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Server and client implementation of Pingback protocol ( intended to be used in a Django project. Relies upon semantics of HTML5 to discover links, parse source text excerpt and author name.



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Pingdjack is a library for sites made with Django that implements server and
client parts of [Pingback protocol][1]. One of the interesting features of
the library is smart use of semantics of HTML to discover links, parse source
text excerpt and name of the author.



Install it anywhere under Python path and you're set. Since it's purely a
library it doesn't even have to be listed under `INSTALLED_APPS` in your

To work correctly Pingdjack requires [html5lib][2].



### Making pings (client part)

The simplest way to ping external links upon publishing your blog post (or a
forum topic or any other publication) is:

    import pingdjack

    pingdjack.ping_external_urls(source_url, html, root_url)

.. where:

- `source_url` is the URL of your post
- `html` is the actual HTML contents of the post
- `root_url` defines a root URL outside of which links are considered external

When pinging all external links pingdjack won't stop on any HTTP or Pingback
errors that may occur and will try to ping all of them.

For more fine-grained control of the process you can find two lower level

- `external_urls` returns a list of external URLs in an HTML fragment
- `ping` performs a pingback call from a source URL to a target URL; it does
  break on all errors and it's your responsibility to handle them

### Accepting pings (server part)

To accept pings you should include a view `server_view` in your urlconf under
any URL you like:

    import pingdjack

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        # ...
        url(r'^blog/pingback/$', pingdjack.server_view, name='pingback'),

And advertise it in your base template (or in HTTP headers) accoring to the

    <link rel="pingback" href="http://{{ host }}{% url pingback %}">

(Note that Pingback requires an URL to be absolute, i.e. include a schema and
a hostname.)

The view does all the hard work by handling XML-RPC conversation, parsing
source URL, making sure that it indeed links to your target URL and tries to
guess a sensible text excerpt containing the link and the name of the author of
the source page.

If everything goes well the view then sends a signal `received` to which you
connect a function that will actually do something useful with a pingback:
store it for statistics, make a special kind of comment from it or whatever.

The signal comes with a set of arguments:

- `sender`: a Django HttpRequest instance of a request handling the pingback
- `source_url`: a URL that links to your server URL
- `target_url`: a URL being linked to by the page at source_url
- `view`: resolved view function for target_url
- `args`: arguments for the view function
- `kwargs`: keyword arguments for the view
- `author`: the page author's name guessed from the source page HTML
- `excerpt`: an excerpt from the text surrounding the link in the source page

An example showing interpretating of pingbacks as comments for a blog post:

    import pingdjack

    def handle_pingback(sender, source_url, view, args, author, excerpt, **kwargs):

        # check if ping goes to blog's post view, not some other part
        # raise appropriate exception otherwise
        if view != show_post:
            raise pingdjack.UnpingableTarget

        # find a post
        post = Post.objects.get(slug=args[0])

        # check if we're already seen this pingback
        if post.comment_set.filter(type='pingback', url=source_url):
            raise pingdjack.DuplicatePing

        # create a comment
            type = 'pingback',
            text = excerpt,
            author = author,
            url = source_url,

    # connect the handler to the `received` signal

(Note that Pingback doesn't explicitly require checking for duplicate pings
but it's really good idea to do this because duplicate pings happen in practice
from time to time and your software is in much better position than any pinging
server to know if it was pinged already.)


Server and client implementation of Pingback protocol ( intended to be used in a Django project. Relies upon semantics of HTML5 to discover links, parse source text excerpt and author name.






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