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CLI client for OpenStack LBaaS project

LBaaS overview

Getting Started

If you'd like to run trunk, you can clone the git repo:

git clone git://

Install LBaaS.cli by executing:

./                           # create virtualenv in .venv folder and run unit tests
.venv/bin/python install        # install client into virtualenv

The client depends on LBaaS service, start it by executing (refer to project docs for more details):

cd openstack-lbaas/
./.venv/bin/python ./bin/balancer-api --config-file etc/balancer-api-paste.ini --debug

Run LBaaS.cli by executing:



The tool provides cli interface to LBaaS service.

usage: balancer [--os_username <auth-user-name>]
                [--os_password <auth-password>]
                [--os_tenant_name <auth-tenant-name>]
                [--os_tenant_id <tenant-id>] [--os_auth_url <auth-url>]
                [--os_region_name <region-name>]
                [--os_balancer_api_version <balancer-api-version>]
                [--token <service-token>] [--endpoint <service-endpoint>]
                [--endpoint_type <service-endpoint-type>]
                <subcommand> ...

Command-line interface to the OpenStack LBaaS API.

Positional arguments:
    algorithms-list     List available algorithms
    device-create       Create a new load-balancing device
    device-delete       Delete a specific load-balancing device
    device-list         List available load-balancing devices
    device-show         Describe a specific load-balancing device
    lb-create           Create a new load balancer
    lb-delete           Delete a specific load balancer
    lb-list             List load balancers for a particular device
    lb-show             Describe a specific load balancer
    lb-update           Update a specific load balancer
    node-create         Create a new node
    node-delete         Delete a specific node
    node-list           List nodes for a particular load balancer
    node-show           Describe a specific node
    node-update         Update a specific node
    probe-create        Create a new probe
    probe-delete        Delete a specific probe
    probe-list          List probes for a particular load balancer
    probe-show          Describe a specific probe
    protocols-list      List available protocols
    sticky-create       Create a new sticky command
    sticky-delete       Delete a specific sticky command
    sticky-list         List sticky commands for a particular load balancer
    sticky-show         Describe a specific sticky command
    vip-create          Create a new virtual IP
    vip-delete          Delete a specific virtual IP
    vip-list            List virtual IPs for a particular load balancer
    vip-show            Describe a specific virtual IP
    vip-update          Update a specific virtual IP
    help                Display help about this program or one of its

Optional arguments:
  --os_username <auth-user-name>
                        Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]
  --os_password <auth-password>
                        Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]
  --os_tenant_name <auth-tenant-name>
                        Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME]
  --os_tenant_id <tenant-id>
                        Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID]
  --os_auth_url <auth-url>
                        Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]
  --os_region_name <region-name>
                        Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME]
  --os_balancer_api_version <balancer-api-version>
                        Defaults to env[OS_BALANCER_API_VERSION] or 2.0
  --token <service-token>
                        Defaults to env[SERVICE_TOKEN]
  --endpoint <service-endpoint>
                        Defaults to env[SERVICE_ENDPOINT]
  --endpoint_type <service-endpoint-type>
                        Defaults to env[OS_BALANCER_ENDPOINT_TYPE]

See "balancer help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.

Example of typical workflow

Before running the tool make sure that LBaaS service is up and running. In the following examples it is assumed that service is available at localhost:8181.

1. Create a new device

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181 device-create --name test --type HAPROXY --version 1 --ip --port 22 --user user --password swordfish

   | Property | Value                            |
   | id       | 46ae427db95e464bb99ae0b883c627cc |
   | ip       |                   |
   | name     | test                             |
   | password | swordfish                        |
   | port     | 22                               |
   | type     | HAPROXY                          |
   | user     | user                             |
   | version  | 1                                |

2. Show list of devices

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181 device-list

   | id                               | name | type    | version | ip             | port | user | password  |
   | 46ae427db95e464bb99ae0b883c627cc | test | HAPROXY | 1       | | 22   | user | swordfish |

3. Create a new load balancer

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181/tenant_id lb-create --name test-lb --algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --protocol HTTP

   | Property   | Value                            |
   | algorithm  | RoundRobin                       |
   | created_at | 2012-09-12T15:38:26.425493       |
   | deployed   | True                             |
   | device_id  | c0ef8a3b7cad4dcbbe2739302a35a67d |
   | id         | 1158c2575d2b408991fe142c8b70f77e |
   | name       | test-lb                          |
   | protocol   | HTTP                             |
   | status     | ACTIVE                           |
   | tenant_id  | tenant_id                        |
   | updated_at | 2012-09-12T15:38:42.094760       |

4. Create virtual ip

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181/tenant_id vip-create --name test-vip --address --mask --port 80  1158c2575d2b408991fe142c8b70f77e

   | Property | Value                            |
   | address  |                   |
   | deployed | None                             |
   | id       | 2db07baed6ec4608bb263d546c40603e |
   | lb_id    | 1158c2575d2b408991fe142c8b70f77e |
   | mask     |                  |
   | name     | test-vip                         |
   | port     | 80                               |
   | protocol | HTTP                             |
   | sf_id    | 8684b200edb24ec1970b4280b16fd466 |
   | status   | None                             |

Note The load balancer id should be changed to the one returned by lb-create

5. Add node to load balancer

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181/tenant_id node-create --name node-uno --type dummy --address --port 8001 --weight 1 --condition ENABLED  1158c2575d2b408991fe142c8b70f77e

   | Property  | Value                            |
   | address   |                   |
   | condition | ENABLED                          |
   | deployed  | True                             |
   | id        | 033c488b66204b35a87e6d38701a42cc |
   | name      | node-uno                         |
   | parent_id | None                             |
   | port      | 8001                             |
   | sf_id     | 8684b200edb24ec1970b4280b16fd466 |
   | status    | INSERVICE                        |
   | type      | dummy                            |
   | vm_id     | None                             |
   | weight    | 1                                |

Note The load balancer id should be changed to the one returned by lb-create

6. Specify probe for node health monitoring

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181/tenant_id probe-create --name test-probe --type HTTP --extra url=/ --extra method=GET --extra status=200  1158c2575d2b408991fe142c8b70f77e

   | Property | Value                            |
   | deployed | None                             |
   | id       | eede6d59863c4a4bae1f6800233d7c98 |
   | method   | GET                              |
   | name     | test-probe                       |
   | sf_id    | 8684b200edb24ec1970b4280b16fd466 |
   | status   | 200                              |
   | type     | HTTP                             |
   | url      | /                                |

Note The load balancer id should be changed to the one returned by lb-create

7. Suspend node

   # .venv/bin/balancer --token fake --endpoint http://localhost:8181/tenant_id node-update --condition DISABLED  1158c2575d2b408991fe142c8b70f77e 033c488b66204b35a87e6d38701a42cc

   Node has been updated.
   | Property  | Value                            |
   | address   |                   |
   | condition | DISABLED                         |
   | deployed  | True                             |
   | id        | 033c488b66204b35a87e6d38701a42cc |
   | name      | node-uno                         |
   | parent_id | None                             |
   | port      | 8001                             |
   | sf_id     | 8684b200edb24ec1970b4280b16fd466 |
   | status    | INSERVICE                        |
   | type      | dummy                            |
   | vm_id     | None                             |
   | weight    | 1                                |

Note The load balancer id and node id should be changed to the one returned by lb-create and node-create