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CloudSigma's Python Library

Config file

In order for the CloudSigma library to interact with the API, you need to provide your credentials. These are set in the file ~/.cloudsigma.conf. Here's a sample version of the file that talks to the Las Vegas datacenter. If you instead want to use the Zürich datacenter, simply replace 'lvs' with 'zrh' in the api_endpoint and ws_endpoint. Please note that this is not required in order to read back meta data on the server.

api_endpoint =
ws_endpoint = wss://
username =
password = secret

# Only needed for the integration/unit tests.

Since this file includes credentials, it is highly recommended that you set the permission of the file to 600 (chmod 600 ~/.cloudsigma.conf)



sudo apt-get -y install python-pip
pip install cloudsigma


In order to install the CloudSigma module, you first need to install the EPEL repository, in order to install PIP. The below instructions are for RHEL 6.x / CentOS 6.x. Details for installing the repository, please visit the EPEL site.

yum install -y wget
rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install -y python-pip
pip install cloudsigma

Using pycloudsigma

Imports and definitions

import cloudsigma
from pprint import pprint

drive = cloudsigma.resource.Drive()
server = cloudsigma.resource.Server()

Create a drive

test_disk = { 'name': 'test_drive', 'size': 1073741824 * 1, 'media': 'disk'}
my_test_disk = drive.create(test_disk)

Print back the result:

{u'affinities': [],
 u'allow_multimount': False,
 u'jobs': [],
 u'licenses': [],
 u'media': u'disk',
 u'meta': {},
 u'mounted_on': [],
 u'name': u'test_drive',
 u'owner': {u'resource_uri': u'/api/2.0/user/b4b9XXX-ba52-4ad0-9837-a2672652XXX/',
            u'uuid': u'b4b9XXX-ba52-4ad0-9837-a2672652XXX'},
 u'resource_uri': u'/api/2.0/drives/5c33e407-23b9-XXX-b007-3a302eXXXX/',
 u'size': 1073741824,
 u'status': u'creating',
 u'storage_type': None,
 u'tags': [],
 u'uuid': u'5c33e407-23b9-XXX-b007-3a302eXXXX'}

Create a server without a drive

test_server = { 'name': 'My Test Server', 'cpu': 1000, 'mem': 512 * 1024 ** 2, 'vnc_password': 'test_server' }
my_test_server = server.create(test_server)

Print back the result:

{u'context': True,
 u'cpu': 1000,
 u'cpus_instead_of_cores': False,
 u'drives': [],
 u'enable_numa': False,
 u'hv_relaxed': False,
 u'hv_tsc': False,
 u'mem': 536870912,
 u'meta': {},
 u'name': u'My Test Server',
 u'nics': [],
 u'owner': {u'resource_uri': u'/api/2.0/user/b4b9XXX-ba52-4ad0-9837-a2672652XXX/',
            u'uuid': u'b4b9XXX-ba52-4ad0-9837-a2672652XXX'},
 u'requirements': [],
 u'resource_uri': u'/api/2.0/servers/4d5bXXX-4da0-43cd-83aY-18b047014XXXX/',
 u'runtime': None,
 u'smp': 1,
 u'status': u'stopped',
 u'tags': [],
 u'uuid': u'4d5bXXX-4da0-43cd-83aY-18b047014XXXX',
 u'vnc_password': u'test_server'}

Attach a drive the drive and a NIC to the server

We could of course have attached this above, but in order to keep things simple, let's do this in to phases.

Attach the drive:

my_test_server['drives'] = [ { 'boot_order': 1, 'dev_channel': '0:0', 'device': 'virtio', 'drive': my_test_disk['uuid'] } ]

Attach a public network interface:

my_test_server['nics']  = [ { 'ip_v4_conf': { 'conf': 'dhcp', 'ip': None }, 'model': 'virtio', 'vlan': None} ]

Optional: Add a user-defined SSH key:

my_test_server['meta'] = { 'ssh_public_key': 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDoHuFV7Skbu9G1iVokXBdB+zN4wEbqGKijlExUPmxuB6MXDBWCmXUEmMRLerTm3a8QMA+8Vyech0/TWQscYvs8xzM/HkRAqKwhhjPMRlfHgy+QKjRD8P989AYMnNcSYe8DayElFXoLYKwsDmoUcsnbf5H+f6agiBkWqz5odb8fvc2rka0X7+p3tDyKFJRt2OugPqLR9fhWddie65DBxAcycnScoqLW0+YAxakfWlKDUqwerIjuRN2VJ7T7iHywcXhvAU060CEtpWW7bE9T/PIoj/N753QDLYrmqtvqAQqU0Ss5rIqS8bYJXyM0zTKwIuncek+k+b9ButBf/Nx5ehjN vagrant@precise64'}

Push the settings:

server.update(my_test_server['uuid'], my_test_server)

Start the server


Stop the server


Reading Meta Data

CloudSigma supports the notion of exposing meta data to guests. Using the Python library, this can be done very easily. Please note that you do not need ~/.cloudsigma.conf in order to use this feature, as the data is read directly from /dev/ttyS1. More information on how to this works can be found here.

By default, various system information is exposed, but it is also possible to push user-defined data, such as an SSH-key to the guest.

Here's snippet that demonstrates how to read the meta meta data from a given server using the python library:

import cloudsigma
metadata = cloudsigma.metadata.GetServerMetadata().get()

from pprint import pprint
{u'cpu': 1000,
 u'cpus_instead_of_cores': False,
 u'drives': [{u'boot_order': 1,
              u'dev_channel': u'0:0',
              u'device': u'virtio',
              u'drive': {u'affinities': [],
                         u'allow_multimount': False,
                         u'licenses': [],
                         u'media': u'disk',
                         u'meta': {u'description': u'This is my test disk.'},
                         u'name': u'SomeName',
                         u'size': 21474836480,
                         u'tags': [],
                         u'uuid': u'19757XXX-8173-46ba-8822-YYYYc6bZZZZ'}}],
 u'enable_numa': False,
 u'hv_relaxed': False,
 u'hv_tsc': False,
 u'mem': 536870912,
 u'meta': {u'description': u'This is my test server.'},
 u'name': u'MyTestServer',
 u'nics': [{u'boot_order': None,
            u'ip_v4_conf': {u'conf': u'dhcp',
                            u'ip': {u'gateway': u'',
                                    u'meta': {},
                                    u'nameservers': [u'',
                                    u'netmask': 24,
                                    u'tags': [],
                                    u'uuid': u''}},
            u'ip_v6_conf': None,
            u'mac': u'22:bd:c4:XX:XX:XX',
            u'model': u'virtio',
            u'vlan': None}],
 u'requirements': [],
 u'smp': 1,
 u'tags': [],
 u'uuid': u'6cc0XXX-d024-4ecf-b0de-83dbc29ZZZ',
 u'vnc_password': u'NotMyPassword'}

If you get a permission error while running the above command, make sure you have access to read from /dev/ttyS1. For instance, on Ubuntu, the default owner is root and the group is set to dialout. Hence you need to either change the permission, or add your user to the group sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(whoami). Please note that you will need to logout and log in again for the permission change to take effect.

For more examples on how to read and write meta data, please visit our API documentation.

Sample: Install SSH key from meta data

In the example above, we pushed an SSH key as meta data to a server. That's great, but what if we want to put this to use? Don't worry, we got you covered.

The code snippet below assumes that you have installed your SSH key into the server's meta data with the key 'ssh_public_key'.

import cloudsigma
import os
import stat

metadata = cloudsigma.metadata.GetServerMetadata().get()
ssh_key = metadata['meta']['ssh_public_key']

# Define paths
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
ssh_path = os.path.join(home, '.ssh')
authorized_keys = os.path.join(ssh_path, 'authorized_keys')

def get_permission(path):
    return oct(os.stat(ssh_path)[stat.ST_MODE])[-4:]

if not os.path.isdir(ssh_path):
    print 'Creating folder %s' % ssh_path

if get_permission(ssh_path) != 0700:
    print 'Setting permission for %s' % ssh_path
    os.chmod(ssh_path, 0700)

# We'll have to assume that there might be other keys installed.
# We could do something fancy, like checking if the key is installed already,
# but in order to keep things simple, we'll simply append the key.
with open(authorized_keys, 'a') as auth_file:
    auth_file.write(ssh_key + '\n')

if get_permission(authorized_keys) != 0600:
    print 'Setting permission for %s' % authorized_keys
    os.chmod(authorized_keys, 0600)


Sample: Monitor websocket activity

Here's a sample application that listens to activity on the websocket. You can run this application to see activity from the web interface.

from cloudsigma.generic import GenericClient
from cloudsigma.resource import Websocket
from cloudsigma.errors import ClientError

ws = Websocket(timeout=None)
client = GenericClient()

print "Display Websocket activity.\nExit with ^C."

while True:
        get_action =
        action_uri = get_action['resource_uri']
        print 'Received Action: %s' % get_action
        print 'Result:\n%s' % client.get(action_uri)
    except ClientError as e:
        print 'Error retrieving: %s' % e


Running the tests

There must be a VM available by the name that matches persistent_drive_name. This VM should be a server with SSH installed, where one can be log in as root with the password set in persistent_drive_ssh_password.


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