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Setup the Web Application

Install Vue CLI

npm install -g @vue/cli

Installing dependencies:

npm install

Running, building and testing the app:

Running the app for development

npm run serve

Building the app for production:

npm run build

Runing unit tests

npm run jest

You may need to install jest to run tests:

npm install -g jest

Mobile Aplication

To setup your environment follow the steps at

For development

Run the web application locally as specified above (using the npm run serve script)

Run the flutter application from your IDE.

For Production:

To update the HTML displayed in the app, run


(Note - I haven't been able to test it yet)

Then build the application.

If you use windows or can't run the script, you'll want to run in the web directory

npm run build

And copy the contents of web/dist into mobile/assets/webapp

Setup for backend

Base Requirements


pip3.9 (comes with python)

Install Django

pip install -r dependencies.txt

To start the backend, navigate to /backend

python runserver

Sending authentificated requests:

You can generate an auth token by sending a POST request to: /api/auth with the following parameters:

{ 'username': 'value', 'password': 'value' }

You can also generate an auth token by sending a POST request to: /api/fb_auth with the following parameters:

{ 'accessToken': 'value' }

with the value being a facebook access token.

The response will contain an authentification token as well as the user profile:

    'token': 'value',
    'user': { user_instance }

Then to make authentificated requests using postman, make sure to include the following header:

Authorization: Token <YOUR_TOKEN>

The token is stored on the frontend's localStorage such as to preserve user sessions.

To test you are authentificated properly, send a GET request to:


You should see a similar response:

    "status": "user is authentificated",
    "username": "d4c2975740c44f5598ed68c59ed5cf5a"

DB With Docker

Install Docker here

Install Docker Compose here

To start the database, run:

./ This will start the docker container, wait until it is initialised and execute model migrations automatically.

You can also do it manually: docker-compose up -d

-d will let the process run in the background.

To stop the db:

docker-compose down

To clear the data inside the db:

docker-compose down -v

Logging into the database from the CLI:

mysql --host= --port=8088 -uadmin -pdzalekaxDf0JRN9VTPLI9JyvimB

Or you can also use the container to login:

docker exec -it barter_db mysql -uadmin -pdzalekaxDf0JRN9VTPLI9JyvimB

Note: there also is a root user, its password is set within the .env file.

Backend API Details

GET A User Profile:

Sending a GET request to http://localhost:8000/api/worker?username<user> will return the user profile for the specified username.

Business Creation API:

Sending a POST request to http://localhost:8000/api/business with the following body:

    "business_name": "My Business!", // Name for the business
    "working_days": "monday, tuesday, sunday", // A comma separated list of days the business is open
    "work_tags": "business tes ", // currently just a text field
    "description": "My Business Description", // business description
    "contact": "0627111111 or", // text field for contact details
    "start_time": 8, // opening time for the business (0 - 24)
    "end_time": 20 // closing time for the business (0 - 24)

Will register a business for the logged in user.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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