    def __init__(self, core, sequence, phout, answ, answ_level, timeout, cfg, is_main=False):
        self.core = core
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.address_wizard = AddressWizard()

        self.sequence_no = sequence
        self.stepper_wrapper = StepperWrapper(core, cfg)
        self.phout_file = phout
        self.answ_log = answ
        self.answ_log_level = answ_level
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.is_main = is_main

        # per benchmark
        self.instances = self.get_option('instances')
        self.ipv6 = None
        self.ssl = None
        self.address = None
        self.port = None
        self.tank_type = None
        self.stpd = None
        self.gatling = None
        self.phantom_http_line = None
        self.phantom_http_field_num = None
        self.phantom_http_field = None
        self.phantom_http_entity = None
        self.resolved_ip = None
        self.method_prefix = None
        self.source_log_prefix = None
        self.method_options = None
        self.client_cipher_suites = None
        self.client_certificate = None
        self.client_key = None
    def __init__(
            self, core, sequence, phout, answ, answ_level, timeout, section):
        self.core = core
        self.address_wizard = AddressWizard()

        self.sequence_no = sequence
        self.section = section
        self.stepper_wrapper = StepperWrapper(self.core, self.section)
        self.phout_file = phout
        self.answ_log = answ
        self.answ_log_level = answ_level
        self.timeout = timeout

        # per benchmark
        self.instances = None
        self.ipv6 = None
        self.ssl = None
        self.address = None
        self.port = None
        self.tank_type = None
        self.stpd = None
        self.gatling = None
        self.phantom_http_line = None
        self.phantom_http_field_num = None
        self.phantom_http_field = None
        self.phantom_http_entity = None
        self.resolved_ip = None
        self.method_prefix = None
        self.source_log_prefix = None
        self.method_options = None
        self.client_cipher_suites = None
        self.client_certificate = None
        self.client_key = None
 def __resolve(chunk):
     aw = AddressWizard()
     # return format: is_v6, parsed_ip, int(port), address_str
     return aw.resolve(chunk)
class StreamConfig:
    """ each test stream's config """

    OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT = 'instances'

    def __init__(self,
        self.core = core
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.address_wizard = AddressWizard()

        self.sequence_no = sequence
        self.stepper_wrapper = StepperWrapper(core, cfg)
        self.phout_file = phout
        self.answ_log = answ
        self.answ_log_level = answ_level
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.is_main = is_main

        # per benchmark
        self.instances = self.get_option('instances')
        self.ipv6 = None
        self.ssl = None
        self.address = None
        self.port = None
        self.tank_type = None
        self.stpd = None
        self.gatling = None
        self.phantom_http_line = None
        self.phantom_http_field_num = None
        self.phantom_http_field = None
        self.phantom_http_entity = None
        self.resolved_ip = None
        self.method_prefix = None
        self.source_log_prefix = None
        self.method_options = None
        self.client_cipher_suites = None
        self.client_certificate = None
        self.client_key = None

    def get_option(self, option, default=None):
        """ get option wrapper """
        return self.cfg[option]

    def get_available_options():
        opts = [
            "ssl", "tank_type", 'gatling_ip', "method_prefix",
        opts += [
            "phantom_http_line", "phantom_http_field_num",
            "phantom_http_field", "phantom_http_entity"
        opts += ['address', "port", StreamConfig.OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT]
        opts += StepperWrapper.get_available_options()
        opts += ["connection_test"]
        return opts

    def read_config(self):
        """ reads config """
        # multi-options
        self.ssl = self.get_option("ssl")
        self.tank_type = self.get_option("tank_type")
        # TODO: refactor. Maybe we should decide how to interact with
        # StepperWrapper here.
        # self.instances = self.get_option('instances')
        self.gatling = ' '.join(self.get_option('gatling_ip').split("\n"))
        self.method_prefix = self.get_option("method_prefix")
        self.method_options = self.get_option("method_options")
        self.source_log_prefix = self.get_option("source_log_prefix")

        self.phantom_http_line = self.get_option("phantom_http_line")
        self.phantom_http_field_num = self.get_option("phantom_http_field_num")
        self.phantom_http_field = self.get_option("phantom_http_field")
        self.phantom_http_entity = self.get_option("phantom_http_entity")

        self.address = self.get_option('address')
        do_test_connect = self.get_option("connection_test")
        explicit_port = self.get_option('port', '')
        self.ipv6, self.resolved_ip, self.port, self.address = self.address_wizard.resolve(
            self.address, do_test_connect, explicit_port)

        logger.info("Resolved %s into %s:%s", self.address, self.resolved_ip,

        self.client_cipher_suites = self.get_option("client_cipher_suites", "")
        self.client_certificate = self.get_option("client_certificate", "")
        self.client_key = self.get_option("client_key", "")

    def compose_config(self):
        """ compose benchmark block """
        # step file
        self.stpd = self.stepper_wrapper.stpd
        if self.stepper_wrapper.instances:
            self.instances = self.stepper_wrapper.instances

        if not self.stpd:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot proceed with no STPD file")

        kwargs = {}
        kwargs['sequence_no'] = self.sequence_no
        if self.ssl:
            _auth_section = ''
            _ciphers = ''
            ssl_template = "transport_t ssl_transport = transport_ssl_t {\n" \
                           "                timeout = 1s\n" \
                           "                %s\n" \
                           "                %s}\n" \
                           "                transport = ssl_transport"

            if self.client_certificate or self.client_key:
                _auth_section = 'auth_t def_auth = auth_t { key = "%s" cert = "%s"} auth = def_auth' \
                                % (self.client_key, self.client_certificate)
            if self.client_cipher_suites:
                _ciphers = 'ciphers = "%s"' % self.client_cipher_suites
            kwargs['ssl_transport'] = ssl_template % (_auth_section, _ciphers)
            kwargs['ssl_transport'] = ""
        kwargs['method_stream'] = self.method_prefix + \
            "_ipv6_t" if self.ipv6 else self.method_prefix + "_ipv4_t"
        kwargs['phout'] = self.phout_file
        kwargs['answ_log'] = self.answ_log
        kwargs['answ_log_level'] = self.answ_log_level
        kwargs['comment_answ'] = "# " if self.answ_log_level == 'none' else ''
        kwargs['stpd'] = self.stpd
        kwargs['source_log_prefix'] = self.source_log_prefix
        kwargs['method_options'] = self.method_options
        if self.tank_type:
                'proto'] = "proto=http_proto%s" % self.sequence_no if self.tank_type == 'http' else "proto=none_proto"
            kwargs['comment_proto'] = ""
            kwargs['proto'] = ""
            kwargs['comment_proto'] = "#"

        if self.gatling:
            kwargs['bind'] = 'bind={ ' + self.gatling + ' }'
            kwargs['bind'] = ''
        kwargs['ip'] = self.resolved_ip
        kwargs['port'] = self.port
        kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout
        kwargs['instances'] = self.instances
        tune = ''
        if self.phantom_http_entity:
            tune += "entity = " + self.phantom_http_entity + "\n"
        if self.phantom_http_field:
            tune += "field = " + self.phantom_http_field + "\n"
        if self.phantom_http_field_num:
            tune += "field_num = {}\n".format(self.phantom_http_field_num)
        if self.phantom_http_line:
            tune += "line = " + self.phantom_http_line + "\n"
        if tune:
            kwargs['reply_limits'] = 'reply_limits = {\n' + tune + "}"
            kwargs['reply_limits'] = ''

        if self.is_main:
            fname = 'phantom_benchmark_main.tpl'
            fname = 'phantom_benchmark_additional.tpl'
        template_str = template_str = resource_string(__name__,
                                                      "config/" + fname)
        tpl = string.Template(template_str)
        config = tpl.substitute(kwargs)

        return config
 def __resolve(chunk):
     aw = AddressWizard()
     # return format: is_v6, parsed_ip, int(port), address_str
     return aw.resolve(chunk)
class StreamConfig:
    """ each test stream's config """

    OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT = 'instances'

    def __init__(
            self, core, sequence, phout, answ, answ_level, timeout, section):
        self.core = core
        self.address_wizard = AddressWizard()

        self.sequence_no = sequence
        self.section = section
        self.stepper_wrapper = StepperWrapper(self.core, self.section)
        self.phout_file = phout
        self.answ_log = answ
        self.answ_log_level = answ_level
        self.timeout = timeout

        # per benchmark
        self.instances = None
        self.ipv6 = None
        self.ssl = None
        self.address = None
        self.port = None
        self.tank_type = None
        self.stpd = None
        self.gatling = None
        self.phantom_http_line = None
        self.phantom_http_field_num = None
        self.phantom_http_field = None
        self.phantom_http_entity = None
        self.resolved_ip = None
        self.method_prefix = None
        self.source_log_prefix = None
        self.method_options = None
        self.client_cipher_suites = None
        self.client_certificate = None
        self.client_key = None

    def get_option(self, option_ammofile, default=None):
        """ get option wrapper """
        return self.core.get_option(self.section, option_ammofile, default)

    def get_available_options():
        opts = [
            "ssl", "tank_type", 'gatling_ip', "method_prefix",
        opts += [
            "phantom_http_line", "phantom_http_field_num", "phantom_http_field",
        opts += ['address', "port", StreamConfig.OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT]
        opts += StepperWrapper.get_available_options()
        opts += ["connection_test"]
        return opts

    def read_config(self):
        """ reads config """
        # multi-options
        self.ssl = int(self.get_option("ssl", '0'))
        self.tank_type = self.get_option("tank_type", 'http')
        # TODO: refactor. Maybe we should decide how to interact with
        # StepperWrapper here.
        self.instances = int(
            self.get_option(self.OPTION_INSTANCES_LIMIT, '1000'))
        self.gatling = ' '.join(self.get_option('gatling_ip', '').split("\n"))
        self.method_prefix = self.get_option("method_prefix", 'method_stream')
        self.method_options = self.get_option("method_options", '')
        self.source_log_prefix = self.get_option("source_log_prefix", '')

        self.phantom_http_line = self.get_option("phantom_http_line", "")
        self.phantom_http_field_num = self.get_option(
            "phantom_http_field_num", "")
        self.phantom_http_field = self.get_option("phantom_http_field", "")
        self.phantom_http_entity = self.get_option("phantom_http_entity", "")

        self.address = self.get_option('address', '')
        do_test_connect = int(self.get_option("connection_test", "1")) > 0
        explicit_port = self.get_option('port', '')
        self.ipv6, self.resolved_ip, self.port, self.address = self.address_wizard.resolve(
            self.address, do_test_connect, explicit_port)

            "Resolved %s into %s:%s", self.address, self.resolved_ip, self.port)

        self.client_cipher_suites = self.get_option("client_cipher_suites", "")
        self.client_certificate = self.get_option("client_certificate", "")
        self.client_key = self.get_option("client_key", "")

    def compose_config(self):
        """ compose benchmark block """
        # step file
        self.stpd = self.stepper_wrapper.stpd
        if self.stepper_wrapper.instances:
            self.instances = self.stepper_wrapper.instances

        if not self.stpd:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot proceed with no STPD file")

        kwargs = {}
        kwargs['sequence_no'] = self.sequence_no
        if self.ssl:
            _auth_section = ''
            _ciphers = ''
            ssl_template = "transport_t ssl_transport = transport_ssl_t {\n" \
                           "                timeout = 1s\n" \
                           "                %s\n" \
                           "                %s}\n" \
                           "                transport = ssl_transport"

            if self.client_certificate or self.client_key:
                _auth_section = 'auth_t def_auth = auth_t { key = "%s" cert = "%s"} auth = def_auth' \
                                % (self.client_key, self.client_certificate)
            if self.client_cipher_suites:
                _ciphers = 'ciphers = "%s"' % self.client_cipher_suites
            kwargs['ssl_transport'] = ssl_template % (_auth_section, _ciphers)
            kwargs['ssl_transport'] = ""
        kwargs['method_stream'] = self.method_prefix + \
            "_ipv6_t" if self.ipv6 else self.method_prefix + "_ipv4_t"
        kwargs['phout'] = self.phout_file
        kwargs['answ_log'] = self.answ_log
        kwargs['answ_log_level'] = self.answ_log_level
        kwargs['comment_answ'] = "# " if self.answ_log_level == 'none' else ''
        kwargs['stpd'] = self.stpd
        kwargs['source_log_prefix'] = self.source_log_prefix
        kwargs['method_options'] = self.method_options
        if self.tank_type:
                'proto'] = "proto=http_proto%s" % self.sequence_no if self.tank_type == 'http' else "proto=none_proto"
            kwargs['comment_proto'] = ""
            kwargs['proto'] = ""
            kwargs['comment_proto'] = "#"

        if self.gatling:
            kwargs['bind'] = 'bind={ ' + self.gatling + ' }'
            kwargs['bind'] = ''
        kwargs['ip'] = self.resolved_ip
        kwargs['port'] = self.port
        kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout
        kwargs['instances'] = self.instances
        tune = ''
        if self.phantom_http_entity:
            tune += "entity = " + self.phantom_http_entity + "\n"
        if self.phantom_http_field:
            tune += "field = " + self.phantom_http_field + "\n"
        if self.phantom_http_field_num:
            tune += "field_num = " + self.phantom_http_field_num + "\n"
        if self.phantom_http_line:
            tune += "line = " + self.phantom_http_line + "\n"
        if tune:
            kwargs['reply_limits'] = 'reply_limits = {\n' + tune + "}"
            kwargs['reply_limits'] = ''

        if self.section == PhantomConfig.SECTION:
            fname = 'phantom_benchmark_main.tpl'
            fname = 'phantom_benchmark_additional.tpl'
        template_str = template_str = resource_string(
            __name__, "config/" + fname)
        tpl = string.Template(template_str)
        config = tpl.substitute(kwargs)

        return config