    def __init__(self):

        self.dynamicTaskValidator = DynamicTaskValidator()
        self.term_size = 80
        args = os.popen('stty -a', 'r').read().split(';')
        for x in args:
            x = x.strip().lstrip()
            if x.startswith("columns"):
                # Either split by = or ' '
                splitChar = ' '
                if '=' in x:
                    splitChar = '='
                k, v = x.split(splitChar)
                self.term_size = int(v)
    def __init__(self):

        self.dynamicTaskValidator = DynamicTaskValidator()
        self.term_size = 80
        args = os.popen('stty -a', 'r').read().split(';')
        for x in args:
            x = x.strip().lstrip()
            if x.startswith("columns"):
                # Either split by = or ' '
                splitChar = ' '
                if '=' in x:
                    splitChar = '='
                k, v = x.split(splitChar)
                self.term_size = int(v)
class WorkflowEngine:
    """The main class of the workflow manager."""
    def __init__(self):

        self.dynamicTaskValidator = DynamicTaskValidator()
        self.term_size = 80
        args = os.popen('stty -a', 'r').read().split(';')
        for x in args:
            x = x.strip().lstrip()
            if x.startswith("columns"):
                # Either split by = or ' '
                splitChar = ' '
                if '=' in x:
                    splitChar = '='
                k, v = x.split(splitChar)
                self.term_size = int(v)

    def deletePidFile(self):
        pid = str(os.getpid())
        if not os.path.exists(constants.LOCK_DIR):
            log.error("Lock directory does not exist")
        filename = os.path.join(constants.LOCK_DIR, pid)
        if os.path.exists(filename):

    def getRunningPid(self, workfile, hostfile, specific=False):
        """ Gets the pid of wfeng that is still running.
            If specific is true then returns instance running with
            specified workfile and hostfile, else returns pid of
            any running wfeng
                workfile - ignored unless specific is true
                hostfile - ignored unless specific is true
                specific - if True then return pid of wfeng instance that
                      is with this workfile/hostfile, else return pid
                      of any running wfeng
                list of pids that are running
        pids = []
        files = os.listdir(constants.LOCK_DIR)
        # Find out what locks we have, each filename is name of pid
        # and contents are workfile, hostfile
        for filename in files:
            full_filename = os.path.join(constants.LOCK_DIR, filename)
            f = open(full_filename, "r")
            for line in f:
                args = line.rstrip().split(",")
                pid = None
                if len(args) == 2:
                    # Check well formatted line
                    if specific:
                        if workfile == args[0] and hostfile == args[1]:
                            pid = filename
                        pid = filename
                if pid != None:
                    # This is pid of an instance of wfeng we care about
                        os.kill(int(pid), 0)
                        # Pid is still running
                        # This might be a pid of
                    except OSError:
                        # Pid nolonger running
        return pids

    def alreadyRunning(self, workfile, hostfile, allowMultiple=False):
        """ Returns True if another instance is running"""
        absw = os.path.abspath(workfile)
        absh = os.path.abspath(hostfile)
        if len(self.getRunningPid(absw, absh, allowMultiple)) != 0:
            return True

        # Not currently running a clashing wfeng, create lockfile
        pid = str(os.getpid())
        self.writePid(pid, absw, absh)

        # Wait and check pid not altered, to ensure another process wasn't
        # started at same time as us
        # We aren't expecting multiple to be submitted within seconds of each
        # other, so this should suffice

        # Has anyone altered the pid for our parameters, invalid whether or
        # not allowMultipe is False
        pids = self.getRunningPid(absw, absh, True)
        if len(pids) != 1 or pids[0] != pid:
            return True

        # If allowMultiple is False, then we need to know the only running
        # instanceis us
        if not allowMultiple:
            pids = self.getRunningPid(absw, absh, False)
            if len(pids) != 1 or pids[0] != pid:
                # Not just our pid returned
                return True
        return False

    def writePid(self, pid, workfile, hostfile):
        """ Writes our pid to pid file"""
        if not os.path.exists(constants.LOCK_DIR):
            log.error("Lock directory does not exist")
        filename = os.path.join(constants.LOCK_DIR, pid)
        file = open(filename, 'w')
        file.write("%s,%s\n" % (workfile, hostfile))

    def start(self):
        # Read in command line options
        o = WorkflowOptions()
        if o.version:
            if os.path.exists(constants.VERSION_FILE):
                with open(constants.VERSION_FILE, 'r') as fin:
                    print fin.read()
                print "VERSION information was unavailable"
            return True
        FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s'
        # Find the filename bit of filename
        workfile = utils.get_file_less_ext(o.wfile)
        hostfile = utils.get_file_less_ext(o.hfile)
        starttime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")
        # Check if already running - note that this is protecting us
        # from having two processes updating the same
        # master status file
        if self.alreadyRunning(o.wfile, o.hfile, o.allow_multiple):
            if o.allow_multiple:
                print "Exiting as instance of wfeng already running " + \
                      "with same hostfile and workfile"
                print "Exiting as instance of wfeng already running"
            return False
        self.logfilename = "%s/%s_%s_%s.log" %\
                         (constants.LOG_DIR, workfile, hostfile, starttime)
        self.tracefilename = "%s/%s_%s_%s.trc" %\
                         (constants.LOG_DIR, workfile, hostfile, starttime)
        logging.addLevelName(constants.TRACE, "TRACE")
        logging.addLevelName(constants.DEBUGNOTIME, "DEBUGNOTIME")
        console = logging.StreamHandler()

        # Add debug handler
        debug = logging.FileHandler(self.logfilename)
        formatter = WfengFormatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')

        # Create queue for subprocesses
        self.logqueue = multiprocessing.Queue()

        self.config = WfmgrConfig()
        if not os.path.isfile(o.wfile):
            log.error("Workflow file %s does not exist" % o.wfile)
            return False
        if not os.path.isfile(o.hfile):
            log.error("Host file %s does not exist" % o.hfile)
            return False
        ini = WfengIni()
        # Load default
        if not ini.load():
            return False
        if o.inifile is not None:
            if not ini.load(o.inifile):
                return False
        self.config.iniparams = ini.vars

        hosts = Hosts()
        if not hosts.parse(o.hfile):
            return False

        # if we are adding/removing dynamic pause/esc then
        # process interactively and exit
        if o.alter_pause_escape:
                dynAltOk = self.dynamicAlterations(o, hosts, ini)
                if not dynAltOk:
                    log.info("Error in dynamic alterations menu interaction")
                    return False
                return True
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                log.info("\nUnexpected interrupt (CTRL/C) received - " \
                         "please check status file is as expected\n")
                return False
        if o.needMenu():
            o.getMenuOptions(self.term_size, self.config)
        log.info("WORKFLOW ENGINE".center(self.term_size))
        log.info("\nOptions chosen:")
        log.info("    workflow: %s" % o.wfile)
        log.info("    hosts: %s" % o.hfile)
        log.info("    ini: %s" % o.inifile)
        log.info("    timeout: %s" % o.timeout)
        log.info("    phase: %s" % o.phase)
        log.info("    server types: %s" % o.unparsed_servertypes)
        log.info("    server name: %s" % o.unparsed_servernames)
        log.info("    excluded servers: %s" % o.exclude)
        log.info("    task id: %s" % o.task)
        log.info("    tag id: %s" % o.tag)
        log.info("    output level: %d" % o.output_level)
        if o.force:
            log.info("    force: True")
        if o.yes:
            log.info("    yes: True")
        if o.automate:
            log.info("    automate: True")
        if o.list:
            log.info("    list: True")
            # for listing then if phase and task are not specified we will
            # run all phases
            if o.phase == None and o.task == None:
                log.info("All phases will be listed")
                o.phase = "postcheck"
        if o.fix:
            log.info("    fix: True")

        # check here that any server in the exclusion list is found in the
        # hosts file

        if o.exclude != None:
            excludes = []
            # Now strip of spaces
            excludes = [x.strip() for x in o.exclude.split(',')]
            for excludedServer in excludes:
                if not hosts.host_exists(excludedServer):
                          "Excluded server %s is not in the hosts file %s" % \
                                 (excludedServer, o.hfile))
                    return False

        # validate servertype
        o.servertypes = [x.strip() for x in o.unparsed_servertypes.split(',')]
        if o.unparsed_servertypes != constants.ALL:
            for servertype in o.servertypes:
                if not servertype in hosts.hosts:
                       "Server type %s selected is not in hosts file" % \
                    return False

        # validate servername
        o.servernames = [x.strip() for x in o.unparsed_servernames.split(',')]
        if o.unparsed_servernames != constants.ALL:
            for servername in o.servernames:
                if not hosts.host_exists(servername):
                       "Server name %s selected is not in hosts file" % \
                    return False

        wf = Workflow(self.config)
        if not wf.parse(o.wfile):
            return False
            wfsys = wf.genWorkflowSystem(hosts)
        except Exception as err:
            log.error("Failed to generate workflow list: %s" % str(err))
            log.debug("Exception: %s" % (traceback.format_exc()))
            return False

        # validate task is valid
        if o.task != None:
            if not wfsys.taskInWorkflow(o.task):
                log.error("Task id %s selected is not in workflow file" % \
                return False
        # validate tag is valid
        if o.tag != None:
            if not wfsys.tagInWorkflow(o.tag):
                log.error("Tag %s selected is not in workflow file" % \
                return False
        # Validate fix task is FabricTask
        if o.fix:
            taskobj = wfsys.getTask(o.task)
            if not isinstance(taskobj, FabricTask):
                log.error("Fix is not supported on task %s" % \
                return False

        # Global status is in same directory as workfile, but appended with
        # hostname file and status.xml
        prefix = o.wfile.split('.xml')
        dirs = o.hfile.split("/")
        hostfile = dirs[len(dirs) - 1].split(".")[0]
        sysfilename = o.getSysStatusName()
        # flag for whether we are simply merging wflow and hosts and exiting
        # at start of a --list run
        listExitEarly = False
        # Check if already got work file system
        if os.path.isfile(sysfilename):
            log.info("    previous run: %s" % sysfilename)
            loadsys = WorkflowSystem("", self.config)
            loadsys.load(sysfilename, hosts)
            if wfsys.isEquivalent(loadsys):
                log.debug("Previous run is equivalent to current files")
                wfsys = loadsys
                log.error("Workflow and/or hosts file has changed since "\
                          "previous run, please investigate")
                return False
            # if --list and there is no pre-existing workflow file then we
            # generate a listing file and exit straight away
            if o.list:
                log.info("There is no pre-existing status file")
                listExitEarly = True
                log.info("    previous run: N/A")
        # if --list then ascertain whether all eligible tasks are in a
        # complete state
        if o.list and wfsys.eligibleDisplayTasks(o.servertypes, o.servernames,
                                                 o.exclude, o.force,
            log.info("Display phase has not been completed and therefore "
                     "later phases cannot be predicted")
            listExitEarly = True
        if listExitEarly:
            fnamesuffix = constants.LISTFILE_SUFFIX
            log.info("\nWorkflow file and hosts file have been merged to " \
               "create list file %s%s, equivalent to a master status file" % \
               (sysfilename, constants.LISTFILE_SUFFIX))
            wfsys.write("%s%s" % (sysfilename, constants.LISTFILE_SUFFIX))

        wfsys.logqueue = self.logqueue
        runner = CmdLineWorkflowRunner(wfsys, self.term_size, o)
        if o.list:
            log.info("\nListing has been run from the pre-existing master "\
                     "status file onwards, with predictive output written "
                     "to file %s%s" % (sysfilename,
        return runner.run()

    def dynamicAlterations(self, o, hosts, ini):
        """ does the processing for a dynamic alterations run
                o: the WorkflowOptions object
                hosts: hosts object
                ini: the ini file params object
                boolean - True if completed ok
        wf = Workflow(self.config)
        sysfilename = o.getSysStatusName()
        menuMsgs = []

        if not wf.parse(o.wfile):
            log.info("Error encountered when parsing workflow file")
            return False
            wfsys = wf.genWorkflowSystem(hosts)
        except Exception as err:
            log.error("Failed to generate workflow : %s" % str(err))
            log.debug("Exception: %s" % (traceback.format_exc()))
            return False

        dynamicMenu = DynamicMenuMgr(self.term_size, self.config, hosts,

        while True:
            log.debug("Starting loop with menuMsgs length %d" % \
            # Check if already got work file system
            if os.path.isfile(sysfilename):
                loadsys = WorkflowSystem("", self.config)
                loadsys.load(sysfilename, hosts)
                if wfsys.isEquivalent(loadsys):
                    log.debug("Previous run is equivalent to current "
                              "files - operating on status file")
                    wfsys = loadsys
                    log.error("Workflow and/or hosts file has "
                              "changed since previous run, please investigate")
                    return False
                log.debug("A new master status file will be created")

            dyntask = dynamicMenu.getDynamicAlteration(wfsys, menuMsgs)
            if dyntask == None:
                log.info("Quitting dynamic alterations")
                return True
            elif dyntask == {}:
                log.debug("Dynamic alteration empty")
                menuMsgs = []
                log.debug("Dynamic task input: %s" % dyntask)
                menuMsgs = []
                if not self.processDynamicAlteration(
                        dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
                    if len(menuMsgs) == 0:
                        menuMsgs.append("Unspecified error during " \
                                      "processing %s, dynamic alteration " \
                                      "abandoned, please check logs" % \
                log.debug("Finished processDynamicAlteration with "
                          "menuMsg %s" % menuMsgs)

    def processDynamicAlteration(self, dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts,
        """ processes a dynamic alteration (add/remove) for pause/esc
                dyntask: a dictionary containing the details for the alteration
                wf: the original workflow (for validation in dynamicUpdate)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: the name of the master status file
                hosts: host object containing details of the hosts in this run
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                boolean: True if alteration successful,
                         False if alteration failed
        dyntaskid = dyntask[constants.DYN_ID]
        if dyntaskid == "" or dyntaskid == None:
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic task id is empty")
            return False

        dyntype = dyntask[constants.DYN_TYPE]
        if not dyntype == constants.DYNAMIC_ESCAPE and \
                 not dyntype == constants.DYNAMIC_PAUSE:
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic task type for dynamic task %s must be "
                      "%s or %s - but found %s" % \
                (dyntaskid, constants.DYNAMIC_ESCAPE,
                 constants.DYNAMIC_PAUSE, dyntype))
            return False
        if dyntask[constants.DYN_ACTION] == constants.DYNAMIC_ADD:
            if wfsys.taskInWorkflow(dyntaskid):
                  "Dynamic task id %s duplicates one already in the workflow" \
                              % dyntaskid)
                return False
            if not self.dynamicAlterationAdd(dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename,
                                             hosts, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Unable to add dynamic task %s" % \
                return False
        elif dyntask[constants.DYN_ACTION] == constants.DYNAMIC_REMOVE:
            # look for dynamic task id in workflow execute phase
            if wfsys.execute.getTask(dyntaskid) is None:
                menuMsgs.append("Dynamic %s task id %s not found in workflow "
                                "execute phase" % (dyntype, dyntaskid))
                return False
            if not self.dynamicAlterationRemove(dyntask, wf, wfsys,
                                                sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Unable to remove dynamic task %s" % \
                return False
            menuMsgs.append("Unable to determine action %s" % \
            return False

        return True

    def dynamicAlterationAdd(self, dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts,
        """performs dynamic addition for pause/esc
                dyntask: a dictionary containing the details for the alteration
                wf: the original workflow (for validation in dynamicUpdate)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: the name of the master status file
                hosts: host object containing details of the hosts in this run
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                boolean: True if alteration successful,
                         False if alteration failed
        # get the execute phase for the workflow
        executephase = wfsys.getExecutePhase()
        refid = dyntask[constants.DYN_REFID]
        taskdict = executephase.getTaskIndices(refid)
        indRefs = taskdict[constants.TASK_LIST]
        groupid = taskdict[constants.TASK_IN_GROUP]
        if len(indRefs) == 0:
            menuMsgs.append("Unable to find valid reference task %s "
                            "in workflow execute phase" % refid)
            return False
        firstRefInd = indRefs[0]
        lastRefInd = indRefs[len(indRefs) - 1]
        pos = dyntask[constants.DYN_POS]
        dyntaskid = dyntask[constants.DYN_ID]
        dyntype = dyntask[constants.DYN_TYPE]

        if pos == constants.DYNAMIC_BEFORE:
            insertionPoint = firstRefInd
        elif pos == constants.DYNAMIC_AFTER:
            insertionPoint = lastRefInd + 1
            menuMsgs.append("Position for dynamic task %s must be %s "
                      "or %s - but found %s" % \
                (dyntaskid, constants.DYNAMIC_BEFORE,
                    constants.DYNAMIC_AFTER, pos))
            return False
        log.debug("inserting task %s into execute phase at "
                  "index %s" % (dyntaskid, insertionPoint))
        checkparams = {}
        if dyntask[constants.DYN_CHECKPARAMS] is None:
            checkParams = None
            chks = dyntask[constants.DYN_CHECKPARAMS].split(',')
            for chk in chks:
                chckName, chckVar = chk.split('=')
                checkparams[chckName] = chckVar

        # note that for dynamic tasks dynamic and optional will always be true
        dynamic = True
        optional = True
        if dyntype == constants.DYNAMIC_ESCAPE:
            taskforinsert = EscapeTask(
                dyntaskid, self.config, dyntask[constants.DYN_MSG],
                dyntask[constants.DYN_HOSTS], dyntask[constants.DYN_SERVER],
                dyntask[constants.DYN_SWVER], dyntask[constants.DYN_OSVER],
                dyntask[constants.DYN_DEP], optional,
                checkparams, groupid, dynamic)
            taskforinsert = PauseTask(
                dyntaskid, self.config, dyntask[constants.DYN_MSG],
                dyntask[constants.DYN_HOSTS], dyntask[constants.DYN_SERVER],
                dyntask[constants.DYN_SWVER], dyntask[constants.DYN_OSVER],
                dyntask[constants.DYN_DEP], optional,
                checkparams, groupid, dynamic)
        if groupid == None:
            if not executephase.insertDynamic(taskforinsert, hosts,
                                              insertionPoint, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Failed to insert dynamic task %s "
                                "into execute phase" % \
                return False
            if not executephase.insertDynamicIntoGroup(taskforinsert, hosts,
                                                       indRefs, pos, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Failed to insert dynamic task %s "
                                 "into group %s execute phase" % \
                        (taskforinsert.name, groupid))
                return False

        if not self.dynamicUpdate(wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic addition update for task %s "
                             "failed - please check logs" % \
            return False
        menuMsgs.append("New master status file %s created with "
                        "dynamic entry %s added" % (sysfilename, dyntaskid))
        return True

    def dynamicAlterationRemove(self, dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts,
        """performs dynamic addition for pause/esc
                dyntask: a dictionary containing the details for the alteration
                wf: the original workflow (for validation in dynamicUpdate)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: the name of the master status file
                hosts: host object containing details of the hosts in this run
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                boolean: True if alteration successful,
                         False if alteration failed
        # get the execute phase for the workflow
        executephase = wfsys.getExecutePhase()
        dyntaskid = dyntask[constants.DYN_ID]
        dyntype = dyntask[constants.DYN_TYPE]

        if self.dynamicTaskValidator.hasDependents(dyntaskid, wfsys, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic removal failed validation")
            return False

        if not executephase.removeDynamic(dyntaskid, dyntype, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Failed to remove dynamic task %s "
                            "from execute phase, please check logs" % \
            return False
        if not self.dynamicUpdate(wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic removal update for task %s failed "
                            "- please check logs" % \
            return False
        menuMsgs.append("New master status file %s created with dynamic "
                        "entry %s removed" % (sysfilename, dyntaskid))
        return True

    def dynamicUpdate(self, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
        """ updates the master status file
            - firstly as a tmp file, then reads in and validates the tmp
             file and if ok renames to master status file
                wf: the original workflow (for validation)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: name of the master status file
                hosts: the hosts object
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                True if master valid master status file was produced,
                False if errors were encountered

        # now update the workflow file as tmp file
        tmpsysfile = "%s_tmp" % sysfilename
        log.debug("New tmp status file %s written" % tmpsysfile)
        # now attempt to reload the tmp file - which will validate against xsd
        loadtmp = WorkflowSystem("", self.config)
        if not loadtmp.load(tmpsysfile, hosts):
            menuMsgs.append("Failed to reload new master status file. " \
                       "Investigate the problem, then remove invalid " \
                       "temporary status file %s," \
                       " and rerun the dynamic alteration" % tmpsysfile)
            return False
        # now perform equivalency test against original workflow
        wfcheck = wf.genWorkflowSystem(hosts)
        if not wfcheck.isEquivalent(loadtmp):
            menuMsgs.append("New master status file does not match original" \
                            " workflow. " \
                       "Investigate the problem, then remove invalid " \
                       "temporary status file %s," \
                       " and rerun the dynamic alteration" % tmpsysfile)
            return False

        # if validated ok then rename the tmp file as the new master status
        # file

        # write backup file before updating the status file
        tstamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        backupdir = "dynamic_alteration_backups"
        if '/' in sysfilename:
            sysfilesplit = sysfilename.rsplit('/', 1)
            basedir = sysfilesplit[0]
            basename = sysfilesplit[1]
            basedir = "./"
            basename = sysfilename
        timestampedBackup = "%s/%s/%s.%s" % \
                            (basedir, backupdir, basename, tstamp)
        # retrieve full path of backup dir
        backupdir = timestampedBackup.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        if not os.path.exists(backupdir):
            log.debug("creating backup directory %s" % backupdir)

        log.debug("Timestamped backup %s created" % timestampedBackup)

        log.debug("Renaming temp status file %s as master status file %s" % \
                   (tmpsysfile, sysfilename))
            os.rename(tmpsysfile, sysfilename)
            menuMsgs.append("Error renaming temporary file %s to master "
                            "status file %s" % (tmpsysfile, sysfilename))
            return False

        return True
class WorkflowEngine:
    """The main class of the workflow manager."""
    def __init__(self):

        self.dynamicTaskValidator = DynamicTaskValidator()
        self.term_size = 80
        args = os.popen('stty -a', 'r').read().split(';')
        for x in args:
            x = x.strip().lstrip()
            if x.startswith("columns"):
                # Either split by = or ' '
                splitChar = ' '
                if '=' in x:
                    splitChar = '='
                k, v = x.split(splitChar)
                self.term_size = int(v)

    def deletePidFile(self):
        pid = str(os.getpid())
        if not os.path.exists(constants.LOCK_DIR):
            log.error("Lock directory does not exist")
        filename = os.path.join(constants.LOCK_DIR, pid)
        if os.path.exists(filename):

    def getRunningPid(self, workfile, hostfile, specific=False):
        """ Gets the pid of wfeng that is still running.
            If specific is true then returns instance running with
            specified workfile and hostfile, else returns pid of
            any running wfeng
                workfile - ignored unless specific is true
                hostfile - ignored unless specific is true
                specific - if True then return pid of wfeng instance that
                      is with this workfile/hostfile, else return pid
                      of any running wfeng
                list of pids that are running
        pids = []
        files = os.listdir(constants.LOCK_DIR)
        # Find out what locks we have, each filename is name of pid
        # and contents are workfile, hostfile
        for filename in files:
            full_filename = os.path.join(constants.LOCK_DIR, filename)
            f = open(full_filename, "r")
            for line in f:
                args = line.rstrip().split(",")
                pid = None
                if len(args) == 2:
                    # Check well formatted line
                    if specific:
                        if workfile == args[0] and hostfile == args[1]:
                            pid = filename
                        pid = filename
                if pid != None:
                    # This is pid of an instance of wfeng we care about
                        os.kill(int(pid), 0)
                        # Pid is still running
                        # This might be a pid of
                    except OSError:
                        # Pid nolonger running
        return pids

    def alreadyRunning(self, workfile, hostfile, allowMultiple=False):
        """ Returns True if another instance is running"""
        absw = os.path.abspath(workfile)
        absh = os.path.abspath(hostfile)
        if len(self.getRunningPid(absw, absh, allowMultiple)) != 0:
            return True

        # Not currently running a clashing wfeng, create lockfile
        pid = str(os.getpid())
        self.writePid(pid, absw, absh)

        # Wait and check pid not altered, to ensure another process wasn't
        # started at same time as us
        # We aren't expecting multiple to be submitted within seconds of each
        # other, so this should suffice

        # Has anyone altered the pid for our parameters, invalid whether or
        # not allowMultipe is False
        pids = self.getRunningPid(absw, absh, True)
        if len(pids) != 1 or pids[0] != pid:
            return True

        # If allowMultiple is False, then we need to know the only running
        # instanceis us
        if not allowMultiple:
            pids = self.getRunningPid(absw, absh, False)
            if len(pids) != 1 or pids[0] != pid:
                # Not just our pid returned
                return True
        return False

    def writePid(self, pid, workfile, hostfile):
        """ Writes our pid to pid file"""
        if not os.path.exists(constants.LOCK_DIR):
            log.error("Lock directory does not exist")
        filename = os.path.join(constants.LOCK_DIR, pid)
        file = open(filename, 'w')
        file.write("%s,%s\n" % (workfile, hostfile))

    def start(self):
        # Read in command line options
        o = WorkflowOptions()
        if o.version:
            if os.path.exists(constants.VERSION_FILE):
                with open(constants.VERSION_FILE, 'r') as fin:
                    print fin.read()
                print "VERSION information was unavailable"
            return True
        FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s'
        # Find the filename bit of filename
        workfile = utils.get_file_less_ext(o.wfile)
        hostfile = utils.get_file_less_ext(o.hfile)
        starttime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%Y_%H%M%S")
        # Check if already running - note that this is protecting us
        # from having two processes updating the same
        # master status file
        if self.alreadyRunning(o.wfile, o.hfile, o.allow_multiple):
            if o.allow_multiple:
                print "Exiting as instance of wfeng already running " + \
                      "with same hostfile and workfile"
                print "Exiting as instance of wfeng already running"
            return False
        self.logfilename = "%s/%s_%s_%s.log" %\
                         (constants.LOG_DIR, workfile, hostfile, starttime)
        self.tracefilename = "%s/%s_%s_%s.trc" %\
                         (constants.LOG_DIR, workfile, hostfile, starttime)
        logging.addLevelName(constants.TRACE, "TRACE")
        logging.addLevelName(constants.DEBUGNOTIME, "DEBUGNOTIME")
        console = logging.StreamHandler()

        # Add debug handler
        debug = logging.FileHandler(self.logfilename)
        formatter = WfengFormatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')

        # Create queue for subprocesses
        self.logqueue = multiprocessing.Queue()

        self.config = WfmgrConfig()
        if not os.path.isfile(o.wfile):
            log.error("Workflow file %s does not exist" % o.wfile)
            return False
        if not os.path.isfile(o.hfile):
            log.error("Host file %s does not exist" % o.hfile)
            return False
        ini = WfengIni()
        # Load default
        if not ini.load():
            return False
        if o.inifile is not None:
            if not ini.load(o.inifile):
                return False
        self.config.iniparams = ini.vars

        hosts = Hosts()
        if not hosts.parse(o.hfile):
            return False

        # if we are adding/removing dynamic pause/esc then
        # process interactively and exit
        if o.alter_pause_escape:
                dynAltOk = self.dynamicAlterations(o, hosts, ini)
                if not dynAltOk:
                    log.info("Error in dynamic alterations menu interaction")
                    return False
                return True
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                log.info("\nUnexpected interrupt (CTRL/C) received - " \
                         "please check status file is as expected\n")
                return False
        if o.needMenu():
            o.getMenuOptions(self.term_size, self.config)
        log.info("WORKFLOW ENGINE".center(self.term_size))
        log.info("\nOptions chosen:")
        log.info("    workflow: %s" % o.wfile)
        log.info("    hosts: %s" % o.hfile)
        log.info("    ini: %s" % o.inifile)
        log.info("    timeout: %s" % o.timeout)
        log.info("    phase: %s" % o.phase)
        log.info("    server types: %s" % o.unparsed_servertypes)
        log.info("    server name: %s" % o.unparsed_servernames)
        log.info("    excluded servers: %s" % o.exclude)
        log.info("    task id: %s" % o.task)
        log.info("    tag id: %s" % o.tag)
        log.info("    output level: %d" % o.output_level)
        if o.force:
            log.info("    force: True")
        if o.yes:
            log.info("    yes: True")
        if o.automate:
            log.info("    automate: True")
        if o.list:
            log.info("    list: True")
            # for listing then if phase and task are not specified we will
            # run all phases
            if o.phase == None and o.task == None:
                log.info("All phases will be listed")
                o.phase = "postcheck"
        if o.fix:
            log.info("    fix: True")

        # check here that any server in the exclusion list is found in the
        # hosts file

        if o.exclude != None:
            excludes = []
            # Now strip of spaces
            excludes = [x.strip() for x in o.exclude.split(',')]
            for excludedServer in excludes:
                if not hosts.host_exists(excludedServer):
                          "Excluded server %s is not in the hosts file %s" % \
                                 (excludedServer, o.hfile))
                    return False

        # validate servertype
        o.servertypes = [x.strip() for x in o.unparsed_servertypes.split(',')]
        if o.unparsed_servertypes != constants.ALL:
            for servertype in o.servertypes:
                if not servertype in hosts.hosts:
                       "Server type %s selected is not in hosts file" % \
                    return False

        # validate servername
        o.servernames = [x.strip() for x in o.unparsed_servernames.split(',')]
        if o.unparsed_servernames != constants.ALL:
            for servername in o.servernames:
                if not hosts.host_exists(servername):
                       "Server name %s selected is not in hosts file" % \
                    return False

        wf = Workflow(self.config)
        if not wf.parse(o.wfile):
            return False
            wfsys = wf.genWorkflowSystem(hosts)
        except Exception as err:
            log.error("Failed to generate workflow list: %s" % str(err))
            log.debug("Exception: %s" % (traceback.format_exc()))
            return False

        # validate task is valid
        if o.task != None:
            if not wfsys.taskInWorkflow(o.task):
                log.error("Task id %s selected is not in workflow file" % \
                return False
        # validate tag is valid
        if o.tag != None:
            if not wfsys.tagInWorkflow(o.tag):
                log.error("Tag %s selected is not in workflow file" % \
                return False
        # Validate fix task is FabricTask
        if o.fix:
            taskobj = wfsys.getTask(o.task)
            if not isinstance(taskobj, FabricTask):
                log.error("Fix is not supported on task %s" % \
                return False

        # Global status is in same directory as workfile, but appended with
        # hostname file and status.xml
        prefix = o.wfile.split('.xml')
        dirs = o.hfile.split("/")
        hostfile = dirs[len(dirs) - 1].split(".")[0]
        sysfilename = o.getSysStatusName()
        # flag for whether we are simply merging wflow and hosts and exiting
        # at start of a --list run
        listExitEarly = False
        # Check if already got work file system
        if os.path.isfile(sysfilename):
            log.info("    previous run: %s" % sysfilename)
            loadsys = WorkflowSystem("", self.config)
            loadsys.load(sysfilename, hosts)
            if wfsys.isEquivalent(loadsys):
                log.debug("Previous run is equivalent to current files")
                wfsys = loadsys
                log.error("Workflow and/or hosts file has changed since "\
                          "previous run, please investigate")
                return False
            # if --list and there is no pre-existing workflow file then we
            # generate a listing file and exit straight away
            if o.list:
                log.info("There is no pre-existing status file")
                listExitEarly = True
                log.info("    previous run: N/A")
        # if --list then ascertain whether all eligible tasks are in a
        # complete state
        if o.list and wfsys.eligibleDisplayTasks(o.servertypes, o.servernames,
                         o.force, o.exact_match):
            log.info("Display phase has not been completed and therefore "
                      "later phases cannot be predicted")
            listExitEarly = True
        if listExitEarly:
            fnamesuffix = constants.LISTFILE_SUFFIX
            log.info("\nWorkflow file and hosts file have been merged to " \
               "create list file %s%s, equivalent to a master status file" % \
               (sysfilename, constants.LISTFILE_SUFFIX))
            wfsys.write("%s%s" % (sysfilename, constants.LISTFILE_SUFFIX))

        wfsys.logqueue = self.logqueue
        runner = CmdLineWorkflowRunner(wfsys, self.term_size, o)
        if o.list:
            log.info("\nListing has been run from the pre-existing master "\
                     "status file onwards, with predictive output written "
                     "to file %s%s" % (sysfilename,
        return runner.run()

    def dynamicAlterations(self, o, hosts, ini):
        """ does the processing for a dynamic alterations run
                o: the WorkflowOptions object
                hosts: hosts object
                ini: the ini file params object
                boolean - True if completed ok
        wf = Workflow(self.config)
        sysfilename = o.getSysStatusName()
        menuMsgs = []

        if not wf.parse(o.wfile):
            log.info("Error encountered when parsing workflow file")
            return False
            wfsys = wf.genWorkflowSystem(hosts)
        except Exception as err:
            log.error("Failed to generate workflow : %s" % str(err))
            log.debug("Exception: %s" % (traceback.format_exc()))
            return False

        dynamicMenu = DynamicMenuMgr(self.term_size, self.config, hosts,

        while True:
            log.debug("Starting loop with menuMsgs length %d" % \
            # Check if already got work file system
            if os.path.isfile(sysfilename):
                loadsys = WorkflowSystem("", self.config)
                loadsys.load(sysfilename, hosts)
                if wfsys.isEquivalent(loadsys):
                    log.debug("Previous run is equivalent to current "
                                  "files - operating on status file")
                    wfsys = loadsys
                    log.error("Workflow and/or hosts file has "
                        "changed since previous run, please investigate")
                    return False
                log.debug("A new master status file will be created")

            dyntask = dynamicMenu.getDynamicAlteration(wfsys, menuMsgs)
            if dyntask == None:
                log.info("Quitting dynamic alterations")
                return True
            elif dyntask == {}:
                log.debug("Dynamic alteration empty")
                menuMsgs = []
                log.debug("Dynamic task input: %s" % dyntask)
                menuMsgs = []
                if not self.processDynamicAlteration(dyntask, wf, wfsys,
                               sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
                    if len(menuMsgs) == 0:
                        menuMsgs.append("Unspecified error during " \
                                      "processing %s, dynamic alteration " \
                                      "abandoned, please check logs" % \
                log.debug("Finished processDynamicAlteration with "
                              "menuMsg %s" % menuMsgs)

    def processDynamicAlteration(self, dyntask, wf, wfsys,
                                  sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
        """ processes a dynamic alteration (add/remove) for pause/esc
                dyntask: a dictionary containing the details for the alteration
                wf: the original workflow (for validation in dynamicUpdate)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: the name of the master status file
                hosts: host object containing details of the hosts in this run
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                boolean: True if alteration successful,
                         False if alteration failed
        dyntaskid = dyntask[constants.DYN_ID]
        if dyntaskid == "" or dyntaskid == None:
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic task id is empty")
            return False

        dyntype = dyntask[constants.DYN_TYPE]
        if not dyntype == constants.DYNAMIC_ESCAPE and \
                 not dyntype == constants.DYNAMIC_PAUSE:
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic task type for dynamic task %s must be "
                      "%s or %s - but found %s" % \
                (dyntaskid, constants.DYNAMIC_ESCAPE,
                 constants.DYNAMIC_PAUSE, dyntype))
            return False
        if dyntask[constants.DYN_ACTION] == constants.DYNAMIC_ADD:
            if wfsys.taskInWorkflow(dyntaskid):
                  "Dynamic task id %s duplicates one already in the workflow" \
                              % dyntaskid)
                return False
            if not self.dynamicAlterationAdd(dyntask, wf, wfsys,
                              sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Unable to add dynamic task %s" % \
                return False
        elif dyntask[constants.DYN_ACTION] == constants.DYNAMIC_REMOVE:
            # look for dynamic task id in workflow execute phase
            if wfsys.execute.getTask(dyntaskid) is None:
                menuMsgs.append("Dynamic %s task id %s not found in workflow "
                        "execute phase" % (dyntype, dyntaskid))
                return False
            if not self.dynamicAlterationRemove(dyntask, wf, wfsys,
                                       sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Unable to remove dynamic task %s" % \
                return False
            menuMsgs.append("Unable to determine action %s" % \
            return False

        return True

    def dynamicAlterationAdd(self, dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename,
                                                     hosts, menuMsgs):
        """performs dynamic addition for pause/esc
                dyntask: a dictionary containing the details for the alteration
                wf: the original workflow (for validation in dynamicUpdate)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: the name of the master status file
                hosts: host object containing details of the hosts in this run
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                boolean: True if alteration successful,
                         False if alteration failed
        # get the execute phase for the workflow
        executephase = wfsys.getExecutePhase()
        refid = dyntask[constants.DYN_REFID]
        taskdict = executephase.getTaskIndices(refid)
        indRefs = taskdict[constants.TASK_LIST]
        groupid = taskdict[constants.TASK_IN_GROUP]
        if len(indRefs) == 0:
            menuMsgs.append("Unable to find valid reference task %s "
                            "in workflow execute phase" % refid)
            return False
        firstRefInd = indRefs[0]
        lastRefInd = indRefs[len(indRefs) - 1]
        pos = dyntask[constants.DYN_POS]
        dyntaskid = dyntask[constants.DYN_ID]
        dyntype = dyntask[constants.DYN_TYPE]

        if pos == constants.DYNAMIC_BEFORE:
            insertionPoint = firstRefInd
        elif pos == constants.DYNAMIC_AFTER:
            insertionPoint = lastRefInd + 1
            menuMsgs.append("Position for dynamic task %s must be %s "
                      "or %s - but found %s" % \
                (dyntaskid, constants.DYNAMIC_BEFORE,
                    constants.DYNAMIC_AFTER, pos))
            return False
        log.debug("inserting task %s into execute phase at "
                      "index %s" % (dyntaskid, insertionPoint))
        checkparams = {}
        if dyntask[constants.DYN_CHECKPARAMS] is None:
            checkParams = None
            chks = dyntask[constants.DYN_CHECKPARAMS].split(',')
            for chk in chks:
                chckName, chckVar = chk.split('=')
                checkparams[chckName] = chckVar

        # note that for dynamic tasks dynamic and optional will always be true
        dynamic = True
        optional = True
        if dyntype == constants.DYNAMIC_ESCAPE:
            taskforinsert = EscapeTask(dyntaskid, self.config,
            taskforinsert = PauseTask(dyntaskid, self.config,
        if groupid == None:
            if not executephase.insertDynamic(taskforinsert,
                                        hosts, insertionPoint, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Failed to insert dynamic task %s "
                                "into execute phase" % \
                return False
            if not executephase.insertDynamicIntoGroup(taskforinsert,
                                        hosts, indRefs, pos, menuMsgs):
                menuMsgs.append("Failed to insert dynamic task %s "
                                 "into group %s execute phase" % \
                        (taskforinsert.name, groupid))
                return False

        if not self.dynamicUpdate(wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic addition update for task %s "
                             "failed - please check logs" % \
            return False
        menuMsgs.append("New master status file %s created with "
                        "dynamic entry %s added" % (sysfilename, dyntaskid))
        return True

    def dynamicAlterationRemove(self, dyntask, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts,
        """performs dynamic addition for pause/esc
                dyntask: a dictionary containing the details for the alteration
                wf: the original workflow (for validation in dynamicUpdate)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: the name of the master status file
                hosts: host object containing details of the hosts in this run
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                boolean: True if alteration successful,
                         False if alteration failed
        # get the execute phase for the workflow
        executephase = wfsys.getExecutePhase()
        dyntaskid = dyntask[constants.DYN_ID]
        dyntype = dyntask[constants.DYN_TYPE]

        if self.dynamicTaskValidator.hasDependents(dyntaskid, wfsys, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic removal failed validation")
            return False

        if not executephase.removeDynamic(dyntaskid, dyntype, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Failed to remove dynamic task %s "
                            "from execute phase, please check logs" % \
            return False
        if not self.dynamicUpdate(wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
            menuMsgs.append("Dynamic removal update for task %s failed "
                            "- please check logs" % \
            return False
        menuMsgs.append("New master status file %s created with dynamic "
                        "entry %s removed" % (sysfilename, dyntaskid))
        return True

    def dynamicUpdate(self, wf, wfsys, sysfilename, hosts, menuMsgs):
        """ updates the master status file
            - firstly as a tmp file, then reads in and validates the tmp
             file and if ok renames to master status file
                wf: the original workflow (for validation)
                wfsys: the workflowsys
                sysfilename: name of the master status file
                hosts: the hosts object
                menuMsgs: list to hold messages for display during interaction
                True if master valid master status file was produced,
                False if errors were encountered

        # now update the workflow file as tmp file
        tmpsysfile = "%s_tmp" % sysfilename
        log.debug("New tmp status file %s written" % tmpsysfile)
        # now attempt to reload the tmp file - which will validate against xsd
        loadtmp = WorkflowSystem("", self.config)
        if not loadtmp.load(tmpsysfile, hosts):
            menuMsgs.append("Failed to reload new master status file. " \
                       "Investigate the problem, then remove invalid " \
                       "temporary status file %s," \
                       " and rerun the dynamic alteration" % tmpsysfile)
            return False
        # now perform equivalency test against original workflow
        wfcheck = wf.genWorkflowSystem(hosts)
        if not wfcheck.isEquivalent(loadtmp):
            menuMsgs.append("New master status file does not match original" \
                            " workflow. " \
                       "Investigate the problem, then remove invalid " \
                       "temporary status file %s," \
                       " and rerun the dynamic alteration" % tmpsysfile)
            return False

        # if validated ok then rename the tmp file as the new master status
        # file

        # write backup file before updating the status file
        tstamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        backupdir = "dynamic_alteration_backups"
        if '/' in sysfilename:
            sysfilesplit = sysfilename.rsplit('/', 1)
            basedir = sysfilesplit[0]
            basename = sysfilesplit[1]
            basedir = "./"
            basename = sysfilename
        timestampedBackup = "%s/%s/%s.%s" % \
                            (basedir, backupdir, basename, tstamp)
        # retrieve full path of backup dir
        backupdir = timestampedBackup.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        if not os.path.exists(backupdir):
            log.debug("creating backup directory %s" % backupdir)

        log.debug("Timestamped backup %s created" % timestampedBackup)

        log.debug("Renaming temp status file %s as master status file %s" % \
                   (tmpsysfile, sysfilename))
            os.rename(tmpsysfile, sysfilename)
            menuMsgs.append("Error renaming temporary file %s to master "
                            "status file %s" % (tmpsysfile, sysfilename))
            return False

        return True