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NAO Robot - Italian Sign Language

Educational project for Social Robot university course at University of Bologna.



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The project consists in the development of an educational social robot to be used at home and/or school to support the learning of deaf people. In particular, this is a "gamification" project that allows users to learn the Italian Sign Language (ISL) through a playful activity provided by the robot. The user chooses, among a list, the verb he wants to learn, then the robot execute the corresponding sign. For this purpose, we have chosen NAO robot, a small humanoid robot that can replicate human gestures and movements.

Four main components have been identified to describe a sign:

  • location: place where the sign takes place (e.g. head, chest).
  • hand configuration: position of the involved hand parts in the sign.
  • hand orientation: orientation of the hand parts involved in the sign (degrees).
  • movement: how the movement for the sign is performed (e.g. circular movement of the arm).

Using only these four components, it's possible to define a sign! (See The Dictionary section to find out how you can define a sign).

The location is also used to improve the interaction with the user. The place of execution of a sign is influenced by its category. For example, verbs that refer to an emotion are executed near the chest. The robot uses this categorization to propose verbs that have the same location as the verb he chooses.

For more info about this project see the project report.

Getting Started


This project is tested on Python 2.7.

Before proceeding, install Webots following the official guide.


  • Clone this repository:
git clone
  • Change into it:
cd SocialRobot-ISL
  • Edit the local_path in It has to points to the SocialRobot-ISL cloned repository.

That's all, everything is installed and you can run the NAO-ISL robot!


You can run the project following these steps:

There are two worlds in ./worlds:

  • LIS-Nao-apartment.wbt: here NAO is placed in a small apartment. Using this world require more computational resources. However, it is useful to show the dimension of the robot.
  • LIS-Nao-simple.wbt: here NAO is placed in a simple world. Consider using this world to play with the robot.

NB: The robot waits for pressed key. Make sure the 3D window of Webots is selected and the simulation is running.

The Dictionary

The dictionary is where signs are defined. It is a .json file with following format:

  "name_sign": [
      "location": location_value,
      "hand_configuration": hand_configuration_value,
      "hand_orientation": hand_orientation_value,
      "movement": [movement_value_1, movement_value_2, ..., movement_value_n],
      "movement_speed" movement_speed_value
      "location": location_value,
      "hand_configuration": hand_configuration_value,
      "hand_orientation": hand_orientation_value,
      "movement": [movement_value_1, movement_value_2, ..., movement_value_n]
      "movement_speed" movement_speed_value

Each sign has two entries: The first one (#RIGHT-SIDE) defines how the right side (e.g. right hand, right shoulder, etc.) of the robot performs the sign, while the second one (#LEFT-SIDE) is related to the left side. The right and left definitions are independent!

Here is an explanation of each parameter:

  • location: string - where the sign take place.
  • hand_configuration: string - the shape of the hand. (string)
  • hand_orientation: int - where the wrist is facing. This value is expressed in degrees from -180 (facing the listener) to +180 (facing the robot). (int)
  • movement: [string] - what type of movement must be executed. It's possible to add more than one movement_value. if that's the case, they are executed with their definition order.
  • movement_speed: [int] - the speed of the movement in seconds.


  • Each entry (Left and Right) has 4 parameters. Their values are the name of the related .motion file and it must be defined. Every parameter has is own directory (./motions/[parameter]) with his motions. Please, see the Motions section to check available motions and find out how you can add new ones!
  • The order of parameters declaration matters!! They are executed in the order they are defined. For example, if you have this order:
"location": location_value,
"hand_configuration": hand_configuration_value,
"hand_orientation": hand_orientation_value,
"movement": [movement_value_1, movement_value_2, ..., movement_value_n]
"movement_speed": movement_speed_value

the robot execute the sign in this order:

  • place the arms in the correct location.

  • moves hand actuators to the hand_configuration.

  • rotate the wrist by hand_orientation degrees.

  • perform the `movement

  • For the movement_speed parameter the order doesn't affect the order of execution

Available Signs

The signs for the following verbs are already defined in the sing dictionary:

  • Mental Activity (Head Location):
    • Think
    • Know
    • Remember
    • Forget
    • Reason
  • Emotions (Chest Location):
    • Angry
    • Jealousy
    • Trust
    • Envy
    • Love

How to add new signs

Let's add a new sign defintion to the dictionary:

"name_sign": [
      "location": location_value,
      "hand_configuration": hand_configuration_value,
      "hand_orientation": hand_orientation_value,
      "movement": [movement_value_1, movement_value_2, ..., movement_value_n],
      "movement_speed": movement_speed_value
      "location": location_value,
      "hand_configuration": hand_configuration_value,
      "hand_orientation": hand_orientation_value,
      "movement": [movement_value_1, movement_value_2, ..., movement_value_n],
      "movement_speed": movement_speed_value
  • replace:
    • name_sign with the name of the new sign.
    • [parameter]_value with the name of the motion you want to infer to the corresponding parameter.

Now we need to assign a pressed key to the new defined sign:

if key == ord('NEW_KEY'):
  sign = "new_sign"
  • replace:
    • NEW_KEY with the new key you want to be pressed (Uppercase letter)
    • new_sign with the name_sign you defined before.

Now you can perform the new sign!! (follow the instructions given in the Getting Started section).


In this section are presented, for each parameter (location, hand_configuration, hand_orientation, movement), what's the nomenclature pattern for theirs available motions.

In case you'll add new motion, it's highly recommended to use the same pattern when naming the file .motion, in order to maintain a consistent nomenclature (see How to add new motions).

Available Motions

hand_configuration The configuration motions refer to specific hand configurations. Their names can be figurative or explicative.
To avoid confusion, here are shown the configurations for the figurative names:

Beak Scratch
Beak Scratch

Pattern for explicative names:


This means: "for the Right/Left hand, the phalanges phalanges are open/close"

location The location motions refer to where the sign takes place. Their names are explicative.

Pattern for explicative names:


This means: "for the Right/Left arm, the sign takes place in front/side of the body_part"

movement The movement motions refer to how the sign is performed. Their names can be figurative or explicative.

The only figurative two names are used for the rest_position and the rest_position_natural.

  • rest_position: neutral position of the robot (all actuators value equals to 0).
  • rest_position_natural: neutral position of humans.
Rest Position Rest Position Natural
RestPosition RestPositionNatural

Pattern for explicative names in case the involved body part is hand:


This means: "for the Right/Left hand, the phalanges phalanges perform the movement type_of_movement"

Pattern for explicative names in general:


This means: "the Right/Left body_part performs the movement type_of_movement"

hand_orientation The hand_orientation motions refer to specific rotation angle of the **wrist**. Their names are explicative.

Pattern for explicative names:


This means: "the Right/Left hand (wrist), has the orientation of Degree degrees.

  • +[degree]: facing the robot.
  • -[degree]: facing the listener.

How to add new motions

You may want to add new motions in order to define new signs. Here is a brief introduction to how a .motion file is structured, then a short explanation about how to add a ready-to-use motion.

Here is an example of .motion file:


The first line (#WEBOTS_MOTION,V1.0,[ACTUATOR]) defines that this is a #WEBOTS_MOTION file that uses the V1.0 version. Then follows a declaration of interested actuators (in this case, LShoulderRoll and LElbowRoll).

Each of the other lines (min:sec:millisec,Pose*,+/-Value) defines that, at time min:sec:millisec, the pose Pose* has the value +/-Value for the corespondent actuator. In the example above, we have that:

  • at time 00:00:000, LShoulderRoll has the value 0.1 and LElbowRoll has the value -1.3.
  • at time 00:00:200, LShoulderRoll has the value -0.1 and LElbowRoll has the value -1.45.
  • and so on ...

If you want to add a new motion, follow these steps:

  • create a new file [name_of_the_motion].motion inside the corespondent directory. For example, if you want to add a new hand_configuration motion, create the .motion file in ./motions/hand_configuration
  • copy and paste this code fragment:
  • replace:
    • [ACTUATOR_*] with interested actuators. You can find available actuators here.
    • [VALUE_*] with the value you want to infer to the corespondent actuator. You can find accepted values for each actuator here


Simone Faggi & Pietro Lami


Educational social robot for Italian Sign Language (ISL)






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