def getResumeQuestions(user):
    resume_questions = user.received_resume_questions.filter(is_public=True)
    for res_ques in resume_questions:
        res_ques.sender.url = siteaction.getDetailsUrl(res_ques.sender)
        res_ques.answer = dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(res_ques.answer)
        res_ques.sent_at_verbose = dataplus.getVerboseDate(res_ques.sent_at)
    return resume_questions
def handle(request): 
        logged_in_type = siteaction.getLoggedInAccountType(request)
        rcvr_usrname = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'sendTo')
        if logged_in_type == 'U':
            myself = siteaction.getLoggedInUser(request)
        elif logged_in_type == 'R':
            myself = siteaction.getLoggedInRecruiter(request)
            return ajaxian.getFailureResp('not_logged_in')
        rcvr_account = models.Account.objects.get(username=dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'sendTo'))
        text_message = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST,'text')
        html_message = dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(text_message)
        subject = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST,'subject')
        def internalSender(rcvr_accounts):
            mailman.sendMessage(myself.username, [rcvr.username for rcvr in rcvr_accounts], subject, html_message)
        def externalSender(rcvr_accounts):
            sender = '"' + myself.name + '" <' + myself.username + '*****@*****.**>'
            receivers = ['"' + rcvr.name + '" <' + rcvr.email + '>'  for rcvr in rcvr_accounts]
            mailman.sendMail(sender, receivers, subject, html_message, None, None, text_message, reply_to=myself.email)
        mailman.sendBySettings([rcvr_account], internalSender, externalSender, 'TextMessage')
        return ajaxian.getSuccessResp('')
        return ajaxian.getFailureResp('unknown')
def sendCommunityInvitationToUser(community, user, sender, message, add_as_friend=False):
    comm_invite = models.CommunityInvitation(sent_by=sender, community=community)
    comm_invite.invite_random_key = dataplus.getUniqueId()

    sender_email = '"' + sender.name + '" <' + sender.username + "*****@*****.**>"
    subject = sender.name + " has invited you to join " + community.name
    accept_url = (
        + "/me/acceptinvite.htm?commInviteId="
        + str(comm_invite.invite_random_key)
        + "&amp;user="******"'
        + config.server_base_url
        + "/profiles/"
        + sender.username
        + '">'
        + sender.name
        + "</a>"
        + " feels that you will be interested in joining the "
        + community.name
        + " Community and has sent you the following message:</p>"
        + "<p>"
        + dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(message)
        + "</p>"
        + '<p>To accept this invitation, visit <a href="'
        + accept_url
        + '">'
        + accept_url
        + "</a> "
        + "<p>Regards,<br />from Socialray</p>"

    text_message = (
        + " feels that you will be interested in joining the "
        + community.name
        + " Community and has sent you the following message:\r\n"
        + message
        + "\r\n\r\n"
        + "To accept this invitation, visit - "
        + accept_url
        + " \r\n"
        + "Regards,\r\n"
        + "from Socialray\r\n\r\n"

    def internalSender(rcvr_accounts):
        mailman.sendToInbox(sender.username, user.username, subject, html_message)

    def externalSender(rcvr_accounts):
            sender_email, [user.email], subject, html_message, None, None, text_message, reply_to=user.email

    mailman.sendBySettings([user.account], internalSender, externalSender, "CommunityInvitation")
def getTestimonials(user):
    testimonials = user.testimonials_for_me.all()
    for testimonial in testimonials:
        email = testimonial.writer_email
        testimonial.writer_email_hidden = email[0] + '...' + email[email.index('@'):]
        testimonial.text = dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(testimonial.text)
        testimonial.written_on_verbose = dataplus.getVerboseDate(testimonial.written_on)
    return testimonials
def handle(request, username):
    username = username.lower()
    #if there is no logged in user, handle the request here.
    #otherwise, just pass it on to the handler in 'users' or 'recruiters'
    user_type = siteaction.getLoggedInAccountType(request)
    if user_type == 'U':
        return me_viewprofile.handle(request, username)
##    if user_type == 'R':
##        return recruiters_viewprofile.handle(request, username)
        #this is an anoynymous request, we have to handle
        user = get_object_or_404(models.User, username=username)
        settings = models.UserSettings.objects.get(user=user)
        if settings.resume_visibility != 'everyone':
            return siteaction.render_to_response('showmessage.htm', {'msg_heading':'Private Profile', 
                'msg_html':'The user\'s privacy settings do not allow you to view this page. Please <a href="/login.htm">login</a>.'})

        online_status = chat.getOnlineStatus(request, [user.username])
        online_status_html = '<img class="img_online_status" '
        if online_status[user.username] == 'online':
            online_status_html += 'alt="online" title="Online Now" src="' + config.static_server_base_url + '/site/images/common/livestatus-online-white-bg.gif" /> Online Now'
        elif online_status[user.username] == 'away':
            online_status_html += 'alt="away" title="Away" src="' + config.static_server_base_url + '/site/images/common/livestatus-away-white-bg.gif" /> Away'
            online_status_html += 'alt="offline" title="Offline" src="' + config.static_server_base_url + '/site/images/common/livestatus-offline-white-bg.gif" /> Offline'
        dial_now_number = ''
        skype_username = ''
        yahoo_username = ''
        if settings.enable_voip_dial:   dial_now_number = user.phone
        for msnger in models.WebMessenger.objects.filter(account=user.account):
            if msnger.provider == 'skype':  skype_username = msnger.username
            elif msnger.provider == 'yahoo':  yahoo_username = msnger.username
        masked = False
        if settings.phone_num_visibility != 'everyone':
            masked = True
        return siteaction.render_to_response('profiles/show.htm',
                            { 'user': user,
                            'personal_desc' : dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(user.personal_desc),
                            'resume_contents' : codejar_resume.getResumeText(user, masked),
                            'resume_style_sheet' : codejar_resume.getResumeStyleSheet(user),
                            'user_image': dataplus.getStaticUrl(user.image_size3_file_path),
                            'user_original_image': dataplus.getStaticUrl(user.image_file_path),
                            'testimonials': me_viewprofile.getTestimonials(user),
                            'resume_questions': me_viewprofile.getResumeQuestions(user),
def handle(request, comm_id, topic_id):
    myself = siteaction.getLoggedInUser(request)
    if not myself:
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login.htm')
    community = models.Community.objects.select_related().get(id=comm_id)
    if community.is_moderated:
        if (community.members.filter(id=myself.id).count() == 0):
            return siteaction.render_to_response('showmessage.htm', { 
                'msg_html':'Access denied.'})
    page_num = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'page', 1, string.atoi)
    topic = models.CommunityTopic.objects.select_related().get(id=topic_id)
    paginator = Paginator(topic.posts.all().order_by('-posted_on'), config.posts_per_page)
    page = paginator.page(page_num)
    if paginator.count == 0:
        showing_howmany = '0 of 0 posts'
        showing_howmany = str(page.start_index()) + '-' + str(page.end_index()) + ' of ' + str(paginator.count) 
    for post in page.object_list:
        post.text = dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(post.text)
        post.posted_by.image_url = dataplus.getStaticUrl(post.posted_by.image_size1_file_path)
        post.posted_by.profile_url = config.profiles_url + '/' + post.posted_by.username
        post.posted_on_relative = dataplus.getRelativeDateTime(post.posted_on)
    prev_btn = ''
    next_btn = ''
    if page_num != 1:
        prev_btn = '<td><input class="medium-btn" type="button" name="prev-btn" value="Prev" onclick="javascript:window.location.href=\'?page=' + str(page_num-1) + '\';" /></td>'
    if page.has_next():
        next_btn = '<td><input class="medium-btn" type="button" name="next-btn" value="Next" onclick="javascript:window.location.href=\'?page=' + str(page_num+1) + '\';" /></td>'

    buttons = prev_btn + next_btn
    community.image_url = dataplus.getStaticUrl(community.image_size2_file_path)
    return siteaction.render_to_response('communities/posts.htm',
                        { 'myself': myself,
                            'community': community,
                            'topic': topic,
                            'posts': page.object_list,
                            'community_snapshot': getCommunitySnapshotHtml(community),
                            'showing_howmany': showing_howmany,
                            'buttons': buttons,
def handle(request, comm_id):
    community = models.Community.objects.get(id=comm_id)
    community.image_url = dataplus.getStaticUrl(community.image_size3_file_path)
    myself = siteaction.getLoggedInUser(request)
    if not myself:
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/login.htm")

    if community.members.filter(id=myself.id).count() == 0:
        return siteaction.render_to_response(
            "me/showmessage.htm", {"myself": myself, "msg_heading": "Error", "msg_html": "Access denied"}

    action = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "action")

    if request.method == "GET":
        action_result = ""
        if dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "flashId"):
            action_result = dataplus.dictGetVal(
                statix.action_messages, dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "flashId"), ""

        return siteaction.render_to_response(
                "community": community,
                "friend_count": myself.friends.count(),
                "friends_html": getFriendsTable(myself, community),
                "invite_more": (action == "invite_more"),
                "action_result": action_result,
                "myself": myself,

    elif request.method == "POST":
        if action == "external_invite":
            message = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST, "msgToMembers", "")
            add_to_friend_list = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "add_to_friend_list", False, lambda x: True)
            has_valid_emails = False

            for i in range(1, 6):
                email = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "email" + str(i), "").strip()
                success, error = codejar_validation.validateEmail(email)

                if success:
                    has_valid_emails = True

                    invitation = models.FriendInvitation(sent_by=myself, sent_to_email=email)
                    invitation.invite_random_key = dataplus.getUniqueId()

                    comm_invite = models.CommunityInvitation(sent_by=myself, community=community)
                    comm_invite.invite_random_key = invitation.invite_random_key

                    sender = '"' + myself.name + '" <' + myself.username + "*****@*****.**>"
                    subject = myself.name + " has invited you to join " + community.name + " - Socialray"
                    if add_to_friend_list:
                        accept_url = (
                            + "/me/acceptinvite.htm?commFriendInviteId="
                            + str(invitation.invite_random_key)
                        accept_url = (
                            + "/me/acceptinvite.htm?commInviteId="
                            + str(invitation.invite_random_key)

                    html_message = (
                        '<p><a href="'
                        + config.server_base_url
                        + "/profiles/"
                        + myself.username
                        + '">'
                        + myself.name
                        + "</a>"
                        + " feels that you will be interested in joining the "
                        + community.name
                        + " Community in Socialray and has sent you the following message:</p>"
                        + "<p>"
                        + dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(message)
                        + "</p>"
                        + '<p>To accept this invitation and create an account, visit <a href="'
                        + accept_url
                        + '">'
                        + accept_url
                        + "</a> "
                        + "<br />Once you create your account, "
                        + myself.name
                        + " will be connected to you as a friend.</p>"
                        + "<p>Regards,<br />from Socialray</p>"

                    text_message = (
                        + " feels that you will be interested in joining the "
                        + community.name
                        + " Community in Socialray and has sent you the following message:\r\n"
                        + message
                        + "\r\n\r\n"
                        + "To accept this invitation and create an account, visit - "
                        + accept_url
                        + " \r\n"
                        + "Once you create your account, "
                        + myself.name
                        + " will be connected to you as a friend.\r\n"
                        + "You can check "
                        + myself.name
                        + "'s profile at "
                        + config.server_base_url
                        + "/profiles/"
                        + myself.username
                        + "\r\n\r\n"
                        + "Regards,\r\n"
                        + "from Socialray\r\n\r\n"

                        sender, [email], subject, html_message, None, None, text_message, reply_to=myself.email
            if not has_valid_emails:
                return siteaction.render_to_response(
                        "community": community,
                        "friend_count": myself.friends.count(),
                        "friends_html": getFriendsTable(myself, community),
                        "myself": myself,

        elif action == "internal_invite":
            message = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST, "msgToFriends", "")
            friend_count = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "friendCount", 0, string.atoi)

            has_selected_users = False
            for i in range(1, friend_count + 1):
                chk_id = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, "checkbox" + str(i))
                if chk_id:
                    user = models.User.objects.get(id=chk_id)
                    has_selected_users = True
                    sendCommunityInvitationToUser(community, user, myself, message)

            if not has_selected_users:
                return siteaction.render_to_response(
                        "community": community,
                        "friend_count": myself.friends.count(),
                        "friends_html": getFriendsTable(myself, community),
                        "myself": myself,

        if community.is_moderated:
            flash_id = "mod_comm_invites_sent"
            flash_id = "comm_invites_sent"

        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            "/communities/" + str(community.id) + "/invite.htm?flashId=" + flash_id + "&amp;action=invite_more"
def handle(request, username):
    action_result = ''
    if dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'flashId'):
        action_result = dataplus.dictGetVal(statix.action_messages, dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'flashId'), '')
    myself = siteaction.getLoggedInUser(request)
    if not myself:
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login.htm')
    user = get_object_or_404(models.User, username=username)
    settings = models.UserSettings.objects.get(user=user)
    online_status_html = ''
    if (user.username == myself.username):
        is_myself = True
        is_myself = False
        visible = True
        add_btn_visible = False
        if settings.resume_visibility == 'friends' and (user.friends.filter(id=myself.id).count() == 0):
                visible = False
                err_msg = 'This user only allows friends to view the complete profile.'
                add_btn_visible = True
        elif settings.resume_visibility == 'nobody':
            visible = False
            err_msg = 'The privacy settings of this user does not allow you to see the complete profile.'
        if not is_myself:
            if user.visits.filter(visitor_username=myself.username, visited_on__gte=(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=1))).count() == 0:
                user.visits.add(models.ProfileVisit(visitor_username=myself.username, visitor_name=myself.name, visitor_type=myself.account.account_type))
            online_status = chat.getOnlineStatus(request, [user.username])
            online_status_html = '' #disable chat.
	    #online_status_html = '<a href="javascript:openChatWindow(\'' + user.username + '\');" ><img class="img_online_status" id="online_status_' + user.username + '" '
            #if online_status[user.username] == 'online':
            #    online_status_html += 'alt="online" title="Click to chat now" src="' + config.static_server_base_url + '/site/images/common/livestatus-online-white-bg.gif" /> Chat Now</a>'
            #elif online_status[user.username] == 'away':
            #    online_status_html += 'alt="away" title="Away" src="' + config.static_server_base_url + '/site/images/common/livestatus-away-white-bg.gif" /> Away</a>'
            #    online_status_html += 'alt="offline" title="Offline" src="' + config.static_server_base_url + '/site/images/common/livestatus-offline-white-bg.gif" /> Offline</a>'
        if not visible:
            return siteaction.render_to_response('me/privateprofile.htm', {'user': user,
                                        'user_image': dataplus.getStaticUrl(user.image_size3_file_path),
                                        'user_original_image': dataplus.getStaticUrl(user.image_file_path),
                                        'small_desc': user.small_desc,
                                        'bread_crumb_html': getBreadCrumb(user, myself),
                                        'err_msg': err_msg,
                                        'add_btn_visible': add_btn_visible,
                                        'myself': myself})        
    formatting_issue_resolving_url = getFormatResolvingUrl(myself, settings)
    dial_now_number = ''
    skype_username = ''
    yahoo_username = ''
    if settings.enable_voip_dial:   dial_now_number = user.phone
    for msnger in models.WebMessenger.objects.filter(account=user.account):
        if msnger.provider == 'skype':  skype_username = msnger.username
        elif msnger.provider == 'yahoo':  yahoo_username = msnger.username
    mask_required = False
    if not is_myself:
        if settings.phone_num_visibility == 'nobody':
            mask_required = True
        if settings.phone_num_visibility == 'friends':
            if user.friends.filter(id=myself.id).count() == 0:
                mask_required = True        
    return siteaction.render_to_response('me/viewprofile.htm',
                        {   'user': user,
                            'personal_desc' : dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(user.personal_desc),
                            'resume_contents' : codejar_resume.getResumeText(user, mask_required),
                            'resume_style_sheet' : codejar_resume.getResumeStyleSheet(user),
                            'user_image': dataplus.getStaticUrl(user.image_size3_file_path),
                            'user_original_image': dataplus.getStaticUrl(user.image_file_path),
                            'testimonials': getTestimonials(user),
                            'resume_questions': getResumeQuestions(user),
                            'users_friends': getFriends(user),
                            'users_communities': getCommunities(user),
                            'bread_crumb_html': getBreadCrumb(user, myself),
                            'myself': myself,
                            'is_friend': (myself.friends.filter(id=user.id).count() > 0),
                            'is_myself': is_myself
def handle(request): 
        myself = siteaction.getLoggedInUser(request)
        if not myself:
            return ajaxian.getFailureResp('not_logged_in')
        comm_id = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'communityId')
        community = models.Community.objects.get(id=comm_id)
        if community.members.filter(id=myself.id):
            return ajaxian.getFailureResp('already_member')

        elif not community.is_moderated:            
            return ajaxian.getSuccessResp('joined_community')
            join_reqs = community.join_requests.filter(sent_by__id=myself.id)
            if join_reqs.count() > 0:
                return ajaxian.getFailureResp('request_pending')            
            if dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'message', '') == '':
                return ajaxian.getFailureResp('community_moderated')
            message_to_admin = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST, 'message','')
            join_req = models.CommunityJoinRequest()
            join_req.sent_by = myself
            join_req.community = community
            join_req.sent_on = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            join_req.msg_to_admin = message_to_admin
            msg_to_admin_html = '<p><a href="' + config.server_base_url + '/profiles/' + myself.username + '">' + myself.name + '</a>' + \
                ' wants to join ' + community.name + ' and has sent you a message:<br />' + \
                dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(message_to_admin) + '</p>' + \
                '<p>To allow/deny membership to this user , <a href="/me/approvecommjoinreq.htm?reqId=' + \
                str(join_req.id) + '">Click Here</a></p>' 
            msg_to_admin_text = myself.name + ' wants to join ' + community.name + ' and has sent you a message:\r\n' + \
                message_to_admin + '\r\n\r\nVisit ' + config.server_base_url + '/me/approvecommjoinreq.htm?reqId=' + str(join_req.id) + \
                ' to allow/deny membership to this user.\r\n\r\n'   
            def internalSender(rcvr_accounts):
                mailman.sendToInbox(myself.username, rcvr_accounts[0].username, 'Request to join ' + community.name, msg_to_admin_html, 'TM', 'H')
            def externalSender(rcvr_accounts):    
                sender = '"' + myself.name + '" <' + myself.username + '*****@*****.**>'
                receivers = ['"' + rcvr.name + '" <' + rcvr.email + '>'  for rcvr in rcvr_accounts]                
                ext_msg_to_admin_html = msg_to_admin_html + \
                    '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />' + \
                    'If you don\'t want to receive notification emails, change your Account Settings ' + \
                    '<a href="' + config.server_base_url + '/me/editsettings.htm">here</a>'                
                ext_msg_to_admin_text = msg_to_admin_text + \
                    '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n' + \
                    'If you don\'t want to receive notification emails, change your Account Settings here\r\n' + \
                    config.server_base_url + '/me/editsettings.htm'                                
                mailman.sendMail(sender, receivers, 'Request to join ' + community.name, ext_msg_to_admin_html, 
                    None, None, ext_msg_to_admin_text, reply_to=myself.email)

            admin_account = models.Account.objects.get(username=community.owner_username)
            mailman.sendBySettings([admin_account], internalSender, externalSender, 'SocialrayAlert')
            return ajaxian.getSuccessResp('request_sent')
        return ajaxian.getFailureResp('unknown')
def handle(request):
    myself = siteaction.getLoggedInUser(request)    
    if not myself:
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login.htm')
    rcvr = rcvr_comm = None    
    rcvr_id = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'rcvrId', 0, string.atoi)
    rcvr_type = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST,'rcvrType')
    if rcvr_type == 'u':
        rcvr = dataplus.returnIfExists(models.User.objects.filter(id=rcvr_id))
        if not rcvr:
            return  siteaction.render_to_response('me/showmessage.htm', 
                                {'myself':myself, 'msg_heading':'Error', 'msg_html':'Invalid Request'})
        receivers =  [rcvr]
    elif rcvr_type == 'c':
        rcvr_comm = dataplus.returnIfExists(models.Community.objects.filter(id=rcvr_id))
        if not rcvr_comm:
            return  siteaction.render_to_response('me/showmessage.htm', 
                                {'myself':myself, 'msg_heading':'Error', 'msg_html':'Invalid Request'})
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if rcvr:
            receiver_html = '<a href="' + config.profiles_url + '/' + rcvr.username + '" >' + rcvr.name + '</a>'
        elif rcvr_comm:
            receiver_html = 'Members of <a href="' + config.communities_url + '/' + str(rcvr_comm.id) + '" >' + rcvr_comm.name + '</a>' 
        experience_select_html = hotmetal.elemSelect([('Select', '-1')], range(0,30),
            lambda x:x, lambda x:x, '', 'name="experience" id="experience" style="width:80px"')
        industry_categories_select_html = hotmetal.elemSelect([('Select', '-1')], models.IndustryCategory.objects.all().order_by('name'),
            lambda x:x.name, lambda x:x.name, '', 'name="industry_category" id="industry_category" style="width:180px"')
        old_referrals = myself.posted_referrals.order_by('-created_at')[:20]
        old_referrals_select_html = hotmetal.elemSelect([('Select', '0')], old_referrals,
            lambda x:x.subject + ' (' + dataplus.getStrDate(x.created_at) + ')', lambda x:x.id, '', 'name="old_referral" id="old_referral" style="width:280px;" onchange="resetReferral();"')
        return siteaction.render_to_response('me/sendjobreferral.htm',
            {'myself': myself,
            'has_old_referrals': (old_referrals.count() > 0),
            'sending_to_user': (rcvr_type == 'u'),
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        job_ref_id = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'referral_id', 0, string.atoi)
        if job_ref_id > 0:
            job_ref = models.JobReferral.objects.get(id=job_ref_id)
            job_ref = models.JobReferral()
            job_ref.sender = myself        
            if rcvr:
                receivers = [rcvr]
                job_ref.industry_category = rcvr.industry_category
                if rcvr.working_since:
                    job_ref.min_experience_years = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - rcvr.working_since).days/365
                receivers = [x for x in rcvr_comm.members.all() if x.username != myself.username]
                job_ref.industry_category = models.IndustryCategory.objects.get(name=dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'industry_category'))
                job_ref.min_experience_years = dataplus.dictGetVal(request.REQUEST, 'experience', 0, string.atoi)
            job_ref.subject = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST, 'subject')
            job_ref.reply_to_email = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST, 'reply_to')
            job_ref.text = dataplus.dictGetSafeVal(request.REQUEST, 'text')
        for receiver in receivers:
        html_message = dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(job_ref.text) + '<p><a href="' + config.server_base_url + '/me/viewreferral.htm?id=' + str(job_ref.id) + '">Forward your resume</a></p>'
        text_message = job_ref.text + '\r\n Visit ' + config.server_base_url + '/me/viewreferral.htm?id=' + str(job_ref.id) + ' to forward your resume.\r\n\r\n'
        subject = 'Job Referral: ' + job_ref.subject
        def internalSender(rcvr_accounts):
            mailman.sendMessage(myself.username, [rcvr.username for rcvr in rcvr_accounts], subject, html_message)
        def externalSender(rcvr_accounts):
            sender = '"' + myself.name + '" <' + myself.username + '*****@*****.**>'
            receivers = ['"' + rcvr.name + '" <' + rcvr.email + '>' for rcvr in rcvr_accounts]
            ext_html_message = html_message + \
                '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />' + \
                'If you don\'t want to receive notification emails, change your Account Settings ' + \
                '<a href="' + config.server_base_url + '/me/editsettings.htm">here</a>'                
            ext_text_message = text_message + \
                '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n' + \
                'If you don\'t want to receive notification emails, change your Account Settings here\r\n' + \
                config.server_base_url + '/me/editsettings.htm'
            mailman.sendMail(sender, receivers, subject, ext_html_message, None, None, ext_text_message, reply_to=myself.email)
        mailman.sendBySettings([rcvr.account for rcvr in receivers], internalSender, externalSender, 'JobReferral')
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/me/?flashId=jobref_sent')
def getTopicBoxHtml(topic, can_post):
    topic_div_id = "topic_" + str(topic.id)  # full enclosure
    lastpost_div_id = "lastpost_" + str(topic.id)  # this shows the last post; ON by default
    xp_div_id = "xp_posts_" + str(topic.id)  # flips last post with last 5, OFF by default
    post_box_id = "post_box_" + str(topic.id)  # reply to the post right there

    last_posts = topic.posts.order_by("-posted_on")[:5]

    html = ""
    # topic box starts hear hear!
    html += '<div id="' + topic_div_id + '" class="community-topic-item">\r\n'

    # header....
    html += (
        '<div><span><strong><a href="/communities/'
        + str(topic.community.id)
        + "/topics/"
        + str(topic.id)
        + '">'
        + topic.title
        + "</a></strong> ("
        + str(topic.posts.count())
        + " posts)</span>\r\n"
    html += (
        ' <span class="dimmed-text">started by <a href="'
        + config.profiles_url
        + "/"
        + topic.started_by.username
        + '">'
        + topic.started_by.name
        + "</a></span></div>\r\n"

    if topic.posts.count() > 0:
        last_post = last_posts[0]
        # last post div - can be empty
        html += '<div id="' + lastpost_div_id + '">'
        html += (
            '<span class="small-text">Last Post ' + dataplus.getRelativeDateTime(last_post.posted_on) + "</span><br />"
        html += dataplus.getPreviewText(last_post.text)
        html += (
            '<div class="small-text"><span class="linkless" onclick="fx_flipElem(\''
            + lastpost_div_id
            + "', '"
            + xp_div_id
            + "');\">Expand</span></div>\r\n"
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="' + xp_div_id + '" style="display:none;">\r\n'
        for post in last_posts:
            posted_by_url = config.profiles_url + "/" + post.posted_by.account.username
            html += (
                '<div class="community-post" style="padding:5px;border:solid;border-width: 1px;border-color:#dddddd;">\r\n'
                + '<table style="width:100%">\r\n'
                + "<tr>\r\n"
                + '<td style="width:60px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">\r\n'
                + '<a href="'
                + posted_by_url
                + '"><img src="'
                + dataplus.getStaticUrl(post.posted_by.image_size1_file_path)
                + '" alt="'
                + post.posted_by.name
                + '" /></a>\r\n'
                + "</td>\r\n"
                + '<td style="vertical-align:top;">\r\n'
                + '<div><a href="'
                + config.profiles_url
                + "/"
                + post.posted_by.username
                + '">\r\n'
                + post.posted_by.name
                + "</a> "
                + dataplus.getRelativeDateTime(post.posted_on)
                + "\r\n"
                + "</div>\r\n"
                + '<div class="community-post-text">'
                + dataplus.replaceHtmlLineBreaks(post.text)
                + "</div>\r\n"
                + "</td>\r\n"
                + "</tr>\r\n"
                + "</table>\r\n"
                + "</div>\r\n"

        html += "<table><tr>\r\n"
        if can_post:
            html += (
                '<td><input class="small-btn" type="button" name="reply-btn" value="Reply" onclick="showTopicReplyBox(\''
                + post_box_id
                + "', '"
                + str(topic.id)
                + "', true, function(topicId, html){ reloadTopic(topicId, html); });\" /></td>"
        html += (
            '<td><input class="small-btn" type="button" name="hide-btn" value="Hide" onclick="fx_flipElem(\''
            + xp_div_id
            + "', '"
            + lastpost_div_id
            + "');\" /></td>"
        html += "</tr></table>\r\n"
        html += '<div id="' + post_box_id + '"></div>\r\n'
        html += "</div></div>"
        if can_post:
            html += (
                '<div><span class="linkless" onclick="showTopicReplyBox(\''
                + post_box_id
                + "', '"
                + str(topic.id)
                + "', true, function(topicId, html){ reloadTopic(topicId, html); });\" />Reply</span></div>\r\n"
            html += '<div id="' + post_box_id + '"></div></div>\r\n'

    return html