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Connexions Authoring Service



Table of Contents


  1. Install and create virtualenv:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
virtualenv .
  1. Install development libraries
  1. Install cnx-query-grammar
git clone
cd cnx-query-grammar && ../bin/python install && cd ..
  1. Install cnx-epub
git clone
cd cnx-epub && ../bin/python install && cd ..
  1. Install cnx-authoring
./bin/python install
  1. Make a copy of development.ini.example and call it development.ini.
cp development.ini.example development.ini
  1. Edit settings in development.ini as necessary.

    cnx-authoring can use stub users defined in development.ini or openstax accounts.

    If you are using stub users, you need to set openstax_accounts.stub = true and if you're using webview, you need to make sure you have the following set up in the nginx config file:

    location /stub-login-form {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

    If you are setting up openstax accounts locally, a fabric script has been written to help set up a dev environment for openstax/accounts.

  2. If you are using the postgresql storage option:

    Install postgresql:

    sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

    Change two instances of "password" to "trust" in pg_hba.conf file and reload

    sudo service postgresql reload

    Set up with database

    sudo -u postgres psql -d postgres -c "CREATE USER cnxauthoring WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'cnxauthoring';"
    sudo -u postgres createdb -O cnxauthoring authoring
    ./bin/cnx-authoring-initialize_db  development.ini
  3. Start the server:
./bin/pserve development.ini


  1. Install Python
brew install python

Python comes installed on Macs, but this will install Python with pip, a Python package manager.

  1. Install and create virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
mkdir ~/Virtualenvs && cd Virtualenvs/ && virtualenv cnx-authoring
cd cnx-authoring/ && source bin/activate
  1. Install development libraries
  1. cd into your development folder
  2. Install cnx-query-grammar
git clone
cd cnx-query-grammar && python install && cd ..
  1. Install cnx-epub
git clone
cd cnx-epub && python install && cd ..
  1. Install cnx-authoring

    Clone this repository and cd into cnx-authoring if you haven't already. Then, install.

python install
  1. Make a copy of development.ini.example and call it development.ini.
cp development.ini.example development.ini
  1. Edit settings in development.ini as necessary.

    cnx-authoring can use stub users defined in development.ini or openstax accounts.

    If you are using stub users, you need to set openstax_accounts.stub = true and if you're using webview, you need to make sure you have the following set up in the nginx config file:

    location /stub-login-form {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

    If you are setting up openstax accounts locally, a fabric script has been written to help set up a dev environment for openstax/accounts.

  2. If you are using the postgresql storage option:

Install postgresql:

brew install postgres

Set up with database

psql -d postgres -c "CREATE USER cnxauthoring WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'cnxauthoring';"
createdb -O cnxauthoring authoring
cnx-authoring-initialize_db  development.ini
  1. Start the server:
pserve development.ini

To turn off your cnx-authoring virtualenv, deactivate.

API Documentation

Path Parameters Results Example Usage
POST /resources Upload a file using multipart file URL to access the resource is header example-post-resources
GET /resources/:hash `hash`: SHA1 hash of the resource data The resource example-get-resources

Example Usage

Uploading a file

Example Request:

POST /resources

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="a.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain



Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://trusty:8080/resources/5c372ab96c721258c5c12bb8ead291bbba5dace6

Retrieving a file

Example Request:

GET /resources/5c372ab96c721258c5c12bb8ead291bbba5dace6

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 7
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Data structure

The connexions authoring environment is made up of three content objects:


Modular HTML documents that contain written text by one or more authors.


Collections of Documents bound together to make comprehensive subject matter from otherwise disconnected pieces. These could also be called collections, books, binders, scrollls, etc.


Any file that is referenced within a document. This can be anything from an image to a suplimentary PDF.

Documents and binders have the following required pieces of data (aka metadata):


A human readable title or name for the document.


(Autogenerated) (saved internally as a UUID v4) (The user should never see this except indirectly in the url.)


(Autogenerated) The date and time the item was created.


(Computed) The date and time the item was last revised/edited.

Optional pieces of data (aka metadata):


(Defaults to CC-BY-40) A protective license for the content is under.


(Defaults to en-US) The language the content is written in.


A brief summary (aka abstract) of the document or binder.


The source or origin this work is derived from, where '*' can be url, isbn, or (internal) id.

Documents contains a content body of data as well. Binders have a tree or table of contents structure rather than a content body. The binder tree structures can have an infinite depth.

Resources are files which could be binary or text based data. Resources require a mimetype and hash (SHA1 hash is autogenerated).

Attribution are a set of data on document or binders that ascribe the work to people and/or organizations. They do not and should never be confused with the permissions someone has on a piece of work. Attributions are author(s), translator(s), illustrator(s), editor(s), and copyright-holder(s). Furthermore, attribution can be a simple name (e.g. 'Edgar Allen Poe') or a user id associated user authentication and profile system (i.e. an osc-accounts user id).


This software is subject to the provisions of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0 (AGPL). See license.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2013 Rice University