	def __init__(self, filter_size=None, warning=True, debug=True):
		generate a class of filter
		if debug: isimsize(filter_size), 'the filter size is not correct'
		self.debug = debug
		self.warning = warning
		self.weights = None
def imagecoor2cartesian_center(image_shape, debug=True):
    given an image shape, return 2 functions which change the original image coordinate to centered cartesian coordinate system
    basically the origin is in the center of the image
    for example:
        if the image shape is (480, 640) and the top left point is (0, 0), after passing throught forward_map function, it returns (-320, 240)
        for the bottom right point (639, 479), it returns (319, -239)
    if debug: isimsize(image_shape), 'input image shape is not correct'

    width, height = image_shape[1], image_shape[0]

    def forward_map(pts, debug=True):
        if debug:
            assert is2dpts(pts), 'input 2d point is not correct'
            assert pts[0] >= 0 and pts[0] < width and isinteger(
            ), 'x coordinate is out of range %d should in [%d, %d)' % (
                pts[0], 0, width)
            assert pts[1] >= 0 and pts[1] < height and isinteger(
            ), 'y coordinate is out of range %d shoud in [%d, %d)' % (
                pts[1], 0, height)

        car_pts = imagecoor2cartesian(pts, debug=debug)
        car_pts = np.array(car_pts)
            0] += -width / 2  # shift x axis half length of width to the right
        car_pts[1] += height / 2  # shigt y axis hald length of height downside
        return (car_pts[0], car_pts[1])

    def backward_map(pts, debug=True):
        if debug:
            assert is2dpts(pts), 'input 2d point is not correct'
            assert is2dpts(pts), 'input 2d point is not correct'
            assert pts[0] >= -width / 2 and pts[0] < width / 2 and isinteger(
            ), 'x coordinate is out of range %d should in [%d, %d)' % (
                pts[0], -width / 2, width / 2)
            assert pts[1] > -height / 2 and pts[1] <= height / 2 and isinteger(
            ), 'y coordinate is out of range %d shoud in (%d, %d]' % (
                pts[1], -height / 2, height / 2)

        pts = np.array(pts)
        pts[0] += width / 2
        pts[1] += -height / 2
        img_pts = cartesian2imagecoor(pts, debug=debug)
        return img_pts

    return forward_map, backward_map
def image_concatenate(input_image, target_size=[1600, 2560], grid_size=None, edge_factor=0.99, warning=True, debug=True):
	concatenate a list of images automatically

		input_image:			NHWC numpy image, uint8 or float32
		target_size:			a tuple or list or numpy array with 2 elements, for [H, W]
		grid_size:				a tuple or list or numpy array with 2 elements, for [num_rows, num_cols] 
		edge_factor:			the margin between images after concatenation, bigger, the edge is smaller, [0, 1]

		image_merged: 			CHW uint8 numpy image with size of target_size
	np_image, _ = safe_batch_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	if debug:
		assert isimsize(target_size), 'the input image size is not correct'
		if grid_size is not None: assert isimsize(grid_size), 'the input grid size is not correct'
		assert isscalar(edge_factor) and edge_factor <= 1 and edge_factor >= 0, 'the edge factor is not correct'

	num_images = np_image.shape[0]
	if grid_size is None:
		num_rows = int(np.sqrt(num_images))
		num_cols = int(np.ceil(num_images * 1.0 / num_rows))
		num_rows, num_cols = np.ceil(grid_size[0]), np.ceil(grid_size[1])

	window_height, window_width = target_size[0], target_size[1]
	grid_height = int(window_height / num_rows)
	grid_width  = int(window_width  / num_cols)
	im_height   = int(grid_height   * edge_factor)
	im_width 	= int(grid_width 	 * edge_factor)
	im_channel 	= np_image.shape[-1]

	# concatenate
	image_merged = np.zeros((window_height, window_width, im_channel), dtype='uint8')
	for image_index in range(num_images):
		image_tmp = np_image[image_index, :, :, :]
		image_tmp = image_resize(image_tmp, target_size=(im_height, im_width), warning=warning, debug=debug)

		rows_index = int(np.ceil((image_index + 1.0) / num_cols))				# 1-indexed
		cols_index = int(image_index + 1 - (rows_index - 1) * num_cols)			# 1-indexed
		rows_start = int((rows_index - 1) * grid_height)						# 0-indexed
		rows_end   = int(rows_start + im_height)								# 0-indexed
		cols_start = int((cols_index - 1) * grid_width)							# 0-indexed
		cols_end   = int(cols_start + im_width)									# 0-indexed
		image_merged[rows_start:rows_end, cols_start:cols_end, :] = image_tmp

	return image_merged
def nparray_resize(input_nparray,
    resize the numpy array given a resize factor (e.g., 0.25), or given a target size (height, width)
    e.g., the numpy array has 600 x 800:
        1. given a resize factor of 0.25 -> results in an image with 150 x 200
        2. given a target size of (300, 400) -> results in an image with 300 x 400
    note that:
        resize_factor and target_size cannot exist at the same time

        input_nparray:      a numpy array
        resize_factor:      a scalar
        target_size:        a list of tuple or numpy array with 2 elements, representing height and width
        interp:             interpolation methods: bicubic or bilinear

        resized_nparray:    a numpy array
    np_array = safe_npdata(input_nparray, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if debug:
        assert interp in ['bicubic', 'bilinear'
                          ], 'the interpolation method is not correct'
        assert (resize_factor is not None and target_size is None) or (
            resize_factor is None and target_size
            is not None), 'resize_factor and target_size cannot co-exist'

    if target_size is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isimsize(
                target_size), 'the input target size is not correct'
        target_width, target_height = int(round(target_size[1])), int(
    elif resize_factor is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isscalar(resize_factor), 'the resize factor is not a scalar'
        height, width = np_array.shape[:2]
        target_width, target_height = int(round(resize_factor * width)), int(
            round(resize_factor * height))
        assert False, 'the target_size and resize_factor do not exist'

    if interp == 'bicubic':
        resized_nparray = cv2.resize(np_array, (target_width, target_height),
    elif interp == 'bilinear':
        resized_nparray = cv2.resize(np_array, (target_width, target_height),
        assert False, 'interpolation is wrong'

    return resized_nparray
def generate_gaussian_heatmap(input_pts,
	generate a heatmap based on the input points array, create a 2-D gaussian with given std around each points provided
	the mask is generated by the occlusion from the point array: only occlusion with -1 will be masked out
	    0 -> invisible points without location
	    1 -> visible points with location
	    -1 -> visible points without location, masked

	    input_pts:          a list of 3 elements, a listoflist of 3 elements: e.g., [[1,2], [5,6], [0, 1]],
	                        a numpy array with shape or (3, N) or (3, )
	    image_size:         a tuple or list of numpy array with 2 elements, representing (height, width)
	    std:                the standard deviation used for gaussian distribution

	    masked_heatmap:         numpy float32 multichannel numpy array, (height, width, num_pts + 1)
	    mask_valid:             numpy float32 multichannel numpy array, (1, 1, num_pts + 1)
	    mask_visible:           numpy float32 multichannel numpy array, (1, 1, num_pts + 1)
    pts_array = safe_2dptsarray_occlusion(input_pts,
    if debug:
        assert isscalar(std), 'the standard deviation should be a scalar'
        assert isimsize(image_size), 'the image size is not correct'
    height, width = image_size[0], image_size[1]
    num_pts, threshold = pts_array.shape[1], 0.01
    heatmap = np.fromfunction( lambda y, x, pts_id : ((x - pts_array[0, pts_id])**2 \
                                                    + (y - pts_array[1, pts_id])**2) \
                                                    / -2.0 / std / std, (height, width, num_pts), dtype=int)
    heatmap = np.exp(heatmap)

    valid = np.logical_or(
        pts_array[2, :] == 0,
        pts_array[2, :] == 1)  # mask out invalid points with -1 in the third
    visible = pts_array[2, :] == 1  # mask out invalid and occuluded points
    mask_valid = np.ones((1, 1, num_pts + 1), dtype='float32')
    mask_valid[0, 0, :num_pts] = valid  # never mask out the background channel
    mask_visible = np.ones((1, 1, num_pts + 1), dtype='float32')
        0, 0, :num_pts] = visible  # never mask out the background channel

    # mask out the invalid channel
    heatmap[heatmap < threshold] = 0  # ceiling and flooring
    heatmap[heatmap > 1] = 1
    masked_heatmap = heatmap * mask_valid[:, :, :
                                          num_pts]  # (height, width, num_pts)

    background_label = 1 - np.amax(
        axis=2)  # (height, width), maximize along the channel axis
    background_label[background_label < 0] = 0  # (height, width, 1)
    masked_heatmap = np.concatenate(
        (masked_heatmap, np.expand_dims(background_label, axis=2)),

    return masked_heatmap, mask_valid, mask_visible
def image_resize(input_image,
	resize the image given a resize factor (e.g., 0.25), or given a target size (height, width)
	e.g., the input image has 600 x 800:
		1. given a resize factor of 0.25 -> results in an image with 150 x 200
		2. given a target size of (300, 400) -> results in an image with 300 x 400
	note that:
		resize_factor and target_size cannot exist at the same time

		input_image:		an pil or numpy image
		resize_factor:		a scalar
		target_size:		a list of tuple or numpy array with 2 elements, representing height and width
		interp:				interpolation methods: bicubic or bilinear

		resized_image:		a numpy uint8 image
    np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
    if isfloatimage(np_image): np_image = (np_image * 255.).astype('uint8')

    if debug:
        assert interp in ['bicubic', 'bilinear'
                          ], 'the interpolation method is not correct'
        assert (resize_factor is not None and target_size is None) or (
            resize_factor is None and target_size
            is not None), 'resize_factor and target_size cannot co-exist'

    if target_size is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isimsize(
                target_size), 'the input target size is not correct'
        target_width, target_height = int(round(target_size[1])), int(
        if target_width == np_image.shape[
                1] and target_height == np_image.shape[0]:
            return np_image
    elif resize_factor is not None:
        if debug:
            assert isscalar(
            ) and resize_factor > 0, 'the resize factor is not a scalar'
        if resize_factor == 1: return np_image  # no resizing
        height, width = np_image.shape[:2]
        target_width, target_height = int(round(resize_factor * width)), int(
            round(resize_factor * height))
        assert False, 'the target_size and resize_factor do not exist'

    if interp == 'bicubic':
        resized_image = cv2.resize(np_image, (target_width, target_height),
    elif interp == 'bilinear':
        resized_image = cv2.resize(np_image, (target_width, target_height),
        assert False, 'interpolation is wrong'

    return resized_image