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#My Stochastic Signal Modeling Course Work


I used R, Haskell and Python. Their suffix is .R, .hs and .py respectively.

You need Python3.5 to run my Python code, and GHC to compile my Haskell code.

Normally, I try best not to use standard library.

##File Structure

###Input Files I manually stripped comma and bracket from train.txt and test.txt, and separated samples from A and B to ease my code from reading them, resulting in trainA.txt, trainB.txt, testA.txt and testB.txt.

###Source Files ~ remove punctuation from Input File.

visualize.R: ~ visualize data interactively using R language.

Q1.hs: ~ Problem One source code. ~ Used to generate this report.

report.pdf: ~ The report you should be reading now.

Makefile: ~ Use make to compile necessary files. It's mainly meant for the Haskell source and generating this report in pdf format, since Python and R don't need to be compiled. Hit Tab and your shell may give you a list of targets.

Otherfiles: ~ They are mostly source files that will be imported by other files.


%math definations here \newcommand{\norm}[3]{ \frac{1}{ #3\sqrt{2\pi} }, e^{-\frac{(#1 - #2)^2} {2 #3^2}} }

\newcommand{\normal}[0]{ \frac{1}{ \sigma\sqrt{2\pi} }, e^{-\frac{(x - \mu)^2} {2 \sigma^2}} }


This is easy. Given $\mathbf{x}$ as a list of $n$ samples:

$$mean = \frac{ \sum_{x \in \mathbf{x}} {x}} {n}$$

$$deviation = \frac{ \sum_{x \in \mathbf{x}} {(x - mean)^2}} {n}$$

$$pdf = \norm{x}{\mu}{\sigma} $$

At the first, I made the mistake to used the deviation of the samples as the standard deviation in the model. So it got squared twice when classifying, resulting in high error rate. But I found this bug eventually.


I assume every sample has the responsibilities of every model as hidden variable.

####First Approad The kmeans works pretty good once I wrote it, but the gmm always produce models with very similiar centers. However by looking at the visualization of the data, I don't think it's a single gauss model.

####Bug finding Okay, something is wrong. I found that my deviations are all too large. So they all produce pretty similiar probabilities.

Another problem is, the numeric calculation is not robust. Sometimes it produces Nan, but it doesn't happen often, and I havn't found a solution.

####Result I should say it doesn't improve very much, though. Maybe I did it wrong?


We are supposed to use discrimitive method, then the objective function should be the Classification Error Probability which we should minimize. Given $x$ as a sample, and $i$ as the index of classes from set $C$,

\newcommand{\normi}[1]{ \norm{x}{\mu_{#1}}{\sigma_{#1}}}

$$p(i|x)=\frac{ \normi{i}}{ \sum_{j \in C}{\normi{j}} } $$

Then the decision is made by:


$$ k(x) = \argmax_i p(i|x) $$

So I guess I'm supposed to use the empirical classification error, given $c$ as the true class, which is:

$$ \frac{ lengthof{k(x) \ne c(x), \forall x \in \mathbf{x} } }{ lengthof(\mathbf{x}) }$$

This function needs lots of time to calculate for sure.


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