 def addPrincipal(self, id, login, title, description, password, roles):
     """Add a principal to the PAU.
     if not self.writeable:
         self.msg = (u'Could not add principal: '
                     u'the authenticator holding the principals '
                     u'seems not to be writeable.')
     if id is None:
         id = login
     principals = self.getPrincipals()
     if login in [x.login for x in principals]:
         self.msg = (u'Login `%s` already exists.' % (login, ))
     for key in [id, login, title]:
         if key is None or key == '':
             self.msg = (u'To add a principal you must give valid id, '
                         u'login and title.')
     principal = InternalPrincipal(login, password, title, description)
     self.userfolder[id] = principal
     role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.context)
     role_manager = removeSecurityProxy(role_manager)
     id = "%s%s" % (self.userfolder.prefix, id)
     for role in roles:
         role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, id)
     self.msg = u'Successfully added new principal `%s`.' % (title, )
    def signUp(self, login, title, password, confirmation):
        if confirmation != password:
            raise UserError(_(u"Password and confirmation didn't match"))
        folder = self._signupfolder()
        if login in folder:
            raise UserError(_(u"This login has already been chosen."))
        principal_id = folder.signUp(login, password, title)

        role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.context)
        role_manager = removeSecurityProxy(role_manager)
        for role in folder.signup_roles:
            role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, principal_id)
    def updatePrincipal(self, id, login, title, description, passwd, roles):
        if not self.writeable:
            self.msg = (u'Principal could not be updated: '
                        u'the authenticator holding the principals '
                        u'seems not to be writeable.')
        if id is None:
            id = login
        principals = self.getPrincipals()
        if login not in [x.login for x in principals]:
            self.msg = (u'Login `%s` does not exist.' % (login, ))
        for key in [login, title]:
            if key is None or key == '':
                self.msg = (u'Login and title must not be empty.')

        # Update generic data...
        principal = self.userfolder[id[len(self.userfolder.prefix):]]
        principal.title = title
        principal.description = description
        principal.password = passwd and passwd or principal.password

        # Update roles...
        role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.context)
        role_manager = removeSecurityProxy(role_manager)
        for role in self.roles:
            if role in roles:
                role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, id)
                role_manager.unsetRoleForPrincipal(role, id)
        self.msg = u'Principal `%s` successfully updated.' % (title, )
def grantRoleToQuizEditor(event):
    pau = event.authentication
    sm = pau.__parent__
    site = sm.__parent__
    print "this is a site"
    print site
    if IQreatureSite.providedBy(site):
        quiz_folder_name = unicode((event.info.id).split('qreature').pop())    
        print "this is a folder name"
        print quiz_folder_name
        editor_role = getUtility(IRole, quiz_folder_name, site[quiz_folder_name])
        print "this is a role"
        print editor_role
        princ_role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(site[quiz_folder_name])
        princ_role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(editor_role.id, event.info.id)
        princ_perm = IPrincipalPermissionManager(site)
        princ_perm.grantPermissionToPrincipal('qreature.idle_perm', event.principal.id)
        print "this is a princ_role_manager"
        print princ_role_manager
        print "princ_perm"
        print princ_perm
def setUp(test):
    root = getRootFolder()

    # add and register PAU
    sm = root.getSiteManager()
    pau = sm['pau'] = PluggableAuthentication()
    sm.registerUtility(pau, IAuthentication)

    # add, configure and register cookie credentials plug-in
    cookies = pau['cookies'] = CookieCredentialsPlugin()
    cookies.loginpagename = 'wclogin.html'
    pau.credentialsPlugins = ('cookies',)

    # add, configure and register sign-up authenticator plug-in
    signups = pau['signups'] = SignupPrincipalFolder('worldcookery.signup.')
    signups.signup_roles = ['worldcookery.Visitor', 'worldcookery.Member']
    pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('signups',)

    # give anonymous user the visitor role
    role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(root)
    role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal('worldcookery.Visitor', 'zope.anybody')

def setupSessionAuthentication(root_folder=None,
                                   u'id': u'zope.manager',
                                   u'login': u'grok',
                                   u'password': u'grok',
                                   u'title': u'Manager'
    """Add session authentication PAU to root_folder.

    Add a PluggableAuthentication in site manager of
    root_folder. ``auth_foldername`` gives the name of the PAU to
    install, userfolder_prefix the prefix of the authenticator plugin
    (a simple ``PrincipalFolder``), which will be created in the PAU
    and gets name ``userfolder_name``. ``principal_credentials`` is a
    list of dicts with, well, principal_credentials. The keys ``id``,
    ``login``, ``password`` and ``title`` are required for each
    element of this list.
    from zope.component import getUtilitiesFor
    from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
    from zope.app.security.interfaces import IAuthentication
    from zope.app.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleManager
    from zope.app.securitypolicy.interfaces import IRole
    from zope.app.authentication import PluggableAuthentication
    from zope.app.authentication.interfaces import IAuthenticatorPlugin
    from zope.app.authentication.principalfolder import PrincipalFolder
    from zope.app.authentication.principalfolder import InternalPrincipal

    sm = root_folder.getSiteManager()
    if auth_foldername in sm.keys():
        # There is already a folder of this name.

    pau = PluggableAuthentication()
    users = PrincipalFolder(userfolder_prefix)

    # Add users into principals folder to enable login...
    for user in principal_credentials:
        # XXX make sure, the keys exist...
        user['id'] = user['id'].rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
        user_title = user['title']
        principal = InternalPrincipal(user['login'], user['password'],
        users[user['id']] = principal

    # Configure the PAU...
    pau.authenticatorPlugins = (userfolder_name, )
    pau.credentialsPlugins = ("No Challenge if Authenticated",
                              "Session Credentials")

    # Add the pau and its plugin to the root_folder...
    sm[auth_foldername] = pau
    sm[auth_foldername][userfolder_name] = users
    pau.authenticatorPlugins = (users.__name__, )

    # Register the PAU with the site...
    sm.registerUtility(pau, IAuthentication)
    sm.registerUtility(users, IAuthenticatorPlugin, name=userfolder_name)

    # Add manager roles to new users...
    # XXX the real roles could be obtained from site.zcml.
    role_ids = [name for name, util in getUtilitiesFor(IRole, root_folder)]
    user_ids = [users.prefix + p['id'] for p in principal_credentials]
    role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(root_folder)
    role_manager = removeSecurityProxy(role_manager)
    for role in role_ids:
        for user_id in user_ids:
            role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, user_id)