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This is Python fork of Three-body-resonances ( Technical documentation is in docs directory.


  • pip install git+
  • If it needs, you can override settings by file config/local_config.yml
  • move alembic.ini.dist alembic.ini and point in this file path to database in parameter sqlalchemy.url in section [alembic]


  • postgresql 9.5
  • python 3.5
  • pip 7.1.2
  • gfortran
  • gnuplot
  • wget
  • git
  • python-virtualenv
  • libpq-dev
  • libpython3.5-dev
  • sed
  • redis


This example of usecase of the application. It computes aei files for time interval from from day 2451000.5 to 38976000.5. Gets librations and makes plots for asteroids, which has numbers, match pointed half-interval from 1 to 101 (101 will be excluded).

  1. Run the script: source .venv/bin/activate
  2. To find the resonances: python -m resonances find --recalc=1 --from-day=2451000.5 --to-day=38976000.5 --start=1 --stop=101 --reload-resonances=1
  3. Make plots python -m resonances plot --start=1 --stop=101

This example has same effect.

  1. Run the script: source .venv/bin/activate
  2. Calculate aei files: python -m resonances calc --from-day=2451000.5 --to-day=38976000.5 --start=1 --stop=101
  3. To load possible resonances python -m resonances load-resonances --start=1 --stop=101
  4. To find the resonances: python -m resonances find --start=1 --stop=101
  5. Make plots python -m resonances plot --start=1 --stop=101

If you need to clear computed resonant phases python -m resonances clear-phases --start=1 --stop=101

Plots will be in /path/to/app/output/images/

For more details invoke --help or see Usage

Run over Docker

The application also available over docker. Image for docker container is here. It contains reference how to launch Resonances over container. Commonly it is very similar, but instead you need docker run --rm --volumes-from=resonances-data-container --link resonances-data-container:postgres --link some-redis:redis --name resonances -e RESONANCES_DB_NAME=resonances -e RESONANCES_DB_USER=postgres 4xxi/resonances after name of image 4xxi/resonances container takes arguments for the application. If you type --help in tail (docker run -it --rm --volumes-from=resonances-data-container --link resonances-data-container:postgres --link some-redis:redis --name resonances -e RESONANCES_DB_NAME=resonances -e RESONANCES_DB_USER=postgres 4xxi/resonances --help) you will get help message of the application, that also in Usage section.

What about another parameters before image's name?

  • run means launch container. If image, that pointed in tail, doesn't exist on computer, it will be loaded.
  • --rm means, that Docker will remove container after finishing process. E. g. if you invoke --help of the application, this shows you help message, after this container will be removed. It is not required, it is just for convinient. If you don't point this flag, you will remove container manually, when it will be need.
  • --volumes-from=resonances-data-container this marks, that volumes will be mounted from container resonances-data-container. This container must be launched before our target container and it must work all time. It contains Postgresql and volumes, that stores output data of the application.
  • --link resonances-data-container:postgres again resonances-data-container. This shows, that our container will be linked to this container. postgres just alias of link. The application's container also will get environment variables of resonances-data-container.
  • --link some-redis:redis same as above point.
  • --name resonances sets name for our container. This values must be unique.
  • -e RESONANCES_DB_NAME=resonances sets environment variable RESONANCES_DB_NAME. By default resonances-data-container has database resonances and it is need to point this to the container of our application.
  • -e RESONANCES_DB_USER=postgres same as above point.
  • 4xxi/resonances name of images, that will be loaded from, if you don't have it.

pylint cheat sheet

pylint -E `git ls | grep py$ | grep -v --regexp="\(alembic\|fabfile\.py\)"` --disable=E1136 --disable=E1126

Default integrator Mercury parameters for our purposes.

Take a look on files,,

  • must contain algorithm mvs. --from-day must be 2451000.5 and --to-day must be 38976000.5, they passed by arguments for calc command. Make python -m resonances calc --help for more.
  • must contain epoch that equals 2451000.5.
  • lists asteroids. For every asteroid it stores ep (means epoch), this parameter must be 2455400.5. This day is result of expression 55400.0 + 2400000.5, where 55400.0 has been got from astdys catalog ( This value must be changed in config.yml if you have different value in catalog.


Usage: python -m resonances calc [OPTIONS]

  Launch integrator Mercury6 for computing orbital elements of asteroids and
  planets, that will be stored in aei files.

  --start INTEGER      Start asteroid number. Counting from 1.
  --stop INTEGER       Stop asteroid number. Excepts last. Means, that
                       asteroid with number, that equals this parameter, will
                       not be integrated.
  --from-day FLOAT     This parameter will be passed to file for
                       integrator Mercury6 as start time pointed in days.
  --to-day FLOAT       This parameter will be passed to file for
                       integrator Mercury6 as stop time pointed in days.
  -p, --aei-path PATH  Path where will be stored aei files. It can be tar.gz
  --help               Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances find [OPTIONS]

  Computes resonant phases, find in them circulations and saves to
  librations. Parameters --from-day and --to-day are use only --recalc
  option is true. Example: find --start=1 --stop=101 --phase-storage=FILE
  JUPITER MARS. If you point --start=-1 --stop=-1 -p path/to/tar,
  application will load data every asteroid from archive and work with it.

  --start INTEGER                 Start asteroid number. Counting from 1.
  --stop INTEGER                  Stop asteroid number. Excepts last. Means,
                                  that asteroid with number, that equals this
                                  parameter, will not be integrated.
  --from-day FLOAT                This parameter will be passed to
                                  file for integrator Mercury6 as start time
                                  pointed in days.
  --to-day FLOAT                  This parameter will be passed to
                                  file for integrator Mercury6 as stop time
                                  pointed in days.
  --reload-resonances BOOLEAN     If true, the application will load integers,
                                  satisfying D'Alamebrt rule, from
  --recalc BOOLEAN                If true, the application will invoke calc
                                  method before
  --is-current BOOLEAN            If true, the application will librations
                                  only from database, it won't compute them
                                  from phases
  -s, --phase-storage [REDIS|DB|FILE]
                                  will save phases to redis or postgres or
  -p, --aei-paths PATH            Path to aei files. It can be folder or
                                  tar.gz archive. You can point several paths.
                                  Example: -p /mnt/aei/ -p /tmp/aei
  -r, --recursive                 Indicates about recursive search aei file in
                                  pointed paths.
  -c, --clear                     Will clear resonance phases after search
  --clear-s3                      Will clear downloaded s3 files after search
  -v, --verbose                   Shows progress bar.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances plot [OPTIONS]

  Build graphics for asteroids in pointed interval, that have libration.
  Libration can be created by command 'find'.

  -a, --asteroid TEXT             Name of asteroid
  --phase-storage [REDIS|DB|FILE]
                                  will load phases for plotting from redis or
                                  postgres or file
  --only-librations BOOLEAN       flag indicates about plotting only for
                                  resonances, that librates
  -o, --output PATH               Directory or tar, where will be plots.
                                  [default: /media/storage/develop/resonances]
  -i, --integers TEXT             Integers are pointing by three values
                                  separated by space. Example: '5 -1 -1'
  -b, --build-phase               It will build phases
  -p, --aei-paths PATH            Path to aei files. It can be folder or
                                  tar.gz archive. You can point several paths.
                                  Example: -p /mnt/aei/ -p /tmp/aei
  -r, --recursive                 Indicates about recursive search aei file in
                                  pointed paths.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances load-resonances [OPTIONS]

  Loads integers, satisfying D'Alambert rule, from
  /path/to/app/axis/resonances and build
  potentiallyresonances, that related to asteroid from catalog by comparing
  axis from this file and catalog

  --start INTEGER     Start asteroid number. Counting from 1.
  --stop INTEGER      Stop asteroid number. Excepts last. Means, that asteroid
                      with number, that equals this parameter, will not be
  --file TEXT         Name of file in axis directory with resonances default:
  --axis-swing FLOAT  Axis swing determines swing between semi major axis of
                      asteroid from astdys catalog and resonance table.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances librations [OPTIONS]

  Shows librations. Below options are need for filtering.

  --start INTEGER           Start asteroid number. Counting from 1.
  --stop INTEGER            Stop asteroid number. Excepts last. Means, that
                            asteroid with number, that equals this parameter,
                            will not be integrated.
  --first-planet TEXT       Example: JUPITER
  --second-planet TEXT      Example: SATURN
  --pure BOOLEAN            Example: 0
  --apocentric BOOLEAN      Example: 0
  --axis-interval FLOAT...  Interval is pointing by two values separated by
                            space. Example: 0.0 180.0
  -i, --integers TEXT       Integers are pointing by three values separated by
                            space. Example: '5 -1 -1'
  --limit INTEGER           Example: 100
  --offset INTEGER          Example: 100
  --body-count [2|3]        Example: 2. 2 means two body resonance, 3 means
                            three body resonance,
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances resonances [OPTIONS]

  Shows integers from resonance table. Below options are need for filtering.

  --start INTEGER       Start asteroid number. Counting from 1.
  --stop INTEGER        Stop asteroid number. Excepts last. Means, that
                        asteroid with number, that equals this parameter, will
                        not be integrated.
  --first-planet TEXT   Example: JUPITER
  --second-planet TEXT  Example: SATURN
  --body-count [2|3]    Example: 2. 2 means two body resonance, 3 means three
                        body resonance,
  --limit INTEGER       Example: 100
  --offset INTEGER      Example: 100
  -i, --integers TEXT   Examples: '>1 1', '>=3 <5', '1 -1 *'
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances planets [OPTIONS]

  Shows planets, which exist inside resonance table.

  --body-count [2|3]  Example: 2. 2 means two body resonance, 3 means three
                      body resonance,
  --help              Show this message and exit.

Usage: python -m resonances integrate [OPTIONS] [PLANETS]...

  Makes complete integration for asteroids pointed in catalog with pointed
  planets. You can point word "all" instead planet name and integration will
  work with all planets. Catalog must have AstDys format.

  --from-day FLOAT        This parameter will be passed to file for
                          integrator Mercury6 as start time pointed in days.
  --to-day FLOAT          This parameter will be passed to file for
                          integrator Mercury6 as stop time pointed in days.
  -a, --axis-swing FLOAT  Axis swing determines swing between semi major axis
                          of asteroid from catalog and resonance table.
  --catalog PATH
  -i, --integers TEXT     Examples: '>1 1', '>=3 <5', '1 -1 *'
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


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