="json", acorn=False):
    A handy function for validating apps.

        A copy of the manifest as a JSON string.
        Whether the app is headed for the app marketplace.
        A list of URLs to use when validating the `installs_allowed_from`
        field of the manifest. Does not apply if `listed` is not set to `True`.
        The URL of the manifest. Used to resolve non-absolute URLs.
        The output format to return the results in.

    - App validation is always determined because there is only one tier.
    - Spidermonkey paths are not accepted by this function because we don't
      perform JavaScript validation on webapps.
    bundle = ErrorBundle(listed=listed)
    bundle.save_resource("market_urls", market_urls)
    bundle.save_resource("manifest_url", url)
    bundle.save_resource("acorn", acorn)

    webapp.detect_webapp_string(bundle, data)
    submain.test_inner_package(bundle, None)

    return format_result(bundle, format)
def validate_app(data, listed=True, market_urls=None):
    A handy function for validating apps.

        A copy of the manifest as a JSON string.
        Whether the app is headed for the app marketplace.
        A list of URLs to use when validating the `installs_allowed_from`
        field of the manifest. Does not apply if `listed` is not set to `True`.

    - App validation is always determined because there is only one tier.
    - Spidermonkey paths are not accepted by this function because we don't
      perform JavaScript validation on webapps.
    - We don't accept a flag for compatibility because there are no
      compatibility tests for apps, nor will there likely ever be. The same
      goes for associated parameters (i.e.: for_appversions).
    - `approved_applications` is not set because apps are not bound to
      individual Mozilla apps.
    bundle = ErrorBundle(listed=listed, determined=True)

    # Set the market URLs.

    webapp.detect_webapp_string(bundle, data)
    return format_result(bundle, "json")
def validate_app(data, listed=True, market_urls=None):
    A handy function for validating apps.

        A copy of the manifest as a JSON string.
        Whether the app is headed for the app marketplace.
        A list of URLs to use when validating the `installs_allowed_from`
        field of the manifest. Does not apply if `listed` is not set to `True`.

    - App validation is always determined because there is only one tier.
    - Spidermonkey paths are not accepted by this function because we don't
      perform JavaScript validation on webapps.
    bundle = ErrorBundle(listed=listed)

    # Set the market URLs.

    webapp.detect_webapp_string(bundle, data)
    return format_result(bundle, "json")