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Repository files navigation

Aimo notes

API created to manage notes


python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Banck-end server

Server that serve the API

Setup for back-end server

To create the SQLite database execute

cd utilities

To start the back-end server run

python3 server/ start-server

Runs by default at http://localhost:8000

Other execution parameters can be passed. To see the help run:

python3 server/ start-server -h

It will show:

Usage: start-server [OPTIONS]


-ip, --ip TEXT Set application server ip

-p, --port INTEGER Set application server port

-d, --debug INTEGER Set application server debug. 0 -> False. 1 -> True

-h, --help Show this message and exit.

The parameters can also be set in an .env file that is lifted from the root of the project. Check .env.sample file for watch the possible variables.

Available end-points

End-point Method Response Requirements
/users/signup/ POST JSON with errors or success message Needs the header Content-Type application/json
/users/login/ GET JSON with the user token Needs the header Authorization Basic with username and password
/notes/ POST JSON with the created note Needs the headers Content-Type application/json and Authorization with the user token (Syntax: Token <user token>)
/notes/ GET JSON with the list of user's notes. Empty if the user has not created any Needs the header Authorization with the user token (Syntax: Token <user token>)

Front-end server

Basic front To start it run

cd client

Runs at http://localhost:5000