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Config and mini-scripts tuned for vim, zsh, i3, urxvt, repls, etc

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Dotfiles (slightly specific to MicahElliott, but reusable/customizable)

Most interesting areas:

  • zsh (.zshrc top level control and file hierarchy)
  • config (misc)
  • bin scripts (add your own if not gists)

Notable features:

  • Many handy settings, aliases, functions, completions, prompts, colors, etc

  • Designates some standard dirs (via .gitignores)

  • Separates own dotfiles (~/config) from tool-installed (~/.* and ~/.config) via symlinks; e.g., ~/.vimrc -> ~/config/vimrc

  • Provides dotfiles script (and several d* aliases) as a proxy for git

  • Time-able and fast

  • Multi-shell capable; back-compatible with bash (somewhat, should be made so)


  1. Move your own config files temporarily into a scratch area

     cd ~
     mkdir ~/tmp
     mv .bash* .zsh* tmp
  2. Install Zsh and make sure it's your default shell

     chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
  3. Sign in to github and fork this repo to make your own which you can modify

  4. Clone and set up for repo.

     git clone ~/.dotfiles.git
     mv .dotfiles.git/.* .dotfiles.git/* .
     mv .git .dotfiles.git/
  5. Try it out! (lots of dotfiles aliases, like dst, dci, etc)

     exec zsh
     alias dotfiles
     dotfiles «tab»

There are still vim (via vundle) and gist files to grab. I'll clean this up if someone requests.

You can also use the included binstubs.zsh to create a single bin/ for your gists.


* -- this file
*  bin       -- small (usually standalone) scripts that I have written
*  config    -- VCS-manageable, user-written CONFIGuration (mostly dot-files)
*  contrib   -- other people's scripts that need to be under my control
*  doc       -- text DOCuments I write, books, presentations, personal logs
*  etc       -- system-specific symlinks to important sytem ETC files
*  test      --
+  proj      -- PROJects (or *any* code) I'm working on
+  client    -- work done for development/consulting CLIENTs
^  archive   -- tarballs, extracts, checkouts
^  art       -- anything related to graphics; binary so not in VCS
^  exp       -- small-scale code/tests I'm working on only EXPerimentally
^  data      -- generated, machine-specific config DATA files
^  log       -- holds LOGs: installs, runs, reports
^  Documents -- binary DOCUMENTS, books, presentations
^  Books     -- EPUBs to be shared with other devices
^  Mail      -- all the mutt-managed MAIL
^  Music     -- songs, podcasts, etc
^  Photos    -- still shots (most mirrored to Flickr)
^  Videos    -- VIDEOS, screencasts (mirror to vimeo/viddler?)
!  local     -- my LOCAL install tree (... --prefix=~/local)
!  outgoing  -- temp queue for things (forSOMEONE.tgz) sent to others
!  tmp       -- a manual trash can
!  Downloads -- temp holding area
&  .config   -- system tools dump settings here
&  .local    -- system tools dump things here
&  .*        -- 100s more dot-files/dirs not worth tracking or listing here

Key:  * = $HOME-VCS-managed;         ^ = symlink-mirrored, not suited for VCS;
      + = individually VCS-managed;  ! = lose-able;
      & = used by system


Config and mini-scripts tuned for vim, zsh, i3, urxvt, repls, etc






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