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Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database.


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Inplace Edit Form


Inplace Edit Form is a Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database

It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License <>


Video Demo, of django-inplaceedit and Django-inlinetrans (Set full screen mode to view it correctly)




Install in your base.html

{% load inplace_edit %}

{% inplace_toolbar %}


{% inplace_static %}

In your




And uncomment the request context processor:



INPLACEEDIT_EDIT_EMPTY_VALUE = 'Double click to edit'
INPLACEEDIT_DISABLE_CLICK = True  # For inplace edit text into a link tag
INPLACEEDIT_EDIT_MESSAGE_TRANSLATION = 'Write a translation' # transmeta option
DEFAULT_INPLACE_EDIT_OPTIONS = {} # dictionnary of the optionals parameters that the templatetag can receive to change its behavior (see the Advanced usage section)
DEFAULT_INPLACE_EDIT_OPTIONS_ONE_BY_ONE = True # modify the behavior of the DEFAULT_INPLACE_EDIT_OPTIONS usage, if True then it use the default values not specified in your template, if False it uses these options only when the dictionnary is empty (when you do put any options in your template)

In your

urlpatterns = patterns('',


    (r'^inplaceeditform/', include('inplaceeditform.urls')),


If you use the date adaptor or datetime adaptor also:

js_info_dict = {
    'packages': ('django.conf',),

urlpatterns = patterns('',


    (r'^inplaceeditform/', include('inplaceeditform.urls')),
    (r'^jsi18n$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),

Basic usage

{% inplace_edit  "OBJ.FIELD_NAME" %}
{% inplace_edit  "OBJ.FIELD_NAME|FILTER1|FILTER2|...|FILTERN" %}


{% load inplace_edit %}
   <script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
   {% inplace_toolbar %}
       <div id="content">
           {% inplace_edit "" %}
           <div class="description">
               {% inplace_edit "content.date_initial|date:'d m Y'" %}
               {% inplace_edit "content.description|safe" %}
           <div class="body">
               {% inplace_edit "content.body|safe|truncatewords_html:15" %}

How to use it

  • If you use inplace_static: Just pass the cursor above the field and double click (this is customizable), authenticated with a super user
  • If you use inplace_toolbar: Enable a edit inline and just pass the cursor above the field and double click (this is customizable), authenticated with a super user

Advanced usage

Inplaceedit has some optionals parameters that the templatetag can receive to change its behavior:
  • auto_height: Adapt the height's widget to the tag container.
  • auto_width: Adapt the width's widget to the tag container.
  • class_inplace: Add a class to edit inline form.
  • tag_name_cover: The value is covered for a span. But it's possible to change it.
  • filters_to_show: The server filters the value before to save. List separate for "|"
  • loads: If you use some filter that need a load, you set this option. List separate for ":"
  • edit_empty_value: The text to display when the field is empty


{% inplace_edit "content.description|safe" auto_height=1, auto_width=1 %}
{% inplace_edit "content.title" class_inplace="titleFormEditInline" %}
{% inplace_edit "content.description|safe" filters_to_show="safe|truncatewords_html:30", tag_name_cover="div" %}
{% inplace_edit "content.description|my_filter" loads="my_template_tag" %}
{% inplace_edit "content.index" edit_empty_value="This is a editable content, now the value is none. Please double click to edit inplace" %}

Adaptor API

You can create a adaptor to work with inplace edit form, the behavior is fully customizable. To default inplaceedit has 8 adaptors. These use the api, overwriting some methods for them.

First step

In your settings:

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'myadaptor': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptor'}

In app_name.fields.MyAdaptor:

class MyAdaptor(BaseAdaptorField):

    def name(self):
        return 'myadaptor'

Python API

  • loads_to_post: It returns the value of the request (normally request.POST)
  • classes: Classes of tag cover. By default "inplaceedit" and "myadaptorinplaceedit"
  • get_config: Preprocessed of the configuration. By default, it does nothing.
  • get_form_class: It returns the form class.
  • get_form: It returns a instace of form class.
  • get_field: It returns a field of instance of form class.
  • render_value: It returns the render of the value. If you write {% inplace_edit "obj.namefilter1 }}.
  • render_value_edit: It returns the render value if you can edit. It returns by default the same of "render_value", but if the value is None call to empty_value
  • empty_value: It returns an empty value for this adaptor. By default, 'Dobleclick to edit'.
  • render_field: It returns the render of form, with a field.
  • render_media_field: It returns the media (scripts and css) of the field.
  • render_config: It returns the render of config.
  • can_edit: It returns a boolean that indicate if this user can edit inline this content or not.
  • get_value_editor: It returns a clean value to be saved in DB.
  • save: Save the value in DB.
  • get_auto_height: Returned if the field rendered with auto height
  • get_auto_width: Returned if the field rendered with auto width
  • treatment_height: Special treatment to widget's height.
  • treatment_width: Special treatment to widget's width.
If you want to use own options in your adaptor, you can do it. These options will be in self.config in the adaptor.
{% inplace_edit "obj.field_name" my_opt1="value1", my_opt2="value2" %}

JavaScript API

You can change the javascript behaviour by adding or overriding methods from the original implementation by adding the special file jquery.inplaceeditform.hooks.js to your project. $.inplaceeditform.extend takes an object with the new or replacement methods.

        inplaceApplySuccessShowMessage: function(inplace_span) {
            var self = $.inplaceeditform;
            if (self.opts.successText) {
                var modal = $('#inplaceedit-modal');
                var body = modal.find('div.modal-body p');

                setTimeout(function () {
                    modal.fadeOut(function () {
                }, 2000);

Additionally there are four hooks,

  • getValue: if the value is componing for various widgets, you can set the function getValue, to these DOM elements. Something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myGetValue(form, field_id) {
                    return ""Something"";
                $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("getValue", myGetValue);
  • applyFinish: if you need/want to do some action after the value be saved. Something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myApplyFinish() {
                    return ""Something"";
                $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("applyFinish", myApplyFinish);
  • cancelFinish: if you need/want to do some action after the cancel the edit. Something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myCancelFinish() {
                    return ""Something"";
                $(".cancelMyAdaptor").data("cancelFinish", myCancelFinish);
  • extraConfig: if you need/want add something to the config in the ajax request to print the field

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myExtraConfig(data) {
                    return data + ""Something"";
                $(".configMyAdaptor").data("extraConfig", myExtraConfig);

For example the adaptor datetime use these hooks.

Overwriting a default adaptor

To overwrite a adaptor add in your settings something like this:

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'text': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptorText'}

For this case you overwrite the AdaptorText with MyAdaptorText.

Permission Adaptor API

By default you can inline edit a field if you are authenticated with a superuser. But it's customizable:

Overwriting the default permission adaptor

This package have two inplementations:

  • SuperUserPermEditInline (by default): Only you can edit if you are super user
  • AdminDjangoPermEditInline: Yo can edit the content if you have a permission edit for that model. If you want enabled this, write in your settings:
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'inplace_edit.perms.AdminDjangoPermEditInline'

You can create a specify adaptor. MyAdaptorEditInline is a class with a single class method, this method receives a adaptor field

# in your settings

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'app_name.perms.MyAdaptorEditInline'

# in app_name.perms

class MyAdaptorEditInline(object):

    def can_edit(cls, adaptor_field):
       return True # All user can edit


class MyAdaptorEditInline(object):

    def can_edit(cls, adaptor_field):
        user = adaptor_field.request.user
        obj = adaptor_field.obj
        can_edit = False
        if user.is_anonymous():
        elif user.is_superuser:
            can_edit = True
           can_edit = has_permission(obj, user, 'edit')
        return can_edit


This django application has been tested on severals browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer on versions 7 and 8, to check javascript actions.

Also, exists a django project to test inplaceeditform. This project can use as demo project, because inplaceeditform is totally adapted to it.


This egg is compatible with Transmeta But it is not a requirement

Django Inplace Edit Extra Field

If you want to get more download Django Inplace Edit Extra Field


You can get the last bleeding edge version of inplaceedit by doing a checkout of its git repository:

git clone git://


Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database.







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