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Masters Research Project

Level Control Research Project Repo


  • Modbus Data Logging Tool
  • PID Controller
  • Enhanced PID Controller
  • System Parameter Identification Tools Including:
    Batch Least Squares
    Recursive Least Squares
    Pseudo Random Binary Sequence
  • Minimum Variance Controller
  • Logged Lab Data
  • Testing Platform




An installation script is provided for users of pacman and can be used by running the following:

chmod +x
sudo ./

This script collects all dependencies required to run the programs within this repository and installs them automatically. The installation then runs a test suite to verfify the installation


An installation script is provided for users of apt-get and can be used by running the following:

chmod +x
sudo ./

This script collects all dependencies required to run the programs within this repository and installs them automatically. The installation then runs a test suite to verfify the installation


The python distribution anaconda is the recommeded base for this project and can be installed in the following way:

  1. Download and install Anaconda with python 2.7 from here following the instructions givien by the vendor
  2. Open the installed anaconda terminal and run:
conda install pip, numpy, pyyaml, matplotlib, pyserial
  1. Followed by:
pip install -i pymodbus
  1. Verify all packages are installed correctly by running:
cd /location/of/researchProject
python2 ./tests/


Scripts are provided to run each program within the .../scripts/OS_TYPE/ directory. Both simulation mode and live system running versions are avaliable so the user does not require to be connected to a live system.

##Documentation Individual detailed documentation is not yet avaliable however an insight to each controller is avaliable within the main research project report.