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A Raspberry PI as a thermostat


A Flask based Python script which exposes a restful api to get and set schedule information

example usage: sudo python []


Uses basic auth for all routes

  • GET schedule/weekly Lists all scheduled repeating state changes in order of the next to occur

  • GET schedule/weekly/next get the next repeating state change to happen

  • GET schedule/weekly/current get the current repeating state change active

  • POST schedule/weekly Add a scheduled repeating state change {week_time, /*seconds into the week*/ _id, state: {AC_target, heater_target, fan} }

  • DELETE schedule/weekly Remove a scheduled state change by id

  • GET schedule/ Lists all scheduled state changes in order of the next to occur

  • GET schedule/next get the next state change to happen

  • GET schedule/current get the current state change active

  • POST schedule/ Add a scheduled state change {start, /*linux time*/ end, _id, state: {AC_target, heater_target, fan} }

  • DELETE schedule/ Remove a scheduled state change by id

  • GET state/:time gets the state for a given time in unix time{AC_target, heat_target, fan}


  • POST temp/ informs the system of a temperature change data should be cleaned as much as possible as no modifications will be made by the Database {time, /*linux time when temp was recorded*/ sensor_id (string), temp: /*temperature in centigrade*/}
  • get temp/ returns the last temperature from each sensor id



A script to monitor temperature will broadcast this information to the ThresholdController

example usage: sudo python [StateController URL]


A script to monitor temperature changes and the state change schedule and based on these request a change to the state when needed

example usage: python [-h] [-p PORT] AC_system_url state_provider_url threshold


  • POST /temp informs the system of a temperature change data should be cleaned as much as possible as no noise reduction will be attempted {temp: /*temperature in centigrade*/}
  • POST /state informs the system of a change to the schedule will attempt to fetch a new Will update ForcedAirController if needed and request the current state from the Schedule


  • A request to turn on AC will be sent if temp > AC_target + threshold
  • A request to turn on heat will be sent if temp < heat_target - threshold
  • Both AC and heater will be turned off if temp is between AC_target and heat_target


A script to actually control the air handling system


  • POST ac/:on_or_off Sets ac state to on_or_off
  • POST heater/:on_or_off Sets Heater to on_or_off
  • POST fan/:on_or_off Sets fan to on_or_off by default


A system to securely allow control of the AC system through an interface


User authentication will be minimal. It is designed to prevent unauthorized access but not much more. Requests must use basic auth


  • GET schedule/weekly Lists all scheduled repeating state changes in order of the next to occur

  • POST schedule/weekly Add a scheduled repeating state change {week_time, /*seconds into the week*/ _id, state: {AC_target, heater_target, fan} }

  • DELETE schedule/weekly Remove a scheduled state change by id

  • GET schedule/ Lists all scheduled state changes in order of the next to occur

  • POST schedule/ Add a scheduled state change {start, /*linux time*/ end, _id, state: {AC_target, heater_target, fan} }

  • DELETE schedule/ Remove a scheduled state change by id

Class Diagram Design YUML

[State Provider||+state(time: int)], [State Provider]updates-.-> [Temp Controller]
[State Provider]^-[Schedule]

[Temp Controller||+temp(temperature: double);+update()]
[Temp Controller]^-[Threshold Controller]
[Temp Controller]gets state-.->[State Provider]
[Temp Controller]controllers-.->[AC System]

[Temperature Monitor]informs-.->[Temp Controller]
[AC System||+ac(on: bool);+heater(on: bool)], [AC System]^-[Forced Air;+fan(on: bool)]


A Raspberry PI as a thermostat







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