def convert_river(sound_shape: SoundShape) -> TerryRiver:
    terry_river = TerryRiver()
    # setting default values for now
    terry_river.spline_closed = False
    terry_river.spline_step_size = 15
    terry_river.terrain_relative = True
    terry_river.reverse_direction = False
    position_x = sound_shape.river_nodes[0].vertex.x
    position_y = sound_shape.river_nodes[0].vertex.y
    position_z = sound_shape.river_nodes[0].vertex.z
    terry_river.ectransform = ECTransform(
        Point3D(position_x, position_y, position_z), Rotation3D(0, 0, 0),
        Scale3D(1, 1, 1))
    for river_node in sound_shape.river_nodes:
        width = river_node.width
        flow_speed = river_node.flow_speed
        position = Point3D(river_node.vertex.x - position_x,
                           river_node.vertex.y - position_y,
                           river_node.vertex.z - position_z)
        # need to find a way how to calculate those values
        tangent_in = [0, 0, 0]
        tangent_out = [0, 0, 0]
        terrain_offset = 0
        alpha_fade = 1
        foam_amount = 0.1
        spline_point = TerrySplinePoint(position, tangent_in, tangent_out,
                                        width, terrain_offset, alpha_fade,
                                        flow_speed, foam_amount)

    return terry_river
def read_sound_shape_common(file):
    sound_shape = SoundShape()
    sound_shape.key = string(file)
    sound_shape.type = string(file)
    points = int4(file)
    sound_shape.points = []
    for j in range(points):
        point = Point3D(float4(file), float4(file), float4(file))
    sound_shape.inner_radius = float4(file)
    sound_shape.outer_radius = float4(file)
    sound_shape.inner_cube = Cube(float4(file), float4(file), float4(file),
                                  float4(file), float4(file), float4(file))
    sound_shape.outer_cube = Cube(float4(file), float4(file), float4(file),
                                  float4(file), float4(file), float4(file))
    river_nodes_amount = int4(file)
    sound_shape.river_nodes = []
    for i in range(river_nodes_amount):
        river_node_version = int2(file)
    sound_shape.clamp_to_surface = bool1(file)
    sound_shape.height_mode = string(file)
    sound_shape.campaign_type_mask = int4(file)

    return sound_shape
def convert_sound_shape(sound_shape: SoundShape) -> TerrySoundShape:
    terry_sound_shape = TerrySoundShape()
    terry_sound_shape.key = sound_shape.key
    terry_sound_shape.type = sound_shape.type
    if terry_sound_shape.type != "SST_RIVER":
        terry_sound_shape.ectransform = ECTransform(sound_shape.points[0],
                                                    Rotation3D(0, 0, 0),
                                                    Scale3D(1, 1, 1))
        position_x = sound_shape.points[0].x
        position_y = sound_shape.points[0].y
        position_z = sound_shape.points[0].z
        # subtract position from poluline points
        if terry_sound_shape.type == "SST_MULTI_POINT":
            terry_sound_shape.points_cloud = []
            for i in sound_shape.points:
                x = i.x - sound_shape.points[0].x
                y = i.y - sound_shape.points[0].y
                z = i.z - sound_shape.points[0].z
                point = Point3D(x, y, z)
            terry_sound_shape.points = []
            for i in sound_shape.points:
                x = i.x - position_x
                y = i.z - position_z
                point = Point2D(x, y)

    terry_sound_shape.radius = sound_shape.outer_radius

    return terry_sound_shape
def read_river_node_v1(file):
    river_node = RiverNode()
    river_node.vertex = Point3D(float4(file), float4(file), float4(file))
    river_node.width = float4(file)
    river_node.flow_speed = float4(file)

    return river_node
def get_transforms(transform: Matrix):
    position = Point3D(*transform[3])
    scale = Scale3D(*map(mod_vector, transform[0:3]))
    rotation_matrix = unscale(transform[0:3], scale.as_vector())
    rotation = Rotation3D(
        *map(degrees, get_angles(transpose(rotation_matrix))))

    return position, rotation, scale
def get_transforms_4_4(transformation: Matrix):
    position = Point3D(*transformation[3][:3])
    coordinates = transformation[:3]
    scale = Scale3D(*map(mod_vector, coordinates))
    coordinates = unscale(coordinates, scale.as_vector())
    rotation = Rotation3D(
        *map(lambda angle: -degrees(angle), get_angles_XYZ(coordinates)))

    return position, rotation, scale
def convert_outline_to_polyline(outline: Outline):
    position_x = outline.points[0].x
    position_z = outline.points[0].y
    polyline = ECPolyline()
    polyline.closed = True
    polyline.polyline = []
    for point in outline.points:
            Point2D((point.x - position_x), (point.y - position_z)))
    position = Point3D(position_x, 0, position_z)

    return polyline, position
def read_custom_material_mesh_v2(file):
    custom_material_mesh = CustomMaterialMesh()
    vertices_amount = int4(file)
    custom_material_mesh.vertices = []
    for i in range(vertices_amount):
        vertex = Point3D(float4(file), float4(file), float4(file))
    indices_amount = int4(file)
    custom_material_mesh.indices = []
    for i in range(indices_amount):
    custom_material_mesh.material = string(file)
    custom_material_mesh.height_mode = string(file)

    return custom_material_mesh
def convert_playable_area(playable_area: PlayableArea) -> TerryPlayableArea:
    terry_playable_area = TerryPlayableArea()

    terry_playable_area.width = playable_area.max_x - playable_area.min_x
    terry_playable_area.height = playable_area.max_y - playable_area.min_y
    x = playable_area.min_x + (terry_playable_area.width / 2)
    z = playable_area.min_y + (terry_playable_area.height / 2)
    terry_playable_area.ectransform = ECTransform(Point3D(x, 0, z),
                                                  Rotation3D(0, 0, 0),
                                                  Scale3D(1, 1, 1))
    terry_playable_area.deployment_locations = []
    for key, value in playable_area.flags.items():
        if value:
            temp_string = key.replace('valid_', '').capitalize()

    return terry_playable_area
def convert_prefab_instance(prefab: PrefabInstance) -> TerryPrefabInstance:
    terry_prefab_instance = TerryPrefabInstance()

    terry_prefab_instance.ecterrainclamp = ECTerrainClamp()
    terry_prefab_instance.key ='prefabs/',
                                                    '').replace(".bmd", '')

    # transform
    position = Point3D(*prefab.transformation[3][:3])
    coordinates = prefab.transformation[:3]
    scale = Scale3D(*map(mod_vector, coordinates))
    coordinates = unscale(coordinates, scale.as_vector())
    rotation = Rotation3D(
        *map(lambda angle: -degrees(angle), get_angles_XYZ(coordinates)))

    terry_prefab_instance.ectransform = ECTransform(position, rotation, scale)

    return terry_prefab_instance