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README: vcfPytools

vcfPytools is a set of tools in python for manipulation vcf v4.0 files.

Available tools:

	annotate - annotate a vcf file. (dbsnp, hapmap)
	extract - extract reads from a specified region.
	filter - filter the vcf file.
	intersect - generate the intersection of two vcf files.
	merge - merge any number of vcf files.
	multi - calculate Wenn diagram sections from vcf files.
	sort - sort a vcf file
	stats - generate statistics on defined parameters.
	union - generate the union of two vcf files.
	unique - generate a vcf file of the unique records in a vcf file.
	validate - validate a vcf file.

General information:

  The tools in vcfPytools are written to try and minimise the memroy
usage.  As a result, they are not necessarily as quick or as efficient
as they could be.

  All of the tools can accept a piped vcf as input.  This means that
the filter tool could be used, for example, and the output piped into
another instance of vcfPytools.  If the input is coming from a pipe, the
input vcf file must be listed as "stdin" and must be the first of the
defined input files.

  If no output file is defined, the output will be sent to stdout.


python annotate [options]

	--in (-i): 	input vcf file
	--out (-o):	output vcf file
	--hapmap (-m):	input hapmap vcf file
	--dbsnp (-d):	input dbSNP vcf file

  Currently, either a hapmap or a dbsnp file should be provided, not both.  It
is simple to pipe the result of dbsnp annotation back into the annotation tool
to provide annotation of both.

  --dbsnp (-d) will annotate the vcf file with dbSNP rsid values.  The input 
dbSNP file must also be in vcf v4.0 format.  Only dbSNP entries with VC=SNP are

  --hapmap (-m) annotates the vcf file info string to include HM3 if the record
is included hapmap.  If the ref/alt values do not match the hapmap file, the
info string will be populated with HM3A.


python extract [options]

	--in (-i):			input vcf file
	--out (-o):			output vcf file
	--discard-info (-d):		discard records containing this field
        --keep-info (-k):		only keep records containing this field
        --pass-filter (-p):		discard records with a failed filter
	--keep-quality (-q):		only keep records with specified quality
	--region (-r):			extract records from region
	--reference-sequence (-s):	extract records from reference sequence

  Option --discard-info (-d) ensures that all records containing this value in
the info field will not be included in the output file.  This cannot be used
in conjunction with --keep-info to avoid conflict.

  Option --keep-info (-k) allows all records to be removed unless they contain
this value in the info field.

  Option --pass-filter (-p) will only output records that have the filter field
populated with PASS.  All filtered records or records that haven't undergone
filtering (filter=.) will be discarded.

  Option --keep-quality (-q) allows only records with specified quality values
to be retained.  This requires two arguments: the quality value and a logical
operator (eq - equals, le - less than or equal to, lt - less than, ge - greater
than or equal to , gt - greater than) to determine which records to keep.  For

  python extract --in <VCF> --keep-quality 90 ge

  will retain all records that have a quality of 90 or greater.

  Option --region (-r) outputs all records from the specified region
from the input vcf file into the output vcf file.  The format of the
region is ref:start..end, where the start and end coordinates are 1-based.

  Option --ref (-s) outputs all records from the specified reference
sequence from the input vcf file into the output vcf file.


python filter [options]

	--in (-i):			input vcf file
	--out (-o):			output vcf file
	--quality (-q):			filter on defined quality score
	--info (-n):			filter on entries in the info string
	--remove-genotypes (-r):	strip genotype information from file

  Option --quality (-q) will check the variant quality for each record
and if it is below the defined value, the filter field will be
populated with the filter entry Q[value].

  Any value in the info string can be used for filtering by using the
--info (-n) command line option.  This option takes three values: the
info string tag, the cutoff value and whether to filter out those records
with less than (lt) or greater than (gt) this value.  For example:

  --info DP 10 lt 

  would filter out all varianta with a depth (DP) less than 10 and the 
filter field would be populated with DP10.

  This command line argument can be defined as many times as required.


python intersect [options]

	--in (-i):		input vcf files
        --bed (-b):		input bed file
	--out (-o):		output vcf file
        --priority-file (-f):	output record from this file

  Two input files are required as input and the intersection of
these two files is generated and sent to the output.  These files must
be sorted by genomic coordinate to function correctly, although the
reference sequence order is no important.

  The intersection can be calculated on two vcf files or a vcf and a bed

  If the --priority-file (-f) argument is set (this must be equal to one
of the input vcf files), then the record written to the output will come
from this file.  If this argument is not set, the record with the
highest quality is written out.

  If the --priority-file (-f) argument is set to "merge", the data from both
files will be included in the resulting file seperated by a "/".  If using this
function, other tools may, currently, no longer function as they cannot all
handle the multiple sets of data.


python merge [options]

	--in (-i):	input vcf files
	--out (-o):	output vcf file

  Any number of input vcf files are merged into a single file.  This is
achieved by appending all the files to a single output and so if the
input files contain records for the same reference sequence, the
resulting output file will not be sorted.


python multi [options]

	--in (-i):	list of input files and identifiers

  Given a list of input files and identifiers, multi will generate and execute
command lines to calculate the intersections and unique fractions of a set of
vcf files.  The identifiers are used to construct the output file names. For
example, the command line:

  python multi --in fileA.vcf A --in fileB.vcf B --in fileC.vcf C

would generate a set of vcf files representing all of the elements of a Wenn
diagram.  The files that would result (the names being constructed from the
identifiers, A, B and C) would be:

  variantsFrom.A.B.C.vcf:	interection of all three files
  variantsFrom.A.B.vcf:		those records in A and B, but not C
  variantsFrom.B.C.vcf:		those records in B and C, but not A
  variantsFrom.A.C.vcf:		those records in A and C, but not B
  variantsFrom.A.vcf:		those records unique to A
  variantsFrom.B.vcf:		those records unique to B
  variantsFrom.C.vcf:		those records unique to C

  The number of input files must be at least two.


python sort [options]

	--in (-i):	input vcf file
	--out (-o):	output vcf file

  The input vcf file is sorted by genomic coordinates.


python stats [options]

	--in (-i):		input vcf file
	--out (-o):		output statistics file
        --distributions (-d):	calculate defined distributions
	--filter-pass (-f):	only consider records that PASS
	--plot (-p):		plot distributions
	--quality (-q)		calculate distribution of quality values

  Generate statistics from the vcf file.  If only the input file is
specified, the stats tool calculates statistics relating to the ts/tv
ratio and dbSNP membership for all reference sequences, filters and
totals.  The dbSNP percentage is only calculated if the vcf file is
annotated with dbSNP rsid values.  The dbsnp tool can be used to perform
this annotation.  The outputted distributions keep track of dbSNP
membership and transitions/transversions.

  The --distributions (-d) argument allows distributions to be created
for the specified info field.  As many distributions as there are info
strings can be requested.  --distriutions all will create distributions
for all of the fields in the info string.

  Including the --filter-pass (-f) ensures that distributions are only
built using records that are listed as "PASS", thus omitting all
filtered records.

  The --plot (-p) argument will use R to generate plots for the requested


python union [options]

	--in (-i):		input vcf files
	--out (-o):		output vcf file
        --priority-file (-f):	output record from this file
	--pass-filter (-p):	only output records that pass filters

  Generate the union of the two input vcf files.  The comments included
in the explanation of the intersection tool are applicable to this tool.


python unique [options]

	--in (-i):	input vcf files
	--out (-o):	output vcf file
	--pass-filter (-p):	only output records that pass filters

  Output the records that are unique to the first inputted vcf file
when compared with another vcf file.


python validate [options]

	--in (-i):	input vcf file
	--out (-o):	output vcf file

  Validate the vcf file.  This performs the following checks:

1. Check that the vcf file is sorted.  The order of the reference
sequences is not important, but all entries for a reference sequence
must appear together and be sorted by genomic coordinate within this

2. All info string entries are checked with the information in the
header to ensure that there are the correct number and type of values.

3. Genotype fields are checked to ensure that each listed sample has a
genotype and that the data is consistent with the format string for that
record.  All of the genotype entries are also checked to ensure that
they are consistent with the description in the header.


vcf file manipulation






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