def roll(bot, trigger):
    """.dice XdY[vZ][+N], rolls dice and reports the result.

    X is the number of dice. Y is the number of faces in the dice. Z is the
    number of lowest dice to be dropped from the result. N is the constant to
    be applied to the end result.
    # This regexp is only allowed to have one captured group, because having
    # more would alter the output of re.findall.
    dice_regexp = r"\d*d\d+(?:v\d+)?"

    # Get a list of all dice expressions, evaluate them and then replace the
    # expressions in the original string with the results. Replacing is done
    # using string formatting, so %-characters must be escaped.
    if not trigger.group(2):
        return bot.reply("No dice to roll.")
    arg_str = trigger.group(2)
    dice_expressions = re.findall(dice_regexp, arg_str)
    arg_str = arg_str.replace("%", "%%")
    arg_str = re.sub(dice_regexp, "%s", arg_str)

    f = lambda dice_expr: _roll_dice(bot, dice_expr)
    dice = list(map(f, dice_expressions))

    if None in dice:
        # Stop computing roll if there was a problem rolling dice.

    def _get_eval_str(dice):
        return "(%d)" % (dice.get_sum(), )

    def _get_pretty_str(dice):
        if dice.num <= 10:
            return dice.get_simple_string()
        elif dice.get_number_of_faces() <= 10:
            return dice.get_compressed_string()
            return "(...)"

    eval_str = arg_str % (tuple(map(_get_eval_str, dice)))
    pretty_str = arg_str % (tuple(map(_get_pretty_str, dice)))

    # Showing the actual error will hopefully give a better hint of what is
    # wrong with the syntax than a generic error message.
        result = eval_equation(eval_str)
    except Exception as e:
        bot.reply("SyntaxError, eval(%s), %s" % (eval_str, e))

    bot.reply("You roll %s: %s = %d" % (
        trigger.group(2), pretty_str, result))
文件: calc.py 项目: whonut/willie
def c(bot, trigger):
    """Evaluate some calculation."""
    if not trigger.group(2):
        return bot.reply("Nothing to calculate.")
    # Account for the silly non-Anglophones and their silly radix point.
    eqn = trigger.group(2).replace(',', '.')
        result = eval_equation(eqn)
        result = "{:.10g}".format(result)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        result = "Division by zero is not supported in this universe."
    except Exception as e:
        result = "{error}: {msg}".format(error=type(e), msg=e)
文件: calc.py 项目: Cadair/willie
def c(bot, trigger):
    """Evaluate some calculation."""
    if not trigger.group(2):
        return bot.reply("Nothing to calculate.")
    # Account for the silly non-Anglophones and their silly radix point.
    eqn = trigger.group(2).replace(',', '.')
        result = eval_equation(eqn)
        result = "{:.10g}".format(result)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        result = "Division by zero is not supported in this universe."
    except Exception as e:
        result = "{error}: {msg}".format(error=type(e), msg=e)