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Tools for working and ingesting different types of arrays. This will be wrapped by a variety of servers http, ZeroMQ, etc..

Current design/architecture

The behavior can be summed up in a few main points

  • This library provides an automatic way of constructing python objects to represent directories and files in the file system, csv files are turned into arrays, sql queries are turned into arrays, directories are turned into groups, containing other arrays. A url path identifier is used for each object, based on the path to that object on the file system

  • Simple customizations for how we map filesystem resources into python objects can be done inside a file, which can be dropped anywhere inside the hierarchy. This directories and files inherit the configurations of parent directories. You can drop more files to get more specific behavior deeper in the file system hierarchy

  • Simple customizations can be added by adding adding an overrides dictionary into the file. This will map keys to parameters used to construct nodes (a tuple of class, kwargs for the class constructor).

  • Simple customizations can also be added by adding globs into the loaders dictionary in the file.
    This will map files matching the glob pattern, to parameters used to construct nodes - again, a tuple of the class, and kwargs for the class constructor)

  • Advanced customizations can be added by dropping in a file. The file defines 2 functions, keys (think ls, or dir, or keys of a dictionary), and get_node. get_node returns some python object for the resource on the file system. By modifying keys, and get_node, you stick arbitrary python objects into the url hierarchy. One common use case of this is to return datasets that are derivatives of other datasets (think concatenating a bunch of csv files together).

  • There are a few utility objects right now - which probably need better names

    • PandasCacheableFixed - an object that can return a dataframe. This is then cached in hdf5 using pandas fixed format - meaning, you cannot query it using pytables, but you can store things that pytables isn't very good at, like variable length strings
    • PandasCacheableTable - an object that can return a dataframe, which will then be stored in hdf5 using pandas table format. This can be queried using PyTables expressions
    • PandasCSVNode - automatically loads csvs into pandas fixed format, using PandasCacheableFixed
    • PandasCSVTable - automatically loads csvs into pandas table format, using PandasCacheableTable
    • DirectorNode - You could customize this, but usually dropping in files are sufficient
    • SimpleQueryTable - takes a sql query "myquery.sql", executes it, and caches the results in a pandas hdf5 table.

Example Usage

We'll start with the examples directory - here is the filesystem hierarchy of the example directory (with my hdf5 cache files, and other distractions like pyc files removed from the list)

In [1]: !find example

To begin, we construct a Client.

In [14]: from arraymanagement.client import ArrayClient
In [15]: c = ArrayClient('example')

In [16]: c
type: ArrayClient
urlpath: /
filepath: .
keys: ['custom', 'pandashdf5', 'csvs']

In [17]: ls example  config.pyc  csvs/  custom/  pandashdf5/

The contents of the example directory (3 directories, csvs, custom and pandashdf5 are mapped into 3 keys under the root directory. The additional file,, is a configuration file which is used by the various data ingest routines. This configuration is inherited and can be overriden by nested directories by dropping in other files. We will begin by looking into the csvs directory.

In [21]: ls example/csvs
cache_sample2.hdf5  cache_sample.hdf5  sample2.CSV  sample.csv

In [22]: c['csvs']
type: DirectoryNode
urlpath: /csvs
filepath: csvs
keys: ['sample', 'sample2']

In [23]: c['csvs']['sample']
type: PandasCSVNode
urlpath: /csvs/sample
filepath: csvs/sample.csv

In [24]: c['csvs']['sample'].get()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 73 entries, 0 to 72
Data columns (total 2 columns):
data      73  non-null values
values    73  non-null values
dtypes: int64(1), object(1)

Using configs.

The default configuration is setup to load all csv files (those matching *.csv or *.CSV) using the pandas fixed hdf5 format. However, inside the example directory, we have added a overwriting this mapping for *.CSV files - as a result *.csv files are still stored in fixed format, however *.CSV files are stored in table format. As a result, we can query one CSV, but not the other.

In [26]: c['csvs']['sample'].get().head()
                  data  values
0  2013-01-01 00:00:00       0
1  2013-01-02 00:00:00       1
2  2013-01-03 00:00:00       2
3  2013-01-04 00:00:00       3
4  2013-01-05 00:00:00       4

In [27]: import pandas as pd

In [28]: c['csvs']['sample2'].select(where=pd.Term('values','<',3))
                  data  values
0  2013-01-01 00:00:00       0
1  2013-01-02 00:00:00       1
2  2013-01-03 00:00:00       2

This is the config file that induces this behavior

In [8]: !cat example/
from arraymanagement.nodes import csvnodes
loaders = {
    '*.CSV' : csvnodes.PandasCSVTable,

At it's core, the array management library maps python objects/nodes onto the file system. We do this using glob filters. The config file specifies glob filters of file patterns, which define which class is used to construct the python object representing a resource on disk. Currently, there are nodes for pandas hdf5 files, csvs, sql queries, and directories. Next lets look inside the pandashdf5 directory

In [29]: ls example/pandashdf5

In [30]: c['pandashdf5']['data']
type: PandasHDFNode
urlpath: /pandashdf5/data
filepath: pandashdf5/data.hdf5
keys: ['sample', 'testgroup']

In [31]: c['pandashdf5']['data'].store
<class ''>
File path: /home/hugoshi/work/ArrayManagement/example/pandashdf5/data.hdf5
/sample                        frame_table  (typ->appendable,nrows->73,ncols->2,indexers->[index])
/testgroup/dataset2            frame        (shape->[1,2])                                        

We have a common url system that can span multiple hdf5 files, and reference data inside them. Inside the pandashdf5 directory, we have a data.hdf5 which has 2 datasets, one at /sample, and another at /testgroup/dataset2.

In [32]: c['pandashdf5']
type: DirectoryNode
urlpath: /pandashdf5
filepath: pandashdf5
keys: ['data']

In [33]: c['pandashdf5/data']
type: PandasHDFNode
urlpath: /pandashdf5/data
filepath: pandashdf5/data.hdf5
keys: ['sample', 'testgroup']

In [34]: c['pandashdf5/data/sample']
type: PandasHDFNode
urlpath: /pandashdf5/data
filepath: pandashdf5/data.hdf5

In [35]: c['pandashdf5/data/sample'].select()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 73 entries, 0 to 72
Data columns (total 2 columns):
data      73  non-null values
values    73  non-null values
dtypes: int64(1), object(1)

In [37]: c['pandashdf5/data/testgroup']
type: PandasHDFNode
urlpath: /pandashdf5/data
filepath: pandashdf5/data.hdf5
keys: ['dataset2']

In [38]: c['pandashdf5/data/testgroup/dataset2']
type: PandasHDFNode
urlpath: /pandashdf5/data
filepath: pandashdf5/data.hdf5

In [39]: c['pandashdf5/data/testgroup/dataset2'].select()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 73 entries, 0 to 72
Data columns (total 2 columns):
data      73  non-null values
values    73  non-null values
dtypes: int64(1), object(1)

As mentioned earlier, the array management library is a way to map python objects onto objects on disk. You can write your own, by extending our classes or creating your own. At the moment, there are a few relevant functions, and parameters that can be used to customize this behavior.

For Datasets

  • get_data, which should return a dataframe, which we then cache in hdf5
  • load_data, which is used for data which you can't load into memory.
    sql queries for example, are usually executed under load_data, and then written to hdf5 as we pull data off the cursor

For Data groups - Basic

overrides - This is a dictionary of keys to parameters. If a key is in the dictionary, a node corresponding to the specified parameters is constructed loaders - This is a dictionary of glob patterns to parameters. If a file matches the glob pattern, a node is constructed according to the specified parameters pattern_priority - This is a list of glob patterns - you can use this in case a file matches multiple glob patterns

For Data groups - Advanced

keys - should return a list of children get_node - should turn urls into nodes. This way you can define and construct your own custom node directly

For example below, we create a create a custom key, which returns a specific CSV, with one of the columns transformed (multiplied by 6) This is dropped into the directory where you want that key to be available.

We do this to write all sorts of custom loaders - for example loaders which read directories full of csv files, and then parse the filename for a date, and add that as a column to the underlying data. files are loaded using imp.load_source - a feature or bug of this is that that source code is read every time you try to access that directory - as a result, you can rapidly iterate on custom data ingest without having to restart the python interpreter, or call reload.

One other wierd thing we do, which turns out to be quite useful - you'll notice that get_factor_data is written as an instance method. It actually gets patched in as the get_data method of that particular instance representing that dataset.

In [14]: ls example/custom2  sample.csv

In [15]: cat example/custom2/ 

import pandas as pd
from arraymanagement.nodes.hdfnodes import PandasCacheableTable

def get_factor_data(self):
    path = self.joinpath('sample.csv')
    data = pd.read_csv(path)
    data['values'] = data['values'] * 6
    return data

overrides = {'sample2' : (PandasCacheableTable, {'get_data' : get_factor_data})}

In [18]: c['custom2']['sample'].get().head()
                  data  values
0  2013-01-01 00:00:00       0
1  2013-01-02 00:00:00       1
2  2013-01-03 00:00:00       2
3  2013-01-04 00:00:00       3
4  2013-01-05 00:00:00       4

In [20]: c['custom2']['sample2'].select().head()
                  data  values
0  2013-01-01 00:00:00       0
1  2013-01-02 00:00:00       6
2  2013-01-03 00:00:00      12
3  2013-01-04 00:00:00      18
4  2013-01-05 00:00:00      24

Long Term Features/Vision

Data Ingest

  • Ingest of different types of txt files (csv, json)
  • Read a variety of file based storage mechanisms (hdf5, pandas hdf5 store, blz)
  • parameterized SQL queries, along with a caching mechanism build on top.

Data Access

  • view datasets in the web, easily load them into Excel and python
  • Ability to slice data, using standard numpy expressions, and retrieve only subsets of the data.

Data Management

  • versioning of datasets, datasets can be altered, and then tagged as different versions
  • searchable metadata that can be added to datasets.
  • typical unix user/group system, which gives permissions to different directories/datasets.
    Users can create api keys that their applications use, and manage/delete/change api keys

Advanced Blaze Features

  • full blaze expression graph evaluation over remote data


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