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  1. Function that accepts two lists-of-lists of numbers and returns one list-of-lists with each of the corresponding numbers in the two given lists-of-lists added together.
  • modify add to accept and "add" any number of lists-of-lists.
  • raise a ValueError if the given lists-of-lists aren't all the same shape.


  1. Class that represents a circle. The circle should have a radius, a diameter, and an area. It should also have a nice string representation.
  • additionally the radius should default to 1 if no radius is specified when creating a circle
  • make sure when the radius of class changes that the diameter and area both change as well
  • make sure to set the diameter attribute and the radius will update accordingly
  • make sure that you cannot set the area (setting area should raise an AttributeError)
  • make sure radius cannot be set to a negative number. Raise a ValueError exception with the error message "Radius cannot be negative".

Starting with a vowel

  1. Function that accepts a list of names and returns a new list containing all names that start with a vowel.

Power List By Index

  1. Function that accepts a list of numbers and returns a new list that contains each number raised to the i-th power where i is the index of that number in the given list.

Flatten a Matrix

  1. Funtion that will take a matrix (a list of lists) and return a flattened version of the matrix.

Reverse Difference

  1. Function that accepts a list of numbers and returns a new copy of the list with the reverse of the list subtracted.


  1. Function that accepts a list of lists and returns the transpose of the list of lists.


  1. The function get_factors returns the factors of a given number.

Pythagorean Triples

  1. Function that takes a number and returns a list of tuples of 3 integers where each tuple is a Pythagorean triple, and the integers are all less then the input number. A Pythagorean triple is a group of 3 integers a, b, and c, such that they satisfy the formula a2 + b2 = c**2.


  1. Funtion that returns True if a number is prime and False otherwise.

All Together

  1. Function that takes any number of iterables and strings them together.


  1. Function that accepts two iterables and returns a generator object with each of the given items "interleaved" (item 0 from iterable 1, then item 0 from iterable 2, then item 1 from iterable 1, and so on).


  1. Function that takes a string in one language and transliterates each word into another language, returning the resulting string.

Parse Number Ranges

  1. Function that accepts a string containing ranges of numbers and returns a generator of the actual numbers contained in the ranges. The range numbers are inclusive.

Primes Over

  1. Function that returns a first prime number over a given number.


  1. Function that accepts two strings and returns True if the two strings are anagrams of each other. The function should also ignore spaces and punctuation.

Flipped Dictionary

  1. Function that flips dictionary keys and values.

ASCII Strings

  1. Function that accepts a list of strings and returns a dictionary containing the strings as keys and a list of corresponding ASCII characters codes as values.

Double-valued Dictionary

  1. Function that accepts a list of three-item tuples and returns a dictionary where the keys are the first item of each tuple and the values are a two-tuple of the remaining two items of each input tuple.

Multi-valued Dictionary

  1. Edit the function dict_from_tuple by starting with the code from dict_from_tuple function, above, and modify it to accept a list of tuples of any length and return a dictionary which uses the first item of each tuple as keys and all subsequent items as values.

All Factors

  1. Function that takes a set of numbers and makes a dictionary containing the numbers as keys and a list of factors as values

Matrix From String

  1. Function that accepts a string and returns a list of lists of integers (found in the string).

Atbash Cipher

  1. Implementation of the Atbash Cipher, an ancient encryption system created in the Middle East.

The Atbash Cipher is a simple substitution cipher that relies on transposing all the letters in the alphabet such that resulting aplhabet is backwards. The first letter is replaced with the last letter, the second wih the second-last, and so on.

An Atbash Cipher for the Latin alphabet would be as follows:

  • Plain: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • Cipher: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba

Ciphertext is written out in groups of fixed length, the traditional group size being 5 letters, and punctuation is excluded. This is to make it harder to guess things based on word boundaries.

  • Encoding test gives gvhg
  • Decoding gvhg gives test
  • Decoding gsvjf rxpyi ldmul cqfnk hlevi gsvoz abwlt gives thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog

Memory-efficient CSV

  1. Function that accepts a file object which contains a CSV file (including a header row) and returns a list of namedtuples representing each row.

Deal Cards

  • get_cards: returns a list of namedtuples representing cards. Each card should have suit and rank.
  • shuffle_cards: shuffles a deck in-place.
  • deal_cards: accepts a number as its argument, removes the given number of cards from the end of the list and returns them.


  1. Funtion that determines whether two numbers are coprime (their only common divisor is 1)


  1. Function that accepts a sequence (a list for example) and returns a new iterable (anything you can loop over) with adjacent duplicate values removed.
  • make sure to accept any iterable as an agrument, not just a sequence (can't use index look-ups for that)
  • make sure to return an iterator (for example a generator) from compact function instead of a list.


  1. Function that takes a sequence (like a list, string, or tuple) and a number n and returns the last n elements from the given sequence, as a list.
  • make tail function return an empty list for negative values of n
  • make sure tail function works with any iterable, not just sequences
  • make sure to not loop at all if n is 0 or negative
  • make tail function relatively memory efficient (while looping over a very long iterable, don't store the entire thing in memory).


  1. Function that accepts a string and returns a mapping (a dictionary or dictionary-like structure) that has words as the keys and the number of times each word was seen as the values.
  • make sure count function works well with mixed case words
  • try to get it to ignore punctuation outside of words

Normalize CSV

  1. Program that turns a pipe-delimited file into a comma-delimited.
  • Allow the input delitmiter and quote character to be optionally specified.
  • Automatically detect the delimiter if an in-delimiter values isn't supplied (don't assume it's pipe and quote)

Get Earliest

  1. Function that takes two strings representing dates and returns the string that represents the earliest point in time. The strings are in the US-specific MM/DD/YYYY format... just to make things harder. Note that the month, year, and day will always be represented by 2, 4, and 2 digits respectively.


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